Wherein Q 'n pals fall for an MS Paint-tier shoop.

76  2018-06-20 by snallygaster


Cool story, bro


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except this is photoshopped, those vests were phased out while I was in, 8 years ago.

DON'T CARE ! I love it !

is there any sub with more boomers per capita than /r/greatawakening ?

/u/O2BFREEME2 how old are you


DON'T CARE ! I love it !

So you're cool with Q posting fake shit then?

I mean, what else is new?

Do you get paid to shill ? I need some cash too !

You post on the Great Awakening all day every day. I think if we gonna blame each other for shilling, I can make a better case for you.

Actually that's not quite true. I can't from Work. Hit a nerve huh ?

So let me get this straight. You accuse me of shilling (out of the blue) because I said something you don't like, and somehow you are the one that hit my nerve?

I know you follow Q and all, but even you can see how this logic doesn't follow.

No, Actually it was your insinuation That all Q posts were fake !




The sky is blue


Fucking sheeple, any day now Q is definitely gonna drop the big evidence that the sky isn't blue and not just more bad photoshops.

Oh, it is not an insinuation. All Q posts are completely fake and the people who still believe in it are so deep into it that they'll never be persuaded otherwise.

How many times does the q stuff have to be wrong before you wake up? I hoped many of you guys would wake up after the bogus IG report and him telling you to "Trust Horowitz", but nope.

Because it is fake, and you are in a Cult.

GO FUCK YOURSELF ! You are all a bunch of whiny ass punks and losers, stuck in your parents basements angry that you don't matter, to anyone !

We matter more than your bingo halls and your children who don't talk to you anymore

I help save lives you dipshit, I have made more of an impact to help children than you or your dipshit pedo obessed cult ever will.

This is why we need to cut Medicare.

48, Grandma plays bingo. This is some funny shit. Got you but monkeys all wound up. Get out of your parents basements, LMFAO

>48 and still LARPing on Leddit

Unironically a waste of oxygen

Your own subreddit agreed that this was a fake photoshop and your response was 'don't care, I love it.' Why do you now care whether something is fake or not, it wasn't important before.

But you sure are making it important now :)

Most people do care whether something they believe in is fake or not, I'm curious why you don't. Do you just like the story or something?


Social security checks not covering it?




Why do you think that people pointing out a fact (that Q and friends are responding to a poorly photoshopped image as if it is real) is 'shilling'? Is any given person who doesn't step in line with your fantasy a shill?

His suspicion is understandable. No one with an ounce of sense wouldn't take Soros checks given how good the payout is.

True. It's so generous of Soros to have given everyone on /r/drama a living wage simply to laugh at PATRIOTs.

Why do you put a space before exclamation points and question marks? Like this !

Normal people write like this!

Sorry, Poor typing skills. Is it that important ?

If you don't want to sound like an idiot, yes, it is.

Words don't make any noise ? And really, there are so many more important things in life to worry about ?

It's called a figure of speech.

I'm teasing you :)


haha gottem

normal people

There you go

Shit, do you?

The great Ted Bundy said

You learn what you need to kill and take care of the details. It’s like changing a tire. The first time you’re careful. By the thirtieth time, you can’t remember where you left the lug wrench.

Why? However much turpentine you drink, you can't become any more stupid.

Get out of your parents basements, Get a job ! LMFAO

So you're cool with Q posting fake shit then?

I would strap a bomb to my chest and walk into a government building for him. Q is wonderful, all hail Q!

Q Ackbar! Q Ackbar!

Really ! That's where your pea brain went with that ? It was a symbolic gesture, You have got to get out more often !

You have got to get out more often !

And you have to learn how to use punctuation

Protip: you don't put a space between the last word of the sentence and the punctuation mark.

tfw you get lied to and instead of being mad about it you say it was a "symbolic gesture"

This is the most pathetic, dickless shit I've ever seen. Grow a backbone, you old fuck.

WOW, You kiss your mother with that mouth ?

Nah, I'm not into incest.

Doesn't change that I'm right though. This is some extreme pussy-ass shit from you.

It is really disappointing about children today, how tough they think they are behind a computer screen !

You wanna meet up in person? I'm pretty sure your bones will turn to dust from a sharp glare.

Absolutely !


Snake, snake, snaaaaaaaaake!

Look in a fucking mirror

Q isn't the one that posted the image, another anon posted it. He just replied to it with the "god bless" message.

He did post this along with some other blatantly fake shit over the past few days, lmao

I'm wondering if at this point the people behind Q are seeing how far they can push the limits in terms of posting concretely demonstrable bullshit and having their followers swallow it.

If you are going to put in fake spray paint why would you do it on the only rounded part so that you can see the aspects are all wrong.

This is too obviously bad. Is this a false flag?

This is too obviously bad. Is this a false flag?

I think something's changed in the people behind Q. After he stopped posting for a few days a couple of weeks ago, most of the posts he makes now are just rah rah PATRIOT shit and replies to comments. The 'cryptic' shit is way less cryptic and seems lazy or sloppy- whoever's behind it is now pointing to tangible stuff with an even more thinly-cryptic veil. That in combination with the easily debunked stuff he's posted leads me to believe that either the main person/people behind Q let someone else take over or that they've decided to change the tone for whatever reason.

Maybe they're scared after the recent Battle of Hoover Dam?

Oh yeah, the White House letterhead thing comes to mind.

I wonder how many people have jumped off the Qanon train. I've seen people doubt the legitimacy of Q on /r/greatawakening, but it doesn't happen very often.

If it's happening, it's mostly happening silently, though there were some public jumpers after the IG report. The problem is that the True Believers will continue to spread the word and they won't know about all of the evidence against Q because there's no place where they're all consolidated that hits the top of the search results.

I'm wondering if at this point the people behind Q are seeing how far they can push the limits in terms of posting concretely demonstrable bullshit and having their followers swallow it.

This is the first thing that I thought of.

Something has to have happened behind the scenes for them to just give up like this. I wonder what it was.

I'd do it for fun tbh

You should thank God we are here : ) And it's not nice to insult your (betters) Elders !

Hello /u/O2BFREEME2 it's me, you're savior! I am Q. Thank you for following me and my teachings, I'm glad I could open your mind to the EVILS of the world.

Business End of a shotgun.





user reports:
1: given what Q's followers are like, this comment might actually drive someone to kill themselves

Senility is starting to set in, eh?

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

Are you out for the summer or still living in your parents basement ?

Great comment disciple!

Watch the water.


Hillary (34)788-23:89

Todays the day.

Trust the plan

Shot to temple

You. Please.


I've takin shits better than you. Take your meds you fucking nutjob

Man, I'm gonna be real hapopy when trump cuts your Social Security checks and all of you crazy boomers lose your McMansions.

Well since my parents have passed, i my have to come live in your parents basement with you, LMFAO

We should add make retarded shoops for them to drool at

Imagine a bunch of boomers getting tricked by a shitty photoshop. Seems legit imo

It's so considerate of them to pop over for a few hours and help save the United States, what with their busy schedules of donating their life savings to prosperity preachers, giving their routing numbers to ten different Nigerian princes, updating their subscriptions to app1e-antivirus.com.in, and filling out two dozen forms with their name/address/SSN to claim all those free iPads and iPhones

Don’t forget the time they spend haggling 60 free cds for only one penny! I think that’s still around, strictly for boomers.

Lmao plexipus, I did a little research. Click my post history we are 100% right

Can anyone tell me what the letters mean

"Where We Go 1, We Go All."

It's their feel-good togetherness catchphrase.

Wow it's like a broken English version of an anime battle cry

So an anime battle cry?

Most of them can't form a coherent sentence, so of course their catchphrase is just as retarded as all of their posts.

So a herd of sheep jumping off a cliff?

The funniest part is that it's from the movie White Squall but the qultists think Kennedy said it

Fucking christ. You're right. They lifted it from a forgotten Jeff Bridges film. Whoever's trolling these idiots just went up in my estimation, that is just so wonderfully filled with contempt.

The thing is, they know that shit already, I found out via greatawakening

So they simultaneously know that it's some dumb movie quote, and also think it's a JFK quote? They're good at this doublethink lark, gotta give them that.

i STILL have no idea what all of this Q and great awakening nonsense is. mentally ill conspiracy theorists, i guess?

help me plz snally

Q(some anon on 4chan or something) makes a vague prediction, elders on the internet see it and think "Hey I like religious shit, let's make up a cult about this".

Great awakening is them expecting everyone to wake up and rebel against the shadow government that competently/incompetently rules our lives and countries.

boomer people nonsense

It like Dungeons and Dragons for idiots who desperately wish they had any effect on the world. You can play too, just rub some mercury on your temples every morning and paint all your rooms with lead based paint. in a few weeks it will all start to make sense.

Don't forget to use a deodorant/antiperspirant with the highest aluminum content you can find

Q is some dude larping as a government insider and makes predictions like "trump will mention small business day on twitter" and connects it to something else such as "this will be code for him taking on the deep state". So when he's right on the first thing, Q-cultists believe he's right on the second thing as well.

Most of the movement appears to be baby boomers, old people at this point, though. There's a lot of religious stuff mixed in, some thinking trump is the next Darius of Persia. They're very gullible.

It's a cult at this point though, a lot of people in the sub mention that their family has stop talking to them because they don't believe in the conspiracy theory involved. Unfortunately, it's enticing to the retarded because:

a) trump is pretty easy to predict for minor things. He's going to talk about business, why our allies aren't supporting america, enough, etc. So anytime Q is right about the small stuff, his followers think q is right on everything else.

b) anything related to catching pedophiles is used to reinforce trump's master plan with Q. Pizzagate is the conspiracy theory that a pizza place in DC secretly hosts an underground child trafficking area, and that all deep state/ democrats that Q cultists don't like are all involved with it, thus involved with all pedophilia in the country.

c) anything that Q says that's wrong is just "oh deepstate caught on so plans had to be changed". There was supposed to be a major government take-over of some sort last November according to Q's messages that obviously never happened, as well as some unmasking business last Friday, that again, never happened. Q can't do wrong in the cultists' eyes.

I collect conspiracy theories because I think they're entertaining.

I honestly can't follow this Q nonsense. It's just some larper posting noise and a bunch of people (including the larper) "figuring out the coded message."

It's less credible than Pizzagate. It's less credible than Bush doing 9/11 (which is actually true). It's less credible than fucking chemtrails.

Boomers were a goddamned mistake.

I still don't understand what the fuckkkk is going on with this q shit.

what the fuck is going on with this q shit

It’s just Boomers taking a chan larper seriously.

I don't get it. Why does photoshopping some letters on some army guy's mean something? Is it supposed to be a secret Q code?

Its their motto. Where we go one we go all.

Whose motto? The Qultists?


It's weird Q doesn't know this is an outdated pic that was photoshopped. What is he trying to teach us with the shopped pics lately? This, the graffiti, the face? It must mean something bigger.

So close, yet so far away.

WOW. I never actually believed that GreatAwakening was filled with old fucks. but this seals the deal for me.

Definitely old flak jackets. Probably an old pic. WWG1WGA has been used for a long time in the military.

12 years in the military and I heard it exactly zero times.

This lyin' motherfucker.

It's from the movie White Squall, it's not a military thing

It's weird Q doesn't know this is an outdated pic that was photoshopped. What is he trying to teach us with the shopped pics lately? This, the graffiti, the face? It must mean something bigger.

this is just sad

I think we should steal more topmindsofreddit content because lately half the posts are about their constant feud with the retarded conspiracy mods.

/u/R3VO1utionary, how much is Q making off this bullshit?