White People Are Cowards

64  2018-06-20 by Starship_Litterbox_C


Normally I'm for Mayocide but this guy seems butthurt all the time. Honestly, just get a pumpkin spice latte and enjoy a day or choke yourself with a belt until the sweet release of death takes you.

Well, unless the grim reaper owns you and calls you a "Mega-Nigger" or something cucked up.

I already know it's Harriot, dude's mom must've divorced his dad and married a redneck for him to be this mad constantly.

Almost everyone involved with black identity has a permanent hate-boner for mayo's.

All racial identitarians should be thrown in a massive colleseum to fight to the death.

My money is in Asian Identitarians dying first. They’re the smallest in number, being composed only of butthurt American/Canadian 3rd gen rich kids.

Winner is harder to decide. Probably white supremacists if that includes Arabs.

Probably white supremacists if that includes Arabs.

Oh, too far.

Really though, it's baffling how this kind of garbage is actually accepted in left-wing circles. It's just some guy spewing his bile and it's actually accepted as some deep criticism. I can write a better piece by keeping my turds in for 2 days and then letting it all loose.

I can write a better piece by keeping my turds in for 2 days and then letting it all loose.


Because their politics are based on morals instead of an understanding of human society and a philosophical understanding of what’s good for humanity.

They’re willing to compromise for whatever makes them feel radical and righteous. Like Maoism.

You don't think morality has any role in eudaimonistic society or philosophy in general?

Only when its overwhelmingly majority accepted enough to become called "ethics" instead. Otherwise no, they should not form the basis of one's worldview.

Pretty sure the majority of philosophical systems, religious traditions, and local neighborhood PTAs agree on the importance of keeping families together.

That only applies to social in-groups. Families are only valuable when they propagate social stability and prosperity, which tend to be universal in-group values. However, when dealing with out-groups, particularly ones which are viewed to have a detrimental effect on the well-being of certain in-groups, people pay only lip-service to ethics, if at all. There is no such thing as empathy towards hostile (economically or otherwise) out-groups, and historically there was no concern given to the welfare of expellees. Also, 'hostages' implies that the expelled families have something the US wants, which is not the case, at least for those who supports this policy. Better word will be just 'taken', which is something Canada did for quite some time so it's not without (shitty) precedent.

The major concern I'm having is that keeping the kids is going to be a massive waste of taxpayer money. Either kick them out with their families or keep the families as labor (I'm not a farm-worker or similar citizen who actively competes with illegals on the market, they can all starve for all I care). Doing neither is neither moralistic by any stretch nor profitable.

Really though, it's baffling how this kind of garbage is actually accepted in left-wing circles. It's just some guy spewing his bile and it's actually accepted as some deep criticism. I can write a better piece by keeping my turds in for 2 days and then letting it all loose.

I don't know ask the Daily Stormer with Anglin" diddle the little" Andrew.

At least we members of the BLM, NOI don't have pedophile problem.


No you have a brain disorder problem.

No you have a brain disorder problem.

NOI is woke tho. Shit belief, Lit paramilitary aesthetics

If i wanted lit paramillitary aesthetics i'd join the SA

If i wanted lit paramillitary aesthetics i'd join the SA

LOL, Black all the time gets boring. I love how whites love everything Black(including the D in some cases) but the people.

I'm more of a Tankie man. Hitler was good guy tho, he killed lots of whites(Russians white tho?) I probably would have join the Axis(safe distance of course, ya'll would fail even if SA won).

Im not white, you ignorant turd. But even then, no one can deny that the fascists have the best aesthetics.

Im not white, you ignorant turd. But even then, no one can deny that the fascists have the best aesthetics.

EH, debatable. Like I said Communists aesthetics, propaganda and architecture is lit.

Communist aesthetics are inferior to fascist aesthetics in every way. Just look at the depressing filth that are modern commie-blocks. And soviet realism can hardly be called 'art'.

Communist aesthetics are inferior to fascist aesthetics in every way. Just look at the depressing filth that are modern commie-blocks. And soviet realism can hardly be called 'art'.

Really nigga, I seen fascist art, not impressed. Sure it's good for a season, but only a season. At least when people go to Russia(Nigeria of Europe) they take a second glance when they see former Soviet buildings.

Soviet Realism is better art than American art. Regardless of political views.

Really nigga, I seen fascist art, not impressed. Sure it's good for a season, but only a season. At least when people go to Russia(Nigeria of Europe) they take a second glance when they see former Soviet buildings.

They really don't. And 'a second glance' at brutalist art is 'a second glance' at a horribly malformed person crossing you in the street. It's out of disgust and a medical fascination.

Soviet Realism is better art than American art. Regardless of political views.

That's like winning the special olympics.

They really don't. And if any were to take 'a second glance' at brutalist art, they would do so because of disgust, like taking 'a second glance' at a horribly malformed person crossing you in the street. It's out of disgust and a medical fascination.

Leave trump out of this.

That's like winning the special olympics.

LOL, well argue that logic, American art was always terrible.

I'd take American art over African art, though. Making a mosque out of shit isn't really art.

I'd take American art over African art, though. Making a mosque out of shit isn't really art.

Are you sure?

Man no wonder white bitches are valuable. They do anything.

I already told you im not white, you ignorant darkie. Im an Arab, and our race has always had a healthy contempt for the negro.

Poor whiteys never castrated their slaves, and now they have people like you that just won't stop whining.

I already told you im not white, you ignorant darkie

Ok, A-rab.

Your obsession with whites shows just how deep your racial inferiority complex goes.

Well your race would know all about that. Been everybody bitch after Muhammad(PBUH) died. Ruled by Romans,Persians,Ottomans,Egyptians, us Kangz, shit you suck.

In case you were wondering, I'm an Arab,

No shit Ahab, I smelt the curry from here.

and our race has always had a healthy contempt for the African

Don't know why, your ancestors were Niggers.

and we had the foresight to castrate our African slaves.

Yep, couldn't let our future onaholes have the common sense to abandon ya no dick piss drinkers.

Poor whiteys never castrated their slaves, and now they have people like you that just won't stop whining.

'I keep whining and whining until I win'

Well your race would know all about that. Been everybody bitch after Muhammad(PBUH) died. Ruled by Romans,Persians,Ottomans,Egyptians, us Kangz, shit you suck.

lmao you never ruled us. We ruled you. From Zanzibar to Mali, we took slaves, murdered and pillaged, and we put you in the lowest slave positions. European slaves could at least enter a royal harem because of hteir good looks, but no self-respecting caliph would ever fuck an African.

Also you seem incredibly mad, it seems i have hit a sore spot. Was it your whitey inferiority complex?

lmao you never ruled us.

We did.

We ruled you.

You confuse ruled with just giving you slaves for trade.

From Zanzibar to Mali, we took slaves, murdered and pillaged, and we put you in the lowest slave positions.

And then we did it back to you and rape your bitches.

European slaves could at least enter a royal harem because of their good looks, but no self-respecting caliph would ever fuck an African.

Muhammad(PBUH) came from niggers.

And from Suleiman onward, it seems only Europeans were allowed in the royal harems.

And that was his downfall, Beckys destroy the empire.

Also you seem incredibly mad, it seems i have hit a sore spot. Was it your whitey inferiority complex?

Why would say that? Hell at least even if you didn't believe we ruled you, the others still stands. You suck.

If you can't put aside your beliefs to admit that Hugo was BOSS. Look no further than Captain James T. Kirk rocking an SS uniform.

Someone left the cage door of /r/JustProBlackThings open again.

Someone left the cage door of /r/JustProBlackThings open again.

I guess their "high I.Q" was asleep.

Depending on your diet, If you did keep it In for 2 days I'd look at it longer than I would a root article

East asia is racist as hell, they dont even take immigrants. There is probably a billion at least.

East Asians hate each other lol. They’re not Asian nationalists.

Vietnam #1!!!~!

East Asians hate each other lol. They’re not Asian nationalists.

Hell Whites hate each other worse, why you think no white person today knows of Yugoslavian genocide?

Slavs aren't white. Or people.

Slavs aren't white. Or people.

We can agree on that.

You call them slaves for a reason.

Bet on the kung-fu guys or the fat slobby larping burger eaters. Hmmmm🤔

You say that like it's a bad thing

No no no, biracial people desperately swallowing black identity have permanent hate boners for mayos

Like the Jew, Mayos are simultaneously the prime dominant force of evil in the world whose power is beyond comprehension and weak pathetic spineless cowards who shrivel under the slightest scrutiny.

Almost everyone involved with black identity has a permanent hate-boner for mayo's.

BIE here can confirm our hate for Mayo. Wouldn't even want it on my

I like some whites, well, the good uns least, shame there ain't more than a stock a field these days of em

I take pride in my cowardice.

one day I hope you shed your grotesque cum-like skin and are able to show off your anime bodypillow in public, god bless

if I go outside with Azusa-chan I'll be arrested for public indecency. She's naked on one side and she's also a loli ...

I'll have you now I come from a generation of cowards of which I'm very proud tyvm

Someone‘s off his meds.

Race war now

I thought black people were evil. I was wrong.

Whenever anyone mentions the prevalence of black on black crime, black people will emerge from the dark crevices of humanity to gnaw away at the assertion like roaches on a discarded Cheeto. They will explain how most black people aren't gang members. They will offer a convoluted explanation about the lack of present fathers and explicit rap lyrics. They will introduce the concept of “privilege”—the idea that we shouldn’t judge the actions of people of color using modern-day standards—as if the black people can’t quite grasp the idea of inhumanity and brutality.

Everyone knows that selling drugs is wrong. Everyone knows that the bloods and the crips are evil. Everyone knows that running from the cops is a bad idea. Everyone knows that any kind of theft anf murder is evil. These things persist because most black people don’t actively fight to eradicate them.

And most black people don’t actively fight to eradicate black on black crume because they usually benefit in some small way. The Chicago is built on gang activity. Gangs maintain a local order with black people firmly planted atop the social hierarchy. Black Lives Matter keeps the cops in their place, but it also comforts gang members to know that the big white bogeymen are being kept docile lest they be called racists.

Black on black crime exists not because of evil but because the unaffected majority put their interests above all others, and their inaction allows black on black crime to flourish. That is why I believe that silence in the presence of injustice is as bad as injustice itself. Black people who are quiet about gang violence might not plant the seed, but their silence is sunlight.

Many of those people don’t speak out because they fear getting a cap in their ass more than they hate when their tv is stolen. For them, the fear of having someone call them an uncle tom outweighs their hatred of drugs in their community.

They know the reality of disproportionate black on black crime, but they wouldrather blame white people. Their kids receive educations. Their kids can wear hoodies whenever they please. Little Shaniqua and Deandre’s résumés don’t get tossed in the trash because of their white-sounding names. Their children’s futures are determined only by white guilt. Therefore, they stay silent on the sidelines.

That’s not evil.

That is cowardice.

“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”

post this on /r/blackfellas

Go ahead. Make one about women or weebs or something. It's good pasta.

Very well said....remember though....you might get in trouble for ripping this work off....unless you are donald glover

lol black americans trying to write

I dunno "Get Out" shits all over that dumb movie with the lady who fucked a fish and it still won best movie

yeah i mean if they can get all that righteous african fury out of their system then go for it but this dude obviously couldnt

i'm white and i agree

lmao look at /u/Badgerkomodo signaling his virtue here. So brave.

If lynching had never stopped, blacks would be better behaved. Blacks should thank us for ridding their communities of thieves, rapists and murderers for free.

You have to go back.

No, he wants to go back.


Also, by leaving them in trees - you have spooky Halloween decorations, or, if it's another time of year - an interesting talking-point!

Daily reminder y'all that it was plinkies that freed the slaves.

I thought white people were evil. I was wrong.

The Root and The Onion are owned by the same company and I'm not sure that The Root isn't a side project of Onion writers.

Theory checks out, onions are a kind of root.

Huh. The more you know.

The Onion has gotten a lot more liberal since Univision took a massive stake in them. Univision also owns The Root and all of Gawker properties (minus Gawker.com)

Michael Harriot

World-renowned wypipologist. Getter and doer of "it." Never reneged, never will. Last real negus alive.

If this isn't satire I really think this timeline needs to rewind a step or two.

White ppl living in a lot of ppls heads, rent free

Imagine waking up every morning and unironically saying to yourself "Ahhh, white people certainly are evil". Actually, I already due. #mayocide2018

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