Apparently Americans are now traveling to Mexico to kidnap children for the Concentration camps

72  2018-06-18 by Dales_Dead_Bugmen


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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I swear to god this motherfucker is sentient.

Never seen so many fat mayos get this butthurt by a single Mexican since the Alamo.

How's your stand-up career coming along?

...not well.

I can tell ;)

ask about the bend-over career next

Hold up George Lopez stealin joke pissed everybody off.

u/fakenewsoftheworld in what history book did you read that Jews were trying to get into Nazi Germany

The American education system fails us yet again.

Surprise surprise, another example of a joke without a punchline from /r/PoliticalHumor

Are you telling "DAE think Trump is LITERALLY HITLER" isn't a joke?

The punchline is they actually believe this crap



This quite possibly the most retarded shit I've read this month. Congratulations /u/CoccyxCracker /u/fakenewsoftheworld /u/ikebu

/u/ikebu is the most histrionic ignoramus I've seen since /u/mizmoose

In 2014:

It is no secret that there has been a surge in the number of deportations since the Obama administration took power.

While the numbers are astonishing, I am more shocked at the number of people deported that have not committed a crime.

The increase in deportations over the years has had an adverse effect on immigrant families, on communities and countries of origin, as well as on communities. Deportations cause economic hardship, emotional distress, and family separation.


USA: When self-righteousness and short term memory loss fuse into one beautiful dumbfucked nation.

I remember listening to a ton of reports on NPR during Obama's presidency about this, but no one really cared.

More precisely, there was nobody to incite you to get outraged.


Lol, no.

Everyone remembers that Obama deported people. There were specials about it in all the major papers and channels. Hell, even Nickelodeon did a thing about kids who are citizens forced to go back to Mexico with their illegal parents.

The difference is, when that shit came out, Obama had the decency to seem sad about it.

Obama had the decency to seem sad about it.


You deserve Trump in perpetuity.

So decency is a bad thing now?

The decent thing wouldn't been to work on immigration reform, then you wouldn't have this situation to begin with.


he did it anyway. but you appreciate his faked regret.

Well yes.

I mean, think back to when you were a kid. And you did something wrong at school and had to get punished for it. Who would you rather have wielding the paddle, the stern but fair Vice Principal who aincerely regretted having to punish you, or the gleeful pervert who took frankly unholy delight in beating little kids?

Even if their actions are the same on the surface, we all know the pervert is a fucking asshole and not to be trusted. So, in the same vein, is it telling that Trump persists in his perverse delight and can't even muster up the merest modicum of decency and regret.

think back to when you were a kid. And you did something wrong at school and had to get punished for it

Hey liberals: brown people aren't children!

Uh, you realize we are literally talking about brown kids being taken from their parents, right? You may wanna reconsider your bullshit distraction tactic on this one.

If you commit a crime, you go to prison. Doesn't matter if you're a person of light, or a person of color.

Do you want ICE to put innocent children in prison?

Of course not.

What you want is criminals to go unpunished. Because how else are you going to win elections, other than buying votes of color?

No, as I said earlier, what I want is for Trump and his administration to at least put on the smallest veneer of decency.


Improper entry is a misdemeanor according to federal law. Do you believe that comitting a misdemeanor deserves a prison sentence?


Lol, the decency to feel sad about it. He was doing it! What? Do I pity the child molester who says I’m sorry? No!

At least the Trump admin is upfront about it. He one ups Obama in the brutality department with the kid shit and even has the balls to say “fuck you, yeah I’m doing it, support my bills or else it won’t stop.”

Fuck, the Republicans might be more evil than the Democrats, but at least I know Republicans won’t pussy foot with me. They’ll tell me they’ll rape me before I do it while the Democrats will just lie about it and go in dry while I’m asleep.

Except the Republican party already controls both houses. So what is he negotiating for? He's not doing it as a tactic to get support for his bills. He already has that. He's just doing it because he's a fucking asshole.


> Except the Republican party already controls both houses.

Are you American? Democrats can still shut down Republican initiatives. That's the whole fucking point, well, until November when you the Democrats finally get crushed and Republicans become filibuster proof because the only thing the former could do was to double down on everything they did wrong on 2016.


The Democrats couldn't stop a 5 year old. Fillibuster my ass.

Obama had the decency to seem sad about it.

Top notch sociopath. It explains a lot about the people who supported him and continue to sing his praises.


Ohhh he seemed sad about it!???? DAAAAWWWWWWWWW that makes it alright!!

On the flip side, remember when those on the right say that under Obama it was an open free-for-all?

The children being abducted and groomed for pedophilia separated are mostly Haitians and central Americans, so it makes sense they'd go into another country to get them.

T_D posters: Did I tell you about this crazy child sex ring conspiracy theory yet? Its fucking nuts!

Lefties: Hold my beer

T_D posters wouldn't describe it as that, though; they unironically believe in pizzagate.

And lefties drink soy milk instead of beer, but I just don't care enough to make the joke accurate.

The right consumes more soy than the left

Beer would work too because hoppe contains more phytoestrogen than soy.

T_D posters: Did I tell you about this crazy child sex ring conspiracy theory yet? Its fucking nuts!

Lefties: Hold my beer

MFW I'm a normal person

How much Ritalin does it take to make an American concentration camp?


When will you and pizzashill release the sex tape?

I'll download this one to my off-site data archive

Looking forward to your 2020 redux

Funny thing is I have liberal views on some things but I'm not retarded like some of those people are


That sub is basically a left leaning TD.

It's all true. DRUMPF is kidnapping innocent Mexican children to use as sex slaves in his hotels. The entire Pizzagate conspiracy was just a false flag by DRUMPF to hide the pedohilic activities of himself and his inner circle. Wake up sheeple! Wake the fuck up! DRUNPF must be resisted at all costs, even if that means spending hours a day posting comments on /r/politics. I'm willing to make that sacrifice to ensure that CHEETO BLUMPF doesn't send our country spiraling into Rethuglican fascism.

tomorrow he's gonna get impeached for sure!

I was a CHEEZ maker!

I feel for this u/mrsuns10 guy. I get assumed as a White guy a lot of times online as well.

You seem like a stand-up guy, u/mrsuns10, don't let them get to you, okay?

Comparing Nazi Germany to the Trump Adminstration is an insult to every Holocaust survivor

I also like to call bullshit when I see it

Nah, it's really an insult to the Germans. At least they were competent.

Trump's White House is more Mussolini level.

Given the idiocy of the Eastern Front, competent is too generous.

Literally the first go to response is NAZI NAZI NAZI NAZI.




I live in a place where lots of people speak Spanish. And there are tourists who speak different languages too. When I hear them I always have the same thought - I wish I was multilingual. I don't wish they were in camps or in prison or gone.

lol he managed to lower the bar from "I have a black friend"
