What could be more toxic than the intersection of Wiki editors and Game of Thrones fans? TheDragonDemands, a five year long case study.

123  2018-06-19 by SandorClegane_AMA


Game of Thrones is a popular HBO television series, adapted from the ASOIAF series of novels by George R. R. Martin.

David Benioff is one of the show runners - that is the bosses of the writing team. Show runners are more important in TV than the directors. 'Dan & Dave' or 'D&D' are common ways to refer to the showrunners of Game of Thrones.

Fan: a person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular person or thing. Fans of the show like to bitch about plot changes from the novels, even though they only started reading the novels because of the show. Fans of the books like to bitch about books four and five being boring and book six being late.

TheDragonDemands is a Youtube megastar investigative reporter who is committed to documenting the scandalous fact that Game of Thrones producers conspire to put great acting performances on the screen. Here is a profile of him, where we sincerely strove to be as fair to him as he is to David Benioff. He hates Dave. Those of us fascinated by this little Tasmanian devil of drama, refer to him as TDD. Everyone knows who TDD is.

Spoiler warning: TDDs twitter account account is full of spoilers for his upcoming David Benioff biography miniseries. He is dishing out whack-a-doodle conclusions and insinuations from the video. Do not read his twitter if you want to go into the video fresh when it gets released later this month.

Wiki: a website or database developed collaboratively by a community of users, allowing any user to add and edit content. Wiki editors are notorious sources of toxic drama. What could be more seductive than the heady mixture of the power and the pursuit of absolute truth?

The Game of Thrones Wikia page is second most authoritative source for Game of Thrones info. It is the domain of lord paramount TheDragonDemands, because he saw off all challengers, as we will see below.

The argument for the assertion that TDD is getting crazier lately.

You need to listen to this stuff before he gets back on his meds and deletes the video. He deleted his video about making Dave suffer.

First of all, the prize winner for most ironic statement for 2018 has already been claimed and it is only June. Timestamp 5 mins 19 seconds: "There are a lot of crazy people on the internet."

Lets see if we can find a crazy person on the internet!

He is on a 24 hour Benioff Twitter storm. Some other lunatic from the opposite extreme, a HBO apologist with the handle @DnDTeenFanclub, tried to wrangle him, but lacked the stamina to keep up. Some highlights include TDD claiming Benioff suffering appendicitis was a form of suicide attempt.

'Benioff is not a mentally stable adult. There are a LOT of "red flags"'.

You can't make this stuff up. Well he can. He did. He made stuff up.

Back to the video. More than one person said this - "Please stop pestering me with this ..." He was pestering rape survivors to join his army and campaign about Sansa and Ramsay in the show.

Now here comes the irrelevant overshare hydrogen bomb. At the 10 minute mark TheDragonDemands starts talking about brutal domestic violence during his own childhood. The topics then include victims of childhood sexual abuse, clinical depression, campaigns against domestic violence, and weirdly enough, in a deus ex machina maximus, HBO showrunner, David Benioff. Apologies for my Latin. Apparently he has discussed the domestic abuse multiple times on the Web.

Some vital context for folks who haven't kept up with the lame TheDragonDemands drama we have stooped to follow in the off-season:

  • He made a video claiming that Tywin Lannister characters changes in the show were the result of Dave having daddy issues.
  • David Benioff (peace be upon him) gave a speech about discovering an undiagnosed mild lisp in his thirties.
  • TDD claimed this was evidence of parental neglect leading to Daves wilderness years during his early adulthood.
  • This seemed silly at the time, but in the light TDDs own claims about his childhood, this is downright infuriating.

Why infuriating? TDD is trivialising the issues of parental neglect or abuse of a child with these slurs against Dave and the Friedman family. My mind cannot rightly comprehend that coming from someone so affected by domestic violence, as The Dragon Demands has revealed himself to be. Is he using it as weapon against those he wishes to indite? Is he using it as a shield when he wishes to manipulate people to pity him?

The argument against the assertion that TDD is getting crazier lately.

Anytime you Google TDD or anyone in related communities, you unravel a thread of bombastic drama. In 2014 he drove the head admin of the Thrones Wikia off. Here he brags about it on a forum for specifically for folks who were banned from Westeros.org for dissing GRRM.

If you are not familiar with IsWinterComing.com, they were mocking kneelers before you were born, my sweet summer child. It is an excellent source of stale historical popcorn. Here is a typical viewpoint of a user there:

In 1977 GRRM's penis was dubbed "The Truffle" by a council of his peers because it is very hard to find and it attracts pigs.

The guy TDD put to the sword was a popular and relatively authoritative personality among the ASOIAF fandom before the show blew up, known as 'Werthead.'

Here we see the emotional neglect that drove TDD to open warfare. Some choice quotes:

I am genuinely confused Adam.

Answer me today, Adam. Not a week from now.

Adam, I can read your public twitter account and public blog, and you made a new post 7 minutes ago: two hours ago I said "answer me today, Adam"

Three days. It's been three days, Adam.

What he aims to do to Dan & Dave he actually succeeded in doing to a sincere fan of ASOIAF and Game of Thrones. Turns out Adam was not being notified of these talk page messages, was insanely busy at work, and had a life beyond those things. Reddit ASOIAF / GoT / Freefolk drama is positively mild by comparison with the wilder web beyond our realm.

The Dragon Demands was banned from a fan convention for threatening Adam.

I'm annoyed that they picked something I said out of context to say it was "threatening".

I would not want to annoy you.

Answer me Adam!

And here we witness the inception of Dragons catch phrase, 'Rhaenyra has an Army'.

Answer me Adam!

Fun fact - this is true and not a joke - I messaged Adam on a different topic a few days ago and he answered me promptly. Cool guy.


Now with added cancer!


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. Here is a profile of him, where we ... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  3. "There are a lot of crazy people on... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  4. Some other lunatic from the opposit... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  5. More than one person said this - "P... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  6. At the 10 minute mark TheDragonDema... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  7. Here he brags about it on a forum f... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  8. Here we see the emotional neglect t... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  9. The Dragon Demands was banned from ... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  10. And here we witness the inception o... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

> Game of thrones fans are toxic

> /u/SandorClegane_AMA


I understand that if any more words come pouring out your cunt mouth I am going to eat every chicken in this place.

thats not a very nice thing to say about my mouth, take that back :(

There's no cure for being a cunt.


I may be a thrones fan, but I am not a wiki editor. So your point is invalid.

You wanna suck my dick, is that it?

The quality of dialogue took a nosedive after Season 4, I will concede that.

But then why did you write up all this shit in defense of a show that jumped the shark years ago

ur mom jumped the shark when u were born

No u.

i'm afraid 'tis you, friend


I didnā€™t know he was that famous or popular as a lolcow, but I love his podcasts because he just shits all over D&D and researches it a lot. Iā€™m in support of anyone making fun of those hacks.

He did a great video about how Dumb & Dumber shoved the Dorne storyline into the show last minute and why it failed. He studies DVD commentaries and interviews with the production staff to make his podcasts. He has a lot of great YouTube videos if youā€™re a fan of ASOIAF.

Have you read the Dorne chapters in 'A Feast for Crows'?

TDD wants to harm David Benioff.

He rarely says anything about D.B. Weiss. As a fan of his 'podcasts', please explain this to us.

What do we know about TheDragonDemands' tax policy though?

Tax Benioff, pay all the public bills in NYC when he inherits all that sweet Goldman Sachs money from his Dad.

You think there might be a (((THEME))) to all this hatred for David Benioff, real name David Friedman?

as a nerdy teenage loser i used to be a pretty big fan of the book series

then the fourth book came out and it was pretty disappointing

then came the tv series with some very questionable casting decisions (dany, jon) but an otherwise decent season one

then around that time came the fifth book which was also pretty crappy (i liked the young griff tho, he was a nice addition)

then dumb and dumber started adding more and more of their fanfiction in season two so i dropped the tv series entirely

its been like what, almost a decade since then? and from what i hear the tv series got even worse with time (rip stannis the mannis), and the fat faggot still hasnt released the sixth book

cant imagine what kind of mental illness someone must have to still care about this franchise, i have more respect for people who still care about stah wahs tbh

Stannis is the one true king

Answer me, Adam

It's been 3 days Adam.

tbhq you sound as obsessed with this autist as he is with D&D

First of all, you are right.

Secondly, TDD is only obsessed with David Benioff, and rarely mentions D.B. Weiss. He has never explained why. It's driving me crazy I tell ya!

Ok that is weird. I think D&D are fags for ruining stannis but i dont care too much aside from that, most of their changes are understandable. And yeah idk why he would hate one more than the other, I've never heard them referred to without each other.

Stannis would have burned Shireen in TWOW if that book ever came out

She wasnā€™t even with him and his army so how would he do that?

Exactly. He's going to burn his wife

She is with shireen at castle black as well. Stannis isnā€™t burning anyone right now because it scares the northerners in his army but he will sacrifice Theon to the old gods in the next book to win the northern lords loyalty.

Why though? For as long as I actually watched GoT, Weiss came across as the biggest hack.

What differences to you perceive between the two great men?

I dunno, mainly from intervews Dan looked like a sperg and David seemed like a cool guy.

The show went to shit after season 2, anyway, so in my mind they're both hacks.

That is pretty shallow.

Are you confusing GoT with The Walking Dead?

Exactly. /u/SandorClegane_AMA is an autist butthurt about the fact that other people are smart enough not to enjoy D&D's diarrhea as much as he does. Most reddit mods are the same way though so I can't be surprised

You know its sad to me that the average cape shit person knows more about their fantasy universe of choice (got) than the past 100 to 200 years of history

Why you gotta bring Rich Evans' name into this?

I know right? That line has completely distracted me from the rest of this post. Now I must defend the honor of m'hack-fraud.

this guy is actually rich evans? or that was a joke

Do you think so little of Rich? Dick the Birthday Boy? They don't even sound similar.

this drama is ass, i just wanted to know if it was actually rich

The mods have stickied this 'ass' drama.

My post makes no mention of Rich. So why did you read all the links?

I clicked the first one.

I felt attacked LOL


lol there was no need to delete that ...

I feel like I just read one of the A Song of Ice and Fire novels. One of the bad ones.

You have a great writing style jfyi.

I am a gardener, not an architect.

What is this autism

game of thrones sucks and is for normies

The true blackpill is that all fantasy fiction sucks.

Discworld is the only good fantasy fiction

fite me

No it wasn't that great. Not funny either.

u suck

Aaah, the red rage was upon me. It frightens me so. It rose hot within me. It makes me feel like an avenging dragon.

woooo, boy

Never having read the books or seen the show I have no idea how to unpack anything in this thread.

Sweet name, OP.

Dude holy shit i like drana, but who the fuck cares

TDD has openly stated he was abused frequently as a child and his autistic rants range from medieval bussy to unironically devoting an hour long episode to analyzing whether or not cunnilingus is considered penetration. His rants have only derailed since his initial videos into obsessing over rape scenes and misunderstanding the Battle of Cannae.

Hug quality drama? On my /r/drama?

What did you mean by "on a forum for specifically for folks" ?

What in seven hells did you just bloody say about me, you little craven? Iā€™ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Faceless Men, and Iā€™ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the Dothraki, and I have over 300 confirmed braids. I am trained in zorse warfare and Iā€™m the top pit-fighter in the entire Meereenese armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another offering to the Red God. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on Westeros, mark my thrice damned words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over message by raven? Think again, kingslayer. As we speak I am contacting mine own secret network of little birds across the Realm and your trail is being tracked with hounds right now so you better prepare for the long night, crow. The long night that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You know nothing, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can warg into over seven hundred animals, and thatā€™s just with my bare thoughts. Not only am I extensively trained in Unsullied combat, but I have access to much and more of the arsenal of the Westerosi Merling Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your House off the face of the Realm, you little turncloak. If only you could have known what blood and fire your little ā€œcleverā€ mummer's farce was about to bring down upon you, mayhaps you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldnā€™t, you didnā€™t, and now you've woken the dragon, you damned fool. I will shit gold all over you and you will drown in it. Valar morghulis, kiddo.

I will address your points more comprehensively.

You are a moron. We have researched our lolcow thoroughly, as a community. It would not be fair to make any one of us listen to all of them, but all of them are listened too.

Here is an example: https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/65jfl4/automoderator_is_muted_so_your_voice_will_be/dgau5q5/

TDD used to be an honorary mod, like Notch is on SRD. We dropped him because he made implied threats to Benioff. He deleted the video.

You are his number 1 fan, so did you save a copy of "Hammer Down" video? It may be needed by the police some day.