Brave antifa warrior posts picture of /r/drama radical centrist to /r/beholdthemasterrace, comments are less than kind

91  2018-06-20 by mgtow_idgaf


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Pseudo trans √

Pseudo anarchist√


Pseudo marxist√

Insults people from post soviet countries√

Is a weeabo √

Probably √

Only in america

You should search for antifa physical training videos on Youtube. They are good entertainment.

Going off that gate, it’s a 3% trumptard. Somehow even worse.

OP is a trumptard himself

OP deleted the original thread yesterday where he mentions that a t_d user triggered that sub and now made this one calling the retard in the picture a /r/drama centrist

Really makes you think 🤔

Original post here:

The real twist is that the post in question is like half an year old

> Implying

Never conflate radical centrists and incel t_d tards

who are you quoting?

Can you just skip to the part where you post bussy?


I am pretty certain that the "III" stands for the number of inches his dick extends when he's reached peak sexual arousal. Like in that photo.

Isn't Xiaomi some cheapo phone brand?



Post picture of cute baby animal thx

Friendly travel advice, I may be a nice and unironically open gopnik to LGBT individuals, by comparison, but most other ones are not and if you ever want a free gender reassignment surgery you should go to EE and publically spout shit like this.


OP deleted the original thread yesterday where he mentions that t_d users triggered that sub and now made this one calling the retard in the picture a /r/drama centrist

Really makes you think 🤔

Original post here:

B...but people are being mean to our barely literate president!

The worst part of this is that /u/CyndaquilFire35 doesn't use their account anymore apparently.

An edgy high school commie tranny who can't help but reply to others would have made a good thread.

They don't use that account. I'm sure they use others. In fact, if you look very closely, you'll see a comment in this thread by one of their alts. Guess which comment it is!

people pointing out my blatant agendapost are the alts of the OP I'm making fun of

Retarded pedes OUT OUT OUT 👉👉👉

On one hand anything done to anyone in a Steven Universe shirt is justified. On the other, it seems as though judging by the different colors of the shirt that this brave 'Pede has a hellacious sweat stain, and goddammit I just can't get on board with anyone who has the audacity of being a goddamn pigboy.

I guess we'll just have to admit both sides are just as bad.

sweat doesn't just randomly form on just your stomach like that

it looks like there was a water fight somewhere, the SU fag looks like he's drenched. or, y'know, it could just be a hot motherfucking day out.

sweat doesn't just randomly form on just your stomach like that

it could just be a hot motherfucking day out.

Explain how you think sweat works.

let the record show i never claimed to not be retarded


On one hand anything done to anyone in a Steven Universe shirt is justified.

you're almost as bad for recognizing it.

What the hell is a Steven Universe?

Posting a pic to that sub where the leftists look like lefty stereotypes was really not a great idea...

Is the soyboy on the left wearing a Carl's Jr shirt?

Worse, steven universe

He should give the T_D guy some of Carl's Jr's "EXTRA BIG-ASS FRIES!"

What do you do when you want to be against Nazism but you also don't want to associate with the commies in antifa? Answer: get a job so you can afford a gun at Walmart and blow your brains out. If the shotguns are cheaper you can do it Kurt Style™ and take off your whole head.

Giving someone the finger is violence now?

Lot of people in there commenting on a year old post, really gonna show those antifa

Almost 6,000 upvotes on The_Donald for some CHUD being a dick to peaceful protesters...

ChapSnapClapFapHouse detected.

Fattie vs skinny bois. The Ultimate Showdown.

I think the irony of posting that skinny antifa manlet by the left to /r/beholdthemasterrace is lost on young /u/cyndaquilfire35


that cucksucker has III braincells. Twice as many as a full fledged nazi.

Call me paranoid but are upvotes for op in those comments look "botty"