All of you except cooler

19  2018-06-21 by Wild_Hunt


This, but unironically.


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Sentient af

Sapient. Theres a difference you anti intellectualism nerd


Skynet is just around the corner.

But snappy is so down to earth.

Jesus. I didn't think Terminator 2 was a documentary

Okay the mods sneak in and tamper with Snappy, right? RIGHT?!

Hey I'm a radical dudebro too

Sorry for being dumb, but whats a centrist?

a man who lives for nothing but the raw, unfiltered power of reasonable discourse

Sounds stimulating

but also boring

very important to radical centrism

Don't you think the DNC should be tried for treason or something though lol

a man with the moral authority to make fun of anything anyone else believes in.

Guy Fieri and his neighbors at Flavortown, USA

If you're not a tankie or a fascist you're just a fence-sitter imo