SRDines debate if posting on r/JordanPeterson is grounds for being banned from r/surfing

57  2018-06-19 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


The correct answer is, obviously, yes.

your username is offensive

Just too soon.

First anyone with any sort of passing passionate political leaning.

Then the centrists.

Are you new here.

The only reason why SRDines are stupid is that they waste time debating it.

Debate and open discussion is a cancer to society.

Day of the can when?

r/Drama Should be proud of the Jordan Peterson subreddit today. The lads have been running a ping train on u/dumbassthenes for the past 24 hours...

Thanks eddy. I needed help.

edit #3 I have been banned


It's good to know that u/dumbassthenes is living up to his name

Surfers are renowned for their intellect.

And apparently their mind crippling autsim

I honestly dont find this stereotype offensive cause you arent even wrong, the amount of people without half of a brain in surfing is astonishing

My theory is that many of them smoke weed as much as they surf and stoners arent especially bright

There is a lot of white-people Buddhism too, bunch of bullshit about karma too

Hate it

Brah, was Buddha named after weed or was weed named after Buddha brah?

Are surfers smarter or dumber than self-help book readers though?


It's the best kind of drama. Morons vs Morons.

Where's the debate

...keep themselves safe

all of the memey username non posts should...

That linked screenshot. โ€œWhy canโ€™t I like literature and surfing?โ€ Holy fucking yikes.





yikes! That's creepy and prolematic y'all folks!

Ugh sweetie, like ugh.

That is without a doubt, the least chill surfing forum I've ever seen.

Im really conflicted about Jordan Memerson. True he attracts the wrong crowd but he also drives the right crowd to hysterics and gnashing of teeth so he must be doing something right

^ this is the correct radical centrist response

He is a true radical centrist prophet.

I think it's because he's a threat.

People who use science to attack SJWs are two a penny.

Memerson doesn't use science, he uses neo-Jungian pseudo-academic bullshit. And since the bread and butter of SJWs is a slightly different flavour of pseudo-academic bullshit they feel very threatened, especially as their flavour is bland as fuck.

Then heโ€™s not a threat to me so much as to people I hate, which Im fine with

It's like they're talking down to you and think they're so much smarter than you are, but they aren't really dealing with logic

An SRDine posted this

Something something smug something something justified

u/NotASellout you my friend just posted the least self aware thing . This quoted text coming from an SRD libtard is hilarious:

It's like they're talking down to you and think they're so much smarter than you are, but they aren't really dealing with logic. They seem completely disingenuous and flaky with their words so they can't be criticized or nailed down on being wrong.


posting on /r/JordanPeterson is grounds for being banned from life

top comment is "r/surfing mod go on Chapo"

srd: "wow jordan peterson fans are really brigading that thread hard"