Had a great time at the r/drama meet up last week! Hope we can do it again soon.

47  2018-06-19 by Oh_hamburgers_



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Wow I really can crack one off to just about anything

You go, girlfriend!

tfw you'll never get to play around with make up with your /r/drama friends

Why even live anymore

don't let your memes be dreams

Possible /r/drama meetup in the making?

Meet me daddy! 😏😜😘🤗💦💦💦

tbf they look like they have a great time, makes me kinda happy.

Fuck you I posted this and all I got was Ed being a retard

Fuck you I posted this and all I got was Ed being a retard

Official t-shirt slogan?

New snaphillbot quote?

Gummo 2: United King Dom

I think it’s cruel to say suicide is selfish, but I also know this: I’m angry at Anthony and Kate. I’m angry for the sake of their children and their loved ones. But I’m also angry for myself. Like millions around the globe, these people brought joy into my life. I’ll always remember how, when I was unemployed, a friend gave me her Kate Spade bag and it lifted my spirits. I’ll remember that my first purchases for my new iPod in college were episodes of “No Reservations.”

If I don't see the words "r/drama meetup and "legionaries disease" in the same sentence than I'm pretty sure I'm going to be disappointed.


Lmao people died in Normandy for this

Hello smelly “people”

Im gonna steal an mde meme


I think the girl with the mustache is adorable, does that make me a degenerate?

MDEfugees will reeeee at this.
CTHfugees will jerk off to this.

Slow dancing is my favorite kind!