Resident lolcow has been arguing with me in the comment section of her now deleted post

9  2018-06-20 by El_Guerito_Grande

Wehochick has been arguing with me for a solid thirty minutes over her (or his, I’m genuinely sure it’s a troll account at this point) now deleted post.

Highlights include:

Yes, but I don’t know what any of this means. Help, I’m new and a useless 40 year old woman.

Sure. I was encouraged to post, but I can do whatever you want. Why was a post about me with some fake (but funny as hell) pic allowed to stay but not my post? Just trying to get the level of double standard vibe.

I can do all of that tho no problem.

I removed it but weird there are rules on r/drama that are not for everyone.

Yeah you did you said to post it in the body of the comments section wtf?

All that and a Fresh bowl of copypasta:

I was truly educated in the last 12 hours, here’s what I’ve learned: • All Lesbians are man-hating and obsessed with male junk, the more aggressively you push that point the more manly you are! -calling women fatties, ugly, dusty cunt, etc. is still a regular practice by males posting online even subsequent to 1995. They think they sound strong, brave, honorable and are doing a community service warning others. Who knew! -all feminists are crazy, hysterical, need to seek help, are undoing years of therapy or should just kill themselves. -Porn viewing is a God Given right ordained by the creator! -If you mock someone’s terrible ability to construct a sentence you are also an evil fatty, ugly, hate immigrants and probably use the n word (this was based on no observable fact just you know, inferring based on man-steria). -If I respond to all the trolling comments I’m the problem and creating more drama in a sub titled r/drama -Women in their 40’s are useless and should be replaced by latex sex bots or are consumed with their earning potential, they really have no value so just kill them all actually. Especially Soccer Mom’s • Some of the men that responded to me were thoughtful and actually cared about the original topic, I enjoyed engaging with them, a truly fun use of my time (you know who you are). -Everyone here is a sophisticated “hand expert/weight expert” and can tell from a picture of your hand what a fatty loser you are. I can tell you are a fatty so die in a fire fatty, look at that pic of 3/4 of your hand! -Be careful or we’ll dox you, because anonymity on reddit for women, especially those using feminism as a talking point is a cancer to society. (Again invoke community service advocacy akin to outing fatties). -There is an incredible over use of the word fatty on this sub. -Last but not least, I’m staying!!! (unless I’m banned for too much womandrama). I have passed initiation into the lolcow hall of history now officially know to me as r/drama Wee!!!


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Porn viewing is a God Given right ordained by the creator!

Unironically this.








I'm pretty sure they've just taken us all on a ruse cruise

I'm pretty sure they've just taken us all on a ruse cruise