There’s a spectre hanging over r/drama, the spectre of dinoposting.

21  2018-06-18 by DINOCIDE_NOW

I’m talking about the dinoposting scourge that is /u/Cdace

Dino’s aren’t real folks! They just aren’t. We like animals that don’t go extinct. /u/Cdace is a bad hombre and Dinos, well I’ve been told they may be behind MS-13. So that’s why we’re going to make this sub Dino free. Any and all dinopost should immediately be separated from /u/Cdace not out of cruelty but out of biblical love.


Now with added cancer!


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. /u/Cdace -,*,*

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Thanks snappy

this is the worst novelty account i've seen in a long while

I completely agree

If the dinoposter is any indication it'll be cool in 14 days if he keeps spamming it.

My dinosaurs 🦖 are real and you will feel their retribution very soon

The Dinos stay.

Dinos are gay and so are you.

Join me at r/dinofree

/u/Cdace you would love this park they just built in a suburb next to me.

I’m buying a ticket to Kansas now

LOL GAY 😸 😸 😸 😸 😸 😸 😸 😸 😸 😸

Dinoposting, like all forms of agenda-posting should be actively discouraged if not totally banned. There need to be limits to shitposting or else people can be made to feel uncomfortable. One thing that shouldn't be uncomfortable is your feet. Your feet deserve quality, comfortable socks, every day. Socksoff has great deals on comfy socks for your whole family in great designer styles.

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Guys, I found God's Reddit account