Thot posts a picture of herself that looks like it was taken with a moto razr, and one dude points this out. She immediately replies saying this comment ruined her day, and the expected happens

32  2018-06-18 by ltedt


If it’s not the phone she needs a dermatologist or some clothes.

Maybe you shouldn't tell hot girls willingly showing you pictures of their naked bodies on the internet not to post pictures on the internet you fucking idiot.

/u/jeffgoldblumsgiggle damn you thirsty, nerd. Lol

He responds to like every comment in there, even the guy who said to turn her shitty pic into shitty art (my words not his). He also really likes to call everyone white neckbeards and choosy beggars.

/u/jeffgoldblumsgiggle how do you justify white knighting this hard and also jerking off to /r/barelylegalteens?

"Herp derp everybody who disagrees with me about a womn on the internet is a white knight."

Do you get all your logic from dank memes or only on your porn alt? Newsflash outside of neckbeardland you don't have to be a "white knight" to tell douchebags to stop being douchebags.

How is it douchebaggery to joke about a shitty picture? It was funny, her reaction was ridiculous, and your constant defending along the lines of "THIS WONDERFUL WOMAN DEIGNED TO SHOW US HER TITS. DO NOT QUESTION ANYTHING ABOUT THE PHOTO" was reminiscent of some dude in high school that thirsted after his hot friend to an embarrassing level. Still haven't answered about your weird porn preference, pedo.

I'm not going to sit here and explain to fucktards from 4chan who have never so much talked to a human woman in their entire lives why telling a fucking human being who just showed you pictures of her naked body that their pictures are shitty quality is socially unacceptable behavior.

Still haven't answered about your weird porn preference, pedo.

I'm so not surprised that the same person who think it's socially acceptable to criticize people who showed you their naked body also don't understand the fucking difference between LEGAL TEENS. I.e. adults and pedophilia.

Pull your head out of your ass and crawl back to thedonald where you came from.

On the contrary, I think you're putting pussy on a pedestal. This isn't even like some major amazing gift. She's not doing it with you or me in mind. And there's plenty of naked women on the internet, I'd rather she send me something worthwhile, like a link to a cool buttplug to add to my collection.

Sure, the teens are legal, but the fact that you search that out means that you're the kinda guy who'd wait until a grill turned 18 and then goad her into posting nudes (albeit of any quality).

Got me with the 4chan jab, but I only visit /fit/. Which is why gussy holds no power over me.

Holy shit /r/incels called. They want their best member back. You've spent so much time on 4chan objectifying and dehumanizing women you don't even have the foggiest concept of human empathy. This is a real human fucking person you dumbass. A person who wanted some validation and some enjoyment in sharing pictures of her naked body with people on the internet. Something you would never understand because if people saw you naked they'd run and hide.

If you can't understand what is scary about posting your naked body for millions of people to see only to have them shit on your poor photo quality because you're too poor to buy an expensive camera then again go shove your head up your ass.

Be grateful that there are women in this world who are willing to show neckbeards their bodies. Because otherwise you wouldn't have the privelege of seeing one.

Newsflash dumbshit but 18 year olds are adults. And a lot of them have really fucking attractive bodies. And the fact that you can't think past "Herp derp you like 18 year old adults you're a pedo." Shows exactly why you lurk on /r/drama jerking off to comments from porn reddits in lieu of human interaction.

Go fuck yourself asshole. Because we all know no one else will.

First of all, I appreciate you telling me i'm the best member, but I don't plan on going on a murder spree or writing a manifesto about grills, so that doesn't quite fit. Speaking of /fit/, I just told you that I only go there. Therefore, no women have been objectified as it is a homosexual board for gay men. We love to objectify eachother tho ;). Speaking of which, I have sent nude photos to others just like her, and even when someone mocked part of my body I took it in stride. She had it easy, fam. That was one comment on an extremely highly loved post. This is especially hilarious bc my phone camera is fucked right now and there's a running joke about it amongst the places i posted nude pics and some others where i don't. Btw you keep going on about neckbeards and virgins. This reminds me of when fat people call each other fat as an insult. I've got no problem with the fact that 18yos are adults, but you can find plenty of them in all sorts of porn subs. The fact that you seek them out specifically is pedoy. Last of all, it's true I'm not getting laid. If you wanna be my gymbuddy we can trade brotein in the showers.

If you wanna be my gymbuddy we can trade brotein in the showers.

Good lord man. The insecurity is on fire. What is this /r/doyouevenlift? Newsflash buddy but not all of us are so ugly and insecure and lacking in social skills that we think the only way we're gonna score some chicks is building arms strength from circlejerks in the gym lockerroom.

Maybe if you shut the asshole that is your mouth for a second and listened how to treat human beings respectfully you could learn something.

Instead all you can do is throw around references to your slammin rock hard bod like you're insecurity is about to hit maximum capacity.

If you enjoy showing your naked photos to millions of people and having them instantly shut down because the quality isn't good enough then congratulations. That doesn't make somebody else wrong for having their day ruined by being excited to show millions of people her hot bod and having her photos mocked because they're not high enough quality. She's clearly insecure about it. So stop being an asshole and develop some empathy. Just because no one has showed any to you doesn't mean you should go around and do the same to others.

The entire thread was over 50% comments about the photo quality. So get the fuck out of here with your "1 comment" bullshit".

/r/barelylegalteens is specifically a subreddit dedicate to LEGAL TEENS. Who happen to be a specific age range of LEGAL ADULTS. I'm not sure what the fuck you get out of it and i'm sorry that you're so fucking repressed by puritanical sex shaming society that being attracted to adults is something you feel is insulting but it's perfectly normal and natural. So you can shove your "pedo" attempts to insult me in lieu of actual coherent raitional though back up your diamond tight anal retentive douchebag asshole bro.

Who said anything about a rock hard bod? I'm fat. I just like pretending to work out so that I can suck dudes off in the showers. I don't know if you got that at all because you did mention circlejerks.

She wasn't instantly shut down. She got a ton of support and one joke comment about the phone. Then she flipped out and that's when people mocked her for that. She could've responded with "Sorry, I'm poor" and she would've gotten even more support. That's weak af.

Hey man, I'm just saying that feminism has found people like Hugh Hefner creepy for this very reason. Old dudes going after the youngest possible pussy is frowned upon.

Also I'm assuming at the end you're fishing for information on my asshole, since a leap from incel insults to dudebro insults would indicate that you're just lashing out. It is definitely diamond tight, it's not retentive, so it's clean. It doesn't really have a personality. I don't do roids, so no pimples either.

When we tell this story to our grandkids we should probably leave out bits. We can edit it together later.

Who said anything about a rock hard bod? I'm fat. I just like pretending to work out so that I can suck dudes off in the showers. I don't know if you got that at all because you did mention circlejerks.

Yeah sorry fatty but I didn't get whatever weird homo joke you were trying to make because it was really fucking stupid and fell flat.

I'm glad we've established that you're a fat insecure lonely slob who cruises /r/drama to fill the void of lonliness and miseray and self hatred though.

She wasn't instantly shut down. She got a ton of support and one joke comment about the phone. Then she flipped out and that's when people mocked her for that. She could've responded with "Sorry, I'm poor" and she would've gotten even more support. That's weak af.

Actually she didn't. Over 50% of the comments in that sub are about the fucking photo quality. Can you imagine how that would feel? You're a fucking vulnerable human being seeking validation and gratification and approval and all a bunch of neckbeards can do is shit on you for your photo?

The photo quality is comment is the top rated comment on the entire thread.

To hurt her feelings to comment about the photo quality is one thing. But whats worse is to then criticize her for being sensitive while you fucking jerk off to her naked body. Do you not fucking realize how much of an objectifying fuck you're being?

Hey man, I'm just saying that feminism has found people like Hugh Hefner creepy for this very reason. Old dudes going after the youngest possible pussy is frowned upon.

So what you're doing is going for the lowest brow lowest common denominator insult you can muster because a bunch of puritanical asshats criticized Hugh Hefner because he could get beautiful young women and they were jealous. How does that make you feel man? Taking some of the sting out of being a lonely fat bastard? Good. That's good.

That's weak af.

Are you fucking kidding me? Do you not even fucking see what you're doing? You're projecting your own insecurity about who's "weak" and "strong" and good and bad because people have treated you like shit for being an ugly fatty. And instead of realizing what being a douchebag does to people and just being fucking nice and not critical you're going to sit here and justify criticizing naked women.

Well newsflash bro but you're just a fucking douchebag. And being a douchebag isn't going to make anyone like you any more than being an ugly fatty will. Now you're just a fat douchebag.


So i went from incel to gymbro to fat fuck. You gotta keep some consistency cuz now you're just flailing about. Also i'm treated p well despite being a fatty. It's also funny that you think her weakness is pure projection from me but also proclaiming that she's a delicate little flower that shouldn't be criticized. I think you're the insecure one considering how hard you're sperging. You're like an incel in sheep's clothing, my dude.

PS. If anyone actually got off to the 6 pixels in that pic, they probably spend too much time jerking off to minecraft

You went from bragging about your crusiing /r/fit which I only assumed was a subreddit for fit people and everybody loving your chiseled bod when you sent them nudes to saying those insults didn't suit you because you're a fatty. So take your pick depending on which bullshit excuse you want to use. And being an incel is not mutally exclusive with either of those which you have already admitted to so I'm not sure what exactly your complaint is.

that you think her weakness is pure projection from me but also proclaiming that she's a delicate little flower that shouldn't be criticized.

Here you display your problem. You think me pointing out that you shouldn't be a dick to people means they are weak. And even they are that being weak is a bad thing. You're telling people they're weak as an insult. I'm telling you to show empathy for other peoples weakness. The fact you just assumed that having a weakness means something bad spectacularly proved my point that you're projecting your fears, and weakness and bullying onto everybody else. Because if you make fun of other people it won't hurt as bad.

I think you're the insecure one considering how hard you're sperging.

I don't know what the fuck "sperging" it is but calling out douchebags on the internet doesn't reflect insecurity. That's just another pathetic projection.

PS. If anyone actually got off to the 6 pixels in that pic, they probably spend too much time jerking off to minecraft

If someone can jerk off to 6 pixels and get off it probably means they haven't jerked off at all if that does it for them.

You can't even insult properly.

If someone mentions they go on /fit/, they're not bragging. I also said I wasn't an incel. Tell your tard wrangler to read more carefully. You probably think that it's okay to talk about empathy while clutching at any insult you can muster bc you don't like me. Don't worry, cognitive dissonance is all the rage rn. Hope you made me really weak in your imagination, because you talk like someone who couldn't beat up a quadriplegic boy scout. When i say sperging I'm saying you're autistic. And I think you're insecure because you're the one raging at insults. You really are stupid though. I'm saying if they can get off to blocks they must have practice doing so. But teach me to insult, daddy. I'm guessing lesson one is "If they mention they're fat, call them fat. People always outline their insecurities during an argument to make the other guy's job easier"

If someone mentions they go on /fit/, they're not bragging. I also said I wasn't an incel.

Wow. Shame on me for not getting your 4chan lingo. Also you admitted that you were an incel. Just not that you were an "incel" instead you argument for why you aren't an incel is because you haven't killed anyone yet which if there's an incel argument that sounds like it would be one of them.

Tell your tard wrangler to read more carefully.

Wow. Thanks for making it apparant the kind of cesspool humans we're working with here.

You probably think that it's okay to talk about empathy while clutching at any insult you can muster bc you don't like me.

Wow. It's like Donald Trump in here. "All those people whining about racism are making fun of me."

Newsflash asshole snowflake but you going around insulting people and me calling you out on it is not the same thing as you going around insulting people.


When i say sperging I'm saying you're autistic. And I think you're insecure because you're the one raging at insults.

Okay. The guy who makes fun of autistic people is telling me about how to be a mature adult.

"If they mention they're fat, call them fat. People always outline their insecurities during an argument to make the other guy's job easier"

The only reason you admitted you were fat is because you wanted to take the heat off of you being a musclehead due to your weird as fuck gym jerk off comments. It's not my fault you do the work of insulting you for me.

That was me mocking incels fam. Don't worry about not knowing about /fit/. This was a teaching moment. For someone who mocks our first Oompa Loompa president you sure argue like TarD. I was just pointing out that you're a hypocrite that will justify it to yourself. And that's what you did.

I'm not telling you to be a mature adult for two reasons. 1. I like you more this way. 2. If you have the mental capacity of a barely legal teen then your porn preferences are more acceptable.

We just covered that all the gym stuff was about me sucking off dudes in the shower. You calling that weird is homophobic smdhtbhf.

I'd just like to take this moment to thank you for choosing me out of all the users in this thread to join you on this autistic adventure.

I was just pointing out that you're a hypocrite that will justify it to yourself.

No what you did was try to equate me calling you out for being a insulting critical asshole with you being an insulting critical assholes. For someone who compares peoples arguments to the Donald you seem oblivious when you literally used an exact argument that he used. That people insulting him for going around insulting people is not the same thing as insulting people.

I'm not telling you to be a mature adult for two reasons. 1. I like you more this way. 2. If you have the mental capacity of a barely legal teen then your porn preferences are more acceptable.

That was a nice try but it falls apart when anyone with the intellectual capacity of a cretin realizes you actually DID try to tell me to be a mature adult.

Talk about making up your mind. Pick you insult jackass.

We just covered that all the gym stuff was about me sucking off dudes in the shower. You calling that weird is homophobic smdhtbhf.

So because I didn't get your weird homophobic joke I'M somehow dumb AND homphobic. I don't even know what to say anymore. It's so easy at this point it's not even fun anymore. It's just sad.

I'd just like to take this moment to thank you for choosing me out of all the users in this thread to join you on this autistic adventure.

Keep using autistic as insult. It really reveals you to be the mature one.

Trump's a dumbass, but people going around making low tier insults about him are just as boring. Where'd I tell you to be mature? Where'd I call myself mature?

I was not using autistic as an insult. I would never. I was letting you know that I knew you were autistic so that we could get it out there as something that's not a problem. Your inability to understand sarcasm is further evidence of that.

Trump's a dumbass, but people going around making low tier insults about him are just as boring. Where'd I tell you to be mature? Where'd I call myself mature?

What about people who point out that you literally used his exact same argument? I'm glad you can admit that your arguments make you a dumbass.

Seriously the guy who just complained about low tier insults is literally making excuses about insulting people as autistic.

You're doing all the work for me.

Once I realized that you were just parroting my description of myself, I figured I'd have to do the work for you.

If Trump makes an argument, that's no longer a valid argument?

Damn you put a lot into that. I wish I could offend someone so hard they would put that much effort into taking me down a notch.

Frankly, now I'm kind of jealous of u/LawfulGreat

He even edited the incel bit in, ignoring the fact that I didn't say all incels murder people. Some of them just write manifestos. Tbh i think this is just writing practice for when he finally sits down and knocks his out.




Well keep it up sir! To the butthurt of Reddit I march!




I'm jealous of having the capacity to be in such denial and insecurity to chalk up having your ass handed to you and shown to be a cesspool quality human being as a complement.

It takes practice, and I know it sounds weird, but I recommend it. Create an alt account for trolling and teach yourself to write literally the worst thing you can think of without swearing or slurs.

Or I can not and enjoy not being a shitstain on the world who makes everyone else feel worse in order to mask their own loneliness and misery.

I'm kinda getting a 'judgey' vibe from you.

You're a piece of shit just like the rest of us, don't get it twisted.

Bitch u comment in porn subs. And not even on a funny way, just in a pathetic way

Damn, you have a high opinion of yourself for a creepy weirdo who watches porn of high schoolers

Ooooohhhh....up there, that boring paragraph, is that where you handed someone their ass? I tried reading it, but fell asleep.


Just shut up and move on. Get the fuck over yourself.

Take your own advice "dawg".

Hes a human being

It's 3 days later and jeffgoldblum is STILL PM'ing me to talk shit. Holy fuck the white knight is real.

He’s too dumb to quit and I love it

Lmao, /u/jeffgoldblumsgiggle is such a loser, jfc!

Dude really needs to get laid or something, he's on the extreme side of the edgy shit-lord spectrum.

I get laid every night. Every night. But people who aren't lonely sad douchebags don't go around harping about it in order to validate ther sad existences. It's pretty crazy the shit you tell yourself to be make yourself feel better about being called out as incel scum.

Dude, that is the most pathetic 7th grade version of bragging about fake shit I have ever heard. Jesus fucking christ, how old are you? You should not be acting this way if you are over 18.

So let me get this straight. A guy says I don't ever get laid as a shitty excuse for why I defend other human beings. I point out that I do get laid so it's a shitty excuse and that's me bragging.

You do realize the diarrhea that comes out of your mouth only convinces and barely convinces your diarrhea mouth friends right? No one else gives a shit what a bunch of incel trolls from /r/drama think.

holy shit and you are STILL going. GET A FUCKING LIFE. this is sad.

Sorry I didn't get a chance to reply dude. Been on vacation in the Bahamas. I take it you're still here cruising porn subs for drama and huffing spray paint wishing you could afford cocaine?

Reported to admins for harassment, peace

You reported me to the admins for harassment in a thread that you and 30 other people created for the sole intent of harassing me. Good luck with that sweetie.

The amount of salt it would take to literally not only start a fucking thread in /r/drama but lie about people pm'ing you and ignore the fact that you are ALSO still talking about this all to try to justify the fact that people are asking you to be nice to people to make you feel better about not getting real is mind boggling sad and hilariously stupid.

I didn't start this thread and you are the retard still commenting after all these days and stalking /r/drama for any mention of your name.

So you and your douchebag friends literally can't jerk off enough in regular threads so much that you start threads to jerk off too, you tag their usernmaes so they get notified about it. They see it and call you out for your bullshit and some I'M the one who is a pathetic desperate troll.

You're making this easy kid.

What I want to know is what motivates a person who is seeing the beautiful body of a real naked human being to nitpick over the god damn photo quality. Shut your damn mouth and enjoy the beautiful woman who decided to be nice enough to show her your body instead of criticizing her photo taking abilities and calling her names on the internet. I mean I get that you've never actually talked to a woman in real life but get your shit together.


the person in the picture and the person posting it may not even be the same one

Knights so white I may now be too blind to drive home.

Knights so white

Equestrian mayocide when

Maybe this will finally get /u/jeffgoldblumsgiggle laid. You go guy!

Anyone using the term “white knight” st this point is neckbeard as fuck, y’all.

/u/Chewcocca that may be one of the most pathetic things I've ever read

Cool story. White knight used to have a useful meaning. But its use has been watered down by angry shitheads who can't imagine anyone would treat a woman like a person (unless they were trying to get in her pants.)

You know, I'd think calmly discussing photo techniques and equipment with a woman was treating her like a person -- more so than salivating over her naked body. But you do you.

You're conflating general statements about the usage of the phrase with specific judgements about this situation, about which I have made none.

Oh, you're cute when you draw yourself up to your full height.

Can you eat pussy like that

Look at the fucktard who thinks telling people their photos are "potato quality" is a fucking photo technique. She's from india and can't afford a nice phone and you fucking treated he like shit. Go shove your head up your ass.

I? I didn't treat her like a thing. You see any comment from me over there? Don't let that stop you flailing around like a retard though.

You're sitting here defending the dumbasses over there. And then you want to sit here and claim innocence. This subreddit really is a toxic cesspool of humanity isn't it.

Innocence? All I'm saying is that I didn't do what you said I did. But you do you. Tell Alice I said hi when you see her, and watch out for the Red Queen - she's a tricky old bitch.

Go back to circlkejerking your own vomit in lieu of having friends asshole.

You seem angry. Would it help if you went and looked at some nudie pictures of a disturbed young woman desperately seeking approval?

Don't mistake people handing your ass to you as anger. Project your insecurity and spew your incel assumptions on the world somewhere else asshole because everyone here can see it for what it is.

Wait, what? You think you handed me my ass? lololololol

Incidentally, can an incel be married with two children? Really this wild flailing of yours just gets more retarded. Have you been skipping your meds?

because India is such a shithole that she couldn't possibly have a decent phone? Racist prick.

No because there's a lot of people in India who can't afford phones. Ignorant dumbass.

Mirror selfies. They exist. That's a photo technique

Imagine commenting in porn subs like a degenerate and then having the nerve to say shit like this.

Ha, imagine thinking sex is a bad thing.

Imagine thinking me mocking you for commenting on porn subs is me saying sex is bad.

no one said sex is a bad thing you retard, please stop tipping your fedora at me

Having sex is literally the most basic, desperate, tragic, hopelessly-void-of-meaning, outrageously obnoxious, troublesome, costly, and downright pointless cry for help that the universe has ever screamed. Wow, you were born as an objectively good looking, decent looking, or perhaps borderline acceptable member of your species. WOW! INCREDIBLE! You managed to procure a willing (which in evolutionary terms, willing translates roughly to "fucking desperate for at least a few reasons") mate and managed to somehow perform the act of intercourse with her! WOW! This his literally only been taking place for HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF FUCKING YEARS! WOW! Except guess what, you probably wore a condom... which means you failed at submitting yourself to an act which means absolutely nothing. The only thing left to do now is kill yourself.

Maybe you shouldn't tell hot girls willingly showing you pictures of their naked bodies on the internet not to post pictures on the internet you fucking idiot.

/u/jeffgoldblumsgiggle, how old are you?

Old enough to fuck your mom.

Lmao. On a scale from 9 to 11, how blasted is your butt?

Blasted enough to fuck your mom.

Damn Daniel. Look at these comebacks. Stop being so bussyblasted, you degenerate wanker

le epic comment is le epic.

It blows my mind that G-Eazy unironically used damn Daniel in 2017

thots who post nudes to reddit for validation are not mentally balanced. more news at 9.

/u/jeffgoldblumsgiggle she's not going to take your virginity.

So original.

Yet so true

Dude right.

Homeboy is on full defense cause he's getting roasted lmao

"People who I made fun of defended themselves. Validate my insecurity." - You

You're dumb as shit, dude.

Just give up and move on

So fucking original. Shove it up your ass douchebag.

You comment on porn subs

And what? What does me commenting on porn subs have to do with you being a piece of shit human being? You comment on subs that scour porn subs to find shit to stir up and make fun of people to fill the lack of meaning in your life. Pot meet kettle.

How thin-skinned are some people? They live in their glass worlds and think every single soul must care about their little precious feelings and emotions. BTFO

The sheer amount of insecurity and loneliness it takes to cruise around porn subreddits to find people to make fun of in your spare time is so sad I honestly just feel sorry for you.

Imagine commenting in porn subs like a degenerate and then having the nerve to say shit like this.

... so how did you find this?

/u/jeffgoldblumsgiggle are you jerking it as you type? Not a lot of typos l, I respect that