I'm sevp AMA

6  2018-06-20 by sevp

I'm the famous sevp. Ask me anything.


What should I ask you, in order to make you feel like I secretly know what your most embarrassing irl moment is?

"how is the weekend going?"

It's an inside joke between me and my friends.


1.) Who are you Sevp? Your not a usual on the llama.

2.) Bussy or Gussy?

3.) Who’s the Best Lolcow?

4.) Who’s more autistic u/pizzashill or u/ed_butteredtoast?

5.) What do you think is the best sub to find drama?

6.) How was your day?

7.) What’s the weather like?

What you wearing?


Cool. Why you doing AMA?

Because I wanna become famous like /u/ed and /u/masterlawlz

Aww, that takes special talent and both have a very different style. Ed is funny and rude and quite moody at times. Lawlz is sweet and very naive/innocent. You need to find your own style. :)

I'm trying!

how is the weekend going? 😄😉

Just to be clear Tristan, its not gay if it's a bro job, see you tonight 😘


ok :)


No one cares

How will you contribute to the mayocide?

I don't eat mayo I'm vegan

Literally who?