What are children into

3  2018-06-22 by BlueSerene

So I feel like there are enough autists around here to contribute to this. I have a ten year old to entertain for a few weeks, any suggestions?


Male or female? Age 10 is around when there's the most difference between their tastes.

For a boy, maybe get some youtube videos of space exploration? And for a gril, read the Alexiad by Anna Comnena and explain to them that they should be interested because it was written by a princess.

More seriously, age 10 is about when they start getting interested in the Twilight Zone. Maybe they don't fully understand every layer of it, but they get that it's something to think about. So maybe find an episode that isn't too creepy and try that.


Are you a libertarian?

Well, Legos are usually universally appreciated. You could get some toy guns/ water pistols to play outside. The options are endless

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Nerf Guns doesn’t matter if they’re boy or girl, you can still shoot them when they act up. Tommy 20 and a couple of hand pistols works well.