Middle schoolers in r/anarchism think Elon Musk was being serious about being an anarchist.

10  2018-06-18 by Ayylmao11023


/>thinking someone whose companies receive $5 billion in government subsidies hates the concept of government

wew lad

Serious post.

That thread acts like you cant own a private business and be anarchists. Isnt anarchism just saying the state Is unnecessary, even undesirable.

When free from authority and control of government can individuals not decide to sell their labor to an employer (like they do now)?

No but jobs are bad so we need to abolish businesses and replace the government with a government that we call a people’s council to usher in our utopian anarchist world

You're talking about philosophical anarchism. Political anarchists are against hierarchies, not just the state. And the tard from /anarchism are the lattee

>Famous CEO says post-singularity humanity will not have a government

>Local reddit autismo gang makes fun of him, thinks he's being serious about the whole "I'm a socialist and Marx is a capitalist" schtick