Ellen Pao's assault on Incels continues! /u/Pizzashill get in here!

266  2018-06-19 by itsnotmyfault


Remember when I said incel would become the new "nazi" and would just be a term thrown at anyone the cringe-left doesn't like?

Creepy guys.




Remember when a bunch of dumb ass SRDines came in here and told me I was wrong and incel would only be thrown at actual incels?

Pizzashill remembers.

We knew you were right, but pretty much everyone is OK with bullying virgins.

They should rape them. Win-win for both parties.

Why has no one brought this solution forward until now. True brillance is simplicity.

Because the man doesnt want us to win

Yeah, and also because they will just make incels rape each other. That will just a win the spectators, not for the 'people' in question.

Have you seen them?

Do you think professional rapists are par-ticular in their choices?

What does rape pay these days?

I suppose it depends on their male-feminist paetron account.....

I was more thinking of professional mercnaries or battle hardened vets from various under the radar conflicts world wide. These 'Cels will wake up to the world real quick. Problem solved...


Complete the mission snake, rape that pudgy commie incel. Get all up in that sperg virgin ass.

Why has no one brought this solution forward until now.

Male feminists have that covered.

Incels should rape bullies, right?

nah their technique would be all off

Bullying is NEVER ok.

Bullying incels is social justice

It's okay if I don't like the target.

Bullying people with anime avatars is ok

It’s basically an open invitation.

Did you see what that avatar was wearing?


I want to be bullied

Your mother wears combat boots.

and cargo pants

Incels are debatable, but MDEgenerates? Can’t say I have any ragrets about that.

Incels are debatable, but Incels? Can’t say I have any ragrets about that.

What did he mean by this

tru, tru.

You mean what did She mean by this, shitlord!

M'y apologies m'lad'y

what's the difference?

> MDEgenerates

wow, we're reaching levels of inability to meme that shouldn't even be possible.

what's the problem, big guy :) u seem a little miffed if u don't mind my saying xD

I'm trying to get Million Dollar Babies to catch on. SRDines get the can, and they get the stool, spoiler alert.

this but ironically

Where do you think you are?

Correct, it's great.

Dat fire

Oh man, this is great too because imagine if Steve Huffman did an article called "Why Sluts Do So Well At Tech Companies"

Nah man. Incels are incels. If you call yourself one then you are one. Unless you're hiding behind some meme ideology like TERFs lol

The people they're claiming are incels likely do not identify as incel.

She's making wild accusations and providing no evidence or support for her claim.

The one "example" she provided was just a creepy guy that tried to film women in a bathroom.

to be fair you have admitted to hating women. I don't think that you are an incel but you are a misogynist. You need to fix that if you want to grow as a person.

I don't even hate women. I just want nothing to do with them.

Ok but is your wanting nothing to do with them rational ?

Its more likely to do with your ego. Women make you insecure. You hate how you are attracted to them. You hate how they make you vulnerable.

Ok but is your wanting nothing to do with them rational ?

It doesn't have to be rational. It's a personal choice. Most things people do aren't rational.

Its more likely to do with your ego. Women make you insecure. You hate how you are attracted to them. You hate how they make you vulnerable.

Lmao what?

Most teenage boys go through this however most of us learn to deal with this emotion.

A) not a teenager.

B) Nothing you said is accurate.

It doesn't have to be rational. It's a personal choice. Most things people do aren't rational.

You can't remove yourself from half of humanity. Thats not only silly, its bad for you.

Yes its part of growing up and becoming a man. I know people like you pizzashill. I know you very well.

But you don't because nothing you said is accurate.

Ignore them. Money >> bitches

as if anyone on /r/drama has any of either

Just because you're broke, stupid and sexless doesn't mean the rest of us are. Sometimes I just want to go online and punch down for a while.

Are you gay, straight or asexual? Reply to this question. There's no other option.

Either you're gay and the wanting nothing to do with women is fine. Or you're asexual and then you might as well just kill yourself. Or you're straight and then wanting nothing to do with women means you're afraid cause you can't deal with them and you have some kind of issues.

Imagine caring this much about one person on the internet.

am a nice person

Can confirm, I think life_is_painfull is a nice man

thanks cummy, missed you btw.

Aw thank you mate

You'll have to change that if you want to grow as a person

Yeah nice man hatred. Why don't you go over to the female subs filled with man hatred and analyse them?

You want to get fucked by girls, cause you're too afraid to fuck.

He could go gay.

You can't remove yourself from half of humanity.

Yes you can, you could remove 80% of humanity from your life and still have a great life.

Or even 80% of humanity from their lives

But mayos are only 20% of humanity?

jfc you are embarrassing

The fact you've generalized KHHHVs as "its just because ure insecure about womyn" shows you dont understand the KHHHV mindset. Which shouldn't be hard to understand; browsing non-inceloid virgin forum would give you a general idea, but you clearly havent done that


pls explain

Kisless hugless hand-holdless virgin

Well, at least the hugless-part doesn't apply to me. I'm basically Chad.

Nigga you ever heard of monks n shit?

I here they made a whole profession outta separating themsevles from society. You telling those young Buddha's aren't rational or are insecure?

But girls are cute

The 2D kind are.

1D women or GTFO

Yeah, you're an incel.

pretty sure theyre just annoying and dont provide anything to non sexual relationships

You people need to learn that your armchair analysis of random people on reddit is laughably wrong 99.99% of the time and to stop doing it because it’s cringeworthy as fuck.

Lol. You're just another retarded man hater. What's wrong with having nothing to do with that trash gender after how one has been treated.

who really cares why? as long as he isn't harming anyone, is a choice to not date women or fuck them really that bad?


Remember this, lololol. Also RIP /u/Yiin as your request that was fulfilled has been reversed 😭

Scientific evidence that Im better at being an annoying prick than you. 😊

Pizzashill should start writing for the Washinton Post.



Wanting nothing to do with women doesn't = MGTOW.

Different motivations.

💭 🧠 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️

We have a kat_bot here now? Who programmed this?

Whammen are people too, bro. Ladybrain isn't that different from dudebrain.

If you're concerned that you might want to fuck them and do something stupid because of it, why not start by just interacting with grannies? (insert some very obvious jokes about certain paraphilias) Do you not have female relatives you could talk to? Why not volunteer at a home for the elderly or something?

Not that you have to force yourself to be around anyone just because of their gender. But assuming that you will actually one day meet and interact with people, I fear that you'll have built up your hang-ups with whammen so much that you'll be incapable of talking to them, and feeling nervous around 50% of the population just seems like a drag.

None of this applies if you happen to live in Saudi-Arabia, where you can probably go without seeing a woman in your life.

I want everyone to take a look at how deeply fucking offended these people get when you make a simple, personal choice.

They literally can't handle it.

I support your choice because it makes you sperg out like a retard every couple days.

I just think it's a pretty interesting conversational topic that happens to catch my attention right now.

As far as personal choices go, disavowing an entire gender is just... a bit quirky. It's a bit like exclusively wanting to date 2D women, or exclusively walking on the tip of your toes or something.

Sure, it affects only you and no-one else, but you can't stop people from being fascinated by such a decision, especially when there doesn't seem to be a specific reason for the behavior.

I don't think you're a bad person. I won't discount your opinions just because you do one thing that weirds me out a little. You've written a lot of insightful posts (for /r/Drama at least) that demonstrate a capacity for nuanced thought (this sounds condescending as shit. But on a site populated by Chapotards and MDEgenerates, I think this is important to point out).

But the women thing is just one thing that seems glaringly incongruent with the rest of your online persona. Not wanting anything to do with women is not very Radical Centrist, dude. That's all.

Sure, it affects only you and no-one else, but you can't stop people from being fascinated by such a decision, especially when there doesn't seem to be a specific reason for the behavior.

There are specific reasons.

I don't like certain traits that are primarily found within women.

But the women thing is just one thing that seems glaringly incongruent with the rest of your online persona. Not wanting anything to do with women is not very Radical Centrist, dude. That's all.

Not wanting to be around women isn't right or left. It doesn't belong to either side of the spectrum.

what traits are those ?

  • Women are way more agreeable than men are so you never know if they actually agree with you or it's just them being women.

  • Women have higher levels of neuroticism than men.

  • Women will rarely shit talk you to your face. They'll just be nice to you up front and then shit talk you behind your back. At least men will be up front with you most of the time because we're used to shit talking each other.

  • Women tend to display seriously levels of "victim complex."

  • Women are raised to believe they're entitled to male attention.

  • Women are manipulative.

  • Young women are always looking for an angle, something they can get out of you. It's why so many of them have beta friendzone orbiters. Many women see no problem with exploiting the betas like this. But it's disgusting to me.

The list goes on and on. I decided to cut women out of my life because these reasons justified it to me. It might not be rational, you might not agree with it, but it isn't your choice and it isn't hurting anyone.

This is a free country. If I want nothing to do with women, that's my choice and my right.

Ok, I don't think any of those things are true but its your life.

At least 2 of them are backed by research.

but not the bad ones like women are always looking for an angle. I doubt you decided women have these characteristics through science. You obviously came up with these theories and then found science papers that back your way of thinking. You are doing the same thing trumpets do when it comes to using arguing with science.

And even if women are as you say they are men also have their negative characteristics. We are more violent. You are more likely to die from another man. Men are literally more dangerous than women. Does this mean you are going to cut yourself men?

young women with high emotional intelligence. Bro,You are picking research that agrees with your misogyny. Am sure men with high emotional intelligence will also very manipulative.

Also it makes sense that women would be very good at emotionally manipulating people. They have physically weaker bodies, this is an easier defense.

TIL not wanting anything to do with women is "misogyny."

That's right folks, if you make a choice, a personal choice that has literally no impact on women whatsoever, you hate women.

Also it makes sense that women would be very good at emotionally manipulating people. They have physically weaker bodies, this is an easier defense.

Ok? I didn't say it wasn't a valid strategy. I said I want nothing to do with it.

Even if it's justified - that doesn't change how I feel.

not wanting anything to do with women is misogyny.

Misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including social exclusion, sex discrimination, hostility, androcentrism Social exclusion

Am not trying to attack you mate. You do you.but at least understand why you are this way.

I don't accept definitions of words that have been twisted and warped by rabid femtards.

seriously? You have stereotyped women and claim to want nothing to do with them. I don't want anything to do with shit but thats because shit stinks. I hate it. If you don't want something around you its cause you dislike it.

Misogyny is dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.

Not wanting anything to do with women is not misogyny. Your usage of a buzzterm is denied.

If some womyn posted a comment like this then I'd conclude, quite firmly, they were a "rabid femtard".

I think you might be acting a little hypocritical on this particular issue here dawg, but we probably won't come to an agreement.

It seems you've been hurt by women and it's okay to want to protect yourself from more hurt. But since I'm a "disagreeable" man, I won't refrain from calling bullshit when pretty much all of us SJW feminazis on /r/Drama agree that you're bigoted against women and that blanket disavowing a whole gender is a huge overreaction to whatever pain these women caused you.

Feel free to disagree, maybe you are right and everyone else is wrong brah.

That's neat, you're entitled to believe whatever you'd like. Notice how I don't care what you believe or personally think?

That's a little too agreeable to my liking dawg.

Pizzashill confirmed a wammen?

Self-hate can be a bitch.

The female subs have millions of man haters. Yet you attempt to bully a single man because he wants nothing to do with femoids. Yeah no agenda here.

Hey man hater, what do you think of the 2017 statistics showing she creatures have never been faithful these last 8000 years.

Women are way more agreeable than men are so you never know if they actually agree with you or it's just them being women.

I'm a dude and I'm pretty damn agreeable in real life. The only reason I post on edgelord subs like /r/Drama is to vent about stuff that would get me ostracized in real life (or in any of the more "fragile" subreddits).

Women have higher levels of neuroticism than men.

I'm neurotic as fuck bro.

Not going to bother to respond to the rest of the post, but it's cool that you've thrown us a bone by explaining yourself.

Your specific instance doesn't trump his general case. Basic logic.

Not that I'm saying he's right either. A single failure to prove someone wrong doesn't prove they're right. Ah, logic, 'tis of thee.

> Your specific instance doesn't trump his general case. Basic logic.

Not really the point I was trying to make dude. But his logic reminds me of the ["Bowl of M&M's"](http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/bowl-of-m-ms) type argument that bigots (and specifically, feminist bigots trying to argue for discrimination against men) use as an argument for their bigotry. (Yeah, I linked to KnowYourMeme. Pretty sad).

Sure, certain traits are more prevalent among women than among men, but let's say it's debatable whether that justifies a blanket disavowal of an entire demographic. Especially since there's plenty of people with dicks (like myself) who share a lot of the traits that he dislikes, even if such traits are less prevalent among "my" gender.

Yeah, I linked to KnowYourMeme. Pretty sad

Did I miss some drama here? I didn't know anything was wrong with KYM.

Linking to a website called "KnowYourMeme", and not the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy or some other highfalutin' website, acutely reminds me of the fact that I'm actually spending time arguing on a website dedicated to farming virtual validation points in exchange for posting le dank maymays.

Everyone has their vices. Alcohol, drugs, reddit...

It's a super normie thing to do.

Oh, I'm not arguing one little bit about it being justifiable - only that your instance doesn't refute the assertion that some characteristics are more common to women. (Nor does that prove that the assertion is true, either.)

Ah, fuck... I unironically agree with all of this.

Men are way more disagreeable than women, so they're always engaging in pointless dick-measuring contests instead of working together to reach a compromise.

Men have low neuroticism which often makes them careless and reckless

Men feel a constant need to talk shit to each other and engage in one-upmanship because they think being emotionally vulnerable is for faggots and women. At least women have the capacity for being diplomatic if they want to.

Men are often abusive, domineering pricks.

Men are raised to chase and pester women for attention to obnoxious degrees because getting laid is the ultimate proof of being a "real man."

Men are violent and angry.

Young men are always looking to get sex out of women. It's why so many of them pretend to be interested in relationships or friendship with women while they are only interested in getting into their pants. Many men see no problem with misleading women like this. But it's disgusting to me.

My take:

Men are way more disagreeable than women, so you never know if they actually care about the solution or they're just arguing for the sake of arguing.

Men have low neuroticism which often makes them careless and reckless

Men feel a constant need to talk shit to each other and tell you how it "should have been done" because they genuinely think that will help the solve problems. At least women have the capacity for being diplomatic if the situation calls for it.

Men are completely oblivious to how someone's feelings could possibly be hurt by what they said or did.

Men are raised to believe their opinions are correct, or actually matter to anyone else, and somehow everyone else goes along with it.

Men are so stubborn it's usually easiest to manipulate them instead of convince them.

Young men are always looking to get sex out of women. It's why so many of them pretend to be interested in relationships or friendship with women while they are only interested in getting in their pants. Many men see no problem with misleading women like this. But it's disgusting to me.

I actually don't know any sex-obsessed men now that I'm out of school. I don't think I've ever known any violent or abusive men.

Well, I don't really know many women who fit /u/pizzashill "s description either, especially the parts about being manipulative, only interested in friendzoning men to get something out of them, and self-victimization. But maybe that's because I've been manipulated so thoroughly that I don't even realize it.

Or it's just my social circle.

I mean, I've never heard a white guy say "dirty nigger", but my neighbor Tyrone says it's been said to him loads of times by mayo dudes. So is he lying?

It's hilarious watching how offended people get when you're different than they are, or do something they don't like.

I'm glad you're amused dude, I find your views on this particular issue quite amusing too. As I said, maybe I'm the stupid one and you're the enlightened one. No hatorade here, just shooting the shit, just having a good man 2 man talk, etc. etc.

No one finds it offensive you mongoloid.

spoken with the disagreeableness of a real man.

Delete your account huh man hater. Run off to your feminist spaces on reddit, coward.

Gossiping, being hypocrites, sexists, thinking they're so much better than men.

lol incel



Hey pizza, regardless of what I've said to you in the past, I like you 🤗

And the drama you cause is just a bonus 😘



exclusively walking on the tip of your toes or something.

Fuck you, and everyone in your household.

o.O why did you highlight the least triggering part of my post and "fuck you" me?


Why do you hate women then

It's amazing all the men raised to hate men if one doesn't worship women. Somehow you're just supposed ignores females disgusting behavior since they have ugly smelly holes between their legs.

because they can't imagine life without women giving them validation with pussy and boring relationships.

the idea that you MIGHT be somewhat happy while ignoring women, and without putting as much effort into women as they are, makes them feel insecure.

Whammen are people too

Lost me there tbh

Whammen are people too



It's the fucking very definition of it you just don't want to be associated with them because you know they are losers.

No. It's ok, I don't expect people such as yourself to have a real comprehension of this subject.

You say that as if it should be something to be ashamed of.

I mean, you should avoid discussing topics you don't understand.

How is it possible for someone to be smug for meaningless nuances that they invented?

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.

You don't even understand MGTOW. These aren't nuances I invented, they're just reality.

MGTOW decided they were done with women because they believe the system is broken and they want no part of it.

They believe the entire power dynamic is rigged against men.

I do not believe any of this. I just want nothing to do with women. I don't even blame women for it.

There are real nuances here, and your inability to comprehend them does not mean I invented them.

Uh huh.

Anyone that even knows the basics of the MGTOW movement knows what I just said is completely true.

Go ask them yourselves.

Why do you think they're always screeching about artificial wombs?

Pizza my shill, forgive me, I can't understand MGTOW as much as a charter member.

Hot take: being educated as to what other people believe doesn't mean you're a member of that group.


Literally more pathetic than a gender studies major.

Pizza you're not a MGTOW loser, you're your own special kind of loser. Never change

Shocking, another person that has no comprehension of what MGTOW is.

More like /r/MGTOWWOM

Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men's behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!

An oldie but a goodie

was this some pompeii graffiti?

weak. you should hate femoids

Tell me your story, why do you want nothing to do with them?

i recall seeing a post he wrote about it. he dated some crazy bitches one after the other and thought "that's enough for me". it might be a phase he gets over, who cares anyway, pussy and relationships are overrated massively, anyone who has access to these things knows that.


You need to fix that if you want to grow as a person.

No he doesn't.

I'm sure if he ate more he'd grow.

He does. The better question would be why we'd want /u/pizzashill to grow as a person.

Hating women is how you grow as a person.

You need to fix that if you want to grow as a person

Imagine posting that on /r/drama of all places

literally every great male mind in history, all philosophers, inventors and geniuses , said extremely misogynistic shit constantly.

basically, everyone smart knows women are pieces of shit.

ya these are probably the same dudes they were calling “techbros” last year

No these are the exact opposite. Those guys were too alpha and uninhibited. These ones are too beta (omega?) and shy.

The one "example" she provided was just a creepy guy that tried to film women in a bathroom.

Yeah but that's exactly the kind of thing that guys who can't get laid end up doing.

Non-TERF feminists are poseurs

Non-TERF feminists are not completely retarded like TERFs

Fixed. 😘



TERF come in two shade. Soccer mom conservative that do not want to call herself conservative and radfem that want to kill all men.

The radfem are the most sensible of the lot.

How physically attractive would you rate yourself on a scale of 1-10?

I've posted pictures of myself in various discords. Feel free to go find them.

How much heat are you packing down below? Be honest.


Imagine Pizza's 3 inch punisher pounding you whilst he calls you a "dirty femoid slut".

I'm leaking like a faulty fridge just thinking about it. 😵

Nah homie. I've heard /u/pizzashill is packing that 7 inch girthy goodness! 😩💦

I've seen it, it's 6.8 inches of meaty thiccness but it smells like a pizza hutt.

Huh odd place to find you, reddit is smaller than I thought.

This is one of the two subs I visit besides r/metal haha. It's my release valve.

Buddy, you were just saying that you like to keep personal details concealed (concerning career) and I thought that was smart. Trust me, in a couple years you're not going to want the stuff you say about women associated with your face.

I'm not saying this to insult you, just trying to encourage a little foresight. Your brand of misogyny would make you unemployable outside of shit jobs.

Don't worry about me bud.

it's hard not to worry about you the second you realize that you're not trolling with these opinions

you legit need psychiatric help. "unironically"

Found the helpbitty promoted top thread shill. Guess what bucko....the DSM is changing again :0

I didn't understand hardly any of the words you just said to me


Even though I'd end up a dead kulak, I'd love to see this outcome just because it'd be hilarious.

I love how this article goes several steps past that. Pao is blatantly fearmongering, with 0 distinction between normal virgins and "ideology of hate" incels. She considers free speech arguments and “Sunlight is the best disinfectant” to be completely misguided. Completely unironically says "that means rooting out and banning incel beliefs".

The hunt for incels is on, apparently.

I smell a business opportunity. I provide paid girls to hangout with the boys at work functions or a night out with cow orkers. 💰💰💰

Can't turn a ho into a corporate anti-virginity consultant. Because a ho don't act right.

Put the ho in a headgear of some sort. Deception takes many forms.

the slut's ecoutre ma

Is it possible that you meant "accoutrements"?

The way he said it seems more sophisticated

More like he'd fallen foul of text-to-speech (maybe) or was trying to use words he couldn't spell.

Noń mi amoré

ecoutre ma

accoutrement you dip


That's not how you pronounce it in English though. He's wrong twice.

It is if you try and sound French in the middle of sounding redneck.

Dis but a flesh woond

Lmao probably uses wahlah too.

/u/allwordsaredust this would be a good anime too. A secret organization deploys escorts on missions to seduce incels and rid the city of the sexual frustration that's leading young men to radicalize and form extremist militia/terrorist groups, thus saving the city and eventually the wurld.

Nah, if it's an anime the women can't be distributed to all the incels, there's got to be an ordinary japanese highschooler at the centre of it who all the women inexplicably fall in love with. Maybe this could be the villain's plan, and our brave hero could save the poor women from the grubby hands of incels(despite being one himself).

That sure does sound like weebshit.

I say the escorts are all femme fatales and after seducing the incels, they straight up assassinate them. Makes for a more fun story

Black Widows?

Can you recommend an anime to me? I loved Made in Abyss and am almost through Hunter x Hunter. The friendy friends going on adventures stuff is great.

Not Friend Adventures but these two are pretty good.

“Violet Evergarden” is a slow burn and takes a few episodes to establish its world building, but the payoff is really good.

“Megalo Box” is airing this season and isn’t finished yet.

Sweet, thanks

at least give me something back in return for revealing my weebness.

Unban me from SRD and then give me one free trolling pass it's only fair come on

You can combine this with /u/allwordsaredust's idea where they spare one high school boy who all the women inexplicably fall in love with and then he helps them defeat the evil incels with some hot yuri action hamfistedly inserted somewhere.

cow orkers

Is that the new meme word for a fat person?

the slut's ecoutre ma

this country's lack of education funding has really come home to roost

We are ALL Muricans on this blessed day.

Ecoute-moi, c'est accoutrement.

¿Colis eś day tabernac?

Tuesday retard, non?

Foo-twa meildé mamå?

Sacre blood!

I hope we get like an extreme missandrist for the next president and I can start a chad business that literally hunts incels for sport with bows am arrows and shit. It would be like the vampire hunting movies, I'd go into a tech giant and flash my chad badge and certain "men" would start sweating. Suddenly a 5'6" menlet breaks off their computer bench and starts booking it, too bad they're not as fast as an arrow from my recurve bow, the first and last penetration their bodies would ever know.

How would you deal with kevlar waifu pillows?

I would beat them to death with their own waifu.


You'd get your ass beat and stripped just like in Akiba's trip.

This sounds like the plot to an anime. Only in the anime, a single hunted incel would end up with a harem by the end. Including the president.

I read that in Dwight Schrute's voice, it just seems totally like something he would say.

Nick Offerman(Ron Swanson from P&R) would work to though.

flash my chad badge

Ruined my immersion.

It's a euphemism for my still wet large cock from stacy on the drive over.

Stacy gave you a wet large cock on the drive over? kinky

She also made my medium cock wet in the process :)

wanting to hunt with bow and arrow is proof that you are an incel 🤣

In the misandry universe I would start a company called Incelnerator that conducts incel background checks. All I need to do is approach a techie media outlet sympathetic to the Incelnerator mission statement and with that spark of exposure all of Silicon Valley will be scrambling to integrate my services into their applicant background check regimens. My newfound clout in the tech world could then be leveraged to secure data-sharing partnerships with all mainstream dating and social media apps. Incelnerator's proprietary CelDetectTM virginity analysis combined with the datasets of our valued partners will allow an employer to determine whether a prospect harbors toxic virginity with 99.999% accuracy. The workplace of tomorrow will be the workplace of Chads.

Found the incel!

I'm pretty sure she got PTSD from being reddit CEO.


"and that means rooting out and banning incel beliefs"

It sounds like we need a House Un-Chadlike Activities Committee (HUAC) to subpoena people and get to the bottom of this.

For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: "pizzashill was right again"

My word, it's not every day you see "Maud Mueller" parodied around here.

It may actually be every day. Ever since it was first parodied for /pol/ it's been overused.

Highbrow stuff.

It's control-left.

Shift-control (to the) left.


doesn't roll off the tongue as nicely as aut-right does, but i like it

will start using it from now on

It's OK to purge ideological incels, they're nuts. If you see a guy browsing and posting on /r/braincels, fire that guy without a second though.

If you're going to use ideological incels as a starting point to bully anyone who hasn't done it for some reason, you're being an asshole.

It's OK to purge ideological dramawhores, they're nuts. If you see a guy browsing and posting on /r/drama, fire that guy without a second thought.

Dramacel = volcel, not real incel.

dramacel lmao i like this one

Yeah, it's turning into a mess. The word is going to lose all meaning. Like how any vaguely progressive guy who is accused of harrasment suddenly becomes a "feminist". People are going to lose the ability to talk about actual incels because everyone will assume the word is just being thrown around willy nilly.

It’s nice to see the Nostradamus of our time proven right yet again.

You should get some screenshots and display them

The problem is that they don't eat enough pizza.

Well yeah... but you're an actual incel.

  • provide proof I've ever posted in an incel sub.

  • post proof I've ever identified as an incel.

  • post proof I'm an incel.

Hahaha, I don't owe you shit, incel.

That's exactly what I thought. Next time you make wild accusations on the internet make sure you can support them.

Tell you what, I'll do whatever the hell I want, while you go fuck yourself, incel.

[citation needed]

The guy whose only post is in /r/ElderScrollsOnline calling others an incel


Except... I have sex fairly regularly, thats the thing.

You can make your hand as slippery and soft as you want, it still doesn't count as having sex.

...and I'm married.

Your body pillow can't consent to marriage you massive faggot.

Hey, can you get this cumstain out of my tuxedo mask waifu?

I have sex fairly regularly,

that's the most incel comment in this whole thread.

I think 3-4 times a week with my husband is fairly regularly, no?

3-4 times a week with my husband is fairly regularly, no?

that's disgusting

Only when its really, really good.

Sounds like a dead bedroom

Eh, it satisfies.

I dropped this /s . I think it's a very good schedule

That is an obscene expectation for wild internet accusations.



Get back on your main Ellen

Continue never having sex in your entire life.

Get stuffed into a locker, nerd.

Except all of those groups are literally, unironically incels. V

Oh yes indeed, anyone that is critical of feminism is totally, in reality, an incel.

White anti-feminist geeks are incels. No woman has sex with them, ever. You don't have a point.

Can you provide some proof for your claim?


So no proof then.

How many women have you slept with in your life?


Anime harem doesn't count.

You're entitled to believe whatever you' like to believe.

Cope. Women don't care about Chad's ideology if they want to fuck. So called feminists would fuck neo Nazis over an ugly goodboi incel if the neo Nazi is Chad enough.


The famous case of Laci Green. An outspoken feminist who now has a notorious anti-feminist and GamerGate supporting boyfriend


Looks > all else

Literlally didn't even read LOL incel 💁‍♀️

lol do you pretend to care about womens issues to try and get them to have sex with you

little weird

not everyone on this site is a straight white male 👩‍🏫

It might have actually improved your image if you didn't do so much damage to yourself in half your posts

Imagine thinking I care about /r/drama image.

Dang I shoulda known that wouldn't getcha

You've been outsperged

He's actually impervious. Literally anyone who throws shit at him misses and gets countered. He's the Floyd Mayweather of internet autism.

I had to Google impervious

I never doubted you.

No one fucks with our pizzashill except for us.

Shut up incel

[citation needed]

I will remove incel from my vocab and replace it with pizzashill. I would also open r/pizzashilltears, but I am a lazy fuck who doesnt want to bother.

I got called an incel for asking if the guy would have felt empathy for Hitler in a post about xxxtentacion getting killed. It’s kind of fascinating watching words evolve so quickly.

i mean thats been their go to strategy for at least 5 years

Wow. Just stumbled upon this sub.

That you use the word “cringe” to describe anyone other than yourselves is the ultimate irony.

Every post, every thread on r/drama oozes pure cringe.

That's adorable, we've got a wild retard.

whatever eases the despair champ!

Despair, that's cute.

Every post, every thread on r/drama oozes pure cringe

don't forget to enjoy your stay

Trashy man haters. Females are so hypocritical.

I knew Ellen Pao was 💞🌈🦄 /ourgirl/ 💞🌈🦄.

Her and Anita are the tag team incel/mysogonist cucking squad.

I would die for them <3

inshAnita brother

please do.

A match made in heaven

Idk why Ed is so downvoted here - Ellen is an r/drama babe.

I was downvoted here? Lmaooo. Looks like the tides turned here

yeah there was some downsnozzling going on when I first arrived here

With a single stroke of her pen she creates more drama than most people do in their entire lives—of course she is /ourgal/


Imagine getting a JD and MBA from Harvard only to have your career end with a failed gender discrimination lawsuit and being a wicker woman for reddit. All the while you're married to a gay man because you were too busy to build a real family. Of course she's bitter. I feel sorry for her a bit. I hope she makes a political run.

She has a kid so that usually means family....?

Wouldn't be the first time a gay man had a baby with a woman

Remember how much drama we wrung out of her though? That shit was fun.

Remember how much drama we wrung out of her though?

No, I do however her making a ton of Redditors incredibly upset by merely existing. Now that was the funny part of that whole mess.

good idea fuck over incels, socially maladjusted individuals even more at work, this will never backfire.

She got fucked in the arse by that failed defamation suit and now she's trying to share that butthurt around. Typical female logic really, if she's suffering then everyone has to suffer.

THE WORLD HAS recently become more terrifyingly aware of incels


Guess what world, there are dudes who are virgins and lead unhappy lives without love or sex. These guys are miserable and lash out. Usually they are either so socially awkward they can't score, or they are butt ugly or both. Sometimes they have some mental conditions.

Holy shit this is like SOO new, never in the history of the world have men failed to procreate or find love and die bitter, miserable lives!

How do we deal with them? Help them? Find out why they suck so bad?

Nah, fuck that, just ostracize them more so they just kill themselves off.

you wanna talk about it fam

reddit incel communities are garbage, but if you consider that these guys usually are highly socially isolated and lack probably any positive social or romantic interaction. Their frustration is to be understood, even if going far over board

People like Pao aren't doing anything brave, they are punching down at people who know everyone hates them already. by saying

It is, of course, nonsense. Incels are usually conspiracy theorists, not victims

[of course they are victims, victims of the circumstances which made them so bitter]

who share many values and tactics with white supremacist, men’s rights, and alt-right groups


It's just not helping.

Imagine there was a growing online presence of women being frustrated with their lives and whine about it and blame all men and say horrible shit. I am sure people would much rather defend them, then some ugly nerds who can't get laid.

...and that's a good thing!

Unironically, it is. These communities are cooking up a brand new type of crazy. They're growing and reinforcing. They're developing an ideology and a worldview. They're going to become an entrenched faction.

Incels will be sources of high quality drama for years to come, and it's only going to get more fucked up.

sure if you just think of it as a drama generator I agree.

But if you care about the world for a second this is just all sorts of bad.

There is obviously something wrong with society if more and more young men turn out this way.

But if you care about the world for a second this is just all sorts of bad.

Nothing you or I will ever do can change that. All we can do is look out for our pals and try to enjoy the show.

we could spread our bussy for the cause.

Thank you for providing real solutions for real problems.

Not enough people do proper bussy maintenance.

look out for our pals

You are all my pals

Aw, thanks fella

Well, that is a little disingenuous though. Anyone has the power to change anything anyone else could if they cared enough to make the effort. You could become a public speaker, try to reach out to them on their online communities (probably the most likely to work), try to create spaces for them in real life communities.

Nothing you or him or I will ever do will change that, though, because we are all too lazy and we’re just drama whores. But let’s not pretend we’re any less capable of changing things than any other person

Fair. I just thought "idgaf lmao" sounded too edgy.

But, tbh honest fam, idgaf lmao


But if you care about the world for a second this is just all sorts of bad.

lmao look at this gaylord right here saying he cares about things

But if you care about the world for a second this is just all sorts of bad.

I don't

Disgruntled young men have always been the basis of any revolutionary movement or any other mass movement.

gamers rise up

Beta uprising?

If a bunch of 6' 5'' ugly men decide to revolt, are they still betas? Alpha-ness and attractiveness are not the same.

Incelness is a state of mind, not a state of being


Not "You have nothing to lose but your virginity"

Missed chance tbh


(((something))) wrong with society

There is obviously something wrong with society if more and more young men turn out this way.

So let's just euthanize them and society will be all the better for it

Imagine caring about the world

Incel communities are basically ISIS but for white men. Punching them while they are down is a good thing.

are basically ISIS but for white men

if you unironically believe this you are beyond retarded.

Extremist ✅

Hate women ✅

Want to legalize rape ✅

Want to kill anyone who do not follow their ideas ✅

Want women as slaves ✅

Terrorism ✅

Hate the non believer (normies) ✅

the difference is, one group is shitposting online while the other actually does all those things.

There was an incel terrorist attack tho.

Yeah one guy drove a car into people.

If that shit is as common as isis terror, maybe

It only takes one person to make other crazies feel they can do it as well. You live under a rock.

Yeah, there are definitely a couple of red flags that make me think this might hackshually become a real "terrorist movement". Precedent of an attack, echo/recruitment chambers, a sort-of homogeneized ideology and lingo, a "martyr" and Scripture in the form of Elliot Rodger and his crazy-ass Manifesto.

Love all the incels down voting me. Sorry the truth makes you uncomfortable you sadistic scumfucks.

What are you talking about? Eastern Turkey, southern Georgia, and all of Armenia are under incel control RIGHT NOW

Not to mention the numerous genocides perpetrated against normie breeders throughout history.

Smh all these Stacy goats fucking Chad fighters

tbh I've never seen a ISIS extremist nail his dick to a board

Terrorism ✅

lol if you're terrified of an incel you're a pussy and should be kept safe

I hate incels for the same reason I hate white supremacists - it is one thing to see something horrifying that's totally different than you, it's much worse to see something horrifying that bears some resemblance to you. It's like the feeling of embarrasment you feel when a stupid monkey does something humanlike. I'm sure a lot of Muslims feel the same way about ISIS.

I feel that way about all Muslims

Muslims support law based on the Koran!? What a break through... that’s kind of how ISIS is able to recruit. They manipulate those nagging doubts that many Muslims have when they see the rest of the world not following their rules.

This Just In!: Christians are flooding Saudi Arabia, and demanding all people convert to Christianity and follow Christian doctrine!

"Christians prefer Christian doctrine. Wow, shocker!" says random internet commentator /u/roguej2.

I can see why you're so threatened, if white supremacists get their way, where will you find a bull to cuck you?

The recent incel survey had them at 60% minorities, both incel shootings were done by minorities, not really fair to call them white supremacists

There was 2 incel shootings?

Because el goblino cruz and the radical Cthulu centrist both had girlfriends, thus not incels.

the original, Elliot Rodger and Toronto boy

Imagine caring about incels race.


I apologize, they are about 50/50 white and minority

As I said,

They are as white as the average white burger.

Right. It's slightly different but if you've ever seen a selfie thread on /r9k/ like maybe a third of them actually pass the paper bag test.

This is just blatantly untrue, you have no idea what you're talking about. The Reddit incel community is pretty racially aware and is relatively diverse

>Imagien caring about incels race.

currycels and ricecels have different issues than mayocels dude

Denying this erases the struggles of minoritycels and goes against the spirit of incelsectionality.


Great deflection retard

It is, of course, nonsense. Incels are usually conspiracy theorists, not victims

[of course they are victims, victims of the circumstances which made them so bitter]

Not to seriouspost but it seems like progressives have for so long tried to celebrate the noble suffering of minorities and valorize their victimhood that it's just inconceivable to them that someone could be both a victim and a deeply ugly person.

There already is a place for femcels: r/gendercritical

of course they are victims, victims of the circumstances which made them so bitter

"It's society's fault I'm a failure waaah"

It genuinely sucks that these people didn't have an authority figure in their lives to knock that shit out of their heads, sure, but once you're an adult its your own responsibility to get help for whatever crazy you've got going on, regardless of who was responsible for putting it three in the first place.

Circumstances doesn't mean just society. Genetics, parents and location as well as economics play a role here

if you consider that these guys usually are highly socially isolated

They're not socially isolated. They have various shitty hugbox forums that reinforce and exacerbate their perversity. Back when they were socially isolated, there was no incel menace. It's groupthink that created what we now call incels.

Unfortunately, I do know someone who has no legs. both legs, gone.

you think any girl wants to get with him? even a brap hog? fuck it sucks.

But, most incels IMO are just neckbeards x2 that CAN get girls if they lost they weight or didnt literally have internet meme personalities, IRL. aka, they cant flirt or talk about normal hobbies outside of capeshit/vidya.

But, most incels IMO are just neckbeards x2 that CAN get girls if they lost they weight or didnt literally have internet meme personalities, IRL. aka, they cant flirt or talk about normal hobbies outside of capeshit/vidya.

that is true but something lead up to them turning out this way as opposed to "normal" guys.

Whatever the conditions are which produce people like that should be changed.

Pao's blind spot is that she isn't a Stacey by any means, and has only dreamed of romantically being with Chads. She doesn't care how many Chads and Staceys the violent incel takes out when they go postal.

chads fuck anything. even 5 and below women can fuck chads. the male sex drive is constant, thirsty, and it knows no standards.

this chick looks like a somewhat in shape girl with face that isn't hideous, she has fucked chads and has access to them whenever she pleases.

Nah, fuck that, just ostracize them more so they just kill themselves off.

This is unironically our best strategy.

  • bully incels

  • Incels shoot schools up

  • white genocide

  • Israel increases funding in US HAPA breeding programs

Sounds good but not enough strictly inforced mandatory mtf transition treatments for people who are found to be incels, violent criminals and mentally ill.

White genocide is a lie. If you cannot get laid, it is your own fault. All incels....are volcels. Nobody is keeping you from getting laid but yourself. Stop dousing yourself in Axe body spray and go to the gym. Join a book club or something. Go outside and get a hobby other than Ocarina of Time speedrunning!

other than Ocarina of Time speedrunning

We're talking about incels not trannies.

Or rape a woman, be the change you want to see.

tell me about it, at least speedrun a game that runs at 60 so your "frame-perfect" tricks are actually impressive

White genocide is a lie.

Most incels aren’t white and say the exact opposite of white genocide is happening, that women only want white chads and nobody else.

This. THIS X 900000 !

They targeted Incels

Lol they can't be helped. They don't even want to be helped. They prefer to wallow in misery.

All the help they're getting comes from a shitty impersonal source. Would you take dating advice from some dad bod redditor who is patting himself on the back for landing some small fat? They need a personal friend's help, or a rope.

lol you think an incel is going to accept help from anyone

Would you take dating advice from some dad bod redditor who is patting himself on the back for landing some small fat?

and here's the problem, incels think they deserve hot models when they barely deserve a "small fat"

incels think they deserve hot models when they barely deserve a "small fat"


Most incels have little to no standards, going so far as to fuck men, FtM transexuals, animals, dead chickens, etc.

I honestly don't know where the fuck this "lel incels only want models" meme came from. Even if it were true what happened to that "being attracted to attractive people isn't s crime" shit? Also I feel as though incel hunters think any woman with bmi 28< is super model?

The problem with incels is all rooted in their self esteem and only positive experiences in real life from real people, not faggots on the second gayest website on the planet, will fix that.

FtM transexuals

Why would they go for FtMs instead of MtFs (assuming they can)?

Probably because nobody winds up there unless they've already had a lifetime of fallacies and shitty advice that did not personally help them, and so no new insights are being provided.

Unless of course, your help comes in the form of a woman seeking a relationship, and you're willing to play match maker. Because THAT will help, for sure. And that's why it's never offered.

Male virgins are failures by definitions. Getting laid is something literally 99% of the population has done by age 25.

Incels deserve to be bullied.

That statistic doesn’t take into account prostitution. Even if it did, guys wouldn’t admit to it because it would be confessing to a felony, so they would instead say they lost their virginity without paying.

Girls only want chad.

people who post that study don't understand how science works. this tells us that women rate 80&#37; of men as below average, ok, but WHY?

is it because a large chunk of female sexuality is not visual, and actually mental/emotional? possibly. is it because men on dating sites are just ugly as fuck? that's possible , chad's can get laid in a bar or a party, they don't need gay sites like okcupid. i feel like tinder is more of a chad app, there are probably more hot dudes on tinder.

also, that study showed that women messaged men who they thought were below average, lots of the time. men on the other hand, only messaged stacy.

if anything, that study showed that women don't go by looks alone, something else makes them message men, but men all go for looks.

is it because a large chunk of female sexuality is not visual, and actually mental/emotional?


also, that study showed that women messaged men who they thought were below average, lots of the time. men on the other hand, only messaged stacy.


If you aren’t chad, you’re a cuck, they’re programmed to only want chad, they can’t even cum unless it’s chad. It’s over normie.

then, i must be a chad cause my ex used to cum all the time, and so did the one girl i fucked since we broke up.

well that's good news.

also, that sub is just one big cirlce jerk lol. a guy in that comments started pointing out some flaws in the theory of the guy that posted the study, and the guy, who is a mod, fucking banned him.

an incel black pill sub is not going to be a place to get a very good view of reality. i've personally seen quite a few studies showing personality traits influencing attractiveness to a high degree, yet that sub would never post those studies, only cherry picking studies that say "GIRLS ONLY WANT CHAD".

this is like comparing the kind of nutrition information you'd get from a dietician, to a vegan blog that cherry picks studies and misrepresents the data to prove that veganism is the healthiest diet.

That guy was banned because he was missing the point of the post.

The black pill IS reality. You don’t even need scientific evidence to see it, just open your eyes and LOOK AROUND. A vegan will say veganism is healthy, but if you LOOK AROUND, you se all the vegans look like zombies. The black pill says girls only want chad, and if you LOOK AROUND, you see that girls only go for the fucking models.

but i don't see guys only go for chads. i got a gf who was hot as fuck when i was scrawny. i see skinny lookin nerd dudes who i don't even think are hot at all walking around with girls i'd kill to bang.

also, the guy my hot ex was swooning over after she dumped me, was shorter than me, had a less masculine fact than me, wore glasses and looked kinda like a dweeb. she just kept talking about this smile and how nice he was.

girls don't only go for chad, but i won't like, chad gets more pussy, but fact is they don't ONLY go for chad. shit, all the dudes in school who got laid the most were short dudes with cute faces, they were just outgoing as fuck.

idk man, i never even heard this "girls only fuck the top 20%" myth till i went on reddit, and it contradicted everything i've seen in actual reality.

Well you better get ready, cus girls only wanting chad is quickly becoming a mainstream concept. You’ll see 80% of your sons wracked with mistrust of women, unable to have a fulfilling sexual relationship with any on them. You’ll watch them develop a general apathy towards life because they can’t find a partner. You’ll ask them if they’ve met any nice girls, and they’ll say like it’s the most obvious thing ever, “dad, girls only want chads, it’s over”. Prepare yourselves, it’s happening NOW.

but according to your logic, i'm a chad myself, since i do in fact date attractive women. so wouldn't i just end up breeding with a stacy and have kids with chad genes then?

That doesn’t really prove anything, unattractive guys have girls, some of which are very hot, date them, fake orgasms, and tell them they’re attractive. If you can go to a club and pick up any girls you want WITHOUT looking wealthy, that would prove it. That’s what a chad can do.

But even if you are that hot, genetic recombination ensures that there will still be more normie males than attractive ones.

i love how incel logic changes constantly to the point where it doesn't make sense.


"but i've had hot girlfriends, am i chad then?"


"oh so they don't only date chads? regular guys can get hot girls?"



seriously, why don't you go date a hot roastie and just let her cuck you? it's better than not getting laid, you only care if the girl is cheating if you actually love her, i don't love any girls i date, loving women is for faggots, i just want the pussy, and it's easier to get constant and consistent sex if you're in a relationship with a hot girl, one night stands are much harder.

How do we deal with them? Help them? Find out why they suck so bad?

Nah, fuck that, just ostracize them more so they just kill themselves off.

This but unironically.

Holy shit this is like SOO new, never in the history of the world have men failed to procreate or find love and die bitter, miserable lives!

This is new. They used to do things like study gravity or create calculus. Now they're just sad school shooters.

"Hey Brutus, backed in the good old days, slaves used to build monuments and water the gardens, now they're all just a bunch of sad, hate-filled murderous mobs roaming the countryside"

"Gee Claudius, how un-progressive! Don't they know that being useful to society is the only thing they ought to care about?"

I don't see millions of schoolshooters

most really smart eccentric geniuses were awkward virgins, but most awkward virgins were not eccentric geniuses. most of them were probably just ugly lower class losers.

Nah, fuck that, just ostracize them more so they just kill themselves off.

And shoot up a school or two on the way out. Then whine about guns, because nobody wants to take responsibility.

just ostracize them more so they just kill themselves off.

Well that used to work fine until the internet allowed then to find each other without leaving their homes. Believe me it'd be nice if we could stop that from happening.

Help them? Find out why they suck so bad?

Imagine thinking there's a lack of availability for psychological/social counseling in 2018.

Imagine thinking there's a lack of availability for psychological/social counseling in 2018.

The problem is just that there's no such thing as a "psychological" cure for being a loser.

Isn't there though? I feel like being a loser is more or less a psychological state itself; plenty of ugly/fat/otherwise physically disadvantaged people manage to find ways to contribute something worthwhile to society and avoid feeling like losers as a result.

Isn't there though? I feel like being a loser is more or less a psychological state itself;

Sounds like learned helplessness. And the cure for that is long and difficult, assuming that they want to get out of the mindset to begin with, which having these sorts of communities doesn't help at all.

That just needs to happen irl in order for them to not feel like losers irl.

The biggest issue you're going to face is that these communities are up and running. Simply stamping them out won't help, it'll just cause them to pop up someplace else that's harder to zap and cause people within it to further isolate themselves. Idiots like Pao don't help matters either since they can now point to relatively powerful and influential people actively trying to hurt them now.

IMO there is and there isn't, as little sense as that may make. I work for a grubhub clone in a college town and you probably wouldn't be shocked to hear that it's staffed and run A. almost entirely by men and B. frequently staffed by the socially inept/mentally ill, to the point that we have to fire otherwise competent people because they're so utterly toxic. Of the two most recent, one is an incel and possibl

IMO there is and there isn't, as little sense as that may make. Fitting in with a particular community or being good at a particular, say, professional niche does not translate to being good with women. That may as well be another world and if there was an actually good answer the red pill wouldn't have an audience, kind of like how AA and 12 step programs like it are still the default for addiction in spite of having a lousy success rate and being pseudoscience at best because we've yet to discover a genuinely better alternative.

Fitting in with a particular community or being good at a particular, say, professional niche does not translate to being good with women

It doesn't even translate into avoiding incel forums. Literally we're commenting on an article about incels who work in tech companies making big money doing well-respected work.

> Fitting in with a particular community or being good at a particular, say, professional niche does not translate to being good with women.

Right, and I feel like that's an important distinction to look at, because people who fit that description probably don't think of themselves as "losers" in most senses of the word, but may still end up identifying as incels if they get frustrated enough. So clearly "incel" isn't completely included within the category of "losers", and as such the different conditions probably require fundamentally different approaches. Perhaps there's more of an element of narcissism present in the incel complex?

Regardless, my incredibly optimistic hope is that the amount of attention they're getting leads to an increased awareness of their presence and the situations that create them, and some non-trivial effort to reduce the latter.

Perhaps there's more of an element of narcissism present in the incel complex?

I think so. I mean, there's a ton of people who check varying numbers of incel boxes, myself included, but speaking for myself I've rarely been bothered to care about that. I mean, I know that what I've wanted has exceeded what I've had to offer so I've procrastinated/tried to improve until the two are at least on the same planet. I may never find what I want in a romantic relationship but I'm okay with that and surveying those who have them they either have tons to offer or have been very willing to compromise, save for my dad who IMO legitimately hit the online dating lottery. I've had an unwanted woman be obsessed with/stalk me and been in unrequited love with a woman. The latter situation made me an emotional retard for a few months but eventually we got through it and we're good friends now.

As dumb as it sounds I just want someone to experience and complain about life with, lol. I also used to be a fatty and personally it was disillusioning how going from 240lbs to 170lbs (@6'1) did absolutely nothing for my internal self-image or social skills.

it was disillusioning how going from 240lbs to 170lbs (@6'1) did absolutely nothing for my internal self-image or social skills.

Right? For me it happened right before high school, and it was frustrating feeling as though I just couldn't measure up to what my classmates were up to socially. I was lucky to have a few good friends who helped make me feel like a normal person and made some great memories along the way.


The issue is there is a general questionable attitude towards sexual prowess in society and lots of status competition and shitty masculinity memes. They all contribute to the issue

The world doesn't care about "incels". Sure, there have always been virgin white guys that take their frustrations out on society, but seeing negareddit types and Pao wring their hands about a 30k strong group of sad dudes whose only characteristic is not having sex reflects more poorly on them than the incels.

Nah, fuck that, just ostracize them more so they just kill themselves off.

Too slow, not fast enough. Now if I get my 9mm, then we might speed things up.

Thats my reddit CEO!

Ellen Pao is butt ugly and she really ought to be an incel

She's Asian which gives her a +2.

Anyway, she's the hero we deserve not the hero we want and someone has to take charge of the incelcide.

She's Asian which gives her a +2.

Kind of meaningless when you consider the +9999999999999999999 from being a woman.

Males get -2 for being Asian unless they're called Bruce Lee and died in 1973.

If you don't do incel shit you shouldn't care

I'm on /r/Drama right now, and so are you....

radical centrism != incel terrorism

The irony of Ellen Pao, the quintessential female incel, leading the charge against tech incels.

females can't be incel

fuck off normie

You haven't met my wife!!



Come on over Terry! We're firing up the grill! Bring Tasha and that sweet little ass of hers.

have you seen ellens face

there's always a new boogeyman

For a woman married to a gay man, she's awfully angry at people who aren't having sex. Projection?

Did he ever get convicted of scamming those investors out of millions of dollars?

Every time period apparently needs a category of people that is acceptable to hate.

Who would have thunk people who spend hours doing shit on the computer would be bad with women

Imagine actually listing HR experience as a requirement for development work 😂😂😂 the actual state of these companies.

former CEO of the world's most repulsive white supremacist website states theres too many Male virgins in tech, suggests redpills

How is this dumb cunt still employable?

I’m with Pao, time to round up all the (((incels)))

They move seamlessly among online hate group forums where racism and misogyny feed on one another.

I seamlessly move from /r/drama to /r/subredditdrama, feeding on hate.

People like her need an enemy real or make believe.

Aspirationally we want our culture to allow everyone to contribute their best, most meaningful work. In both cases, that absolutely entails creating a diverse and inclusive culture—and that means rooting out and banning incel beliefs.

The most diverse and inclusive cultures in history all thrived on banning beliefs, of course.

I dont care if there is an incel purge. Does anyone remember when the mods of r/4chan wrote fanfiction where Ellen Pao fucked them? I want to read it again for the lols.

Is she volunteering to make them not Incel anymore?

I think Ellen hates incels because someone she thought was one turned down her sexual advances

She looks like a horse and a man combined. At least Sarah Jessica Parker looks like a female horse.

There's no way she's had a halfway decent dick anywhere near that snatch.

Didn't she become irrelevant after reddit got butthurt when she started banning the fatpeoplehate subreddits or something?

I can only think of /u/Mcmillanandhusband's thread and this post from Dr NerdLove

Boy, it's going to be a delight watching those milquetoast soyboys who bought into the inclusive software culture get side tracked hard and maybe sent to prison, or get ostracised.

Can't wait.

I truly can't wait.

Can you imagine the ludicrously high quality FOSS that these nerds will be making when they get fired from Google and instead angrily code all day at home?

Jesus Christ, I just realized I should be thanking Pao for bringing on the next tech boom. There's gonna be hologram catgirls dancing on my desk by 2022.

Ellen Pao is awful and she was so bad in Star Wars idk what Finn saw in her.

Ellen Pao looks like an incel lmao. She's so fucking ugly.

You mean to tell me silicon valley has nerdy virgin males that aren't getting any? Color me shocked.

Hey Ellen, I figured out a Final Solution to your Incel Problem. If you're so bothered by their presence in tech companies, then fuck them, they would no longer be incels, and you'll no longer have incels in tech companies.

Where's my reward?

Incels are gross, but the moral panic surrounding them is going to backfire in horrific ways.



She's just mad that incels can keep a tech job but she can't, despite all the sex she's having.

Running this stuff takes empathy as much as anything else...


I can assure everyone, absolutely no empathy is required to 'run this stuff.'