Weebs of /r/askreddit get triggered someone doesn't want to fuck anime girls

7  2018-06-19 by VoodooRanger99


You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


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Snappy is sentient and this comment proves it.

You posted this with a false title because you're butthurt that people are calling you out for being an idiot online.

I posted a title i thought was amusing and would grab the readers attention

Not really. You're bumflustered that people are pointing out you're being a dumbass so you post it here for validation. Your title is complete nonsense.

Agendaposter get out

Stop being so bussy blasted faggot

"I got called out for being a moron so I'm gonna try to meme deflect to act like I fit in lol bussy ecks dee"

You aren't calling out shit. You're so fucking triggered you can't detect obvious bait

Joke's on them I was only pretending to be retarded

Well, yeah.

Please leave, actual retards only here.

Agendaposter get out

You’re literally a SRDine, though.


Are you pushing the centrist agenda by insinuating they shouldn’t be mocked? Very non-centrist of you.

I just got out-memed.

You’re literally a SRDine, though.


/r/drama sucks now

Man my wife has small tits i guess I'm a pedo u/VoodooRanger99

Send some pics and I'll decide

Nah the misses isn t some thot

Guess we'll have to play it safe and say you're a epheboloplousphile

that’s not an alibi

my wife

your LARPs get less and less believable by the day

Oh boy you got me

jokes on you my waifu is a titcow