Pride went well in Poland this year

52  2018-06-18 by 64BytesOfInternet


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I thought the new one couldn't be burned?

It's probably an older photo?

Can't they just smash the lamps then?

I think that was only a temporary installation for the pride parade. The organizers of the event disassembled the rainbow the next day.

That's actually pretty cool.

Yeah its beautiful <3

Well actually if you just google it even with Poland being a really homophobic coutry Warsaw pride had about 45 000 participants.

So things ARE moving to the right direction.

yeah but the neo-nazi parade had 60.000 participants, so that's the other 'right' direction.

It only proves that we need 15000 more of LGBT community to achieve radical centrism.

Maybe next Pride thenC

Ehh that implies that everyone who goes to a pride parade is a radical leftist. At least in my city it's a rather centrist cutural thing that everyone goes to, like the Greek Festival or Local Art Festival.

The nazi parade is gay too.

being pulled in all directions besides radical centrism

implying the neo-nazis aren't ragingly homosexual

Nazis are low key homosexuals. Thinn about it, they obsses over masculinity and want man only spaces. Want women to stay in the house and away from them. Nazis are homos dudes. They are so deep in the closet they created an ideology to justify their gayness.

To be fair the ideal Aryan is a good looking blond dude, muscular but not overly so, with good skin and a sexy haircut, and always wears perfectly cut Hugo Boss suits.

Who wouldn't be gay at that point?!

No, gay would be "a dude who wants to tongue another dude's butt-hole"

> implying you never fantasized about tonguing a Wehrmacht officers bussy

Normies: "Gays put poz-loads in each others butt-holes."
Liberals: "YOU DO TOO! YOU DO TOO!"

I mean, it seems like you do.

If you like butt-fiddling men, it means you are gay but also if you don't like butt-fiddling men.

Following this logic bottoms are straight so I don’t think you’ve quite grasped it. Keep trying though you’ll get there.

My logic is that gays are bum-botherers and kinda gross.

Believe it or not that was actual Soviet propaganda.

The idea that it was Soviet propaganda was actually Nazi propaganda.

The idea that it was Nazi or Soviet propaganda was actually centrist propaganda.

Normies: "Gays put poz-loads in each others butt-holes." Liberals: "YOU DO TOO! YOU DO TOO!"

Wow you BTFO'd these libruls, fellow 'pede!

Homosexuals are low key Nazis. Think about it,

it's kinda fitting that you're anus hurts this much that someone called you out for what you are... a big flaming floaty homo

it's kinda fitting that you're anus hurts this much that someone called you out for what you are... a big flaming floaty homo

Haha, yeah, fags lol

That wasn't a neo nazi parade. It had some neo nazis in it but it was, at its core, a nationalist parade

Didn't Hitler really dislike Poles?

Yes. They were viewed as subhumans, just like most other Slavs. The march he's talking about was a nationalist march, not a neo-nazi one. However, there's no doubt there were some neo-nazis present.

Warsaw pride had about 45 000 participants

Nah. That's the number the organizers were using. The local government reported it as 23 000, and the city is run by a slightly left-leaning party.

Russia and Germany should team up and invade Poland again.

Russia is way more homophobic than Poland

Exactly. No half measures.

As a German I'd rather do that on our own.

Are your saying they should be allies in that endeavor?

you were put down

Germany should team up and invade Poland again.

The globalist agenda was so well hidden until now.

Oh god not this again

Poland is the Alabama of Europe. Never done or provided anything to society. Just leeches off the richer and smarter neighboring states. Honestly should be kicked out of EU.

Europe's back door mat, Russia's front door mat. Expect nothing less from the people who met the Nazi war machine on horseback

If they don't accept our values they have no place in Europe. They should drown in the mediterranean.

Stfu Kraut. Germans eat blutwurst 🤢, they have no place in the modern world.

Fags should have their own homeland just like Jews do. San Francisco should declare independence, start a war with Nevada, Idaho and San Diego and then create a homeland for all butt pirates and chicks with dicks.

And then you'll vacation there and go cruisin' for a rectal bruisin'? As a note, passionately screaming 'no homo' works to ward off catching the gay or similar diseases, such as cooties, the clap, and becoming a Proud Boy.

And then you'll vacation there and go cruisin' for a rectal bruisin'?

Normies: "Gays put poz-loads in each others butt-holes."
Liberals: "YOU DO TOO! YOU DO TOO!"

The only good bussy is a """well-loved""" one.

Get off by board Hans H. Hoppe.

i feel like maintaining the population might be hard

meh, I can still breed, I just prefer bussy.

Cucks hate to admit it but based Poland hates the gays. Try giving a 5 year old boy estrogen hormones in Warsaw. Your face will meet a boot.

do you think gays are taking estrogen?

Many do. I support ripped, beefcake homos who are into lifting and sports and pounding dudes butts.

But the prissy ones who take estrogen and take cocks need to take a helicopter ride.

sounds like you are quite secure with your sexuality.

may i suggest /r/mgtowwom

I'm not gay. But I respect a well hung lean beefcake who takes control. Admirable qualities.

hey, i'm so not gay that i cant stand being around women so i get where you're coming from

You're gay

Not gay as I said. I just am so straight I'm not ashamed to talk about or look at pictures of shirtless stud muffins who are packing heat.

^ Ghey

man, you sound like a kindred spirit <3

no homo of course

For sure. If you want to send me some bussy or cock pics, just to admire I'll welcome them.

Once again, I'm not gay I'm straight so I can look at penises and not get erect. Simply admire them for their artistic merit.

well thats good to know, friend!

same goes for you obviously, i am also able to admire the perfection that is the male body without any kinds of degenerate sexual thoughts

/r/just_the_tip_mrpink is speaking from experience so we have at least one.

Gays should stop being so prideful. It is embarassing.

Holy shit, how will /u/_MAGAMEMNON_ ever recover????

Eh, hopefully by learning about the magic wand tool.