ChapoDaftHouse says yes to some forms of Racist Jokes.

141  2018-06-18 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


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CumTownHouse, for cool leftists with a laid back sense of humour.

Italian Elon Musk: "AYY OHH!"

Socialist twitter: "Comedy racism is comedy racism, fuck you"

CTH OP /u/PissmansMustard : "Look at this duuude! Relax buddy!"

/u/LIBTARDDESTROYER9000 : "you're so laid back about Italians but not blacks?"

/u/PissmansMustard : "the differences between Italians and The Blacks are innate, if you can't smell it then you got issues.

The issues are....(wall of text)....historical record....culture of millions...moribund uphill...

The story of italian, irish or asian americans are different"

/u/moaiguai : "Man I don't want to really start another thread with whataboutism" does so

/u/PissmansMustard : "Yes an asian caricature elon musk account would be offensive. No an italian one isnt. How many asian american kids get shot by cops just for being asian american?"

Remember, racism is not about economics because of Asian Americans. Racism is about racism.

Whether you are allowed to be racist to an ethnicity does not rely on economic standing, or treating them like any other race. You need to take into account the wide scale ZERO SUM GAME that's always going on between the races, before you think about making your Elon Musk nibba or your Eron Mrusk Samurai novelty twitter account.

God this sounds so fucking exhausting.

But not as exhausting as being whipped by a white man generation after generation.

Only white people could be this neurotic. When will they be solved?

When will they be solved?

If I take a look at the effort you put in your wall of text which only you will read, never.

Did you have a stroke?

Even without the paradox your comment is really struggling to make its point.

Viva la mayocide


Dude mayocide lmao

Dirtbag “my sides” left

If you took away the right to make shitty stereotypical jokes about ethnicities/nationalities, then any informal interaction between two Europeans from different countries meeting for the first time would be essentially robbed of an easy icebreaker.

We invented those silly stereotypes about the food the other eats and the funny sounds that come out of the other's mouth to signal that it's just lighthearted banter. The mere fact that it's about completely irrelevant stuff such as food and mouth sounds, and not the usual hateful rhetoric painting the other as an inferior to be subjugated and/or eradicated, should be enough context.

But it seems part of the left is trying to institutionalize a form of autism where context becomes completely irrelevant. Anything that might make you out to be a bit of a meaniepants (unless it's about killing nazis or, in some parts of the left who still give a shit about class, the rich) will turn you into an ICKY GROSS ASSHOLE BIGOT BULLY. (note the complete ineffectiveness of these sterilized insults. I'm guessing that at some point in the future "asshole" will become haram too because it's somehow homophobic or something.)

There's a time and a place for anything. If you're a teacher and you have a student with a funny accent, it would be completely inappropriate to constantly imitate his accent every time he opened his mouth, because it signals you don't take your student seriously as a person. But that's different from friens shooting shit in the pub and commenting on each other's quirks.

If someone imitate's Arnie's accent, are they mocking all Austrians? And even so, is mockery actually equal to racism? And is it so much worse for a white guy to imitate a Chinese accent (and not just going "ching chong bing bong" like a sperg but an actual halfway convincing imitation) than a German accent because one is mayo and the other isn't?

The tragic thing is this stupid polarization where Left spaces are basically all turning into Mormon-style wholesome turtleneck-sweater campfire singalongs with the occasional Maoist struggle session, while Right-ish spaces are moving into "kill all niiGGers hahahaha beaner beaner spic top kek gas the k1k3s n1ggerfaggots hahahaa".

why did ur other acc get nuked?

i deleted it because i felt like it.

fair enough.

just beware that if you are too forthcoming about mayocide and shit, you will be reported by mdegenerates and centipedos and other fragile mayo's, and probably get a couple days suspension

what was ur old account m8?

That's a pretty good euphamism.

Who else is on the list?


I would add a lot of the old Fempill crew. Johnny, fellatio, hypno...there's one dude I loved but his username escapes me.

We invented those silly stereotypes about the food the other eats and the funny sounds that come out of the other's mouth to signal that it's just lighthearted banter. The mere fact that it's about completely irrelevant stuff such as food and mouth sounds, and not the usual hateful rhetoric painting the other as an inferior to be subjugated and/or eradicated, should be enough context.

That's actually a very good point.

I think the thing that must've poisoned the well is the watermelon and fried chicken thing with black people.

They fuckin love that shit though so why is it so offensive to point that out?

I have never understood why it is taboo to say melanin enhancin americans are big fans of both, especially since each are delicious in their own right too.

it poisoned the well because american race relations is insanely fucked up and activists project that insanity onto other far less fucked up race relations like talking about how indians own all the dairies.

Why is it offensive to point out to black people things black people like?

Because we have adopted various white society traits as universal traits. And black people don't do as well when judged by the standard of non-blacks.

So the house geeks make a fuss, increasing the tension for the rest of the community.

Probably because of that thing where blacks were literally segregated for being subhuman in people's living memory.

How does that have any connection to their love of those foods? Were they being force fed fried chicken and watermelon on the plantation?

It doesn't have to. It's just that stereotypes about a group usually perceived in a negative way naturally turn into negative stereotypes.

The only negative thing about fried chicken is all the saturated fat which if you eat in moderation is not too bad for you. However, this does not apply to watermelon and i dont get why a cultural stereotype of enjoying these two foods is seen as a negative. I would take fried chicken/watermelon over hotdogs/mayo all day.

When will they be solved?

sooner rather than later

still not as neurotic as the person who put in the effort to produce this shitpost.

You put yourself down too much /u/BigPriceToupee

All those posts that show the real you, your fingers retreat from the keys before you dare express yourself.

Unironically "leftish politics but with room for finding racist jokes funny" was initially the appeal of Chapo, and was what it was until about the 2nd or 3rd major struggle-session.

It's since been coopted and destroyed by the usual bullshit.

chapo was ok as far as commies went initially but it's only become more like LSC as time goes on

They let AngryDM post there for fuck sake, they actually heavily upvoted angryDM.

>listening to podcasts

Hey now...plz no kinkshame


The podcast is complete trash though, its painfully unfunny

It's really not funny at all. Yelling "Fucking Capital" though the leftover oatmeal stout in your beard isn't a punchline, broham.

the sub keeps getting worse. the other day someone there unironically told me I was a bad person for having an Alex Jones flair. I don't even listen to the podcast I just wanted a leftist place that isn't overrun by tankies and has a sense of humor, but like any decent forum that caters to leftists, eventually the crazies take over and it looks like LSC.

Offline isn't much better. Occupy Boston cared about economic institutions for about 10 seconds before a bunch of white dudes and a black lady instituted the Progressive Stack and Black Bloc anarchists refused to allow ("Hard Blocked", "X Blocked") any code of conduct for the encampment, so you couldn't kick people out for stealing, fighting, drunkenness, or shitting in the camp instead of the toilets.

As soon as the LSC crowd flooded in all was lost.

It's nothing but scolds and unironic tankies now.

Shout out to r/Cumtown

/r/cumtown was good for a while, but it's starting to get overrun with MDE nazis.

overrun by MDE nazis

they still get mocked pretty regularly

Yeah, but it's only a matter of time.

The board of peace strikes again.

Are we seeing our own fate therein, as if in a dark mirror?

It was cool that the obsessive fanbase Sam Hyde pandered to made sure he'd never work again.

The perils of being just as autistic as your fan base: Yhe Sam Hyde Saga

do you also hate jordan peterson

I don't hate Sam, it was a shame what happened to him but it's not surprising.

I hope Peterson gets his degree taken off of him for being a huge pseud, however.

Even MDE while right leaning didn't used to have nearly as much white supremacist posts as it does now. Every time a far right leaning subreddit got banned the users would flock to MDE because they could sorta hide behind the irony and general lack of seriousness there. It's pretty much THE right leaning subreddit right now for anyone slightly less retarded than Cringeanarchy.

Who invades the invaders?

Yeah that’s a no from me dog 🐕

I’d be more offended as a comic than as a leftist for this twitter though. Like seriously it’s just “put the [pasta food] into the [science word].

The literal only time I’m siding with chapo or /r/socialism on racial issues is when some idiot is showing up with the laziest racial joke and has the balls to take umbrage with people, correctly, saying that’s it’s so bad it’s become offensive.

That feeling when "leftists" form the most right-wing country in the west makes fun of people from what used to be the country in the west with the biggest communist party.

Anyways, I'm just offended by how bad the jokes against italians are. So much to choose from, Berlusconi and bunga bunga parties, that captain who crashed the cruise ship to show off to that woman and then left the boat, the defeat against ethiopia and they choose people in new jersey. we fucking hate Italian (and non-) americans as well.

what used to be the european country the biggest communist party

Europe i meant western european countries.

Italian racism is the best kind of racism

Pesto mayocide now

Dude mayocide lmao



Pesto mayo is unironically delicious w/ sweet potato fries

the original tweet made me lol. Tankies have so sense of humor

Well to be fair only like 10-15% of chapo now are like that. It's the smallest % in reddit, I guess that means something.

Problem with this 2018 chapo? Their jokes sound like they were copied from CringeAnarchy, which is never a good sign.

making fun of mayos is ok, because they're not people.

This it unironically

That would make sense if Italians were white.

lol commies

also lol italians

Lol mayos

White, rich, pseudo champagne communists are, where's the news here exactly. I think chapo really needs to do better backround checks to achieve their "goals". You may never know, they might have some secret bourgies there who are using them to get in power.

Maybe even hosts of their podcast...but you know, that's just a hot take from a dramatard.

"Unlike anything in history", maybe in american history, but do read about serfdom ya twats.


Serfs had fucking rights, you twat. They coulnd't have their fucking children ripped away and litereally sold. They were attached to the land you twat.

And they could escape to cities you twat. And if they succeeded in living 1 year in a free city they were also free. you twat.

Attached to land. Yes

Rights. Lol

Escape to

Rights. Lol, not to minority serfs in Russian empire, no one actually enforced those rules.

You're actually wrong here, and the worst kind of wrong:

Фактически, Уложение царя Алексея Михайловича совершило социальный переворот, лишив большинство населения страны права свободного перемещения и распоряжения собой, своим трудом и собственностью. Соборное Уложение 1649 года содержит целый ряд статей, приближающих вольного крестьянина к барщинному холопу. Его хозяйство всё решительнее признаётся собственностью господина. Здесь же, хотя ещё и неясно, и не вполне уверенно, но проскальзывает взгляд на крестьянина, как на личную собственность господина, утвердившийся впоследствии. Так, например, Уложение велит выданную в бегах замуж крестьянскую дочь возвращать владельцу её вместе с мужем, а если у мужа были дети от первой жены, их предписывалось оставить у его помещика. Так допускалось уже разделение семей, отделение детей от родителей.

/u/BigPriceToupee use Bing Translate on the above.

Ah, I see they don't Italians as dirty mayos.

Italian are basically honorary french so racism against them is a terrible thing.

the french deserve to be hate crimed far more than they are, actually. "ooh, ah wee wee, im french, i eat a baguette, im big faggot, wee" kill them all tbh

French did nothing wrong.

Napoleon did nothing wrong. everything else is the result of the best frenchmen dying in the napoleonic conquests and WW1

Are you trying to get banned?

i dont see what i could have said to prompt this question

"Kill them all" you have no idea how many centipedos and other fragile losers are trawling through the threads looking for something to report.

Talk about snowflakes lol

if killing the french is wrong then i dont want to be right

anyway im not particularly attached to this account so idrc

i couldnt agree more, just sayin'

edit your comment right now REEEEEEEEE

"Kill them all" you have no idea how many centipedos and other fragile losers are trawling through the threads looking for something to report.

did you know when the right wing does this its not because theyre offended, but just holding people to their own standards

did you know when the right wing does this its not because theyre offended

lol, good un , buddy.

sjws are hypocrites and dont play by their own rules so its the natural step to take

as soon as they started pushing for bans thats suddenly how the game was played

sjws are hypocrites and dont play by their own rules so its the natural step to take

You heard it here folks, there is virtually no difference between the right wing and the sjw.

as soon as they started pushing for bans thats suddenly how the game was played

Redditor rise up is somehow even more pathetic than gamers rise up.

You heard it here folks, there is virtually no difference between the right wing and the sjw.

way to read, read-o

Redditor rise up is somehow even more pathetic than gamers rise up.

and yet you cant counter it properly so its not really an issue

and yet you cant counter it properly so its not really an issue

Caring about reddit bans of all things is the most stupid thing I have read of all day and I talked to a memerson fan.

its not about reddit you fag lol its about setting a precedent

if you cant convince people to set a good precedent you have to show them why theirs is bad

like letting anarchists get fucked up and robbed by stronger people or libertarians starve when theyre laid off

people only get convinced when theyre affected

>Imagine caring this much about what morons think.

again, its not about reddit, its about conveying general ideas like "arbitrary censorship is bad" and rubbing it in peoples faces until they understand

you can be as apathetic as you like but youll end up frustrated as the world changes around you without your input

The world is gonna change with or without my input. I am just a man out of 7 billions. Nobody will care about what I do or do not do, and nothing I do will have any lasting impact.

christ thats a bit nihilistic

consider that you can easily change things, everyone can but they dont try

ideas are basically like a virus you convince one person and theyll feel obliged to convince two others

even if you dont convince them you seed a thought that stays

even people that hate your ideas will remember them to be angry at and its the same effect

christ thats a bit nihilistic

Nah, being nihilistic would saying that nothing humanity do will matter in the long run as the universe will inevitably die.

That's just realist. I am just a regular guy, I can't prevent the world from turning.

well its apathy then

That's just realist. I am just a regular guy, I can't prevent the world from turning.

literally everyone is a regular guy though, nobodys special no matter how much they try to imply it

its all about what you do right now and how many people see it and or/live vicariously through it

you can just say some shit and if enough people like it or hate it or get angry at it then youve already changed something

consider that random nerds on the internet have thrown americas political system into turmoil because they thought itd be funny

Fam, trump is exactly the proof of my side. What changed since he got in power ? Almost nothing. People still immigrate in burgerland, the wall is still not a thing and the US didn't stop their wars.

The random nerds on the internet changed nothing.

Because in the end you can't stop the world from turning no matter how much you scream on the internet.

What changed since he got in power ? Almost nothing.

you mean except isis being destroyed and nk doing peace talks and the us economy doing great

People still immigrate in burgerland, the wall is still not a thing and the US didn't stop their wars.

illegal immigration is being slowed already, thats why democrats are crying about this kids separation thing

you mean except isis being destroyed and nk doing peace talks and the us economy doing great

I am pretty sure that trump got elected on a non interference policy.

And big fucking news, that non interference policy never became a thing. Because you can't stop the world from turning.

Like with the economy. He got elected, did pretty much nothing and the economy continued being great.

illegal immigration is being slowed already, thats why democrats are crying about this kids separation thing

It was already slowing before he got elected.

There is virtually no difference for the average burger between what Clinton intended to do and what Trump is doing. because in the end you can't stop the world from turning.

Like with the economy. He got elected, did pretty much nothing and the economy continued being great.

do you remember the articles like "trump cant blame obama for the shit economy hes going to have"

There is virtually no difference for the average burger between what Clinton intended to do and what Trump is doing.

lol possibly the furthest thing from the truth, hillary would have caused ww3 already

do you remember the articles like "trump cant blame obama for the shit economy hes going to have"

Fam, that's because people tought he was going to apply what he got elected for.

lol possibly the furthest thing from the truth, hillary would have caused ww3 already

lol. Clinton leading to ww3 is pretty much trump going full nazi for the other side morons.

Fam, that's because people tought he was going to apply what he got elected for.

isnt he?

lol. Clinton leading to ww3 is pretty much trump going full nazi for the other side morons.

do you not remember all the dumb shit about enforcing no fly zones

and how russia said thats an act of war and well respond accordingly if you do it

isnt he?

Pretty sure nafta is still a thing.

do you not remember all the dumb shit about enforcing no fly zones

and how russia said thats an act of war and well respond accordingly if you do it

Russia always tell it's an act of war. It's russia. Helping ukraine is an act of war for exemple.

In the facts, turkey did enforce a no fly zone and shot down a russian plane. Are they at war with Russia now ?

Russia always tell it's an act of war. It's russia. Helping ukraine is an act of war for exemple.

so what people should just act belligerent and risk it anyway? thats exactly the sort of dumb shit people wanted to avoid with hilllary

In the facts, turkey did enforce a no fly zone and shot down a russian plane. Are they at war with Russia now ?

no but it removed all their bargaining power and they pretty much exist by russias good graces now

no but it removed all their bargaining power and they pretty much exist by russias good graces now

Wew, lad.

You can't seriously believe that shit can you ?

do you think russia reacts to their planes being shot out of the sky with apathy? erdogan got threatened and now hes a lap dog

do you remember all the stupid shit he used to say and how quiet he is now in comparison

>Turkey is russia lap dog.

This is your brain on unironic russian propaganda.

Fam, burgers have not moved their nukes from turkey. Turkey is still burgers trough and through.


This has to be bait

nope, not at all

you really have no idea how hard you guys are being played on some of this stuff

notice how it only started happening after all the gay hate speech shit and when subs started getting bans?

its just a matter of "ok fuck it getting shit banned is in fashion now lets go ham"

thinking the people that reee about gender and women and black people can be edgy enough to actually offend anyone lol


I'm gonna hate crim /u/subpoutine in the poutines

😭 your french isn’t actually that bad, I take it back

on let's take a look here

The issue is the systemic and historical oppression faced by african americans is unlike any other in history.

American history or all history? Since I can assure you that the same shit has happened time and time again across cultures.

Yes you can say that italian americans or irish americans or any other ethnic group did suffer from racism within the past and point out numerous examples in the historical record to evidence that but the reality is no racial group has ever experienced anything as grotesque as chattel slavery which essentially completely destroyed the culture of millions of people leading to an entirely new one having to be created.

Besides the atrocious grammar, there's literally no racial group in the world that hasn't experienced chattel slavery. And tons of groups have been enslaved and uprooted from their homes and shit, on every continent. I also love how this poster completely ignores the fact that in the vast majority of cases, the guys doing the uprooting and enslaving were africans themselves.

Add to that the 150 years since the abolition of slavery has been a slow and moribund uphill march towards being recognized as humans, being able to live with others and fighting to be seen as containing the same compacity for life as others.

"Moribund"? so you're saying there's been no change in the status of blacpipo since 1865? And USAsians don't recognize them as humans? What are they, aliens? And blacpipo can't live with anyone but blacpipo? How does Will Smith survive in Bel Air then?

The story of italian, irish or asian americans usually begins with them arriving in the country as a lower class of person,

like an indentured servant or a criminal or a migrant worker?

the story of black americans is them arriving in the US as not even a person but an animal, a literal capital expenditure.

so we're back to calling blacpipo animals eh? ah, the tolerant left.

That's also why the NWord is so much more offensive than Diego, Wop, Gini, etc.

That's "dago" and "guinea" thank you very much.

because when an italian person is called a wop they're being reminded of a time they were a lesser class

actually when an eyetalian is called a wop it's usually because you're watching gangster movies about the 30s. and this dumbass evidently doesn't know what "wop" stands for -- it's WithOut Papers -- meaning illegal immigrant. ring any bells?

a black person being called a nigger is reminded of a time they werent even a human.

reminded of stories they heard of bad things happening to someone else, you mean

And to a lot of people in america today they are still seen the same way. Whereas an Italian man can walk down the street and just be a person, a black man is still to some not even that.

Sure, America is full of wypipo who think blacpipo are slaves. Guess what, there are people who hate italians too.

What level of effort posting is this?

I'd say - the one which has to be used only in small doses in r/drama.

eh, only Level 3, I didn't have the XP to get it up to 4.

thanks babe i r8 8/8

American history or all history? Since I can assure you that the same shit has happened time and time again across cultures.

They're talking about American history while believing that it's basically the same as all of history. It's rather typical for (both leftist and right-winged) Amerifats to assume that American concepts and ideas (like race and cultural appropriation) are universal.

yup, they always do

>He was white, Peter...

>All these years protesting the Civil Rights Act, and one of my own gets me

>Was I wrong boy?

>Uncle Ben-he-he looked Italian

>Oh Peter, thank you...

>[Uncle Ben dies smiling]

What did Raimi mean by this scene in Spider Man?

I mean, what the fuck is /u/PissmansMustard even arguing. Not many people can be more African American then Elon Musk he's literally from there, so we all know we can't make jokes about him.
/u/PissmansMustard are you going to apologise? Or should I just tag you too in my tag list?

It's about being wh*Te but wh*Te people are really weird (aka really wh*Te) about being wh*Te

the reality is no racial group has ever experienced anything as grotesque as chattel slavery

does he mean apart from all the other races that were enslaved

are chapo posters legit this retarded

I'm getting more and more drunk after Belgium finally won something today in the second half.

So this might be my last post in next 24 hours.

# woke Horrible slavery example number 1- Jews were slaves in egypt, if we ask some people - all egyptians were black. Which means black people owned slaves in ancient egypt...and american jewish community could really ask for them reparations.

jewish slavery to egypt and the "entire let my people go" thing was a fantasy story, egyptian slaves were sub saharan africans just like everyone elses slaves

also ancient egyptians were closer to modern day italians than sub saharan africans

For how long have Jewish people not been paying you rent? 😂

lol jews paying rent to non jews, classic joke


ancient egyptians had virtually zero sub saharan dna and some pharaohs had red hair

every study shows their dna originated from near the mediterranean

implying that mayos can be anything other than retarded

at least we arent enslaved

/u/comebepc absolutely BTFO

So you don't think Soros is so hell bent on enslaving church going good hearted wh*te christians that to some extent he has already accomplished that?

hmmmmmmmmmmmm 🤔

no i think hes an opportunist and a manipulator but his motivations are infinite money because (((reasons)))

the american left supports him because theyre contrarian and too dumb to actually figure out why so many countries ban his family from entering them

I mean, I also think the post is dumb but there’s no comparison between chattel slavery/the Atlantic slave trade and the “slavery” (indentured servitude) experienced by other races in America. (Outside of America slavery was not as racialized so the claim stands as stated.)

The only racial groups really on the same level are indigenous peoples who got genocided

there’s no comparison between chattel slavery/the Atlantic slave trade and the “slavery” (indentured servitude) experienced by other races in America.

you only think this because its drilled into your head about the poor black people but never the chinese that got worked to death building railways across america

or literally any other example of chattel slavery across the world, theres heaps of them

Mate, how many Chinese were owned by another person and sold? How many Chinese were bred like animals and torn from their families? How many were shipped across the Pacific, given new names, and stripped of every remnant of their culture? America doesn’t have a great record on race in any respect but it is ridiculous to compare those things.

P.S. The world got larger and more connected over time, basically no slave trade compares with the scale of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. The Arabs were as bad as Europeans but guess who they exploited, still black people.

Mate, how many Chinese were owned by another person and sold? How many Chinese were bred like animals and torn from their families? How many were shipped across the Pacific, given new names, and stripped of every remnant of their culture?

on which continent

slavery was a worldwide phenomena, it wasnt just black people in america

The Arabs were as bad as Europeans but guess who they exploited, still black people.

slave ships that moved slaves to america were almost 100% jewish owned

when you get so woke as a mayo that you start pedaling Nation of Islam conspiracy theories. I don't think Yakub would approve of you appropriating his retardation.

Nation of Islam conspiracy theories

fucking lol dude farrakhan didnt make it up

in America

Hey, Bandit Keith, maybe you you haven't heard, but there's a world outside the United States. Chattel slavery happened there, too.

Literally addressed in the next sentence of my post bright boy


What about the non-indigenous peoples who got genocided?

Depends on the group. I wouldn’t say e.g. the Holocaust is on the same level as slavery given that one was like a decade and one was hundreds of years. But Native Americans got super fucked over a similar time scale and are feeling the effects just as badly as black people today or worse. Similar situation in Australia or the rest of the Americas. Idk about every genocide out there, but not many have shaped history in the same way as the big ones.

Finally the Right and the Left can join forces in combating the spaghetti-niggers.

love too unironically agree with a twitter account called "purist whiner"

Unironically thinks American history is world history

italian americans or irish americans

Nearly all "Italian" Americans are not Italian, nearly all "Irish" Americans are not Irish, stop being dumb America

dude i like, so identify with my 50% germanic heritage, like, I see a hansa and feel right at home in germany. also, love beerr, XDDDD dude im so a german american despite knowing like first-grade tier german

Deutschland uber alles!!!!!!!!!!

We have to start teaching history again. There’s a weird ego thing involved where American whypeople think American slavery was unique and the worst.

It also misses the point. Slavery 200 years ago isn’t as pertinent to current race issues as the red-lining issues a generation ago that have compounded household inequality on racial lines.

The average black family has about 30 times less wealth than the average white one, and that’s nearly all housing assets.


literal first for my eyes, wtf was this, speech to text? 🤣

It's okay to make fun of Italians because of their history

Actual legitimate 100% real racism

So literally only black people have historically suffered chattel slavery, therefore they’re the only people who are off limits? It’s ok to make racist jokes about Muslims now? Nice.

Mama mia this place is a shithole. Once you say “mayo” in every other post it really loses its utility as an insult.



Reddit makes me so appreciate being italian and not haing to deal with this pc crap.


Races are different and should be treated different.

Well, it's good to know that CTH and the KKK agree on at least one thing

wh*Te opinions

The only offensive part of this post is that thousands of people found the original tweet funny

I think it's just grating to be lectured on politics from people in the most right-wing country in the west who discovered "socialism" (milquetoast social democracy) five years ago and who think antifa has only started in the past 12 months. If you're going to make fun of the country that had the biggest communist party in the west for 50 years and who gave us gramsci, bordiga and the red brigades (the last one for better or for worse) at least fucking make it funny. god knows there's a lot of material.

Lol so now whether or not it's ok to be racist is based on that race's contributions to socialism


he probably meant guinea, but italy's gini coefficient is also pretty bad for a so called developed country

almost as bad as amerimutts

Leftists are marxists+ useful idiots.

Is the joke kinda funny or am I just really high right now.

You mentioned the word 'joke'. Here is one about Chuck Norris:

Chuck Norris can speak Braille.

bad bot, killall -g Chuck_Norris_Jokebot.exe

I laugh when I hear Italian slurs. I think they are fucking histerical. I'm not saying I wouldn't kneecap someone who called me one, but I'd still be laughing.