Beholdthemasterrace is triggered by T_D upvoting some guy giving Antifa the finger

4  2018-06-19 by AdeptHoneyBadger


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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/u/CyndaquilFire35 can you use a different word than 'chud' next time? It sounds like a corporate boardroom meeting came up with it.

"Yeah we need something that's edgy to get the kids to use it, but it can't be offensive against cripples or retards. We want the illusion of edginess, but not really edginess".

Also antifa is gay as fuck.

Hey don't just downvote me /u/CyndaquilFire35. Come here to defend your position, or else we're gonna keep on asking and make fun of the fact that you have a pokemon in your username. Sad!

old man yells at clouds

Hey grandpa, it was me who downvoted your comments for being a braincel and MDE rapefugee

Pal i was shitting up this sub when you were still a twinkle in your dad's balls. Go back to Cringeanarchy.

Proof?🤔 How can I trust a braincel

I used to be /u/ultrashitpost but i got banned

/u/ultrashitpost I find it hard to believe that you were /u/ultrashitpost can you provide some proof that you were /u/ultrashitpost hmmm?

No and i dont really care enough


CHUD is an acronym, which is why he spelled it in all caps.

OP triggered by that sub for shitting on his fellow based magapede

170 days old what the fuck OP