A picture of/u/wehochick has surfaced

30  2018-06-20 by charming_tainter


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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/u/wehochick how many pugs did you suffocate before you learned to check under your fat ass before sitting down for your nightly stint of vaping, redditing and devouring hungry-man frozen dinners?

Lol. This is hilarious! I love it. Is that your mom tho? Seriously. You don’t want to get a timeout and lose video game privileges, call up from the basement and check with her first before you post her pics.

Womp womp womp= the sound directly after you make a cringy joke and the sound of your footsteps as you stomp from the kitchen with a hungry-man in hand

....Then I round the corner and stick my strap in your mom’s ass. First I make her eat the hungry man, but not the dessert cause that’s me!

Do you have more of this story? I’m riveted.

Dont lie, you wouldn't make it around the corner before you stuffed the hungry-man, tray and all, down your gullet

Oh there’s two hungry man’s? Cause I fed one to your mom. The plot of your story is already falling apart. Start over.... Go!

Another fatty hiding food. You ever vape while eating and accidentally inhale you're whole hungry-man? If so, do you use that as an excuse to heat up another one?

I know fatties are the worst amarite? These are really sound insults to you losers. I’m having so much fun with this!!

Years of therapy undone in a single reddit thread

You know what’s funny about this thread, you are all so obsessed with fatties and uglies and Lesbians, but you don’t realize how Gay you sound. But ok, my therapy muh muh muh.

Whata wrong with sounding gay?

If you are a Gay man and you speak about cunts and fatties so much you clearly aren’t getting any dick, why not spend your time trying to appeal to men more aesthetically. Triangulating these dudebros into your sad insults is not going to attract hot men fyi.

Lol you haven't been around gay men much, have you? They love gossiping about cunts and fatties

They gossip about each other’s Cunts and fatty men, not Lesbians we aren’t even human to them, like this sub lol.

I've spent a lot of time on /r/Drama and witnessed a lot of retardation. That's all I have to say, I don't have a follow-up.

Yikes you think you are bragging but really no lol.

What the fuck is wrong with sucking dick you fucking bigot?

It’s kind of sad how badly you’re getting outclassed her. Her material isn’t great, but you’re an order of magnitude worse.

Yeah, because class is a metric r/drama goes by
