When a Peterson poster gets banned from r/surfing

117  2018-06-19 by RadComradeCompanero


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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How do SJWs manage to make everyone else look reasonable?

/u/dumbassthenes please respons.

Is /u/dumbassthenes the subhuman in question?

Internet mods man 🤣

/u/dumbassthenes how did you manage to look less reasonable and more pathetic than a jordan memerson fan?

/u/dumbassthenes is a platonic Reddit moderator. Forged in the fires of cuntitude to become an alpha-nerd and aspiring tinpot dictator.

I don't know what the latter part of /u/dumbassthenes name means but the first part sure as fuck checks out.

<screeches autistically about le Drumph>

Let drumphf.



right-wing SJW

Daddy Defense Force, now defending Daddy from potential attacks!

they're the best DDF i ever had, folks, believe me

they even go into defense mode when im not even attacked!

they cant be beat, theyre the best

and best thing, folks, THEY DO IT FOR FREE!

can you believe it ???

not EVERYONE but yes, most people

They're like a spoiled rich kid. They know they have the powers that be on their side so they can act like twice the cunt.

“the powers that be”? it’s just modship, don’t be a silly

You should ask OP, since they are a chapofugee. Drama doesn't put their kids in holding cells though, thats the difference.

Pretty much. Memerson is the Dr. Oz of psychology. Utterly dumb but prerty much harmless. Shouldn't Q cultists, T_D, Redpillers, Novels, or even AHS (who ironically have sent me hatemail) be banned first /u/dumbassthenes?

I think you've got it reversed, tbh. Memerson is brilliant and an actual threat.


I thought long and hard before writing about Jordan, and I do not do this lightly. He has one of the most agile and creative minds I’ve ever known. He is a powerful orator. He is smart, passionate, engaging and compelling and can be thoughtful and kind.

I was once his strongest supporter.

That all changed with his rise to celebrity. I am alarmed by his now-questionable relationship to truth, intellectual integrity and common decency, which I had not seen before. His output is voluminous and filled with oversimplifications which obscure or misrepresent complex matters in the service of a message which is difficult to pin down. He can be very persuasive, and toys with facts and with people’s emotions. I believe he is a man with a mission. It is less clear what that mission is.

In the end, I am writing this because of his extraordinary rise in visibility, the nature of his growing following and a concern that his ambitions might venture from stardom back to his long-standing interest in politics. I am writing this from a place of sadness and from a sense of responsibility to the public good to tell what I know about who Jordan is, having seen him up close, as a colleague and friend, and having examined up close his political actions at the University of Toronto, allegedly in defence of free speech. When he soared into the stratosphere he became peculiarly unknowable. There is something about the dazzle of the limelight that makes it hard to see him clearly. But people continue to be who they are even in the blinding overexposure of success. I have known Jordan Peterson for 20 years, and people had better know more about who he is.

There is reason to be concerned.

Dr Oz is also like that. He peddles slightly distasteful opinions, which again there are a lot of smart sounding people who do that. How is exactly is Memerson a threat?

Memerson has a deep interest in politics and literally tried to start his own church.

So. This really isn't new. The Fraser Institute is highly political. And religion is highly embedded in the Conservative party too. Heck my old mosque has a deep interest in politics (Also a hatred of gays) and is more dangerous then Memerson.

Again, how is he actively harmful?

Guys like memerson don't come along often. I think you're seriously underestimating his ability to win crowds of people. And he does it in a way that doesn't seem religious at first.

How is what he promoting actively harmful to society? It's dumb but not Nazi.

Guys like memerson don't come along often. I

They come along every party leadership race.

Memerson is the kind of guy that can win national elections while running circles around the left and do it without being a retard like Trump.

That's a bit of a shrill attitude. Firstly he hasn't actually run for MP, MLA, party leadership or even as a mayor or U of T chancellor. Secondly, that type of intellect was also seen in Bernier and Ignatieff - who both did not do very well. Thirdly, (at least Ontario) has already elected a retard called Ford.

"I liked his psychology but dislike his politics".

You can find idiotic acolytes of Dr. Oz describing him as the most extraordinarily intelligent and unique medical professional to walk the earth since Galen. That doesn't mean anything.

You guys are seriously underestimating Peterson. Comparing him to Dr Oz is just not valid.

Oz has been a professor at the Department of Surgery at Columbia University since 2001.[18] He directs the Cardiovascular Institute and Complementary Medicine Program at New York-Presbyterian Hospital.

It is very valid.

Is your actual position that Memerson is a supervillain bent on world domination to achieve... something?

I think he's looking to start a cult.

To what end? Also how? It's not like he's building a commune somewhere or forcing people to dramatically alter their lifestyles

I'm sure it's coming. The guy literally wanted to start his own church in the past.

Are you talking about this? The church that he "founded" as a joke for a student who asked Peterson to officiate his wedding, where the only rule is to not follow stupid rules? That church? Or am I missing something?

To be clear, you are basing your assumption that he wants to found a literal cult on the unsubstantiated claims of a colleague in a hit piece that in passing mentions him wanting to buy a church?

Yes, anything negative about memerson is a hit piece and the world is out to get him, some guy he worked with for over 20 years is not a reliable source because memerson makes you feel good inside.

I mean this is literally a hit piece, the guy in the article is pretty candid about the fact that he is writing this to knock Peterson down a peg. And Im not saying he's not a reliable source because I like Memerson, Im saying he's not a reliable source because he's not a reliable source.

This article is filled with anecdotes with no context and characterizations of his private interests that seem to portray him as a twitching high strung individual with lots of pent up anger who could snap at any minute. These anecdotes don't pass my personal smell test, and while that in itself does not necesarily mean the anecdotes are false I am immediately skeptical, and as we go further into the article and the author says more and more silly things these characterizations become less and less credible to me.

Going further down and getting to the famous stuff like C-16, where the author provides an absolutely charity free straw man of his actual arguments. After this he makes the claim that Memerson did not begin his anti-C-16 advocacy because he believed in it but because transgenderism is a hot button issue and it was a cynical cash grab.

Then he claims that Memerson being proud of the positive response to his book was evidence that he was secretly a fascist demagogue because Memerson once stated that fascist demagogues do things that get positive responses

Then the author talks about Memerson's opposition to Marxism and its child far left thought patterns, where the author goes full on tankie and starts white knighting for Marxism saying:

Following his opposition to Bill C-16, Jordan again sought to establish himself as a “warrior” and attacked identity politics and political correctness as threats to free speech. He characterized them as left-wing conspiracies rooted in a “murderous” ideology — Marxism. Calling Marxism, a respectable political and philosophical tradition, “murderous” conflates it with the perversion of those ideas in Stalinist Russia and elsewhere where they were. That is like calling Christianity a murderous ideology because of the blood that was shed in its name during the Inquisition, the Crusades and the great wars of Europe. That is ridiculous.

Aparently everybody who suggests Marxism had anything to do with the excesses of the 20th century nations that were in part or in whole based off its principles is ridiculous and bad. In fact its not only rediculous, according to the author saying mean things about Karl Marx is actually a threat, literally comparing Memerson to Joe McCarthy and HUAC.

The article claims that he wants to remove the free speech of his ideological opponents which is simply a lie. That'd be like me claiming this article was an attack on Memerson's freedom of speech.

Need I even go on? This article is so demonstrably bad that I marvel at it. I didn't even make it half way through and in that time the author did not only lose his credibility, he stomped it into the dirt, drove a herd of cattle over it, and then blew it up with a nuclear bomb. Im sorry Pizza but if you're trying to convince me that Jordan Peterson is Hitler 2.0 waiting in the wings then you're going to have to do better

The fact you decided to write this giant comment in defense of memerson and then went off on a rant about something not even related to the article says you, yourself, are in the cult.

Really? You’re Kafka-trapping him?

Who writes a giant comment like this to defend memerson and injects a story about marxism in there?

At least Im not posting about my fear that the world will be destroyed by a Canadian kermit the frog

When did I say he'd destroy the world?

Pizza stop talking nobody asked you

Dare I say, you made that claim up?

For as much as they complain about his capacity for saying very little with too many words they seem like theyre trying to outdo him

Why is he idiotic? I know its like not cool to say nice things about Memerson here but I see a lot of people say that he’s just an idiot, yet Ive never heard him say anything that made me go “wait, what did you just say?” Sure his fanbase is annoying but Im a Steelers fan, Im used to liking the same thing as idiots.

Perhaps idiotic is the wrong word. He obviously is very intelligent given his bio - Harvard and U of T don't just give out professorships.

However his newer stuff often has some rigid assumptions (I.e. like his lecture on career choice - success may be influenced by IQ but IQ isn't the sole factor) or not fact checked (Aka the Chinese paintings representing DNA -https://youtu.be/Nb5cBkbQpGY). I honestly don't get the hate for him thought (or Pizzashrill's irrational fear of him). Universities often have professors who are a bit interesting to say the least (I've had a good 3).

Im a historian by training so I am well aware of his tendency to simplify things to make an argument, which isnt great of course bit I still enjoy the arguments he makes and think they are usually reasonable. He’s not like my idol or anything but Id consider myself a fan, but I havent seen like tons and tons of his stuff so at least I know I havent missed the hidden lecture series where he proclaims the fourth reich or anything. Also the disproportionate reaction he gets from certain political hacks makes me think something in his message has struck a nerve, which to me is enough to pay attention

I honestly haven't found any Nazi stuff from him. I've just written him off as another kooky professor (who may be a genius within his field but has hit or miss advice and some interesting views outside of it). I do admire his speaking and debating skills thought.

Also the disproportionate reaction he gets from certain political hacks makes me think something in his message has struck a nerve, which to me is enough to pay attention

Honestly, I just think it's just that people don't like debating or listening to other's views anymore. Plus everything can go viral and reach a world audience. I'm sure my mentor's professor's rant on library cards being capitalistic oppression would have gone viral too.

This is the centrist take I come here for.

I don't know how the guy bothers anyone. I disagree with him on a lot, but he's not an idiot or some far right/far left Nazi/Commie or whatever anyone wants to call him. I have no idea how some quirky professor got so famous and controversial, but here we are in 2018.

Personal take here.

I've listened to most of his lectures. He makes a lot of sense and has amazing insights on some issues. For example, our society is in crisis and doesn't know how to handle sexuality.

But on other issues, he sounds more like Deepak Chopra or Oprah than a serious thinker. He tries to meld Christianity and 21st century psychology in a bizarre syncretism. For example, whenever someone asks him if he believes about God, he dodges the question and blabbers about how belief in God is cultural.

In the end, most of the opposition to him is regressive and oppressive. It's done by the worst elements of the left because calls them out on their bullshit, all while using the thoughts and terminology which they themselves usually employ. So you're liable to hear cherry picked quotes to make him look bad.

Legit look at this image and tell me that it did not come from a loony idiot.

Memerson is super smart to have moentized the anti-sjw countercultural zeitgeist to sell pop-psych self help to disaffected young men. He's raking it in.

Wow.. only a small shell of a man can abuse such a small amount of power like that.

What I like about Peterson's followers, is how they blow small things up into big deals, and then wax on semi-poetically about it.

i was gonna post something eerily similar to this.....

are you a JewLizard mindreading me?








congratulations, you've just described the entire internet.

This is true, but doesn't really apply here.

Mods being disproportionately sadsacks on a power trip is common knowledge.

He does it for free.

"I've been banned from several subs where I've posted for years, simply because I'm a member of a right wing sub."

Someone better tell him that his right wing subs do the same if you dare post in left leaning subs.

Politics have infiltrated everything. Of course you're getting banned for taking a side. Welcome to the future.

Lol it’s a surfing sub moron

Surfing is by nature highly politicized. The activity of riding waves is widely known for its broad spectrum of influence. As we know, surfing has been touching cultural, economic, social and political edges for a long time.

It all began with the misleading narrative of South Africa in the mid 1960s, which was ironically the highlight stop on each surfer's tour. At the same time the surfers were sampling the best of what the region had to offer blacks and other minorities were being systematically discriminated against and marginalized in society. Under the racial segregation laws of apartheid, South Africa was not only home to the kind of waves they dreamed about, but also the home of institutionalized racism.

Of course, surfers back then didn't see it as that, but as Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and staunch anti-apartheid activist Desmond Tutu has remarked, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”

Surfers soon had to come to terms with ther internalized racism and thankfully, in 1985, Australian surfer Tom Carroll sent shock-waves around the surfing world by announcing that he would be boycotting the South African leg of the ASP World Championship Tour. Reagan at that time was surgery for colon cancer or else he obviously would have adressed it in a speech. Alas, we were robbed of the opportunity to hear the take of one of history's greatest men, but instead got to hear it from even greater men.

I'm obviously talking about Tom Curren, Cheyne Horan and Martin Potter, who all were quick to announce they'd stay home as well.

This brings us to Indonesia, the archipelago nation on the southern fringe of South East Asia. There are many sides to it, some are lighter, some are darker. A light topic are obviously the surfer and the waves while a darker one was darker humans not being allowed on beaches.

In the early 1960s, Indonesia forcibly annexed the region and began a reign of terror that, according to Amnesty International, has resulted in between 100,000 and 400,000 West Papuans being killed while white men pulled bottom turns and carves in close distance. Many others have been beaten, tortured, raped, unjustly imprisoned and dispossessed of their land. And to ensure this conflict remains one of the most forgotten, access by foreign media and human rights organizations is heavily restricted, but surfers never forgot this chapter of their history.

Many more surfers did try to act, and in their defense, it has been the broader international community that has been slow to act butthey, as surfers, have an opportunity to learn from our past and be leaders this time around.

They took that opportunity and turned surfing and surf culture into one of the most left-leaning hobbies of all time.

Okay I’m convinced you are right

Never seen that from right wing subs.

Even td doesn't until you say something out of line

I got banned from TwoChromosomes for posting in TD and banned from TD for posting in r/politics. Both had to have scrolled through my post history.

Although I think TwoChromosomes does it automatically nowadays. Not sure.

so you’re saying we need to mod him?


Peterson himself is famous for that. A bill about pronoun use was turned into an atheist neo-marxist take over of his country

compelled speech.

the bill didnt compel speech

you have to use the correct pronoun

Its the same as

you have to say this

How is that not compelled speech?

did you not hear me? the bill didnt compel speech

It just punished you if you didn't say the words the government demanded by force of law that you say.

You're really bad at this.

I listened to a podcast interview with him today, the anger in his voice throughout the whole thing was rather unnerving. He needs to go and chill in a cabin for a while.

The Ted Kaczynski route. Good idea.

He's trying to save the world

He thinks he's that important

A bill about pronoun use

I like how you tried to make this sound like it's not a big deal when it's literally a proposal to put into law that you have to say something that isn't true. You are a ridiculous person.

Serious posting in drama

Out out out!

Didn't you serious post before him though?



\ > loser NEET won't get a job and can't find a girl, peterson fans find out he has a messy bedroom

folks we live in a SOCIETY

How exactly is that quote an example of what you just tried to describe? It's a plainly stated remark about pathetic moderators. If anything you tried to wax philosophically about a very common post.

shell of a man

Just say retard

"shell of a man" doesn't imply lack pf intelligence, it implies weakness which of course a little pussy boy moderator who bans people for not breaking any rules would be.

So just say retard

It doesn't mean retard, but I'll say it to you, you fucking retard.

happy cake day

Give me gold.

See? Easy, and doesn't make you sound like a tool.

""shell of a man" doesn't imply lack of intelligence, it implies weakness which of course a little pussy boy moderator who bans people for not breaking any rules would be." Doesn't imply lack of intelligence, it implies weakness.

He talks like a fag and his shit's all retarded.

i was gonna post this you fucking drama-thief :(

fucking lobsters, when will they learn

a lot of people take rock lobsters for granite

surfing srs bzness drumpftard

jesus christ give that a content warning next time

All Jordan Memerson followers are mayos. I support banning mayos from all public forums.

fully justified tbh

u/dallascrack name and shame

Saw this drama in the wild but didn’t get involved as I’m a fucking coward.

How petty and embarrassing. Lol

I hate Peterson but this is retarded

Indeed, it only serves to prove them right in their beliefs, just let them in until they slapfight themselves out.

Embarassing as fuck

worst part is that is not that weird to see this retarded political intolerance in surfing "community", thats why i dont participate in that shit

Is like hobby communities are inherently retarded or something

any sort of internet moderation is inherently retarded, might as well make it retarded in a productive way

Yeah, because if there is one word I would use to describe everyones use of time and energy on this subject it is productive.

Posting on the MDE subreddit also seems to get people banned from r/eyebleach and r/happy now lmao

Billionshekelsupreme, too :/

Isint that the satirical version of mde?

Yeah I think so

Wax your surfboard, bucko

Here's a timeline of the drama Pretty juicy, imo.

This is what faggots who go online and call democratically elected politicians "fascists" do in their spare time... lord over and play god with entire internet civilizations that have nothing to do with their shitty little opinions.

Wow.. only a small shell of a man can abuse such a small amount of power like that.


lol say what you like about Peterson, for some reason his opponents are all shrieking faggots

I cringe everytime a mod acts like this. It's so embarrassing. Fragile little bitches who can't remain impartial shouldn't be mods.

First part is just a generic little insult that we've heard a million times.

Second part is insight. Yay, you get my third upvote of the day and some reddit silver gives Reddit Silver

This is America

You don't surf. You have never surfed a day in your life. You lying sack of shit.

mods were a mistake

Gotta give /u/dumbassthenes credit though for being able to surf in jack boots.

Holy shit moderators on this site suck...

I mean, fuck Jordan Peterson, he lacks a fundamental understanding of everything he claims to know something about, but banning someone for going to a sub you, personally, don't like is fucking stupid.