Page 1 of the manifesto.
59 2018-06-20 by pizzashill
Society bases your entire worth as a man on what you have to offer women or what women think of you. Anyone that dares protest or rebel against these normie traditions is declared a heretic, smeared. In their small, narrow understanding of the world anyone that is critical of women, or feminism, that must be because women won't sleep with them or they don't have the ability to sleep with women.
So they sling insults at you. They declare you an incel. The very idea that you might just be different than them, you might have a different value system is so offensive to their very existence that you're to be marginalized, ostracized, and treated as sub-human.
Toxic you must be, a boogeyman for the females. Why? Because women know that all THEY have to offer is that thing between their legs. Any male that strays from the path, says he wants nothing to do with them is a threat to their power.
Well, the day is quickly coming, femoids. A reckoning.
1 ReverieMetherlence 2018-06-20
1 princeofnumuria 2018-06-20
I honestly think this is fresh.
Mama-Mia, Ser Pizzashillio sure does like-a to cook some spicy incel pasta. Bene!
1 siskonaut 2018-06-20
Based and Redpilled.
I'm gonna to have my black queen bull ream my ass with a strap-on in honor of this post.
1 [deleted] 2018-06-20
1 life_is_painfull_ 2018-06-20
yeah you are definitely not a misogynist lol
1 kwawii 2018-06-20
Shilly seems to realize that /r/MGTOW are doofuses. But why then, does he keep spamming MGTOW talking points? And why does he keep acting surprised when people roast him for his femoid hateboner?
Where Are All The Good Anti-SJW Posters?
1 redditisgay6969 2018-06-20
because he’s an obese 30 y/o who lives in his moms basement and is addicted to WoW.
1 kwawii 2018-06-20
isn't everyone on this goddamn website?
but shilly's at least self-aware enough to acknowledge MGTOW is shit. but not self-aware enough to admit that he's practically the poster boy of MGTOW.
1 redditisgay6969 2018-06-20
story of his life. aware enough to know liberals are retarded but too autistic to not take conservative bait and REEEEEE his chubby little brain away.
1 Nopepole 2018-06-20
Why is MGTOW shit?
1 kwawii 2018-06-20
Normal person: "Yeah I don't believe in God." "Oh ok."
/r/atheism : "DAE LE CHRISTCUCK FUNDIE? DAE we'd have technological singularity right now if the Roman Empire had never converted to Christianity?"
Normal person: "I don't really feel comfortable with the idea of having children right now." "Oh ok."
/r/childfree : "DAE LE BREEDERS? I saw some breeder whipping out her tit today on the bus to silence her screeching spawn, OMG why do these mombies have to rub it in everyone's faces all the time?"
Normal people: "I don't think I'd be happy in a relationship, I'm just doing my own thing." "Oh ok."
MGTOW: "LMAO look at this meme picture of a woman who used to be hot in the 80s and is now a shriveled used up HAG! Anyway I was just taking care of some stuff as an independent, free man when I suddenly noticed some BETA NUMALE holding hands with a LANDWHALE who was yammerin' on about some irrelevant shit and I could only shake my head at this CUCKED motherfucker. Anyway how's those sexbots coming along?"
1 pizzashill 2018-06-20
[citation needed]
1 snallygaster 2018-06-20
I think he's just playing it up for a reaction at this point.
1 Strictlybutters 2018-06-20
Yeah it's basically performance art imo
1 PM_ME_UR_SUSPICIONS 2018-06-20
/u/pizzashell has emerged from his seriousposting cocoon to become a beautiful shitposting butterfly.
1 d-amazo 2018-06-20
1 butwomenarejustpeopl 2018-06-20
Why don't you care about the millions of she creature man haters over at trollx, ask women, gender critical? Why are you so obsessed with a single man?
1 life_is_painfull_ 2018-06-20
Women are our superior
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-06-20
1 WarSanchez 2018-06-20
LOL Oh Ed, you always surprise me with new levels of Advanced Autism.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-06-20
I exist to please you senpai ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
1 WarSanchez 2018-06-20
Daddy like ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
1 CirqueDuFuder 2018-06-20
1 headasplodes 2018-06-20
lol what did he say? Was it a mean ping or just unbearably autistic even for ed?
1 CirqueDuFuder 2018-06-20
Spammed retarded meme that you have to scroll forever through that kills the thread
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-06-20
Long ass Despacito ascii art.
1 Mircy 2018-06-20
1 subpoutine 2018-06-20
SeigeRodge.1 Ultrashitposter 2018-06-20
Siege is unironically better. Gives you handy tips on how to murder your mailman for example.
1 subpoutine 2018-06-20
...okay, now I actually wanna read this.
1 Not_RCMP_ 2018-06-20
Just train a pit bull to percive mailmen as toddlers
1 trapochaphouse 2018-06-20
Oh geez.
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-06-20
It's like me and Indians: pizzashill is normally centre-left but goes full natsoc when women come up.
1 Standard12 2018-06-20
It'll be a great day when one of you starts dropping bombs.
1 LightUmbra 2018-06-20
Indians >>>> pakis
At least they have land.
1 YHofSuburbia 2018-06-20
Does it matter if all they do with it is shit on it (literally)
1 LightUmbra 2018-06-20
Do the pakis do anything different?
1 PhysicsIsMyMistress 2018-06-20
Yeah in order to make sure the shit is halal we have to do a prayer first
1 saddertadder 2018-06-20
And only use ur left hand to wipe
1 Chicup 2018-06-20
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-06-20
You and pizzashill are different sides of the same radically centrist coin; you're centre-right and he's centre-left, and both of you are retards.
1 Chicup 2018-06-20
But I get laid, so there is that.
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-06-20
Pizzashill has sworn off women, not sex.
1 Chicup 2018-06-20
Good point...
1 SpotNL 2018-06-20
Pizzashill is normally goes full retard?
1 Chicup 2018-06-20
Meh edited on my phone, mi culpa.
1 cimarafa 2018-06-20
Against my better instincts, I will say one positive thing about Pakistan - they seem to be somewhat less economically retarded than India.
1 princeofnumuria 2018-06-20
You're going to have to walk me through that one. India has some of the biggest businesses and richest elites in the world. Pakistan has opened a few corner shops in northern England.
1 cimarafa 2018-06-20
Indians have done very well outside of India, and the sheer size of the domestic market means there are a few very rich people locally. But Indian economic regulation, largely as a result of Congress policies implemented shortly after independence, is stifling and far more extensive than in Pakistan. Pakistan is unironically a better place for foreign and domestic companies to do business.
1 Unicorn_Abattoir 2018-06-20
Aka The Taliban.
1 princeofnumuria 2018-06-20
Well, all I know is the whole subcontinent smells like a used tampon dipped in dog shit.
1 Not_RCMP_ 2018-06-20
That like beating up a toddler tho
1 AwanBros 2018-06-20
If you'd ever walked a mile in their mukluks, or make buffalo bannok you'd change your view toots sweet.
1 princeofnumuria 2018-06-20
Yeah but women don't stink like Indians do.
1 PhysicsIsMyMistress 2018-06-20
I feel like my place as the Dramatard of Paki descent is being upstaged by you.
Go back to whatever subreddit you came from
1 FewYogurt 2018-06-20
You can never go full retard on indians, they are literally the world's cockroaches. Anything said about them is rational
1 Blunt-Summarization 2018-06-20
You can never go full retard on indians, they are literally the world's cockroaches. Anything said about them is rational
1 subpoutine 2018-06-20
Stacies, care to explain this? Thought not. 😏
The Day of the Roast is coming, femoids. Hope it was worth it.
1 kwawii 2018-06-20
Now I understand feminists' problem with sexbots.
Apart from the mental imagery of some neckbeard going at it and the "clean-up" (or lack thereof) afterwards, of course. But at least it keeps the creepy neckbeards away from the proud biowomyn.
Still, it's interesting to see that moral panics about the Incel menace are not new, although this particular solution is not one that the boys at /r/Braincels would be particularly thrilled with.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-20
Nothing would crush women more than not having ugly men's souls to crush. Creep shaming is more erotic to them than their rabbit vibrators.
1 kwawii 2018-06-20
In that case, creep shaming should be benned and go on a UK-style list of verboten pr0n in the same category as those appalling animal crush fetish videos. neckbeards' souls might not be as cute as lizards but that doesn't entitle these wanna-be femmes fatales to putting their stilettos all over them.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-20
No creep shaming is a part of the social ecosystem and keeps the losers where they belong >:D
1 kwawii 2018-06-20
you just hate creeps because ur jealous of their supreme incellect.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-20
No, I'M a creep and being shamed is my fetish
1 ChaddingTater 2018-06-20
There's no Stacies on reddit you dummy, best you'll get is a Rachel or maybe a Krystal
1 broden 2018-06-20
[score hidden] an hour ago There's no Stacies on reddit you dummy, best you'll get is a Rachel or maybe a Krystal
And even then, you never know...
1 cimarafa 2018-06-20
I know about Tyrone and Chang, but can someone explain these subcategories of Stacey to me?
1 Die_Einste 2018-06-20
This is so good and so bad. Well done
1 normie_girl 2018-06-20
The Snake
1 sevgee 2018-06-20
What the fuck
1 jko831 2018-06-20
You can't kill the shill?
1 muck4doo 2018-06-20
You really could use a flag for your movement.
1 TRANSPHOBOS 2018-06-20
Like a handkerchief with a pizza-related map on it
1 zergling_Lester 2018-06-20
It should have a penis on it. I propose dickbutt.
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-06-20
I propose penis.
1 zergling_Lester 2018-06-20
I propose YOU! <3
1 Plexipus 2018-06-20
Femoid carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. This site is afraid of me. I have seen it's true face. The subs are extended gutters and the gutters are full of period blood and when the gashes finally scab over, all the roasties will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and male feminists will look up and shout "Save us!"...
...and Pizzashill will look down, and whisper "no."
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-06-20
1 mcslibbin 2018-06-20
i know
it's a shame a lot of people think Alan Moore is a good writer.
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-06-20
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1 princeofnumuria 2018-06-20
1 uniqueguy263 2018-06-20
1 zergling_Lester 2018-06-20
Can't we just use SCUM manifesto?
1 bigwordalt 2018-06-20
Is there anything more sad than a radical centrist? Taking extreme positions from both sides so all hate him and yet all sympathize with him. A man without a people recklessly pursuing the truth by reading both SPLC and redpill posts which has led him to swear off women and conservatives wholeheartedly. His very existence is an indictment of Internet culture and white men.
But what's the solution? People have tried to be friendly with him, bring him into the fold. But he will always explode with a screed about how dumb women or Republicans are alienating himself from all but the most vile corner of the Internet r/drama - a refuge for radical centrism that grows by the day. What is to be done about the radical centrist?
1 [deleted] 2018-06-20
1 Honk4Tits 2018-06-20
Bro women are great just because you found some shitty ones means nothing.
1 Robot879 2018-06-20
Women are okay, let's not get carried away here.
1 butwomenarejustpeopl 2018-06-20
1 Coco_Bandicock 2018-06-20
Lol fag
1 OfficialBeetroot 2018-06-20
And they say the anime is better than the manga.
In all serious shilly you've lost it cheers mate I needed a laugh.
1 nanonan 2018-06-20
You're fighting against nature herself, and you will lose every time. The only path to redemption is to worship at the Iron Temple and embrace your inner Chad.
1 kippot 2018-06-20
Pizza my dude, I know that crazy ass girl burned you bad but you can't let her fuck up your entire life 😑
1 SamWhite 2018-06-20
Exactly, when my friend walked in on his girlfriend cheating on him in their bed, he didn't write some fuckwitted manifesto, he just treated his next girlfriend like shit like a normal person.
1 kippot 2018-06-20
fucking on point son!
she wins if she has this much of an impact on ya /u/pizzashill
1 wont_be_silent 2018-06-20
THIS is why Elon Musk is building rockets.
1 charming_tainter 2018-06-20
Is this pasta from /gendercritical?
1 Red_of_Head 2018-06-20
I think you got the genders mixed up here bud.
1 error404brain 2018-06-20
What we learned : Pizzashill fursona is a mice.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-20
Every time a woman expresses interest in talking to me, I know her only purpose is to destroy everything I've worked for.
I'm devoting my entire life to destroying those cunts first
1 broden 2018-06-20
media interview post shooting
1 jasos-2005 2018-06-20
You toddled into the wrong sub, Elliot. This one’s for grown-ups. Your mom wants you to stop poopy-posting in the adults’ sub and clean up that stinky pile of crusty socks and stuck-together Milo Pedolopolus pinups under your race car bed or her little manling will have to start doing his own laundry. Chop chop!
1 YameteOniichanItai 2018-06-20
Women's worth is way more based on what men think of them and whether they are attractive. Just look at 30+ women.
1 AwanBros 2018-06-20
I don't want to pile on, but have you smelled a woman over 30? When I can smell the perfume 2 aisles over, it may be a bit much for bro dry shopping.
1 YameteOniichanItai 2018-06-20
It's the mating ritual of the christmas cakes. That's how they attract their
preypotential partners.1 HumongousGentleman 2018-06-20
Is the snake a predator or a parasite?
1 wwaalleess 2018-06-20
> unironically posting manifestos on /r/drama in the dead of night
1 Gtyyler 2018-06-20
More proof of why pizzashill should replace the outdated term incel.
1 Kat_B0T 2018-06-20
Not sure there is anything less appealing than a liberal MGTOW follower. Kys PS asap
1 elaie 2018-06-20
I'm okay with you having a different value system, so long as you listen to and respect mine. and if ours differ enough that I don't want to really relate to you anymore, then I'm going to stop. if that's a problem to you, too bad, but I'm always going to be open to a negotiation of the space we share between us. if that's still a problem to you, that's on you buddy. heavens forbid you decide to take that out on me. if it's not a problem, and you're a rational human that is up for some little old notions called compromise and consent, then great~! I will work with you to create a space where you can understand me, and where I can understand you. we can touch in the middle and do whatever we fucking please. this is a little place called "where anything can happen". you can set and create and discover these boundaries with anyone, and it just does not call for anyone "being put in their place". what the fuck do you want from us once we are "in our place"? and if I'm not the problem, then why exactly are you declaring war on everything like me? what do you fucking want to happen here?
1 reptilia987 2018-06-20
who hurt u
1 CocoNutsOn 2018-06-20
Your mouse is infected with toxoplasmosis, so it wants to be caught and eaten by a predator to help complete the parasites lifecycle. Your mouse needs treatment.
1 GrittyOil 2018-06-20
what about those things on their chest?
1 AwanBros 2018-06-20
What about the t h i c c booty on top of their legs?
1 coolusername1879 2018-06-20
elastigirl flashbacks
1 Chicup 2018-06-20
Its too early for larping.
1 princeofnumuria 2018-06-20
Oh Jesus...
1 pepperouchau 2018-06-20
I know I'm guilty of it too, but we give you way too much attention and you clearly enjoy it too much
1 do0rkn0b 2018-06-20
When you do pick a spot to shoot up can you write r/drama on the wall in the victims blood?
1 XhotwheelsloverX 2018-06-20
In today's anti-incel world, Incels face harassment, discrimination, and oppression than any other minority group on this planet. Basically, we now not only bullied in real life, but on online as well. And unlike other minority groups, we have no allies who would fight for our basic rights. Society itself shuns us by ignoring our constant pleas for assistance; which I find absolutely sickening.
It's sad how people are free to mock and bully Incels however and whenever they please without facing any kind of legal ramifications. And because of this we are consistently subjected to hate crimes on a daily basis thanks to our oppressors; and unfortunately, we have no way of fighting back against them due to them not only beating us in sheer numbers, but also destroying the support groups we congregate into; for no other reason than us being ugly virgins.
Honestly, it's time for society to recognise and stand up for what is right by providing Incels with legal protection for the hate crimes performed against us, and also class Incels as a protected class. And for those who bully and mock us - society should be punish them by locking them up - and making them provide reparations to Incels.
1 Tricitiesdrama 2018-06-20
Alright I'm done with you, you fucking autist. Get some fucking self awareness. While you're wondering, women don't hate you because you're a man. They hate you because at your very core you're a fucking sperg and they know if they stay the night they'll die
1 butwomenarejustpeopl 2018-06-20
Cuz she creatures never abuse men. Their forums are totally not filled with man hatred and the posters migrating here like that 40 year old lesbo whore totally don't hate men.
1 Tricitiesdrama 2018-06-20
Men do that too women as well, to a much higher degree. The truly radical centrist take is both genders suck so the argument is moot
1 Tricitiesdrama 2018-06-20
Posting about me in the discord instead of responding huh? Had to go to the PDF? Pathetic
1 Maxwyfe 2018-06-20
Oh, my God, shut your whiny ass mouth.
I assume, perhaps incorrectly that you've been to college so you should be aware that women in America and other parts of the world were marginalized and treated as chattel for literally centuries.
Quit your whiny baby bullshit about "Days of Reckoning!" and the uprising of the incels and take your fucking medicine because, honey, the day of reckoning for women being bought and sold and traded for sheep and pieces of silver haven't been over long enough for any of you dick swinging, Cheeto-eating keyboard warriors to have anything to complain about.
So you can take your 'manifesto' - We'll use your title even though you are clearly not a "man" - and shove it up your puckered and pimpled rear end.
1 pizzashill 2018-06-20
Here we see a foid trying to sound tough.
1 Maxwyfe 2018-06-20
Shut the fuck up and make me a sammich.
1 pizzashill 2018-06-20
Be gone, foid.
1 Maxwyfe 2018-06-20
1 parameciidae 2018-06-20
1 butwomenarejustpeopl 2018-06-20
Stfu. Stop spreading man hating feminist myths. Men weren't fucking allowed to vote either okay. And she creatures have literally never been faithful as proven in 2017. Please explain how not being able to vote is somehow worse than being sent to war and killed.
1 PurpleIcy 2018-06-20
1 Nopepole 2018-06-20
Pizzashill, if you leave me again... I will never forgive you. I will never forgive you...
1 outcastspidermonkey 2018-06-20
What in moronic hell does “muh soggy knees” mean?
1 shredler 2018-06-20
misogyny. If we are to make fun of incels we must understand the incels' vocabulary
1 Keep-Yourself-Safe 2018-06-20
1 Lysis10 2018-06-20
every time I try to get people to r/drama I mention pizzashill and autism as benefits but mentioning both is probably redundant.
1 [deleted] 2018-06-20
1 SamWhite 2018-06-20
This is the thread we'll come back to in a few months and ask ourselves how we missed the warning signs.
1 MagicHoudini 2018-06-20
Pizza I know she hurt you but you have to move on. You’re better than this.
1 shallowm 2018-06-20
Just wondering, was this post of yours inspired by this shitpost of mine?
1 coolusername1879 2018-06-20
Gamers... rise... up?