I was trolled on r/drama and had so much fun! Thank you for the all the goodtimes!...

149  2018-06-20 by Wehochick

I was truly educated in the last 12 hours, here’s what I’ve learned: (Reposted cause I got trolled, oh the irony!).

  • All Lesbians are man-hating and obsessed with male junk, the more aggressively you push that point the more manly you are apparently! Not since 1950 have we seen this level of regressive beliefs, I smell trump supporters, (or there meth labs). Get the to a Gay conversion therapy camp stat!

-Calling women fatties, ugly, dusty cunt, etc. is still a regular practice by males posting online even subsequent to 1995. They think they sound strong, brave, honorable and are doing a community service warning others. Who knew!?

-All feminists are crazy, hysterical, need to seek help, are undoing years of therapy or should just kill themselves. Fuck voting rights, kill yourselves ladies, your words hurt our manfeelz!

-Porn viewing is a God Given right ordained by the creator! How dare women speak out against violent porn on a sub, it’s in the Bible literally!

-Also the use of the word Literally (it eludes many here) frequently and unironically you are literally killing men with your literal views about literalism!

-If you mock someone’s terrible ability to construct a sentence you are also an evil fatty, ugly, hate immigrants and probably use the n word (this was based on no observable fact just you know, inferring based on man-steria).

-If I respond to all the trolling comments I’m the problem and creating more drama in a sub titled r/drama Damn Women and their infernal words again! Somebody stop them. (Oh wait I know I’ll call them fatty!)

-Women in their 40’s are useless and should be replaced by latex sex bots or are consumed with their earning potential, they really have no value so just kill them all actually. Especially Soccer Mom’s and if fat well, die in a fire!

  • Some of the men that responded to me were thoughtful and actually cared about the original topic, I enjoyed engaging with them, a truly fun use of my time (you know who you are).

-Everyone here is a sophisticated “hand expert/weight expert” and can tell from a picture of your hand what a fatty loser you are. I can tell you are a fatty, look at that pic of 3/4 of your hand!

-Be careful or we’ll dox you, because anonymity on reddit for women, especially those using feminism as a talking point is a cancer to society. (Again invoke community service advocacy akin to outing fatties).

-There is an incredible over use of the word fatty on this sub. Seriously I’m curious what did Fatties do to you dudebros? Inquiring minds want to know how come you are so insulted/obsessed by weight. Do you all own gyms?

  • It is impossible to distinguish the difference between the pettiness on r/gendercritical and r/drama incel men except how much fatties assault 15-60 year old virgin male eyes, or the hate b/c they won’t have sex with them lol. (Again, Seriously why are you bros so mad about fat people? It’s creepy)

-Last but not least, I’m staying!!! (unless I’m banned for too much womandrama). I have passed initiation into the lolcow hall of history now officially know to me as r/drama



It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. r/drama - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  3. r/gendercritical - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Just call any women that won’t fuck you fatty and you are good apparently! It’s all the rage on 1995 r/drama

Lol, typical retarded fat dyke talking to a fucking bot.

I know so typical lol. Those fat dykes how dare they be fat dyking in your general vicinity. They hate your needledick so get em!

Loose cunted whore. Literally. I bet the men you service only assfuck you since your ugly piss curtains hang so low. Fatty. It's hilarious how fatty she creatures have giant pussys, they look like huge pancakes. Yuck.

What lol? What about pancakes? Wtf man you sound like a complete loser lol. Pancakes.hahahaha

Honey, drama is all the rage on r/drama. And your the one starting it. Thanks sweetie! Also that’s Snappy your talking to, not a user, he’s just a semi-sentinel bot.

I know, so far it’s awesome!!! I love drama. I didn’t know this sub existed until I was trolled. Yipeee!

I hope you don't talk like this IRL

For your sake

that's racist u privileged fuck

Reverse racism is a thing! Help the white feels! Lol

i wasnt talking about reverse racism, ur a whitey who apparent subscribes to the idea of "allyship" u gentrification shithead

Apparently you are hurt by reverse racism yo unjust posted about it. Just call women that won’t fuck you fatty, that way it won’t get weird when your white feels are damage.

Wow, deflecting much?

That's the first thing you whiteys do when a person of color disagrees with you, the false accusations of racism. It's pretty disgusting

I don’t know, ask at your klan meeting. I was accused of using the n word by some racist euro-puke for mocking his horrible english? What do you do when POC call your racism out?

bitch where the fuck did u grow up?

ur calling me racist when i fucking grew up in detroit

You dumb hillbilly who the fuck are you? Fuck your racist bullshit!

u didnt answer my question: where the fuck did u grow up?

I don’t answer to you dumb ass nazi gtfoh with your bullshit reverse racism garbage!

oh, ur a mayo who lives in la - that explains alot





This is why I hate white ppl

They're so fuckin fragile they have to be offended for other ppl

Unlike u I don't cry over being called a nigger

Fuck you nazi scum!

im not white sweetie

i think mayos deserve the camps tbh

Still fuck you racist trump loving loser.

i would not love someone who supported whitey

ur a perfect example of that

Fuck you scumbag you racist pos.

This is the problem with r/drama . Faaaaaar to many noobs unable to cook their own god damn pasta.

Were you crying as you wrote this

I’m crying right now. Boo hoo hoo. Men talking makes me cry. I fit right in!

Are you crying because your a lolcow or because you had a 30 minute arguement with me over this exact fucking post that you deleted not even an hour ago?

No. Trolling next level, so I reposted it, i was so impressed by your copy and paste skillz, you must kill it with the ladies from your security guard booth! Except the fatties of course amarite?

Security guard booth.

I’m a doorman at bars and clubs, girls literally give us numbers just to get in on busy nights, I get hit on constantly, I go out on dates at least twice a week, and I’m able to be a functioning member of society.

Besides, I have a job, I own a car and a truck, I have a loving family, and friends who care about me. I also happen to be doing a double major for poly sci and history. At 19, that’s more then you’ve done in your entire fucking life.

Except the fatties of course amarite?

Nope. I’ve never mentioned “fatties” in my entire comment history. Besides if I’d did, I’d be one to talk, 6’5 300lbs on a diet, former defensive tackle. Even then, a lot of girls like that about me, especially because their aren’t a lot of tall hispanic guys like myself in Los Angeles.

Lordt I’m not reading your life story, did you mention how much you hate fatties? Then you win apparently!

Except I never did you fantastic idiot.

I guess I’m a loser. Apparently we’re even.

She’s so fat, her fat acts as a blinder on the sides of her eyes preventing her from being a decent human being and seeing that she’s a massive douchbag.




༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つZOZBOT HAS RETURNED༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

post bussy, big guy

300lbs 😲



I’m a doorman at bars and clubs, girls literally give us their numbers just to get in on busy nights, I get hit on constantly, I go out on dates at least twice a week, and I’m able to be a functioning member of society.

lol fag

I'm confident in myself, you seem insecure as fuck tbh justifying yourself to a lolcow with a life story about a fat-ass NEET supposedly having something


I like you.

Awe. 💗

I admire your 'don't take shit from anyone' attitude. Keep it up :D


Is this a good approximation of your skin color or would you say Apple could do better

An apple for sure.


Are those your Dads or boyfriends? Cute.

Those were the gumshoes I hired to work on the Case of the Aggrieved Gender Critical Poster

Great, did they conclude the non-consensual acts I originally posted about?

Sadly they didn't read the OP. They're just emojis 😔



"" "" "" men""" "" ""

I know how gross are they? Some are keepers tho. Maybe one or two on this sub.

Idk what 'keeping' is, but these people are into all sorts of degenerate sexual behavior so I wouldn't doubt it.

I know, str8’s and their freaky kinks, whadya gonna do tho, just dont’ picture it in your mind, that’s what I do. Look away when they have their thirsty bullshit on tv or films too.

only straight people are degenerate, homosexuals are never deviant lol. i literally laughed out loud at that one.

I know str8 people are the fucking worst. It’s true.

i just read an article this afternoon by a lesbo talking about how much she likes to sniff, lick, and insert things into girls assholes.

yeah, gay people are fucking degenerate.

Don’t say lesbo you dumb bigot asshole.

I know how gross are they? Some are keepers tho. Maybe one or two on this sub.

Paging /u/MasterLawlz and /u/Ed_ButteredToast.


into a big tub of Breyers

I cried when I wrote this post... Sue me if I reee too long

It doesn't rhyme, I know

I don't know about all the other shit but you can definitely tell if someone is fat based on their hands.

If you don't see veins and tendons, they're fat. Simple.

Haha all the “hand experts” here on r/drama lol.

No but seriously, you don't need to be an expert. You just need working eyes.

Haha right! I can tell by your hand you are fat! Lol.

Let me see your hand?




Haha right! I can tell by your fat you are fat! Lol.

Awe fat people hurt you. You fat fuck lol.

No u2


To eat pie?

I could eat pie every second of the day, and never found a pie I don’t like. Homemade crust are the best, warm or cold pies. Custards and nutty pies. Fruit pies are my least favorite but I still love them. Cherry is probably my favorite of the fruit pies. Buttermilk pie doesn’t sound good but it’s delicious. I could talk about pie for as long as Jim Gaffigan talks about cake.

Good eat some pie Gordo!

You are one weird mister, mister.

I can tell when someone's fat because when I look at them I see a fat person.

Great. Another “weight expert” your family must be so proud.

I haven't seen my family for three years. They kept calling, then shouting, then screaming but I kept the basement door locked.

They haven't made any sound for a long time now.

Great. Send them a myspace message how you are a “fatty expert” they will be so proud of your 2001 insult game.

I can't get out of the living room door. In fact, I haven't risen from the sofa in months. A solid film of dried sweat and fecal matter has glued me in place.

Call 911 you need help stat!

I saw that episode of ER and it didn't end well.

Going to the emergency room? Uh ok.

They ain’t wrong.

Source: am fat and can’t see knuckles when make fist

Source: I’m fat tub of man lard, but I’m also an internet “hand expert” and can unironically blame fat women for all the worlds problems while sitting with a bag of Doritos resting on my fat man-gut, my fat man belly. Melly?

My Doritos bag is currently being used as a makeshift condom as I fuck my life away, thank you very fuck.

Watch out for the Doritos dust, it will get on your hairy fat rolls. And your dick will look like trump’s face, if you are eating nacho cheese that is.

Maybe savages and fat cunts such as you eat Nacho Cheese, but refined palettes such as mine require nothing less than Cooler Ranch.

Don't kinkshame.

Your Doritos dust tiny dick is gross.

No u

Source: I’m fat tub of man lard.

First step is admitting you have a problem. Good Job! You're on your way!

You realize that’s 3rd Person POV right lol. Dumb

It's called "faux-naïf" look it up.

Since you just looked up whatever you are trying to claim to justify your misuse of a sentence. Drop a link dumbass.

Yeah dumbass drop the link, you just googled it.

Quit eating so much fatty.

But how else do I attract women? They only like short fat dudes with small dicks, right?

What if they're holding a piece of chicken?



This has be the most autistic thing I have read today. Your attempts at humor here come in close second.




Exhibit A in the ongoing proof that Bussy > Gussy.

Great! What’s the lolcow name for microdick?




u/tcfb 🙋🏽‍♀️

I gave up my micro dick for a trans lesbian micro inverted colon years ago sweaty

I heard about the ass-vag, kinda sexy. Tell me more please.

Zozzy has blessed you, therefor you are correct.

and it fucking rhymes LMAO

What’s the lolcow name for microdick?

There are two: Male feminist and r/Menslib moderator.

I thought male feminist was code for rapist.

Not all rapists are male feminists, but all male feminists are rapists.

feminism is a rape culture.

How loose is your cunt? From 1-10? Also how saggy are your stinky cunt lips?

About the same as your undescended balls

Bussy is infested with AIDS. Checkmate, faggots.

I dunno. Fat people are just really disgusting. I'm sorry I hate disgusting things.

So are angry virgin men. All the fatties and incels should just die right? How dare they exist with your perfection near!

I don't think fat people or virgins should die, but some effort to not be either would be cool.

This is subjective. Are you offended by opinions? Should Reddit be a place where only objective facts are shared?




Now you're getting it.




Yes, unironically

Triggered again, you’re on a fat roll.

I know lol. The fatty fat roll men hate the fatty fat women, who will fuck you?

This might be the most normal thing I’ve ever seen you say.

“Normal” lol the fatphobic troll thinks he knows what Normal is. Haha

Were you talking to someone irl and typed it and hit send without knowing. Who were you talking to? Since you seem so wrapped up in telling everyone what you think they look like and how they feel, let me play along to, but unlike you I won’t do it on the form of an insult. You have short spikey hair colored blue this month, long pointy fingernails, a polo shirt and blue jeans. A cow ring in your nose ring and gauges in your ears. Your voice is probably really scratchy from all the yelling and vaping.

Wot? Yes, all of that is so accurate and I’m on my way to a Katy Perry concert. No Cher unironically. I don’t care what these trolls think about anything lol. I’m just having fun responding. It’s a blast. These creepy fools really take themselves seriously. How can one not laugh? They hate fat people and most if not all are fat so keep it coming. I love it!

I thought she was in Chicago tonight.

Shouldn't everyone be fatphobic? It makes you live longer.

What? Lol. Are you saying proportionate people don’t die? Haha

I'm saying fat people die quicker. You can be fat, but that's the same type of choice as me smoking cigarettes. I know it will kill me, but it's too damn good to give up.

You just contradicted yourself.


You tried to claiming fat people die sooner for their behavior, then mentioned another habit that will kill you quicker lol.

Smoking doesn't kill you quicker than being fat. Lung cancer is a long and painful process. Heart attacks kill quickly. So do strokes. Either way, being morbidly obese puts you in the ground much quicker than cigarettes.

Smoking will kill you much quicker than food lol. Who’s talking about morbid obesity, these fools claim all women are fat basically lol. Most of these troll men are fat.

Are you fat? I've already shared my bad habbit, friendships are built on reciprocation.

My mind is fat.

That's real bad for you. You're not supposed to accumulate fat on your brain. Everything is starting to make sense.

Think I’ll die? Can I do a workout for my skull?

Naw, you can't Target fat loss unfortunately. You just got to lose it all over.

It’s in my brain, my brain is fat.

I can't tell if you are saying that you are smart, or if your brain is swoll and too big for your skull causing lots of headaches.

I don’t have headaches.

Ohhhh. That went right over my head. How do I make my brain fat so I can keep up?

Dunno doll.

Fat people just die sooner after living a far lower quality life.


All the fatties and incels should just die right?



Why don't we just take all the fat women... and have them blow the incels?

Eugenics, it might lead to sex

Cruel and unusual punishment to all parties involved.

Quick! While we’re on the topic, thoughts on mayocide?

They are doing themselves in.

Could not agree more. Praise be to Allah

Huh? Ok sure.

All the fatties and incels should just die right?

Of course, how is that even a question?

All that for a gif? Lol.

what would you prefer?




womp womp

Is this the copy paste dude? Wow, you did it! You won the internet!

womp womp


You’re back with the copy and pasting! Your mom must be so proud lol.

Your mom must be so proud lol

She is actually. Mainly because I have a life unlike yourself you pinche pendeja.

What life? Copy pasting life lol.

what life

The one where I’ve got a job and I’m getting an education.

The one where a self proclaimed fourty year old revolting lesbian is badly attempting to talk down to a guy less then half her age and yet three times as successful as she’ll ever be. Your trolling is almost as bad as your half assed insuits.

The one where I don’t take shitposting as a personal attack.

The one where you think pressing a button to copy and paste is indicative of how someone’s life is irl.

lol, u mad.

oh, he mad







I love you

The absolute state of lesbos




He's back (pbuh)

I fear I've missed a great lolcow milking...




You said it.

She’s still at it.

u/wehochick baby please come back 😘

Oh she’s here to stay. Just ping something about feminism and she’ll provide all the lols.

Wow, what a shitshow.

welcome, sister.







The absolute state of vapers

Where in West Hollywood are you?




Will you be my girlfriend


Send me a PM of time stamped tits

God I hope this is a parody account.

implying this isn’t one of Ed’s alts

I’m starting to thing it must be a parody account. There is no way anyone is that ignorant and stupid.

Are you having a mental breakdown or something?

She is mad we told her porn is bad.

Wait, weho? You're absolutely famous for being a top tier lunatic.

You're staying? Please do. Unironically, we absolutely love you. Can you link me to the original post, tho? I feel like I missed something amazing.

Her bants aren't good, but they are surprisingly good given the type of lolcow she is. Usually these types just go "WELL I NEVER" over and over and never bantz back.

You've never been to tumblr or gaiaonline, have you?

Most of the TERFs have better bants and thicker skins than other feminists. I mean, they're man-hating lesbian lunatics -- all of them -- but they're surprisingly fun to talk to.

What? This is the comment you like? This is absurd. Did you post some porn I mocked in a different mod? Lunatic lol. Like it isn’t lunacy to post my comments from another mod here, but here but ok. Men think women talking are lunatics. Got it!

I'm actually a chick believe it or not.

I really mean it, I earnestly want you to stick around. We love people like you. Please, stay here and keep perpetuating "womandrama," as you put it.

Oh sorry, womysogonists of course, how could I mis-characterize a treasure like you calling women lunatics. Well done fellow “woman”!!

I love you. Never stop posting. We actually have a lot of primo misogynists here and you should get into slapfights with every single one of them.

Being a tranny doesn’t make you a woman.

You speak the truth.

I'm actually a chick believe it or not.

🤮🤮🤮 EWWWW!!! GUSSY!!! 🤮🤮🤮

I'm gonna need proof though. Send gussy pics just so I can be sure to block you.

We're glad to have you buddy!

I've been trying to convince these guys that /r/gendercritical was our sister-sub. Please jump in on the new incel drama and the trans drama.

They are literally a mirror of each other. I can’t tell which one is which at this point tbh. So many hypocrites on both sides. Although the GC women don’t get mad at people for being fat and near them and think they should all be killed, so that’s new.

Honestly and I’ve mentioned this multiple times now. I had no idea anyone thought that being mad at fat People made them look like they had a sound mental capacity. They really are a complete infantile lunatics if you are mad at fat People but ok.

It's usually poorsies and former fatties that hate fatties, but that's a whole separate subject. Anything you can do to help bring more of your GC buddies here would be a big help. It's kind of a sausage fest but didn't used to be.

Why would any woman want to hang out on this sub, did you see all the lame dudebro insults from 1990 on here today lol. Pathetic.


I'm here. My 5th GC account.

I think /r/milliondollarextreme would be a better sister sub

At least they are anti porn and anti trans You all just seem to run amok here. Your wimmin mod snarly (sp?) She is awesome though I talked to her briefly once

Nah. We already get those types. We need you gals to help balance things out. We don't seem to have many genuine feminists (male feminists don't count) which is reducing drama.

And yeah snally is the best, everyone loves her

Yes we go way back. Every time I post on here I get downvoted. This is like my 5th account. You seem really cool though. Do you watch world cup or nah

Everybody loves Snally.

Agreed. She made a really good post a about some very specific drama that I was very grateful for. This was a long time ago though.

Yep, that's Snally's MO. She finds great, obscure drama and does super dank write-ups of it. She's like the most universally adored person on the sub.

Thank God you guys have her.

Eating ice cream and pretending it's pussy. Such is the life of a fatty dyke

Do you all own gyms?

Uhh yeah actually I have one right in my living room, dumbass. It cost less than 500 dollars. Even poor, ugly people have no excuse.

Oh wow, check out mamma big bucks here with her housing and clean water and shit.

I'm a man, not an inferior femoid, and if you think a $500 gym is big bucks, you're probably a coal miner.

Check out Mr. Big bucks with his fancy pronouns and acces to electricity! You fucking rich 1 %ers really burn my butt.

that's a really gay normie reddit joke, please stop.

When did r/drama become a replacement for HRT in peri menopausal women?

If I dont’ menstruate I must be a fatty lol!

Out of genuine curiousity, What is it with you and the word, “fatty?”

I want to know too. Why the fuck are the fat ass men in this program so mad about fatties? What’s the deal?

You have to be a fake troll account. Half the time your responses are to things people never said. You get triggered by the word fatty, I think people only say that to you because, although you are already massively aggressive, that word seems to push you over the edge. You have preconceived stamps you place on groups of people that are delusional. It’s sad that everyone can tell how sensitive you are and that you have a lot of deep seeded issues.

Fatties in their prime bleed like pigs silly. But, as you’re not in your prime (40’s) and being seriously triggered by the word fatty, then I got to wonder.

Pleased you’re joining the sub and staying... remember we do have a 14 day cooling off period, should your mood change.

I’m in my prime!! Are you claiming under 40 is your prime lol junior. You still in highschool? I’ll give you a time out in the corner if you dont’ watch your smart kindergarten mouth. Under 40’s don’t even have a brain yet, millennials lol. Those ghouls. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Yeah, you’re a prime number alright. Stand at your back door... you’re clearly having a hot flash! 🙄🙄🙄

I’d love to have a hot flash, haven’t had one yet tho, did your balls descend yet? Maybe next year junior. Stand in a mirror and take a selfie like the other thirsty millennial, puff your chest out, this is going on IG next to the pic of your chipotle from last night! And the tide pod you ate earlier.

So many assumptions. I’d send you a full frontal selfie of myself but it would only tease you.

Ew. No. Vomit.

Two finger trigger ain’t the answer to shedding a few pounds.

Yeah it’s also how these incels jack it to their creep porn.

What do you consider “creep” porn?

I think we found our new mod guys

These comments are boring, someone say something inventive. Come on!

I loved your episode in “My 600 Pound Life.” It really made everyone think feminists and TERFs are reasonable.

Thanks. I feel the Same way about your virgin incel dick, cause Lesbians are obsessed with menz tiny dicks right? That show you made “fat femoids that won’t fuck me are evil” so compelling, cause 30 year old male virgins are so mentally stable.

The absolute state of hamplanets.





I personally find enjoyment in the wheezing lardbag recognizing it’s a cow.

Did you look in a mirror for the first time? How did you recognize yourself just now? No one cares about Your personal enjoyment

Sorry, can’t hear you over your huffing and puffing.


Yes you are.


Are you looking for a hookup? Is this post just a ploy to round up potential suiters?

Cause if it is put me down for Friday night. Can't do it Saturday because of the Trump rally

Yeah. Where? When? Let’s do this! Ew but no trump Women ew.

Do you agree that furries are just incels that learned to put on a costume to hide their disgusting bodies and fuck each other?

I agree that you can’t get laid and blame women, does that help?

That was mean and not relevant to my question 😿

What was your question? Be succinct.

Furries are proto incels who were corrupted by swathes of easily accessible fetish art as impressionable teens, Y/N?

Go over there and ask them. I’m busy responding to all the men angry at fat women for being as possibly fat as they are. Busy.

How do you feel about fat female furries? And as a follow up, your opinion on fat male furries

Last but not least, I’m staying!!!

Cool, there's been a substantial drop in TERF-posting lately so we needed you to bring balance back to this sub.

Fell for the kafkatrap, huh?


That sounds like something somebody uncool would say

Great. You seem real cool trolling on r/drama

The point

You 🤔

Fat people are disgusting. It show that you have no self control, that you follow your basest instinct like some kind of animal.

-Last but not least, I’m staying!!!

Most excellent news, welcome here and please keep yourself snug.

What about your porn addition? That’s gross and like some kind of animal. Fat people are great! They deserve love too! Porn addicts however, deserve stds and isolation.

What about your porn addition? That’s gross and like some kind of animal.

No kinkshaming, this is a safe space.

Also if looking at porn started hurting my health and changed how I looked, it would be disgusting too.

Porn is vile. You can’t practice your creepy predatory behavior then be mad at people that eat pie, you are an animal!

Porn is vile.

How so ?

You can’t practice your creepy predatory behavior


What creepy predatory behaviour ? I want to know what I did wrong so I can do it again.

What’s wrong with porn? I don’t think anyone is getting hurt when I fixated on burying my nose in Elastigirl’s braphole for a couple hours.

What is a woman? and how has this contemptible sex been viewed in ancient times and in our own by seventy-five per cent of the peoples of this earth?

Now, what do I observe upon coolly proceeding to this investigation? A puny creature, always inferior to man, infinitely less attractive than he, less ingenious, less wise, constructed in a disgusting manner entirely opposite to what is capable of pleasing a man, to what is able to delight him... a being three-quarters of her life untouchable, unwholesome, unable to satisfy her mate throughout the entire period Nature constrains her to childbearing, of a sharp turn of humor, shrill, shrewish, bitter, and thwart; a tyrant if you allow her privileges, mean, vile, and a sneak in bondage; always false, forever mischievous, constantly dangerous; in short, a being so perverse that during several convocations the question was very soberly agitated at the Council of Macon whether or not this peculiar creature, as distinct from man as is man from the ape, had any reasonably legitimate pretensions to classification as a human; but this quandary might be merely an error of the times; were women more favorably viewed in earlier ages? Did the Persians, the Medes, the Babylonians, the Greeks, the Romans honor this odious sex we are able to dare make our idol today? Alas! I see it oppressed everywhere, everywhere rigorously banished from affairs, condemned everywhere, vilified, sequestered, locked up; women treated, in a word, like beasts one stables in the barn and puts to use when the need arises. Do I pause a moment at Rome? then I hear the wise Cato exclaim from the heart of the ancient world's capital: 'Were women lacking to men, they would yet hold conversation with the Gods.' I hear a Roman censor begin his harangue with these words: 'Gentlemen, were we ever to find a means to live without women, thereupon unto us should true happiness be known.' I hear the Greek theater resound to these lines intoned: 'O Zeus! what reason was it obliged thee to create women? couldst not have given being to humankind by better devices and wiser, by schemes which in a word would have spared us this female pestilence?' I see this same Greek race hold that sex in such high contempt legislation was needed to oblige a Spartan to reproduce, and one of the penalties decreed in those enlightened republics was to compel a malefactor to garb himself in a woman's attire, that is to say, to wear the raiments of the vilest and most scorned creature of which man had acquaintance.

In the Gaul of long ago, that is to say, in that one part of the world where women were not totally treated as slaves, women had the habit of prophesying, of predicting the happy event: the people fancied they plied their trade successfully only because of the intimate commerce they doubtless had with the Gods; whence they were, so to speak, associated with the sacerdotal and enjoyed a measure of the consideration lavished upon priests. Modern chivalry was founded upon these inanities and finding them favorable to its spirit, adopted them: but what happened next was what happens always: the causes became extinct, the effects were preserved; chivalry vanished, the prejudices it nourished persevered. This ancient veneration accorded for no sound reason could not itself be annihilated when what founded the illusion had dissipated: we no longer stand in awe of witches, but we reverence whores and, what is worse, we continue to kill each other for them. May such platitudes cease to influence these our philosophers' minds, and restoring women to their true position, may the intelligent spirit conceive them, as Nature indicates, as the wisest peoples acknowledge, to be nothing but individuals created for their pleasures, submitted to their caprices, objects whose frailty and wickedness make them deserving of naught but contempt.

Wth is that? I’m not reading that weirdness. Did your computer just vomit some copy and paste? Creepy.

>refusing to read classical literature even when it's right there in front of you

further evidence that women are only good for breeding stock, and have no place in world affairs

I’m too busy making you a sandwich.

Ooh, what kind?


We get it, you vape

thank you for further evidence that white people are actually trash

Why would you need evidence just look at yourself you white hillbilly scum

You are the second dumb ass racist trash to say that, are you saying that because some euro idiot got mad I mocked his illiteracy? And he claimed he could tell I use the n word? Fuck you you dumb nazi I was mocking his racist ass. I dont’ protect white feelings idiot.

You think it’s a joke when euros use the n word like its nbd casually? Eat shit eurotrash.

nah white Euros and white Americans don't get to say that word. no white person does.

eat. shit. whitey. 💁🏾‍♀️

I’m not white you dumb cracker loser. He said it and tried to claim others do. How rotten is your colonizer brain nazi?

you're actually boring me now

try not put any more kids in cages okay in your trashcan country thats ran by a white supremacist, okay? bye!

I’m not white you dumb cracker idiot defend this race bating bullshit, you are certainly a colonizer tho. Fuck off with your pea brain, you cant read either apparently eurotrash.

-If you mock someone’s terrible ability to construct a sentence you are also an evil fatty, ugly, hate immigrants and probably use the n word (this was based on no observable fact just you know, inferring based on man-steria).

Bish, I know you aren't trying to go there with your janky ass syntax

Cocksucker i know you aren’t coming here trying to protect some eurotrash illiterate trying to casually use the n word by claiming others do. Kill yourself nazi.

I'm....a black person, Weho.

Right, cause black people go out of their way to defend illiterate Eurotrash when I mock their nazi asses. Fuck out a here with that

i'm honestly not following the Eurotrash thing

and ya, i like making fun of you and am 50% convinced you're real at this point

I cannot express how uninterested i am at what you are convinced about, fuck you and the eurotrash you are trying to defend. Anyone using the n word casually or trying to use it purposefully by claiming others do can drink bleach.

Gtfho here you racist ass troll.

I bet you haven't even seen Beyonce's new video with the badass juxtaposition of Classical works of European art and black dancers.


Look it up, though, it's fucking great.

Trying to sound smart? You dumb cracker fuck off.

It's called Apeshit.

Another layer of irony, given the subject.

I know you're all pissed off dyke rah rah, but actually watch the video

So now you want to be more racist? Fuck you loser bigot.

No...the title of the video is an ironic appropriation of the representation of black people as animals...

like wat Jay did with the Story of OJ video...

....You don't actually talk to black people in the real world, do you?

Wtf? I’m part black asshole

By the sounds of it you are mostly black asshole

Yeah more racism, we get it you are mad when people tell you not to use the n word, blah blah blah. Fuck off.

So your comment history actually suggests you really are half black.

Good lord. Then have you seen that fucking video? It is like if Octavia Butler and Gwendolyn Brooks had a baby and that baby grew up in Huey Newtons house. It is completely bonkers.

I'm sorry I gave you a hard time. I thought you were just a pissy white girl

No problem lol. I think you keep showing up when I’m yelling at other really horrible people and you get some of my frustration at them towards you haha. Sorry about that. If you really want to discuss it I’ll watch it right now cause your description sounds awesome. I volunteered for the Black Panther Literacy program when I was an undergrad and I’m very much about Butler, I love afrofuturism. Also Fred Hampton is my personal hero.

Also I’m not half Black, I have some Black, I don’t like to detract from people with far greater colorism struggles than me tho, but I have African ancestry I’m very proud of. I’m mostly Latino tho fyi.

What is the name of the video? I loved the Lemonade film FYI. I knew some folx that worked on it.

here it is

My friends say it's not THAT great, but it spoke to me like whoa

Did you use gay as an insult?

Cause only Gay people suck cock? Is that a Gay insult?

Is gay an insult? Not to me. But, no, gay people aren't the only ones that partake of the dong- heterosexual women and bisexuals, too (usually). I was just curious why the term "gay" is an insult. It is a little overused and tired. And, they don't seem to have a dog in this fight. I was just curious why you would use it.

Uh Gay people didn’t invent cocksucking you dumb ass homophobe wtf?

I don't think that was anywhere in my question or reply. Homophobe? Probably impossible. But, I will ask my boyfriend what he thinks.

Great. Fuck off.

Have a nice evening.

I'm just glad that I was the first one to ping you last night. you're fun, keep it up

Stay and learn the ways of the dinosaurs

who implied they'd dox you?

Some creep on here.

name the jew you stupid fucktoy

Are there rules cumbucket darling? Is pizzashoe one of those pedophiles from Fox News. Ew.

Saying someone threatened you with doxxing, and then having the opportunity to name the user but not bothering to do so doesn't make you seem chill, it makes you a typical attention-seeking weak basic bitch.

just so you know

Is pizzashoe one of those pedophiles from Fox News. Ew.

fucking lol

Oh we already established i was attention seeking when I was minding my own business on another sub and got trolled here, any woman that get attention are attention seeking apparently. Did he delete his post? Look it up.

that's easier with a fukken name ya silly cunt

How are cunts silly? Do they mock your tiny dick? Queef? Do a chris rock bit? Maybe they have a laugh track.

🙄 see you around I guess

Ok. Cool. Do I tell the mods about the doxxer?

K thank you so much.

now give gussy

Why did the millennials change that word from Gunt to gussy, you all are thirsty as hell lol. Any reason to post on urban dictionary amarite? Lol.


I'd been a bit sad since AngryDM disappeared. Pibble drama just wasn't doing it for me, the SCP and surfing stuff seemed fairly small scale.

Now that I've seen this post I suddenly feel a lot better about the future prospects of enjoyable drama.

Glad to oblige, but if you are a fat dude remember you have to be angry at fat women, they are the reason for all things bad in the world apparently. And also if you have a tiny dick, acne and no job women are evil in general here on r/drama

You seem hooked on the fat thing. Did you know losing weight is as easy as not stuffing your face? Perhaps people are ridiculing your complete lack of self control.

I’m completely hooked, watching losers use an insult that died in 1995 on myspace has me completely out of control lol.

It's not an insult, it's a genuine concern for your health.

Did you just link something to prove being fat is bad for your health after admitting you have a smoking addiction lol.

I've never smoked in my life. I have as much disdain for smokers are for the fat.

Why? How is it affecting you? You seem like a real fun person to be around btw.

Cigarette smoke smells disgusting and also infests non smokers with the same ill health effects that smokers have. As for the obese, they tend to smell like rotten shit, presumably because they can't reach various parts of their bodies when they shower. Smokers and fatties make me want to puke.

So you get close enough to fat people that you have to smell them so you hate them? Is that right?

I've been seated in the proximity of many stinky fat fucks during various classes over the years. Not even next to, just within a few seats is enough.

So you are saying you hate the mere existence of fat People in the world?

They can stop being fat at any time by not eating like pigs. It will only take a matter of months of sticking to a lowered calorie diet. Being fat is not a race, it's a choice.

So they choose to be fat? And you choose to be not as fat as the people you hate and deem fat? They would rather be fat and offend you with their presence and social stigmas, hate, etc than just stick to whatever oversimplified regimen you just farted out on reddit?

You are better than an entire part of the population b/c you don’t “choose” food over other bad habits? You think you don’t offend in some way with other behaviors you choose? Fat people are your enemy?

You should take up sucking dick.

Oh do you suck cock? Tell me about it. I’m curious how it feels.

I'm not a faggot. Since you've never sucked a dick I can only assume you're a dyke or so ugly no man wants you.

It feels like wet soft flesh rubbing against my dick then a tickling sensation when cum shoots out. Pussy feels better but when a girl is sucking dick she shuts up.

Then why are you trying to suck dick?

Are you on drugs?

What lol.

Please tell your handler you want to talk to the doctor and have some tests done. You may have to get your medication adjusted or you might have consumed a narcotic substance you found.

Are you low on cum? Just hit tinder bro nbd. It will regulate your moods immediately. (Sorry you are having trouble finding dick to suck, maybe they found out how much you hate fat people). Good luck tho!

Faggots and ugly dykes should literally all be killed. The better looking dykes can be fucked, though.

But then who’s dick will you suck if we kill all the gays? Damn make up your mind, first you were selling dick sucking so hard, now you are made at the gays. I don’t get it. Is it that no one will fuck you in general so you take it out on anyone? I’m so sad for you. Maybe someone will help you with your Grindr account. Can anyone help him? He is cranky because of cum-loss.

Full disclosure: you're talking to our resident serial killer, specifically of women. Just fyi

Full disclosure: you did not write a disclosure that was full lol.

It was though. I cant give you all the details that would be dox

You were vague and gave no details, there was no information at all. I already got dox threatened earlier I can add this to the list to send the mods.

Fuller disclosure: Onitans date night

Also, please please please dont report me to the mods of r/drama 😭😭😭 I only just got sunlight privileges back

post feet


are you here non-stop? that was literally seconds after I posted that

I get these alerts, they pop up when trolls post replies, do you not get them?

oh fuck you're right, sorry I'm new to this website

Uh ok, are you triggered by immediacy?

hey, don't misuse that word like that

Misuse how lol?

using "triggered" willy-nilly disparages the problems people suffering from PTSD face, it's very disrespectful and insensitive

You were literally triggered by the immediacy of my response so much so that you took the time to comment publicly and disassociated that reddit has alerts. It’s the literal definition of triggered. You ok?

"You ok? Triggered?" Wehochick asked smugly, while replying to literally every single comment in the thread in an amazing display of emotional stability.

Are you writing a play about me? Include a hot girlfriend for me. Can’t wait!

I will, I like hot girlfriends too! 😊

So is this a joke or am I looking at the sincere thoughts of another human being here? Either way, quality post.

Hey thanks it’s my first!

New mod?

New member. I got trolled last night, I’m having a blast so far tho!!

We like to have fun here.

Oh shit! Weren't you that angry dyke who writes like her phone's autocorrecting what she writes and she just figures we'll understand her crazy that's mired over by a thick scum of unintelligibility?


Yes, yes you are! According to this strange wall of text, you match this description! Hi!

What? Why are you talking in the 3rd person? Is this an attempt to be cleaver? This is the best you can come up with? Mocking my sexual orientation and using dyke pejoratively? Really? Being str8 arbitrarily makes you a better person? Really? Did you notice you’ve done exactly what you’ve accused me of in your comment lol.

Really 1950? Really mocking my sexual orientation? Sheesh come up with something better than that, damn I’m embarrassed for all the dumb str8’s you represent shit.

Just do what the other str8 trolls do and mock fat people, tell them they deserve to die, etc.

This shit is a weird ass post.

Yay! The "Revolting Lesbian" responded to me! Look, guys, it's this easy to get your very own response! All you have to do is poke at it with low-tier pejoratives and it'll try to bite you!

Anyway, as an explanation of my use of the third person: I use second person, ("weren't you") to directly ask you a question, and I use the third person after that to describe a person who is either you (who it obviously is) or not you (though as your loud sperging indicates, this possible 'not you' is 100%, unmistakably you). It's a common construction, and maybe you've learnt something here that you can use in your future reddit screeds about st8s, you diesel genderfucking thunderdyke.

Hey someone just learned how to use wikipedia! So proud young padme.

Oh wow, love that dykey dyke sentence. Invoking the dykeness. You sound smart.

I feel like genderfuck isn't what I wanted there. Oop, Google Images definitely confirms that genderfuck is what I meant here.

Anyway, focus on writing shorter screeds, cos thinning your ideas over all these indecipherable sentences is really, really tough, and I wanna know what you're trying to say here, girlfriend!

And we'd love to have you in our community, cos your presence just might dissuade the presence of some of our MDE, CTH, and EdBT friends. Honestly, Iunno how your presence would cow Ed, but I'm always willing to try something new.

Great! Good luck with that!

So you'll stay!? For realzies??

Cos let me just say that of all the extremist subs out there, be it a commie sub, daddy sub, or animegamer sub, /r/Gendercritical and its thunderdyke denizens are among the silliest, earnestest, and tranny-hateiest, and given your endearing this-sentence-is-not-a-sentence-but-I'll-ignore-that-for-now-cos-they-get-the-general-idea style of writing, your presence would avail us with many new shouted ideas about dykedom and exciting arguments with resident-misogynist (honest to god, not ironic or anything) /u/pizzashill!

Anyway, what do you say? Are you really gonna stick with us and become our new lefty-freepo? In a couple of months, we could get you a moderatorship going and everything! You'd be set for life.

You mean the few accounts that aren’t misogynists? Most have gone full mra incel so far. Here’s hoping it changes!

/u/pizzashill is our measurable standard for woman-hating incel that we all look to for guidance.

It should just take you about an hour to get caught up in the names and occupations of everyone here. Myself, I'm a faceless regular. You would be our latest resident lolcow, which is just about the premierest of positions I know, so don't feel bad that you'll be called both a hog and a cow here. One will be a qualified affectionate term.

If ever you get confused, be sure to make a self post immediately (as you've done here for some reason) and learn the meanings of such abstruse terms as "bussy" or "crypto-hate" or "drama coin" or "thunderdyke."

Has he fatty blamed yet? Haven’t seen him. Oh he uses the term dyke but isn’t one. I got enough dumb ass bigot men to contend with her. Pass.

Wow, what a fucking mental case. Even if baiting/trolling. Christ.

Yes, women are crazy or fat or need to make you a sandwich or cumbuckets, yes that’s all been covered dozens of times. Boring.



Any woman I meet that even uses the word “drama” is a flag for me. Usually they are the ones creating the drama, then asserting themselves as savior or fake mediator of drama or trying to pretend they have healthy boundaries, which usually they don’t.

One of my flags is general thoughtlessness, it’s an indicator for me of a larger demonstration of unavailability on multiple levels. Excessive phone use is one early sign. I once went on a simple coffee date I initiated from OKC. When the woman arrived she was talking on her phone, she sat down and proceeded to continue to have a pointless vapid conversation for at least 10 more minutes. I got up like I was merely going to the bathroom and left lol. Then she texted me asking where I was, I was driving and almost home at that point lol. If you can’t put your phone down and have a conversation this is not going to work.

Other indicators of this is the topics they bring up, if they are quick to discuss vapid-ish topics it’s a clear sign of avoidance in other areas and a lack of regular critical thought. Not interested lol.

My biggest issue is healthy boundaries generally tho. If women prevaricate constantly whining about how people treat them to me it is a parade of red flags they aren’t able to communicate or set their own boundaries and eventually I will get sucked into their black hole of victimology. They show the signs early and get really upset when I demonstrate how uncomfortable I am, usually I might be the first person that shows this and they get very for a lack of better word “triggered” by it because they know it isn’t a healthy practice but refuse to change, instead just find people to validate how they are all walking victims of their own adulthood lol. I know it’s confusing and disheartening for any woman I meet when I have a visibly shaken energy recognizing this and validating how unhealthy it is socially. How can you have any exchange with anyone that won’t communicate their boundaries in some way but seem ready to pounce if you break one. It’s just immature. Interesting convo tho.

Wtf is this your treatise? Where did you copy and past this from. Brb i have to go read war and peace lol.

So are you saying words have no meaning or don’t actually representing anything. Cause you realize you are typing words right? Lol. All words are made up hahaha.

Yes. My two sentences are the problem here lol.

Yikes you think you are bragging but really no lol.

Bragging about what? Why are you so vague?

I explained it pretty thoroughly so what’s your deal not reading any of my literal words?

What did you explain, are you talking about the literary point of view you copied and past, you didn’t include a context. You aren’t very smart fyi.

This comment needs to be on the sub for dumb on the internet lol. This has to be a basement dwelling teen that posted this (at least I hope)

Lol. What parent eludes you haha

Prove it. So far ur trolling. Good luck with your response tho, here’s hoping you don’t just embarrass yourself with your “gold star” expertise lol. “Educate” me haha. Still hilarious. Honestly you don’t seem to comprehend the actual question, but again excited for your no penis magical abilities.

Prove what? What’s a no penis magical ability, do you mean a vagina? Do you not know women have vaginas? Wtf man get some sense or open a biology book, damn it’s getting dumber by the minute up in here. Say it. Vagina, vagina, vagina, periods, tampons, clitoris, labia, vagina, vulva. Stop being such an ignorant creep.


Obsessed lol. You don’t even know the meaning to basic words? You are obsessed with your own ignorance. How melodramatic are you really haha? I know you weren’t capable of understanding my response to your weird unofficial porn directive toward me, but seriously a word like obsessed is an easy google. However, You are clearly a proponent for rape culture it seems and non-consensual behavior toward women so stop claiming you are GC.

Though you have no capacity for critical thought, you can’t really believe the rest of us don’t right? What you claim incorrectly as an “assumption” again word meanings elude you, I made a clear and distinct observation of your idiocy when I answered your question thoughtfully and directly. Your inability to understand basic language is on you. But yes, you are operating in a double standard and that is hypocritical and laughable. That no one is coming in here to question your idiocy means there are multiple women that have no concept of their own objectified viewing experience, (again I’m using critical thought so don’t get scared), hence a double standard.

Do you lecture all experts in areas where you are ignorant? You sound like a real treasure lol.

Good luck with all the deflections tho, not one of them have worked as of yet.

I’m not reading that, 4 sentence limit thirst millennials. No one wants to read your whinny drivel.

Uh ok, are you triggered by immediacy?

Haha you didn’t use that sentence right lol. You dumb

Why? How is it affecting you? You seem like a real fun person to be around btw.

Is it the word immediacy that eludes you? Just google that, but you are thirsty as hell lol.

It was thoughtful and excellent and addressing specifics. I’d encourage you to expand your thoughts, or stop trolling.

Right they vague fool that doesn’t understand the word immediacy needs someone else to expand. Stop trolling me creep.

You were vague and gave no details, there was no information at all. I already got dox threatened earlier I can add this to the list to send the mods.

Lol. Add it. You got triggered when I mocked your thirst for having such lame response to trolling me, but sure add it to some bait that you are being threatened lol. Loser.

I did, everyone knows how smart I am, you on the other hand are feeble in your attempts, are you ok?

You did what? Try to play victim falsely and pretend anyone gives two shits about how you are lol? Loser. Ur an idiot, one of your responses was literally to copy and paste a response I gave someone else so you could try to look smart. My response! And you didn’t even use it properly, then threw a tantrum when I mocked you. Sure bro you are a real one dudebro think tank. Loser. Keep pretending you got doxed threatened for attention tho, cause that’s really working out for you, or just go copy and paste, fucking fool.

I’m not going to stop commenting when some creep trolls me with their double standard ignorance. I’m the original poster. Get Gone already!

How are you credible at all and why do you have an account with your thirsty bs? The mods should shut down your annoying baited trolling. You trolled me fool so fuck off already.

I made an observation based on your words, I’m fairly certain I’m not the first to say that to you either virtually or f2f but ok.

You reposted, out of context, a sentence where I responded to someone else that you didn’t understand yourself, then tried to fabricate that you were some sort of victim when I mocked your pathetic desperate attempts to sound smart for likes lol. I literally covered the talking points you attempt time and again in my original pst but ok. Back at all you creeps, there is no way there are this many dumbass dudebros walking around functioning f2f the absurdity is striking.

Well that sounds like a very productive use of your time, did you convince the world feminism is evil lol

It’s incredibly valuable to have conversations about parity in all areas socially. So all Civil rights movements were not productive and women talking is “evil” yeah you sound really sane and smart haha.

No that’s not the point at all. The gendercynical creeps are already here? Ugh. Delete this post.

They aren’t tho b/c you are a complete waste of their time. I however find you all wildly entertaining lol. Especially how seriously you take yourself while trying to pretend others take themselves to seriously. Don’t you have a better use of your time? Haha.

That was a response to another poster fool, I see where you got confused tho b/c well ur dumb.

Awe the fool that is being milked is angry!! Haha. Loser.

Did you look in a mirror for the first time? How did you recognize yourself just now? No one cares about Your personal enjoyment

So much time trolling my comments. Copy and paste warrior! I love milking you lol.

No u

Dumbass my words are original. This fool is copying and pasting me. I’m milking the shit out of this idiot lolcow

Touch my cock

It’s to small fool

Didn't you criticize people for poor english?

This cow used the wrong too. Post a pic of your hand, you wont.

Yeah that illiterate eurotrash compares to a missing letter you dumb cow

can you milk your belly fat?

Too small, you?

post hand pics then

You’re ugly af

I’m considered beautiful but ok lol.


Well if you are blind maybe.

LOL you’re gross af and no one likes you but I’ll give you credit for being funny

The virgin men from r/drama hate all women b/c they can’t get laid lol. You sure you are not Gay, kiss some men and find out. You might like it.


I know. So many mad virgin men on this sub. They could buy one box of tiny dick condoms for all the male subscribers and it would last them a lifetime. They are to busy being pathetic lolcows.

I was talking about you.

You were talking to me about your mama I got that.

So, look, I don't know anything about you other than like four comments in this thread. I don't know if you're just bored or feeling like trolling the trolls, per se, but on the slight chance that you are for real, what does this really accomplish?

I mean, you don't expect a bunch of psuedo-anons on a freaking drama subreddit to treat people with respect, do you? You'll never win this.

I already won ages ago, I’m just having fun. You all don’t realize how pathetic you are b/c you think you milk for sport haha. Amateurs. Keep it up. It’s fun. It’s r/drama right, all you do is “bring” the drama haha losers.

Well, have fun then I guess. At least you're not serious.

Why would I be? The teen fools on this sub think calling women fat or crazy is a thing past 1995 this sub is a joke and a laughing stock. Men that are overly melodramatic think they make drama intentionally. Lmao it’s hilarious to me. Sad to others tho.

LOL I’d seriously start thinking about my sexuality if I had to fuck some nasty roastie like you, you’re right about that. You got some funny jokes Tell me another one

Suck a dick or two it never hurt anyone, you’ll like it, I know lot’s of guys that do, it could help with you reconcile your hatred of the female body. Come out. Gay is Good!

Hahaha you’re trying so hard 😂

Keep going

Keep going

I’m succeeding! Do you know how many people are laughing at you dumb turds? You have no idea do you? Haha dumb men lolcows are entertaining af.

More more


You just lost the game

I’m the best! I win!

She criticized my immigrant status, I, Ethiopian

Dumbass my words are original. This fool is copying and pasting me. I’m milking the shit out of this idiot lolcow

You are getting lazy and sloppy, you are probably even annoy the other lolcows.

Why would I be? The teen fools on this sub think calling women fat or crazy is a thing past 1995 this sub is a joke and a laughing stock. Men that are overly melodramatic think they make drama intentionally. Lmao it’s hilarious to me. Sad to others tho.

Are you having to type these out by hand to repost my words back to me? Your life is sad really. ☹️

You are getting lazy and sloppy, you probably even annoy the other lolcows. Haha. I kind a pity you now.

This is real for you. I was enjoying responding, and having fun, but now I realize you are actually mentally ill not like the fools trying to diagnose everyone or call women fatty b/c they are idiots or dumb losers without the ability to return credible responses. Damn. Do you need some help? Yikes. I cant help you, I was just having fun mocking you fools. But wow.

No you weren't having "fun" mocking him you got triggered you fat piece of shit

I’m not triggered you sad little turd lol. He’s having a manic episode it sounds like, he’s typing out my fun responses to the socially challenged virgin men on r/drama that think they are funny but are really just sad losers. I’m really concerned for him. No one is this lame. He’s losing it.

He’s having a manic episode it sounds like

??? He was literally copy pasting your comments, imagine being this lacking in self reflection.

Lol. Are you for real?

No you're losing it stop deflecting you're embarrasing yourself

Are you having to type these out by hand to repost my words back to me? Your life is sad really. Actually. ☹️

Typing out my responses like you are has just gotten really sad. I think you are having a manic episode. Do you take medication?

Is that dudebro speak? Lol. That is stupid as hell lol. Idiotic metaphors. I can’t hahaha what’s the term for basic men? Cause ya basic!!! Oh I can’t stop laughing at the idiotic hyperbole. Hahaha how come you all are such tiny balled losers? Hahaha

I really don’t care, do u?

I literally said that lol. You a basic bitch!

You reposted, out of context, a sentence where I responded to someone else that you didn’t understand yourself, then tried to fabricate that you were some sort of victim when I mocked your pathetic desperate attempts to sound smart for likes lol. I literally covered the talking points you attempt time and again in my original pst but ok. Back at all you creeps, there is no way there are this many dumbass dudebros walking around functioning f2f the absurdity is striking.

/u/onitan has struck again

I am brilliant. That one is a classic! Dudebro tears lol.

Im not at all worried about how I come across, you have clearly mistaken me for someone that will tolerate an attack on and blaming Lesbians, a marginalized groups for your struggle in a patriarchal structure. I no longer respect anyone openly that doesn’t respect me, not sure what you are confused about in that statement. If you have to call Lesbians stereotyped names because we don’t agree on an ideology, you are no longer acknowledging my rights or boundaries. Hate and respect work reciprocally. Don’t respect me or give me the dignity to exist freely. Don’t for a second think you will have that in return. Is that clear enough? Hope so.

I dont’ know about everyone else but I’m just using it as an excuse to say something incendiary.

So desperate, I can smell your self hate, you wander on subs full of Deus Vult Adherents because your own allies wont give you time of day, so pathetic that your own enemies are your only choice. Weho what ? go tie your nose with a rope, and r/drama should propably too if we are this pseudochicks only hope.

What is the DEEPSTATE trying to tell us?

Thanks for Compliment but im not one of your kind you can say to me outright that you couldnt make sense of my shit, i know you are unused to honesty in the pack you are running with where anybody can turn on anybody in any moments, but here you can be yourself, no matter how retarded that self is.

This is the demonic crime-lord the has left a highly publicized trail of bodies in her wake and defeated every investigation into her.

Let me just my homies at r/Dnd should be fun.

(nope im not jumping at Hilary joke, too low of a bar, i leave that to Kane)

I think might have discovered the source of /u/captainpriapism recent agitations

Wehaboochick uses Non Sequitur, its not very effective.

Lol. U/PM_ME_UR_SUSPICIONS they are criticizing your shit writing lol. Get them! Immediacy! Immediacy! Tell them about your brilliant alliteration here that sounds like, sadly a tumor laden teen wrote it! Profiling perverted pooch paramours provokes passionate petulance

Pseudo Psychologist, Psychopatically Performs Pseudop Psychoanalysis. Pfffffff.

Peterson may be doing the same thing he does when he says atheists may claim they do not believe in God, but they are acting out Judea Christian ethics regardless. (Ie. it doesn’t matter what you say, it matters how you act)

Non sequitur again, You are one trick Phony.

Cleaning a car is easier than buying a house and he can’t even do that.

U/PM_ME_UR_SUSPICIONS he hates your writing lol.

Edit, you need a lowercase u/ for a ping.


I've seen a few typos in her copies and I'm beginning to think she is manually retyping my comments, lmao.

Now your comments sound like the were written by two different people. The first part is like it was written by a marvellously thin and attractive person but then it devolves into the scribblings of a discusting fatbody. What is going on with you?

Does your vagina actually smell like rotten fish?

Yep. Girls love it!

I declare you both faggots for caring this much about Reddit.

He’s a f*ggot, I’m a dyke! Get your slurs correct breeder!

I’ll shoot your dick in the face till you love me , faggot.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

How many 1/32nds black are you?


If you stop saying dudebro I'll stop saying fatty, fatty.

Don’t ever stop saying fatty fatty, keep mocking fat People, how will I know if it is the brain trust known as r/drama without regressive insults that center your highschool trauma experiences?

Keep up the good work dudebros!

Glad to have you here!


Calling women fatties


How much do you weigh OP.

-There is an incredible over use of the word fatty on this sub. Seriously I’m curious what did Fatties do to you dudebros? Inquiring minds want to know how come you are so insulted/obsessed by weight. Do you all own gyms?

as a minority it disgusts me to see white people gourge themselves while my brothers and sisters starve. the extermination of all fat mayos is a necessary step to ending world hunger

Great! White people are colonizers and gorge everywhere. Guess you should just shame all of them all the time especially the fatties, how dare they do that to you. It’s especially comforting to see white fatty men shame white fatty women like it’s 1995. But why bother mentioning that when you can just blame all the people on resource rich countries.

You sure showed us by posting a thread and totalleh nawt being mahd guise.

You've certainly not proven everything everyone ever said about you here.

We're absolutely haters who are just jealous tho.

Honestly, I don't remember who you are, but one of those things probably applies, so quantity, not quality.

Proven it how? No one has made any type of observation besides some casual sexist comment. So please do tell me where i was critically assessed?

The fact that you thin I give enough of a shit to look at your username to remember what retarded faggotry you've done is sad.

At least try to remind me.

Awe don’t be sad gay sex happens? Maybe someone will let you suck their dick then you can be happy again!

This but unironically

Is this a Markov Chain program? Speghetti? Power Cable? Dominoes?

post pics of your hand

-Women in their 40’s are useless and should be replaced by latex sex bots or are consumed with their earning potential, they really have no value so just kill them all actually. Especially Soccer Mom’s and if fat well, die in a fire!

Whoa I thought we already mocked all the Redpillers and incels here. So we missed some?

What a boring tryhard. Die away from me.

Get that attention tho first!

Gas yourself.

Haha that’s a reasonable thing to post lol. Loser.

Stay triggered.


Fat chicks can be funny.

Fat chicks are human.


What are you doing? You honestly seemed really cool but you shit talk us at /r/gendercritical because we question your porn consumption.

I did every type of "sex work" including porn and their porn critiques were hard for me to hear like not even gonna lie. I felt so stupid. But they care about you. This really isnt cool. You cant compare romcoms to porn. I see you're latina too. Shut the fuck up. Ask your mom what she thinks about you're saying.

Pathetic attention seeking. This is very sad. Why even do anything like this.

Why are you lesbos so obsessed with men's genitals?

They weaponize them on vulnerable str8 women and it’s disturbing and horrifying.


ACTUALLY believing what you wrote or just trolling? Its funny anyways, but also sad if the first.

Why the all caps emphasis on the least important word in that sentence? Y’all need to at least try. Lol.

I'm a woman and I also hate hams.


There is an incredible over use of the word fatty on this sub. Seriously I’m curious what did Fatties do to you dudebros? Inquiring minds want to know how come you are so insulted/obsessed by weight. Do you all own gyms?

You used the word "fat" (or the related "fatty" or "fatties") over 10 times in the post. And, like, 50 times in replies here.

You should prolly exersise more. Have you tried put-downs?

Do you not get that I’m mocking them for the over use of the word fatty? Are you ok? They may call you a fatty if you don’t conform to the hive-man mind here lol.

Jesus christ, this person is deranged. Maybe you would be loveable if you weren't clearly mentally ill. Better get some cats, it'll be a long 40 years until you hang yourself.

What is the rule here regarding incitements to violence, do they have one? These teen trolls can just say this shit without consequence? Doesn’t seem right. Who knows the rules?

Are you even a woman?

man-steria That's just awful. Testeria rolls off the tongue so much better.

You just proved most of the points tho.

Are you okay?

-All feminists are crazy, hysterical, need to seek help, are undoing years of therapy

You're doing very little to disabuse me of this notion. I think the fact you seem to believe you can invent new words by putting "man" in front of them was my biggest clue.

Yeah women waiting voting, property and publishing rights are all lunatics. You trolls sound a lot dumber than you realize.

You realize women achieved all those things almost 100 years ago? And yet here you are still sitting around blaming men for all your problems.



I know right. Troll anti-feminist incel man “explains” feminism to feminist lol

Screenshotted haha.

Lol sure. /s

That was a response to another poster fool, I see where you got confused tho b/c well ur dumb.