r/worldnews reeebels against Daddy’s border policy

45  2018-06-19 by Wild_Hunt


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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You gotta sort this by controversial at least.

I find this comment funny, just a bolded 'Fuck Trump'.

I'm so fucking tired of cajoling and pleading for empathy to come to the right. Fuck off, you fucking snowflakes.

Lol you cant make this shit up

Snowflakes call each other snowflakes

American politics in a nutshell


You forgot to bold it

Truly comedic and political insight worthy of the highest levels of praise



And fuck anyone who still supports him.

/u/onideus01 the fact you got mass voted and gold for your post comparing nuremburg trials to a this shit is not only a grotesque hand-wave to Jews but also the biggest symbol of why the left needs a massive identity change and has lost complete touch with the world.

You are, unironically, a terrible person.

I typically ignore most responses, but your well structured reply felt as if it warranted the same in return.

You missed the entire point of my having quoted that if your take-away was that I was trying to gesture to the trials themselves. I just wanted to provide context to the quote. The reality is that when you begin to have individuals forcing suffering (emotional or otherwise) on others without remorse or empathy, it is, at least on its surface, evil.

Sure, the individuals in the trials performed some extraordinarily horrifying acts, and I'm in no way trying to minimize the suffering of the Jewish people; instead, I wanted to have others consider that most in the trials didn't start with the final acts in mind. Gradual progression lead many to do things I'd argue they would not have done were it presented to them at the start.

Finally, while I do find myself identifying more with progressive leaning policies, there are still several conservative policies that I think bring benefits to the entire country. We need to hear voices from all sides, not just an "us versus them" dichotomy. This policy, however, needs to stop now.

As an additional note, I apologize if the use of the quote was misinterpreted from what I was trying to convey and upset yourself or others. I've been watching way too many WWII documentaries lately and I've been surprised with some of the parallels that exist with today (circa 1930-33 specifically).

Were Jews trying to get into Nazi Germany

No, they already lived there, under the Weimar Republic. They were either imprisoned or forcefully ejected from the country once the Nazi Party came to power.

However, in your parallel, that makes the United States Nazi Germany, which I never claimed to be the case. The separation of families is evil, regardless of whether you believe they should be allowed into the country.

The separation of families is evil, regardless of whether you believe they should be allowed into the country.

So what's the proposed solution? I have not spent too much time looking, but in about 5 minutes of skimming through that thread I saw not a single constructive comment.

So what's the proposed solution?

  • Cooperation between countries in disrupting human trafficking that is the single cause of this phenomena and in these numbers. Mexicans specifically, to get off their lazy bums and do something useful.

  • Immediate strategic assistance to places and regions these people come from as I understand it’s just two countries.

  • All the funds collected to flame American political divisions – starting from Congress, Senate and local political money - to be directed toward establishing Government and non-Government umbrella organization to solve the problem via “nip in the bud” approach. The “help them there so you don’t have to help them here” approach.

  • Collect all the lazy Amerifats on this side of the wall who waste time being outraged in front of social media and put them to work that will act as missionaries to improve family responsibility, civic duties and overall citizen democratic participation in the countries of origin. Two benefits – get rid of annoying overly empathic douchebags AND show potential immigrants what their kids might turn into. I kid, but for real… if you want to help, you help where it’s needed.

Yeah well that's all very interesting but doesn't sound like a solution to the immediate problem of NOT SEPARATING FAMILIES LIKE NAZIS REEEEEEE.

Immediate strategic assistance to places and regions these people come from as I understand it’s just two countries.

All the funds collected to flame American political divisions – starting from Congress, Senate and local political money - to be directed toward establishing Government and non-Government umbrella organization to solve the problem via “nip in the bud” approach. The “help them there so you don’t have to help them here” approach.

>Paying brown people so you don't have to see them.

Paying brown people so you don't have to see them.

It's better than torturing them, destroying their homes and countries and whatnot ...

Yeah, like taking a beating is better than being killed.

Well I can orgasm from a beating.

Just send them back, so they can benefit the economies of their home countries, you dummy.

That is a really complicated way of sending them all back to Guatemala.

So what's the proposed solution?

No separating them?

Idk, putting innocent children in adult jail for the crimes their parents committed sounds somewhat ethically questionable.

Just in case anyone believes the left isn't made up of nutters, I present you this gentleman here.

Literally ripping families apart because of their skin color, but we're the nutters. You're just the same as your slaving ancestors tbh. A white family would never, not even once be treated this way, you'll totally agree with that, and then claim to not be racist and be totally colorblind. Keep yourself safe. The right is a cancer on America, you infest and destroy everything you touch. You're garbage.

Too easy to see through. You call yourself a troll? You're just a kid with a keyboard compared to me!

The right is a cancer on America, you infest and destroy everything you touch.


So that's why black fathers are a myth

Haha, when did liberals start pretending to like families

Lol at linking the wiki page as if people wouldn't know what it is

Jews were trying to get into America to escape that shit, but you guys passed the 1924 immigration law and doomed millions of them to death. That blood is on your hands, not ours. You're evil.


don't you mean trillions?

one might even say gorillions

What's your opinion on Israel's border policy?

Less murderous policy would be a good start.

And what would be a good end?

Stop stealing land.

I agree Jews should exercise their God-given sovereignty and expel the violent squatters

Ironie ist verboten hier.


... über alles in der Welt.

That would result in more Muslims tho

Can't be worse than the barbarous animals in the hinterlands.

Those ARE the barbarous animals in the hinterlands.

What's your opinion on stupid red herrings? We are not discussing Israel, I couldn't give less of a fuck about that. We are discussing my nation. And if you're not American and you're saying this stuff because you're a white supremacist european, seriously go fuck yourself so hard. STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRIES POLITICS YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT NAZI.

lol you think north Africans are racially inferior and you're calling someone a Nazi.

> watching documentaries about ww2 to assert ur ww2 knowledge

Wew. Try reading some books, nerd.

Mmmm... not sure how to reply to a post like this on drama. Was going to do black elf emoji, but I'm stumped.

It's such a milquetoast reply. He somehow managed to be offended and completely bland in his offense.

Illegal immigration is a bad policy and Democrats need to stop supporting it now


These are fucking illegals with no papers. Kids showing up with illegals, kids showing up with fucking traffickers. Nobody knows who they actually belong to. The parents are criminals claiming "asylum" who have to be held in jail while their fake-ass asylum claims are processed.

Your solution is to leave children in adult jails with people who may or may not be their parents, may or may not be human traffickers.

Hell to the no, and fuck gay ass liberal crocodile tears.

Wtf I love needles now.

LOL yeah you're the one unironically ripping families apart, but someone else is worse for using mean words.

When Haitians started crossing to Canada from US bc they were told to go back home, Canadian Government actually sent people to US cities with largest concentration of Haitians to tell them there is no chance they will be granted status in Canada, nobody batted an eye.

It was a normal day in Government doing its job.

Did they send children? If no, then it’s different. This is the first step to Drumpf’s final solution to the immigration problem.

We unironically need a final solution.

Yes, we need a final solution to the right. The ideal, and, in fact, only acceptable, level of Trump supporters in a nation is 0.

Do you know how fucking boring the world would be if we only had the anal control freak left? My god...

It wouldn’t be boring, look at Venezuela

Yes, we need a final solution to the right. The ideal, and, in fact, only acceptable, level of Trump supporters filthy mayos in a nation is 0.


God willing.

Why don't you go fuck yourself stupid white supremacist? Go back and wallow in your eastern european shithole. God, eastern europeans are the grossest, worst people in the entire world, you couldn't pay hatians to live in your garbage country. Stay the fuck out of my nations politics you piece of filth.

Wtf. Eastern Europe is way better then any place that doesn't contain a majority of whites or honorary whites ie asians

immigrants try to move somewhere to improve the quality of their lives


If you support this you are on the wrong side of histoory without a doubt.

Someone explain why this meme is used almost exclusively by amerifat liberals 🤔

It's essentially the new Manifest Destiny to believe that history is on some sort of determined track towards everyone having more freedom. American conservatives do it too, but usually about fiscal policies. It's bullshit though. Nothing about the passage of time guarantees anything.

Nothing about the passage of time guarantees anything.


Just wait for that Big Crunch.

There will be no crunch. The universe is ever expanding. Heat Death is the most probable scenario here with a time line like this.

if protons decay

God i hope so. SHUT IT ONCE AND FOR ALL!

The Degenerate Era

It seems like we skipped a few years on that timeline.

Liberals have relied on history doing our work for us for too long, it has made us complacent. Next time we get power, it should be a total blitkreig. Isolate the right and don't give them a moment to speak, give them no power and don't listen to them at all. Suppress the cancer, don't allow it to fester and spread like we did after 2008, that lead to the Tea Party and Alt-Right eventually seizing control of America in the coupe of 2016 and destroying everything that was once beautiful and just about it.

> Says fascists are in power

> Unironically claims everyone on the right needs to be cleansed

Sure thing, hitler.


Fuck Americans. After this shit what else can be said? I grew up in this country, I witnessed this shit take shape. I'm out of empathy. I actively desire bad things for this degenerate nation and its shit people.

We all let this happen. Even those liberal hypocrites acting like detention centers didn't exist under Obama. We elected this mess. I fucking hope these yuppie assholes get what they want just so I can see the rednecks screetch in agony when they realize the hell that is their lives is their fault entirely. I grew up around these cretins. Fuck it, I know there's nothing there. Just contempt and loathing.

I am incapable of feeling anything but shame and hatred these days.

Beautiful :')

Imagine caring about fucking Mexicans this much on the internet

If we don't open the borders we're going to be stuck fucking mayos, so I'd say it's pretty important.

There's like 50 million black people in this country, white bread. Go get some.

I do. Often.

Plus, open borders lowers the average height and therefore makes me even taller relatively. 5'11 is the new 6'2!

Plus, open borders lowers the average height

But raises the average width.

oh no they're making fun of trump :/



More 'it's le Russia making the democrats look retarded'

Can someone give me a quick rundown of what's happening? I feel out of the loop but I know if I google it, I'll get some obvious slanted "news"piece from some editorial that looks like an actual news site designed to shit all over whichever side it's writing against.

Border jumpers have been trained in new tactics, such as pretending to be "seeking asylum" and sending more children with traffickers.

Border patrol has to spend more time processing the supposed "asylum seekers" and dealing with the increased number of children.

This has given the left something to REEEEE about because the mean old border patrol is detaining a lot of the children while they process the "asylum" claims.

Alright so can someone else rephrase this comment without the right wing bias, please?


asylum claims have increased by 1000% this year.

Propably because they can't be in there illegally anymore.

The crafty and noble brown people have outwitted the cruel white masters once again and all the Mayo's are screaming at each other over it.

Poor innocent Asylum seekers are being kidnapped from their homes and forced to cross the border illegally with their children and the evil orange menace isn't letting their kids stay with them in the nazi concentration camp because a fascist court order states that jail isn't the best place for children. Like we're all part of the human race man and borders are just a social construct anyway.

How about without the left bias? :D

When someone is caught crossing the border illegally they are now being charged with the crime of crossing the border illegally every time that they are caught. Previously they were only being charged if they have been previously deported or caught breaking another law in addition to crossing the border illegally. There is a court order from June 2016 that the children can not be detained with the adults. So the choice is either let everyone accompanied by by someone claiming to be under the age of 18 go or hold the children separately while providing them with a food, entertainment and and an education until their parents are either granted asylum or deported. In addition if someone is claiming that they are asylum sneakers at an official border check point and they are a single man with a child or if the child looks to be in poor health or show signs of abuse the child is put in the care of the government. Some people are upset because they think anyone that shows up at the border is probably a good person and should be let into the country. Other people are upset because they don't like seeing children cry when their parents are being arrested for breaking the law.

Thanks. I figured if I knew the actual facts I wouldn't understand the complaining.

I don't understand the complaining.

That is a lot of effort put into this post. Thanks.

Now I also don't understand what is there to complain.

need more cages.

I listened to the audio. The other day a little girl was wailing way worse than anyone in that audio because her mom wouldn't buy her a cheap plastic toy at the grocery store. Kids wail that way when the color on their TV set changes from blue to green. If a kid cries everyone within 5 miles is literally hitler.


Giving kids food a bed and an education while the parents are in jail for breaking the law by entering the country illegally is literally the same thing the Nazi's did. Haven't any of you read your history books!!! Hitler literally did the exact same thing when millions of Jews crossed the French border into Germany at the beginning off WW2!