lmao xxxtentacione was never convicted lmaoo so much haters! he didn't deserve this! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

147  2018-06-18 by ltedt


Emojis are the ultimate sign of respect for the dead

Rip in pieces big nigga 👻🙏👍

🚑💀🚑💀🚑💀🚑💀🚑💀 R.I.P sHit R.I.p shit r.i.p sHit💀 thats 🔫 some R.I.P💀💀shit right💀💀there💀💀💀 right🔫there 🔫🔫if i do 6aү so my self 😭 i say so 😭 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ💀💀💀💀🚑🚑🚑🚑😭😭😭😭😭 R.I.P shit

Stick a 🍴 in him, he's done

/u/thelifeofliam wasn't this kid out on bail awaiting trial on a bunch of charges including beating his cell mate and his preggo gf?

He was almost certainly going to be convicted on beating the gay dude, so what's the big deal here? Who shot him? Probably someone pissed off about his actions. Act like shit, you might get shot

You don’t even know what you’re talking about. I don’t want to argue right now ..

You can answer the question. Was he or was he not awaiting trial on a bunch of charges including beating his cellmate and his gf (who may have had a miscarriage in the aftermath)?

Who shot him and why? Questions you should ask before you act all emotional over a guy who probably would have beat the shit out of you too if you rubbed him the wrong way irl

I’m a 17 yr old male balling my eyes out rn but if you rlly want to kno there was no charges about beating his cell mate, his girlfriend was NEVER pregnant and it’s likely he wouldn’t have gone to jail. Pls leave me alone

I’m a 17 yr old male balling my eyes out rn

Dude, you really need to nut up. You're crying about somebody who doesn't give a shit about you. "Wahh he responded to me once on twitter". This goddamn millennial crybaby shit is fucked up. Go for a run or something dude. Your father would be ashamed

I don’t rlly care what u think, x only father figure I had

Hot damn, then you really need to get your life sorted out. No joke.


Lmfao. That explains a lot. Have you used or considered using fentanyl? I hear it's a great time


Try and find a plug (as the kids say) asap

Thank you

If you're new to it, ask your dealer how much to use and then use 3x that much. They're trying to extort you. I promise you won't be crying then

Okay thank you

Ok, I gotta step in, are you actually considering doing fentanyl? The fuck is wrong with you man? X was a violent piece of shit who had no problems beating on people. That is not a man to look up to or idolize.

thats definitely worse than having no father figure at all

Why would you ever see X as a father figure. Did your dad beat your mom or what, I genuinely don't understand why a person would settle on XXXTentacion of all people to be their example of what a man should be


he's gen z.

X was a hero tho, beating pregnant women is probably the most productive thing a young male can do in 2018 stop being so sensitive fagbo

Um. Excuse me. 17 is NOT a millenial. That's squarely into gen z territory. Don't lump us millenials in with this faggot.

What do we think gen... Z+1 (A?) males will get called fags for by gen-z males?

Probably for being faggots.

sort yourself out.

I’m a 17 yr old male balling my eyes out rn


Someone buy "12 Rules" for that bucko there...

daddy memerson is a cuck

At least the faggot will go clean his room lamo.

12 13 reasons why

You should turn that grief into art, like I did. It helps a lot.

My tribute to XXXtentacion


I think you mean "male"

X once replied to me on twitter saying he loves me. I’ll love you forever brother. I’m gonna make you proud

Please don’t. Live your life in dedication to him

He couldn’t do drugs because he’s on probation 🖤


This guy has to forget literally everything he has learnt so far and start from scratch.

what the fuck that's actually in his history

oh boy

Yes or no?

Shut the fuck up he had problems but was such a great person... and you make me want to kill you their were 3 gangbangers following him from the bank that robbed and shot him

Lmao. Anyone who's caught up with gangbangers isn't "a great person". Plus the whole beating his gf and his cellmate. All at the tender age of 20. Sounds like nothing of value was lost (other than the bullet holes in the lambo. Anyone know where it's gonna be auctioned off?)

Everything you just said makes you sound like a complete retard go do some fucking research before you comment and for fuck sake they followed him to the bank where he deposited a ton of cash because he was going to buy a motorcycle... I bet you wouldn’t even care if your dad died you prick you have zero heart

My dad died 20 or so years back.

But here you are today crying about some kid with face tats getting jumped by the kind of guys he ran with.

My dad doesn't beat pregnant women with a pipe (probably). That would probably change the dynamics of our relationship a bit.

He's probably not even the only 20 year old gangbanger to die today. You're only baaaaawing about this one because he was a Y-list celebrity.

I didn’t even like I’m just not a fucking careless prick who understands that x was abused as a kid and had the same problems growing up... the kid had so much greatness in him and helped so many kids, donated so much to charity and tried to actually make a difference unlike most of the careless rappers nowadays. For fuck sake nobody said to praise him but at least say rest in peace as he died from an AMERICAN problem... a group of goons followed him tot he bank, robbed him and shot him for no reason... I guess nobody has a fucking heart.

I didn’t even like I’m just not a fucking careless prick who understands that x was abused as a kid and had the same problems growing up

So the fuck what? Being a victim of childhood abuse doesn't justify one's own abusive acts. Such a cycle of abuse is commonly seen in the background of child molesters but society still locks them up because when a victim perpetuates the abuse it's just as wrong. Oh, so heartless of society, right?

the kid had so much greatness in him and helped so many kids, donated so much to charity and tried to actually make a difference unlike most of the careless rappers nowadays.

Talent should not give you moral or legal privilege. Good acts do not absolve evil ones. Charitable acts don't give you a moral or legal pass on beating the daylights out of your girlfriend. Stop acting like the world operates on a RPG-style good/evil morality point slider system.

For fuck sake nobody said to praise him but at least say rest in peace as he died from an AMERICAN problem... a group of goons followed him tot he bank, robbed him and shot him for no reason... I guess nobody has a fucking heart.

You reap what you sow. The dead aren't automatically entitled to respect. If I don't have a heart you clearly don't have a brain.

You have your opinion but don’t talk shit when someone dies even if trump died I’d be silent I wouldn’t say he got what was coming for him. It’s that simple I never asked for anybody to respect him but at least shut the fuck up and go live your own life.

don’t talk shit when someone dies

Do you know where you are? I'll talk shit about anyone I feel like, especially the corpse of an objectively shitty person. Pretending like you wouldn't piss on Trump's warm corpse won't win you any moral superiority points here btw, plenty of us would be cracking jokes about it.

You mentioned the word 'joke'. Here is one about Chuck Norris:

Chuck Norris doesn't need sudo, he just types "Chuck Norris" before his commands.

PSA: Don't downvote lolcows, you fucking retards.

fite me irl

was such a great person

I take it you worship the ground Chris Brown walks on as well?

3 gangbangers following him from the bank that robbed and shot him

Maybe, just MAYBE, this wouldn't have happened if this guy didn't purposefully start shit with so many people? I knew nothing of this guy and in the last hour the main facts I see presented are he was mentally deranged, physically abusive and all around shitty person.

You should turn that grief into art, like I did..

My tribute to XXXtentacion

you make me want to kill you

you have problems but you're such a great person

Listen you rape apologist. I don't know where you like to hang out at but this isn't a hate sub. Watch your mouth when you are here.

Threatening to kill people isn't ok.


Hey 😀😁🤗

Watching r/drama mods lay down the law gets me all hot and bothered.

I try to make sure to earn all of my zero pay.

The gun and badge is payment in of itself.

he likes to hang out on the dead shit bags personal subreddit so no wonder he is like that.

me too

literally crying over a assaulter who raped and beat a pregnant woman with a grill fork Is this what being a Stan does to you?

Lmao he used a fork? Put some soap in a pillowcase at least for god sakes.

He raped her WITH the fork

I grill a lot. Good forks are hard to come by. What a waste.

No he didn’t.

Only if you’re a Stan Darsh.

Holy shit today is such a good day. Not even kidding, the world just became a better place.

He was born in 1998 and now he's dead. What year were you born?

When did your mother lose her virginity? Subtract 18 years from that (I was a late bloomer ok?)

My mom had me at age 39, so 39-18... you were born in 1921. Wow.

I said her virginity dumbass, not when the slut had you. So yeah I'm even older than you think 😏😏😏

u/thelifeofliam the world just became a lot better. One less wife beater

one more roastie out of control

They shot an angel😢👰🏿😢

ITT: r\drama forgets they were also once teenagers.

nah it's that they haven't learned what it's like to be a teenager yet

I think the people here who were teens when Cobain or Biggie or whomever died and reacted in a hyperbolic manner are well aware how retarded they were about it in retrospect.

The people that cried over those guys were dorky tryhards. Chris Farley? That was some real shit.

Farley, not so much. I mean he went out like any of us could hope to go.

Phil Hartman on the other hand, that one was sad.

hell at least cobain wasnt a psycho abuser

Unless it was cocaine, then he was beyond psycho abuser.

Even as a teen I had 0 idolization of any celeb. It's called not being retarded

Teenagers should expect mockery when they make asses of themselves on public forums. Nobody put on the kid gloves for me when I was a cringy teen on the web.

Wow this hit home lol

These dudes crying on the internet are as old as the thug who was killed.


why do you think teenagers are gangbanging rapist scum?

The most unironic thread so far on /r/drama

who the fuck even is this dweeb? did he actually beat a woman? multiple women? what the fuck is even going on.

Some rapper or some shit that had some shady history that included domestic abuse and told everyone around him he was untouchable and liked to drive a $100k car on shady neighborhoods got shot.


well... good, then.

The pictures of his girlfriend after he beat her are fucking brutal. Nsfl. He also beat his jail cell mate half to death because the dude was gay and looked at him while he was changing. I'd never heard of this dude before but good fucking god how do people defend this.

so Chris Brown but not nearly as famous

The pictures of Rihanna look like someone dressed up for a beauty pageant in comparison. Have you ever seen someone's eye turn completely black because it's completely pooled up with blood? There's a highish level comment on the r/news thread where a guy linked pictures.

He’s helped all of us so much

u/TheLifeOfLiam, what did he do to help you? Did he give money to your community, or did he beat up the girls who hurt you?

I have never heard of this guy until today.

Please get a hold of yourself. From what I understand, he is not worth your tear.

Satan, come get your son😷😷

Satan like naw, i'm good fam.

i really hope so bro. i can’t watch that video again but he didn’t look too good :(

don't worry. if the killer doesn't get convicted it didn't happen.

fucking kek


That is a good comment.

im screaming at my phone right know at all those people who are literally just staring at a X like dude do chest compressions or something


chest compressions

Literally bullet wounds


everyone saying he's going to heaven lmao this kid was literally a satan worshipper at one point

But for real I won't lie this dude is good at the type of underground rap he goes, shame he's gone now.

Please u/dudex170, preach the virtues of this saint for us

This might be the beginning of a serial killer who has a thing for taking out rappers with colorful hair, facial tattoos and music for dumb dumbs.

They're never going to find him. He's way too smart.

That's the kind of serial killer M.O. only an r/drama mod would come up with, so that narrows down the suspects quite a bit.

I don't even live in the country so count 👏 me 👏 out 👏

its tmz this better be a fucking joke. i swear

/u/AmbienTisCool either way it's pretty funny.

yall gotta chill damn. i wrote that wierd statement cuz i was in sum disbelief too

Nothing of value was lost.

Sub is deleted?