/u/pizzashill the secret nazi alt-right racist with poor geography: "Mexico isn't a western country"

43  2018-06-20 by eva_unit_hung


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You realize I'm right, correct?

Western country has a meaning and nobody considers Mexico part of that.

This is some low quality bait, no way you're this stupid.

This isn't bait. You just don't know eva unit hung.

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.

So everything?

are you a retard dude? mexico is the last place with western values. whats more western then saying fuck our politicians and country we just want to be free to make as much money as possible. cartels are just modern day Virginia trading companies struggling to make it in the new world and immigrants are just modern day pilgrims


Mexico can't be a "Western" country since its south of the US.


Middle Western.

Hence why we look like Arabs.





oh well that explains you

I should really post my ID picture LMAO.

Oscar De La Sanchez-Rodriguez el tercero

picture: this

ethnicity: white


Lmao your dead on with this one. I don’t think pizzashill cares much for Mexicans unless they are children being oppressed by border security tbh

But mexico isn't a western country ... It's a latin american one.

Latin = Roman = greatest Western civilization in history


Latin = Roman = greatest Western civilization in history

That's a weird way to write France, fam.

The French arent people retard

Indeed we are superior (((reptilians))).

Frogs aren't reptiles, they're amphibians ya dingus.

That's a lie colporated by the brit royalty to get us out of the illuminatis.

A collection of tacos and molested children does not a country make.

I was more hoping for molested tacos given to starving children. Mexico should get it's act together and due that instead of the whole destitue poverty thing.

Mexico isn't western its full of spics

unironically pizza's reasoning

It's solid reasoning

Do you mean "not a 1st world country"?

/u/pizzashill answer this man

there are non-western first world countries... okay, there's two. South korea and Japan

Westernizing your military, economy, and political structure isn’t the same as becoming a western nation. Japan’s culture, while it did borrow elements from western nations during and after the Menji period, is too distinct from other western nations for them to be considered western IMO.

Singapore as well

Singapore is a city state a 1/10 the size of the bay area(barely a country). Also, it was founded by a mayo.

Singapore is considered a sovereign state under International Law. It also had GDP larger than many other much larger independent states. And modern Singapore was founded by Lee Kuan Yew, the founding father who built it from a shit swamp into top 10 economies of the world you fucking mongoloid.

Lol, shit swamp. Singapore had millions of people before Yew came around. The city grew tremendously don't get me wrong, but most 3rd world countries real poverty is in the rural areas, which a city-state obviously doesn't have to deal with.

Doesn't matter. Still is a state. South Korea was not in any good state either but look where it is now. Your argument holds no grounds.

Wat? I never said it wasn't a country, just that it barely is.

Why is u/pizzashill so smug?

If your mum tried repeatedly to abort you, but you made it anyway, you'd be a smug regard as well having "beat the odds"

Japan is a western country because it's west of the united states

Japan IS a western country.

it’s actually very far east of the United States though, the world starts over halfway through Australia

Yeah maybe if you think the earth is round, pleb

Is this bait? The Western world is not the same as the western hemisphere. Barely anyone would argue otherwise.