Is North Korea a LGBT stronghold? /r/communism discusses.

289  2018-06-20 by Hepu


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Niggas are straight up delusional.

Also this made me laugh

How did you get a tour of NK?


I went with I believe. You also have to go to Beijing first though, they only do flying to Pyongyang from there.

Really great opportunity though, I was 16 back then and went as a reward for doing well in college (UK), and it's probably the best thing I've ever done.

Communism and education in the UK, everyone.

I guess they don't teach you to not financially support regimes which operate concentration camps in UK colleges

regimes which operate concentration camps in UK colleges

The importance of commas.


Where would you add a comma there? Putting one after "camps" doesn't seem right.

I mean, going to NK is a once-in-a-lifetime experience even for non-tankies.

i wouldn't fuck around if I were American, but literally any other nationality is probably safe.

Right now it's probably safe but if you screw up or somehow get caught up in something you might go down in history as part of the reason for the Korean War part II.

The highest aspiration for any /r/drama user.

but literally any other nationality is probably safe.

if you are south korean or japanese you are 10x worse off than an american




Missed you girl 😍

once-in-a-lifetime experience


Totally, it'd be interesting as hell... but still like #230 on interesting as hell countries I want to visit.

Funny because there are less than 200

There's 29 countries I'd visit twice before NK.

I knew tankies were brain dead, but this is especially retarded even for them.

It's funny when a tankie calls you a bootlicker

or fash

No one accused them of being intelligent or self aware

Well we don’t really develop emotional intelligence like that until around age 12, so it’s understandable.

It's easy to be an egalitarian when you let everyone starve in a camp regardless of race, gender, creed, or sexuality.

North Korea is just about the least egalitarian place there is. It's a strict class hierarchy that's based on what your ancestors did during the Japanese occupation.

Well I've seen a tankie on this site claim that nazi kids (meaning: small children who happen to have been born to Nazi parents) deserve to be hanged too.

So, there's a kind of transitive hereditary property of fascism that I feel you're overlooking here.

nazi kids (meaning: small children who happen to have been born to Nazi parents) deserve to be hanged too.

i mean, I assume they're white, so....

While mayocide is a noble goal, there's just too many of them to kill at once. I think we should prioritize.

I'd start by killing mayos who derive any pride or any guilt from their skin color.

Those who are completely indifferent to arbitrary melanin levels in their skin can be safely left alone. Especially since we'll need some of the more high-IQ mayos to keep the economy running.

high-IQ mayos

contradiction in terms

Well, I was speaking only in relative terms. Unfortunately, there's not enough Ashkenazi Jews and Asians to run the entire operation by themselves.

There’s billions of Asians

Most of them in poverty though.

Most people just call them Jews.

Wtf happened to your previous account famalam ?

I like to keep my post histories short, the NSA could be reading brah.

Fair enough fam.

Mayos will simply be bred out. We will sterilize all male mayos by transitioning them and allow female mayos to be used as breeding stock for black cocks(supervised by black kweens of course, whitey can't be left alone). This is truly the compassionate way to exterminate the white race, simply killing them like the pests they are would be akin to wastefully slaughtering animals(which they are).

(meaning: small children who happen to have been born to Nazi parents) deserve to be hanged too.

That is literally what the Nazis stood for see sippenhaft

Yeah. But I always thought communism was supposed to be more rooted in a Rousseau-ian "man is born good but corrupted by society" kind of idealism. But tankies buy into the benign parts of the philosophy like men used to buy Playboy for the articles.

Maybe. I think anyone who lives in the modern West who declares themself a Communist probably is stupid enough to make it up as they go along.

I've always hypothesized that Tankies and Antifa are just violent assholes who are just self-aware enough to care about picking a more-or-less socially acceptable target. "Killing nazis" is the perfect excuse for a violent dickhead, especially when the definition of "nazi" can be stretched at will.

Nazis can't really be too liberal with their criteria for racial purity, because then they might end up having to kill themselves as they're all mutts anyway.

It's a spinoff of the SHARP skinhead movement

In the 90s skinheads were gangs of little men who felt bad because they were little and wanted to beat people up. Because racial identitarianism is stupid, an offshoot formed and that is today Antifa. They're still little.

It was quite common all around the world since antiquity.

Then there is taking it a bit further with the Nine Familial Executions where basically everyone somehow related to the criminal is killed.

IIRC (unless I'm confusing with /r/socialism) they're literally not allowed to say bad things about NK now, the ones who didn't conform were all banned.

So this is what's left after.

Tankies? I’ve never heard that one, what does it mean and what do they stand for?

Authoritarian communists. Named for defending Stalin's use of tanks to roll over dissent in occupied countries.

Understandable have a nice day

Better red than white.

I'm mixed do I still the guillotine? 🤔🤔

No, we chop your dick off tho

Its one thing to insist that le real communism has never been tried, but its extra bizarre to point to random shitholes that vaguely tried it and insist they are actually paradise.

I know how Cuba has transformed itself into a stronghold of LGBT rights.

Imagine calling a country that put LGBT to force labour camps and still does not recognize gay marriage a "stronghold of LGBT rights"

Useful idiots and lapping up authoritarian propaganda, name a more iconic duo.

name a more iconic duo.

The Road Warriors.


Some of the more galaxybrained lefties seem to judge countries more according to a progress mentality.

Saudi Arabia now lets women drive and stones somewhat less rape victims than before? Yasss kween! Stop being such a negative nancy you fucking Islamophobes.

Meanwhile, in the U.S and pretty much any Western country, women absolutely dominate higher education on almost every level except for a couple of juicy, high-paid fields like computer science? Fucking patriarchy man. Why can't misogynist manbabies just admit that women are bae and let us kweens slay in peace? 56% of college gradates are women so clearly any college major with less than 56% female students has a clear representation problem that can only be explained by systemic sexism.


In their view the USA is the worst hellhole to live in for LGBT people.

I saw "Queer eye for the straight guy" and all I could think was "Wow, this is like, ten million holocausts... damn you AmeriKKKa... Damn you."

You never hear about LGBT people having issues in North Korea, hence they live an idyllic life over there.

"Literal people are starving to death, there is forced labor camps, and countless people are murdered as accused spies."

"Uh, yeah - But you never hear about some dude in NK getting misgendered. heh. Point and match, fuckboi"

If Trump promises to enforce strict rules against misgendering kids in ICE prison camps liberals will not know whether to start praising him or keep on REEEEEEEEEEEEing.

Because religious assholes and "heteronormativity" are in the same league as homophobia being the default. /s


Now die

in the words of our good friend ted:

  1. Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.




This is 100% true but ackshooally it could pertain to any group.

Such as, conservatives say they dislike immigration because it hurts the economy, but really they dislike immigrants because they are brown and hold different values.

Almost nobody actually thinks that. They think its likely worse compared to other developed countries, but you would get laughed out of even the most SJW forum if you said America was worse for gay people than Saudi Arabia.

Well those guys seems to think Cuba and North Korea are better...

I’m Cuban and can safely say that Cuba and Cubans in general aren’t all that LGBT friendly. A LGBT group literally had to seek asylum in the Netherlands because they were being harassed by government officials.

I cosign this, I was there a yr ago and while you probably wont be murdered for it you'll still be shunned by everyone except the anarcholeft


So retards and unironic supporters of the Castro government? Que bueno

Exactly. I went to a punk show thrown to support LGBT. It was basically all expats and bros from Florida who sailed their yacht down the night before.

I honestly never thought there were punk shows in Cuba tbh, la discoteca and all the other stuff is present sure, but I find it ironic to be at a punk show and support the Cuban government

Theres definitely a community of punks down there, even outside of the expats.

Cuba isn't a stronghold of anyone's rights.

How are these people so delusional?

They are commies. Being delusional is basically a requirement for them.


You see this stronghold? It was built with gay slave labor.

No but they apologized-some commie when I told them this

Actually this is pretty shocking. I always thought the government was violently homophobic there (like, imprisoning gays in labor camps and executing you for sodomy and whatnot) but they literally had a drag queen lead a may day protest in 1995 and the government seems to be pretty good in regards to LGBT stuff compared to most other latin american nations. Castro himself in 1993 declared that he regretted past offences against LGBT people and that being homosexual was natural. He even allowed them in the military that year. He enabled classes in schools to teach people that homophobia was considered a bad prejudice that should be wiped away. They even have had transgender government officials.

I'm not surprised there is homophobia there obviously, its latin america after all, but I can see why some people would think of it as, at the very least, a country trying to better itself in regards to LGBT people and make up for past transgressions. I mean fuck, the state run television shows have soap operas about gay people as early as the mid 2000s.

Well, that's the most surprising thing I've read all day. They might be alright with gays, but that doesn't exactly matter when you are imprisoned for speaking out against the government so...

Cuba has transformed itself into a stronghold of LGBT rights

Literally from the first line of the wikipedia article on LGBT rights in Cuba:

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons in Cuba may face legal challenges not experienced by non-LGBT residents.

lmao also tankies have literally visited north korea:

I visited in 2015

and somehow still dont realise how shit that place is?

Wikipedia is just a neoliberal bootlicker propaganda tool devised by a white cis-male named Jimbo Wales, boi. I'm going to put you on that same shitlist as that "Venezuelan" who I saw complaining about "breadlines" the other day.

Remember comrades, if you see a Venezuelan complain about no food online, remember he's just a CIA expat/bougie trying to kill black people.

I really support the DPRK and its struggle

Struggle to do what exactly? Oppress the whole population? This is worse than being a tankie

Their struggle to speed up the final "poor people" solution.

But in the US most commies are Middle class suburban whities

yeah but they have 0 income, just wait

then why are people so concerned about the shrinking of the middle class?

Wtf i love North Korea now

This is being a tankie.

Not starve

to survive without giving up sovereignity, I believe. This is a core part of NK culture and politics: we are here because we are proud and strong and we withstand all this suffering because we don't want to surrender to foreign domination.

Also seen as "we have a duty to free our brother in the south from American occupation".

I'm a strong, beautiful Democratic People's Republic who don't need no economy.

who don't need no economy protein


Legal weed!

question - how did you manage to get a tour? i would like to go there some day and could use some info

I hope these losers go on a tour and then get thrown in a North Korean prison camp

I love questions like that, too. "I was planning on going, but I just needed to randomly come across someone to tell me how to do it."

I've played a VN about North Korea once. There weren't any gays but the chicks were hot. Not a bad country overall.

If you're talking about Stay Stay DPRK, wasn't there a drunk chick that hits on one of the other girls? And flat out says she isn't into men?



bastion of LGBT rights


I really support the DPRK and its struggle

Imagine being this delusional


Tankies are delusional.

These people are so very fucked in the head

It could be worse; they could be succdems.

It's one thing that there's a delusional tankie in a commie sub.
It's another thing that everyone else treats the delusional tankie as if he's completely sane.

TBF, if you were in a pub and the local nutter came in wearing a sandwich board and talking about how the government is trying to synchronize the frequency of our brainwaves with wifi in order to disturb the Earth's Schumann resonance and thereby prime our world for takeover by the Zetas, I wouldn't blame people for just nodding their head and going "uh-huh". Especially if the guy's left eye was twitching and he had already done time for trying to strangle a guy who disagreed with him.

Tankies have hair-trigger temper so I can't blame the other leftoids for appeasing him least he start a purge.

all east block states were super homophobic.

In east Germany it took until 1988 to get gay rights done on a legal level

Those assholes are now trying to argue that homophobia is so common despite of the commie assholes rather than because of them. As a Bi Polack this line of argument makes me want to apply some Direct Action TM to their face.

the state is always enemy of the minorities

Eastern European homophobia had more to do with the fact that Warsaw Pact MLs were mentally stuck in 1930s. The fact that over the top prudishness was the default attitude didn't help.

cant have glorious communist russia with degenerate fruits!

Is Poland homophobic? I've only been to the big cities and they didn't feel so, but I'm curious for your perspective

Pretty homophobic. Large proportion of population lives in countryside/small towns that are backwards af when it comes to everyting. People feel free to say extremely homophobic stuff outside of liberal enclaves. People that think they're tolerant because they don't hate them or believe in homphobic crap are still against gays adopting (something like 14-16% rate of support for that). It's not Russia/Third World level, but it's definitely at rural American shithole/Latin America level.

against gays adopting (something like 14-16% rate of support for that)

So only 14-16% of the pop. are batshit insane. Still too much, but much lower degeneracy levels compared to the rest of the west I must say.


All else aside, fuck people that book tours with north korea. That money is going straight into putting people in camps.

No, it probably goes to needing to put less people in camps.

Yes, I'm sure paying money to a literal dictator will do good for the world

Dude, that's literally what Saudi Arabia did to Bahrain and Jordan, which immediately punched up social security, wages, subsidies and everything which steamrolled the energy out of the protests. But where they had an agenda like in Syria they supported an insurgency instead. Dictators want to remain dictators, giving them money is probably a good idea, unless you have a clear path to an alternative victory and they aren't incredibly corrupt which Kim Jong Un doesn't seem to be.

Are you opposed to all foreign aid to authoritarian or dictatorial regimes? It is objectively beneficial.

Those people are going to camps no matter what. The money is going for Chivas Regal and Rolex watches.


I wonder how much it costs to run a labor camp then if a tour bus really goes that far to contributing. Maybe we can pool together for an official /r/drama labor camp indigogo campaign to

all you had to do was pay alot of money to get a visa [...] I was 16 back then and went as a reward for doing well in college (UK)

Paid a lot of money to get a visa... Parents (presumably) paid for him to fly out to the far east for 'doing well in college'... Something tells me this person is not exactly a proletarian.

How many proletarians have you met that are actually communists? Probably zero. You can make the argument that it takes a certain level of education to reach a point where you realise the real struggle is between classes but realistically it doesn't. Any idiot with a 6th grade reading comprehension and 45 minutes can be made to understand communism. The fact of the matter is that only the well-off have enough privledge to not realize how delusion the who system is. After a while you start to realize communists and libertarians suffer from the same problem of not having facts to back up their argument. At least when we try the libertarian system though nobody gets locked in work camps or shuffled of to the woods to get shot in the head and latter have the entire event denied by edgy teenagers.

According to the internet a lot of money is 30-80 € depending on your home country. That seems affordable for a proletarian family from the first world.

For what it's worth, the DPRK has organizations for ... Christians,

yeah, they're called concentration camps.

What the shit

/u/hoobacht what makes you think Cuba is a LGBT stronghold?

Xir is probably 15 years old and wouldn't know shit from shinola.

Cuba doesn’t ban gay wedding cakes.




yeah cause gays cant even get married there you fuckin retard

With any luck, the dumbfucks will move there. It's fucking hilarious that they either don't realize or are too stupid to know that they would not be allowed to even ask this question on the internet in NK, much less in person. They have a stronghold alright, they're called "labor camps." And if you're lucky enough to be put in one, your whole family goes with you, you stay the rest of your life and have no contact with the outside world. Rejoice, comrades!!


Communism really is a mental disorder.

That subreddit's "full rules": 4 pages. 4 full pages of fucking rules. What a load of faggots.

It's not worse than the United States so I don't care.

Advanced delusion. I like how sometime between the legalization of gay marriage and today certain American gay people/socialists convinced themselves that USA is a gay rights wateland. Being "woke" is a hell of a drug.

It's not worse than the United States so I don't care.

Holy shit imagine being this delusional

if you'd shown me this 5 years ago I'd be dead convinced it's a parody

There is no dissent on LGBT in NK, so yes it truly is a paradise form them.