Is denouncing concentration camps being too political?

21  2018-06-20 by KateUptonsCumback


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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State-issued waifu body pillows when?

u/jubbergun is a good goy

u/GordonFrohman_Lives u/AlvySinger pls no bully

Let me make this clear: Good guys, do not defend, in any way, whatis happening. You can fuck off too.


m'fellow human


It just doesn't roll off the tongue as well :(

The parents should exercise some responsibility and not enter a country illegally if they don't want to be detained. You're freaking out about Trump enforcing immigration law and not putting children in jail with adults.

I am freaking out about kids in cages dude. I really don't give a shit how they got there. Pro-lifers suddenly silent too. Fuck each and every one of you. There are better ways, and they admitted already "we will stop this when you fund the border wall", so kindly eat all the dicks.

You don't seem mad at the people actually breaking the law at the expense of children, your anger is entirely politically motivated and you deny the agency of brown people.

I am mad at the parents, but we can do better than we are, and republicans are using the situation to their advantage to get a useless wall built. You are arguing FOR kids in cages. You are trash, period.

Where should the kids be then? If they're not in cages than they're in an adult prison. You are arguing FOR kids in adult prisons. You are trash, period.

Yes, that is the ONLY alternative. You are so smart, how do you ever live with all these morons surrounding you?

What is the alternative?

That isn't my job to figure out, this is why we elect people. However, there are absolutely better ways to house, feed, and potentially help these families. You telling me we have money for a fucking Space Force, but not to help people seeking a better life?

Either way, saying adult prison is the alternative makes you functionally braindead.

The options are: Let them in

Detain adults and children together (this is illegal)

Detain adults and children separately

There aren't alternatives so if you're ruling out the lost one you must be advocating for letting them in. How many should we let in? Evacuate all shithole countries to better ones?

33% of Americans don't. the other 67% will not be making that mistake again. Trump will be the best thing to happen to this country, as that anti-human party will not see another presidency for decades, hopefully.

I am glad you know all the options, since you are a high level elected official, and not some dude wasting his time on social media defending kids in cages because its cool, they were born on the other side of a line.

they were born on the other side of a line

Borders are a thing. Why does USA need to take care of these families? There's plenty of other countries they could go to in Latin America with less language and legal barriers to immigration.

You're advocating to let them in and to ignore the border. That's not what voters want and this sort of shit is going to lead to Trump 2020. You're running his campaign for him right now.

When parents break laws their children suffer, it's not right or fair, but it's just a reality of what happens when you're unlucky enough to have your parents be criminals.

Unlucky enough to be born across a line

Fixed that for you.

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Well yeah, again borders are a thing. They're a political necessity for countries that want to maintain their standards of living and sovereignty, especially in a Democracy. They do make some people feel bad but then most immediately recognize their necessity.

I know this. Do you hear yourself speak and actually think you are making a new point? These kids can be being treated better by a country that history tells us was basically stolen in the first place, but we were once a beacon of hope for many, including your bloodline no doubt. You were lucky to be born in USA, they were not. Everything else you say strips of you of your humanity. Cite laws, cite precident, cite other countries. In the end, you are a simple person defending kids in cages.

You're attacking my humanity because I think borders should be a think. Newsflash, all of humanity uses border. These kids aren't being kept in cages indefinitely. They're being temporarily detained, legally limited to 20 days, until the government can release them to their parent or another relative.

It sucks for the kids that their parents broke the law and were born in a shithole but it's not USA's responsibility. You keep saying cages because you know it draws the mental image of small animal cages but they're being kept in chain link fences. It's no different than keeping them in rooms. Where should they keep them while they deal with the parents or find a relative to send them to? This isn't a Holocaust it's border enforcement and every country does it but apparently it's shameful for the USA to do it.

We are supposed to be better. We used to be. The last thing this current pres had done is make America better. Only for racists taking pleasure in this whole thing. Not saying that is you, but anything aside from outrage is consent.

Wtf does better mean? An open US-Mexico border? Really seems to be what you're implying. You've been dancing around explicitly saying that though because you know that's not a politically viable policy.

It is not what I am implying. We are back to square one. Better means not in cages, actually, they dont even need to be separated from their families. I know it's not viable, but the very fact that you said politically viable and not physically viable means there is some small part of you that knows we can be doing better. It is not my job to present an alternative, but we all know we can be doing better.

Why are you so hung up on cages? Wtf is the difference between being detained in a chain link fence and being detained in a cell or a room. They definitely need to keep the children somewhere while they deal with the parents. The parents illegally crossed the border, then when given the choice between being deported as a family or fighting for amnesty, which they could've done as a family at the border, they chose to fight for amnesty after they've already broken a US law.

This is ridiculous, the parents had many chances to keep their family together but they care about their family so little they do everything wrong and get themselves detained.

It is not my job to present an alternative

That is a huge copout. I presented all the logically possible alternatives. If you don't keep the kids with the parents , you don't release them into the USA, or you don't immediately deport them (which is also illegal if they claim amnesty) then you have to keep them somewhere. Yeah it's "cages", which are really just indoor chain link enclosures, but seriously what's the difference between this and any other form of detainment. The use of cages is a rhetorical tool to conjure up the image of children in tiny animal cages when that's not the case at all.

Damn, I totally suck for wanting these children to be treated like the religious right treats fetuses. Damn me.

The government taking care of them temporarily while they look for some suitable relative to take care of them? That is actually how the religious right wants to treat unwanted pregnancies. If you wanted that you wouldn't suck. But no you want to paint everyone that enforces the US-Mexico border as inhuman.

If they kept the children with the adults these same hysterics would happen but about how the US isn't doing enough to limit child trafficking and abuse in their immigrant holding facilities. And you would feel just as righteously angry about that as well because you're a political pawn for the Dems.

You use a whole lot of words to say exactly nothing. You literally made a new account to be a shill for Trump. Congrats, you played yourself.

I honestly think your attitude and this pro-immigration push will do more for Trump than me.

Again, we shall see soon enough. One of us is going to look particular foolish. Roll the dice.

The amount of smug in this comment is unbearable


I rarely say this but I hope your side loses


It is not my job to present an alternative, but we all know we can be doing better.

No, actually if someone claims that what they are doing is the lesser evil, you can't just REEEEE about how it's still evil, your job is to present an alternative.

And the worst thing is that I'm almost sure that you're not even sneakily pushing for the open borders alternative, not only you don't seriously expect Trump administration to bend and say that OK, from now on bringing a kid with you counts as a literal get out of jail free pass, you wouldn't expect Obama's to do that either and this is just an excuse to rally around "drumpf bad".

We are done talking now, dude who made this account today to argue for what it happening. May the rest of your life not be as shitty as your rhetoric.

Appealing to reddit account seniorty is really dumb. You are a sucker for transparent pro-immigration propaganda which will result in another Trump term, all the while you call all your political opponents inhuman and then claim they're the ones dehumanizing people. You're so fucking dumb.

You made the account and have done nothing but argue for these policies, I can only assume you take pleasure in this whole thing. One of us will look really dumb when that remind me bot kicks in. See you then dipshit.

That isn't my job to figure out

Lmao the typical liberal response.

"The media told me to be outraged about this, they have told me no better solutions, and I can't think of any better solutions, but I am simply outraged"

Typical douchebag response. Zero brain function behind your comment. Enjoy being shitty dude.

Wow nice and defensive, is this the first time you've ever been called out for peddling bullshit?

Is this the first time you spelled an entire sentence correctly? Shocked that I got defensive from someone laughing at me, wow. You are truly unique and superior.

I'm laughing at you because you are screeching about a problem and you admit you literally can't or can't be bothered to think of a better solution.

You basically admit to being a virtue signaling SJW. It's easy to say we should give everyone in the world free money. You get off on patting yourself on the back? I bet you get so many likes on your Facebook posts from your friends that you've culled to all have the same world view as you.

I am laughing at you because your only idea of self worth is laughing at those who believe differently than you. It is all you have. You have zero value to society.

Hmm, it's not all of my self worth, but I am very proud when my monkeys put on a good show.

To give them citizenship, free housing, free education and have them vote Democrat for life.


You are trash, period.

These people are trash, it's why their countries are shitholes.

There are better ways

I agree. We have a homeless problem and here we have this giant pile of illegal biomass. Instead of locking them away we could put that to use

In what way?

Biofuel, labor, protein supplements? The options are endless!

ahhh. Labor, depending on conditions isn't a bad option. The rest are troll answers. Lovely.

It's not trolling. Consider the following

  • The human body has a 126,000 caloric value, which converts to 0.14644 kWh
  • For sake of simplicity let's assume Mexicans have 70% of that value when factoring in their diminished size
  • We have 11.4 million illegals currently
  • We will assume the Mexican-Engine has a thermal efficiency of 35%

That gives us 409007 kWh. According to google the U.S. only consumed 12,986.74 kWh in 2014. This proposal would solve the energy crisis for decades.

Upvote for math, downvote for...dude.

ahhh. Labor, depending on conditions isn't a bad option

Not surprising, liberals love their latin underclass of labourers.

If you mashed them up they'd make a nutritious slurry.


Kids👏🏽in👏🏽cages👏🏽my👏🏽dudes👏🏽 Literal concentration camps! Trump is Nazi! Common decency! Asylum seekers aren't illegal! Human rights! Current Year! Two scoops!

It’s not illegal to enter the country even at non ports of entry then request asylum no matter your status. You wouldn’t know that since you’re a moron.

If you enter the country at a non-port of entry you will be prosecuted for illegal entry. This has been happening to immigrants without children for many admins now it's been expanded to include everybody. Most of these asylum requests are bogus and made on the USA after passing through many other countries with fewer language and legal barriers to immigration.

The trump admin has been closing ports of entry randomly cause “reasons”. It’s a misdemeanor at best to enter elsewhere and it’s a dumbass thing to prosecute and not something people are typically jailed for because it’s ridiculous. I’m glad your a judge now who’s reviewed their asylum claims but probably couldn’t tell us about the current situations in any foreign country tbh. You can just admit you hate refugees especially the brown variety.

It's not a dumbass thing to prosecute. Trump was elected in order to do exactly this. The US-Mexico border is closed, the voters want it closed, if you cross it illegally you will be prosecuted. Crossing the border and then claiming asylum when you're caught is not a get out of jail free card. And it's a thing other admins prosecuted just not against people with children. The USA has the right to do all of this and is not behaving especially different from any other country which enforce their borders.


Let me make this clear: overusing commas, is a fucking crime, against the English language. You can fuck off too.

I, can, type, how...I: want, you...human, trash, can.

Why would you attack me like that?

We should the use the mexican gremlins as stock and serve them to their parents

lol no homo though


You forgot the hand clap emojis, faggot. Don't make me take away your woke license.

Right side of history! 😇

ok I´ll weigh in on this.

If I met u/jubbergun at a bar and began talking about Rick and Morty to him I would most definitely like him, until the Trump administration is the subject. Kudos to him, in all this arguing, he was never impolite BUT the thing that ticked me the most is that some people, him included, tend to vent everytime somebody goes on TV and talks about personal tragedy and DARES to talk about current affairs as context. Suddenly to those guys, it becomes "too political". I saw the same shit on NHL facebook page when they turned the logo into the Gay Pride flag.

Law, policies, Trump, Obama, Clinton or whatever. Putting young children in cages is not acceptable ANYWHERE in the world, let alone in the so called civilized western world.

Watching the Trump adm defend this on national TV is a global disgrace.

Gideon is very much real and happening.

If I met u/jubbergun at a bar and began talking about Rick and Morty to him I would most definitely like him

Kudos to him, in all this arguing, he was never impolite

Slander! Lies and slander, all of it!!! I am not tolerable in any conceivable way in a social setting and I am deeply offended that anyone would describe me as polite.

To be fair, after looking at snopes and other sources, the whole cages thing seems falsified. Do you have concrete proof of cages?

Funnt, not one of the article yielded a single picture of children in cages, and only one photo of a group of illegals in a holding cell.

ok I´ll weigh in on this.

If I met u/jubbergun at a bar and began talking about Rick and Morty to him I would most definitely like him, until the Trump administration is the subject. Kudos to him, in all this arguing, he was never impolite BUT the thing that ticked me the most is that some people, him included, tend to vent everytime somebody goes on TV and talks about personal tragedy and DARES to talk about current affairs as context. Suddenly to those guys, it becomes "too political". I saw the same shit on NHL facebook page when they turned the logo into the Gay Pride flag.

New copypasta or bussyshillbot quote?

New copypasta or bussyshillbot quote?

I don't care if it's copypasta, but the only bot in my heart is Snappy.

Oh, shit, they're onto me. What nefarious group has you watching my interweb shenanigans, /u/KateUptonsCumback?

lol people are really uppity about this topic. Obama was doing this shit left and right and now this is the end of the world

Well, it is /r/television. The last time we had a discussion about them here it was about how no one could say anything to disagree with Current Year Man. They're basically /r/politics idiots talking about TV shows.

Actuall Obama wasn't doing this. What had happened with Obama was there was a case where they issues with proper facilities and had to place children in different ones. It was never a policy in the Obama administration to do what Trump is doing.

The only good thing about politifact is that they still have enough shame to write down the facts, so you can read and see how their conclusion is bullshit.

Now I kind of believe you're the best lawyer just on drama.

This is organic actually. I was just casually cruising through threads on r/television and found that you rustled a ton of jimmies.

Yeah, I did get quite the response. I thought it was pretty funny, but not funny enough for an agenda post.

YTs shouldn't worry that much. Within 30 years, latinKKKs will be fully seen as mayos, in the everlasting delusion of trying to stay relevant.

Given what happened to the Irish ...
