r/television mod decided to temp ban me because I posted his stupid for karma

22  2018-06-20 by Accardi_Don


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  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. /u/Prax150 - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  3. is for open borders - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  4. I post his juicy stupidity on r/dra... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  5. Not even a half day later and I get... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

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/u/Prax150 lmao this is against reddiquete. I'm gonna report you for this.


He don't English good.

Go whine to SRC so we can post it on drama

r/television being a trash circlejerk sub? what a surprise

I can actually comment on this! First off, Prax did not ban you. Another mod, not me, did. In fact Prax explicitly stated in our slack channel that he wanted another mod to look at things as he was not comfortable acting on someone he was having a discussion with.

Second, you got a temporary ban for being uncivil in THIS POST where you used such colorful language like



So please stop being a disgusting progressive useful idiot

Know this, on /r/television we are pretty tolerant of people's thoughts and opinions, all we really ask is that people be civil about it and we really draw the line at personal attacks. We don't get paid to do this stuff, and at the end of the day, if someone is just being a pain in the ass, we ban them because we just don't want to deal with their bullshit anymore. It is that simple.

If you hadn't gotten personal about things and called Prax a "twat" or "disgusting progressive useful idiot" you would have been fine. I mean it really is that simple. No agendas. No politics. We just don't like people hurling personal attacks and name calling at others on our sub.

Now if you have any questions about how the sub is run, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer. Though do know that right now I have had my privs on the sub downgraded as I am taking a bit of a modding break. But I can still see the modlog and am in the mod slack.

I love shitting on mods but thanks for calling OP out a big fat liar.

What he didn't mention was that I called /u/Prax150 a twat yesterday but didn't get a ban until an hour after I posted the thread on r/drama. Why didn't I get it last night? This morning?

His whole comment reeks of the mods trying to save face. Which is sad because being a mod is already pathetic enough.

Well I have since updated my post to be more entertaining. So enjoy :)

Prax did act like a twat and is very much a disgusting progressive useful idiot. These aren't insults but adequate labels for a mod who has quite frankly shitty views and a terrible demeanor towards immigration hawks. He needs to be better and not be a whiney cunt.

The issue remains that the optics of your sub moderation look terrible.

I didn't get the ban yesterday. I literally got it an hour or so after I posted /u/Prax self made drama on r/drama. Why didn't I get it late last night? Why didn't I have my comment deleted?

Whether Prax did it or it was another of your feckless mods, it doesn't change the fact that your timing comes off as suspicious and the ban was retaliatory because I showed r/drama how stupid Prax is.

Now here you are trying to save face, and honestly bit seems nothing more than a poor attempt to cover up your shitty mod practices. Although I will gladly accept proof that the ban wasn't because you all have frail egos caused by terrible parenting and a shitty childhood.

But /u/Prax150 was being a twat and a disgusting progressive useful idiot. These aren't insults but proper label for the shitty views and behavior that he was exhibiting towards the immigration hawks on the thread.

But the bigger issue here is that the optics for the mod team look terrible.

I called Prax a twat yesterday. Why didn't I get the ban last night? Why didn't I get my comment deleted?

Instead I get the ban an hour after I post Prax's stupidity on r/drama. The timing reeks of retaliatory action of a butthurt mod.

It doesn't matter if Prax did it or another mod did it for him, this seems like r/television has nothing more that feckless moderators who didn't want one of their own be mocked. Which honestly is sad considering that being a mod is already very pathetic.

You have presented no proof that you mods weren't just being retaliatory on behalf of Prax. I'll gladly accept any. In the meantime please accept my calls that you all are nothing more than cunts

Do you really expect us to act on everything instantly? There 11 mods for /r/television, and essentially only 10 right now with me taking a break. We cannot get to everything instantly, nor do we live on reddit 24/7. Hell, people aren't on our Slack channel 24/7. We get to things as we see them and/or we care to act. Hell, we ban people for stuff they said days ago all the time simply because we do not read every single comment and it took that long for someone to report the offense. Saying something rule breaking and being banned within 20 hours is pretty damn good on our part.

So this is all just one unfortunate coincidence?

Occam's Razor buddy. The simplest solution is usually the correct one. No malice. No agenda. We just don't live on reddit 24/7. Things will take time to get done unless we just so happen to be on. Kind of like how I am responding to you within 5 minutes of your comment. Next time it could be hours, or even days before I have the chance to get back on. You would just have to wait.

Alright then. I still think Prax is a cunt with daddy issues but I buy your story.

I'm still going to post his drama because I mean how can I not?

I mean you can think that all you want about Prax. He and I don't agree on everything either, but rule of the sub is we want people to be civil and we don't tolerate personal attacks or name calling. I mean you can call someone an idiot, but when you start using more colorful language we tend to get more ban happy.

As for posting here... Eh, it's not my sub.

Alright then. I still think Prax is a cunt with daddy issues but I buy your story.

I'm still going to post his drama because I mean how can I not?

For the record, I'm the one that banned you. I'm pretty sure he linked the general thread and I read through it this morning and got you for using shitty language. I actually agree that prax (and /u/2th) can both be cunts from time to time, but both of them don't moderate when they're involved in conversations.

And, to be frank, there are currently far less than 10 active mods. 1 of them is taking a break until after his wedding + honeymoon and several of them are just legacy mods that don't really moderate much but they don't cause harm and they're fun to talk to and are around often enough that i can poke them and get a response.

But on reddit, the simplest answer genuinelynis 'the mod is a cu t', because almos t all of you are.

Yikes. When you turn out to be the attention-seeking dramawhore all along.


But /u/Prax150   was being a twat and a disgusting progressive useful idiot. These aren't insults but proper label for the shitty views and behavior that he was exhibiting towards the immigration hawks on the thread.

lol as if the proper labels for you aren't 100x worse.

Imagine being so god damn retarded you think that not wanting children needlessly separated from their parents is equal to "open borders".

Imagine being this stupid

Any other questions?

Please produce some drama. Civil discussion make my penis soft.

Imagine giving enough of a shit about running a containment board that you have a fucking slack set up for it.

I mean it is just a free slack channel. Nothing fancy. Just for us to bounce ideas of each other or if we need a second opinion. Imagine giving a shit enough about how someone moderates that you have to make a fucking comment about it.

Imagine giving a shit enough about how someone moderates that you have to make a fucking comment about it.

I mean, shitty mods ruin communities.

Just look at this place.

Imagine giving enough of a shit about some thing you have nothing to do with that you belittle people for using a free communication app.

When I was a mod at /r/jailbait we just used modmail for communication.
