Delta bans the breed of peace, some people cry about it in /r/news

181  2018-06-22 by gnrlysrs


If uh. If anyone has a pibble as a legit service animal, please call your local attorney. 🤤 I wanna watch Delta backpeddle.

Using a pitbull as a service animal is like using a shotgun as a walking cane.

I prefer .577 Tyrannosaur for my walking stick, thanks.

Just use .950JDJ

So you're saying it's a good idea?

If you live in a Guy Ritchie movie.

what if my disability is having a crippling fear of non-eaten babies

What kind of dog would be a cane sword?

Thing is nobody trains pits as service animals because they're terribly behaved dangerous and generally a waste of time for that kind of thing. So yeah no.

There are a couple. Not many but they are out there.

No there actually are not

ACAA would disagree with that prohibition and in this day and age I could probably wrangle ADA in there. So you’re wrong there.

Here’s one So you’re wrong that there are none and that no one will train them. It’s just a small and distinct minority. But hey, better luck next time on the game of absolutes!

They aren't even service animals, they're "emotional support dogs". Anyone can pay for this classification and they get a nice little certificate.

You don't have to pay for the classification really, just claim that it's an emotional support dog. They're not allowed to ask for proof so there's no need to pay some bullshit site out there promising to make your dog a "real" emotional support dog. The only really legit thing would be some kind of note from an actual doctor, but again, they aren't allowed to require that.

You're thinking of service animals. ESAs are not service animals, and are not protected by the ADA.

Great, now the stewardesses need to be able read chicken scratch too?

Jokes on you, monster. I custom croquet emotional support animal vestys all the time for my clients. Custom jobs starting at $67. Use promo code "doggo" at checkout for 50% there is no shame admitting you are a demened spinster loser when using promo code "pupper" for 70% off.

I had some rich bitch pull this on the last flight I was on. 'Emotional support' my ass, her yappy little fucking Chihuahua made me want to strangle her

Are you me?

For your sake, I hope not

Are we Muslim?

you are

In shawl ah

I'm honestly nervous about this happening on a few upcoming flights. I haven't flown in a few years, and this crazy support animal bullshit seems to be escalating. The last thing I need is some giant ass dog like the one posted here the other day sitting next to my toddler and me. I honestly don't know how I would handle it. It takes very little to have your ass dragged off a plane these days.

You don't need anything to document a service animal. All you need to do is say "this is a service animal" and then have a reason for why it is what you say it is. But you don't have to demonstrate it's ability or anything

I'm aware, I used to bounce in california and the retarded locals would try to bring their pitbull to the bar and say it was an ESA. We would just refuse to serve them drinks based on them self reporting mental illness and they'd leave quickly.

Holy shit that is an amazing argument to use next time some asshole brings his unruly dog into a bar.

ESA are not legally recognized as service animals so those people were probably too dumb to know that in the first place.

The only people who pay for that classification are retards. There is no set board/committee/organization that handles those. Basically just get a note from a therapist/doctor and you are golden.

Interestingly enough, someone applied for one of my units and they had 3 ESA pitbulls. We have a zero tolerance policy for dogs and rejected the application and haven’t heard back from her yet

Oh man, good luck with that one!

Allah willing they all die in a fire

For having dogs ? Or for being idiots about dogs ?

What the fuck is an emotional support dog. Really. What is it. Isnt every pet a "friend"...thus emotional "support" I mean what the fuck. Im not trolling.

They switched how this works a few years ago after 20/20 did an expose on people who abuse it. Now you need documentation from a physician for your pet to get the free ride

Also, they kill people.

Because they were bred to by total maniacs. That we’re trying to fix.

That being said anyone who has one as a service animal is fucking retarded

Please fix yourself

Oh like my cousin who has type 1 diabetes and needs her service dog to alert her when she is having a massive spike or crash?

Go fuck yourself.

"Fixing" Pibbles would mean breeding extreme aggression and jaw strength out of them, then having a Doggocaust of the old-stock murder mutts.

Doing a great service for rest of the planet then!

literally yesterday had a service pit bull in my studio with a client. she had a seizure disorder. idk the legality but that dog was well behaved and sweet as pie.

Literally yesterday I either made something up or got lied to.

i’m just sayin I would have believed the guy and i only know OPs talking out of their ass because i seent that shit

Literally no one would get a Pitbull as a service animal. You don't get service animals because you like that particular breed, you get them to assist you. And Pitbulls are not even remotely the best choice.

Even if the stigma is not justified (which it is), people will still be afraid of your service dog.

Already provided links below. People use them as service animals.

Not saying it’s the best choice, just saying it’s a free win for a hungry lawyer.

As for people being afraid of a service animal: fuck ‘em. Not my problemo, not the owner’s problemo. That’s the same retarded shit like, “blacks commit x amount of crime, despite being y of the population. Ergo we should fear allllll blacks.”

not the owner’s problemo.

Except in this case of course, where Delta bans pitbulls. I'd imagine pitbull owners are the ones with the problem now.

Naw, if it’s a legit service animal it’s still not a problemo, it’s a paycheck. I’d take that case in a heartbeat. ACAA and mebbe the ADA.

If it’s some idiotic ESA, no legal standing, owner can go fuck themselves.

This is ridiculous. Pit bulls are service dogs and work as police dogs. They are strong, sturdy, and usually around 50 lbs. Even larger dogs can be great service animals for people who need help with balance, retrieving objects. I don't think people care if their service dog is "scary" if it can do all the functions they need.

Found /u/pizzashill's alt.

No, like not at all. You don't troll well do you?

What did you mean by this?

I don't think I've seen him put forth a strong opinion on pit bulls, but I might've missed it.

I mean the as asshole is a condescending prick who would say something as retarded the above comment, even though it's obviously completely wrong on all accounts. Its the pizzacel way.

rofl... seen more people bit by little "good" rat breeds (small dogs) than the larger dogs. Then again, people often are asshats when they come to training animals as well. Honestly, it's a situation where the breed isn't the question, because i have seen a lot of "good" family friendly breeds bite people as well.

The problem is that the big dogs are the ones that do damage.

Nobody is saying little dogs don't bite. If a smaller/weaker dog attacks me, I'll kick it until it backs down... If a pit bull attacks me, I'll bleed out from having my throat ripped out.

Oh lawd, pits as service animals? Don’t give those morons who tag those “emotional support animals” along any ideas.

They are already planning on boycotting Delta for it

Man I feel bad for pitbulls. It's not thier fault that the human race is full of stupid jabronies that breed them for fighting and biting and expect them to suddenly become nice, cuddly dogs. When a dog bites a man's face off, the owner should be put down with them for being such fuckwits.

No, we should just exterminate pitbulls.

Radical centrism is killing both the pitbulls and owners.

yeah exterminate the fur-mommies too

this but unironically

100% support this tbh

Sell them to Korea, for pitbull jerky.

I wouldn't mind doing that, but what if koreans become super aggressive and start biting us?

what if koreans become super aggressive


this but unironically

You need Pabst Blue Ribbon flair for anyone to take you seriously.

For some reason people are against neutering all of them and letting them die out peacefully too.

Because they are rejects and find common ground with pits on that level

Eat the Pitbull, don't let its meat go to waste

I'm kind of curious what a bull baited steak tastes like. That's what pittbulls were made to do, let them fulfill their purpose.

Um, they are trained to look after newborn infants with their comfy mouths, so try again sweetie.

The breed itself was a combination of two breeds so you know. It's created the most effective and deadly result, and now white women love them.

This was all predicted by the lyrics of the song "Delta Dawn"

Delta once more proving they're the best of the cheaper airlines. Comfortable seats, no murder pups, and very friendly flight attendants.

jetblue is p legit

Yeah TVs on every headrest with a bunch of channels and cheap items to purchase on the plane for convenience vs. the 40 percent or more mark up at the airport shops.


Except for the time I flew Delta and there was an electrical fire in the cabin and the whole cabin filled with smome. We had to do an emergency landing on a runway that was way too short for our plane and skidded off and I was on the news. My compensation was a voucher for the food court.

I'm sure the ban is just so people can't say "but it's muh service animal" when trying to get their baby-mauler on a plane

baby mauling is an essential sevice

How the living fuck did humanity make it so long without service animals to comfort people? Jesus fucking Christ. I wish there was some sort of oversight on this, where unless you suffered something horrible you don't get to take your fucking pet with you everywhere.

i think the majority of mankind used to spend a lot more time with animals, actually.

And eating them. Lets see one of these snowflakes behead a chicken, gut it, and process it.

i mean, surely you kept some of the animals around to just like, hang out.

Until your stomach starts growling.

Exaxtly, we made giant leaps forward after domesticating dogs.

For real. There are ways to cope with anxiety that don't involve making the people around you miserable.

Lol, is this your first day on earth? Have you no knowledge of human history?

Well it's not like you could get a doctor's note in the BC era. You probably had to get it carved into a cave or something and it was probably hard to keep track of.

I'm much more likely to fly delta now if people who like pits aren't going to be on the plane. The dogs are a hazard for sure, but their owners and fans are annoying even on their own.

This is so true. If I have to see one more picture of a newborn laying on a pit to prove how genteel they are, I'll vomit. Have those pictures ever swayed anyone?

My service pibble is a good boy and only mauls loud children :)))


Acceptable names for these harmless creatures include:

  • Pibbles
  • Pibbies
  • Bullies
  • Lil land sharks
  • Velvet hippoes
  • Arfopotamus
  • Pibby Wibbies
  • Squinkies
  • Binkies
  • Widdle chompers
  • Uh Ohs
  • Bobos
  • Wigglebutt Monsters

Do NOT NOT NOT NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES refer to them as "pit bulls" or prepare to be called out on your toxic racism by yours truly. Thanks!

What about murder pup?

Or child face muncher?


This but unironically

Toddler tasters

Is dogfrican-American ok?

I personally use pinballs.

Maryland toddler tormentor.

You deserve gold for this.

Lil land sharks

You get imaginary gold for making me laugh


prone to violence

mayos desperately say they dindu nuffin

Truly the niggers of the dog world

My pit > your child

Where's that nuttah buttah pitbull lova'? Can someone ping her?


Right here! I got Unibeefs perma-banned so she won't be responding today, unfortunately. But I'll ping her in case:


This is so rich though. Good on Delta. All they need to do now is grab their pistols and shoot the canine Hitlers dead, and they're gold. Shooting should always be the first line of defense against a pitbull, even if they don't attack--remember that! If you shoot them, they'll just bleed to death and you can make a good martini outta the blood. It's not sadism, it's victory.

Nah, headshots should be reserved for their owners. Mutts can be stomped to death.

Mm, good point!

Unibeefs is perma-banned so she won't be responding today, unfortunately. But I'll ping her in case:

I'm what? No. Just because I can't respond to your psychosis every five minutes does not mean I'm banned. Lol

why are pibble owners such brainlets Jesus Christ

Delicious pibble drama, my favorite.

Lol but I guess Doberman pinschers, Rottweilers,German Shepard’s and other big,athletic possibly dangerous dogs are still ok? What a meme

To be fair, Dobs/rotts/GSDs aren't fighting dogs but guard dogs. They are, safer than pits. Still, people shouldn't bring big dogs (or any for that matter) to flights because they are "ESA"...

I like my odds with a 50lb pitbull than with a 120 lb Rottweiler.

You'd be surprised how weight somehow doesn't matter anymore after being attacked by a pit bull. Rottweilers are too slow..pits have that terrier blood. Actually, I think you're more likely to survive a rott attack.

yeah, I doubt that. A 120 lb mastiff type dog clamping down on your arm is a lot worse than a 50lb bull and terrier mix. Outside of women, old people and children a grown man could hurl the average pitbull, a Rottweiler, nah.

The bite strength is worse in mastiff types, but their bite is not as terrible as a pit type. Doctors often compare their bites to shark attacks, pits bite but won't let go and will shake like a rag doll. Mastiffs will bite strong...but they won't be as resistant to stop biting as pits, who can be literally shot multiple times with tasers and guns and still go on and on.

It's weaker than the other Mastiffs types because they are smaller than your standard mastiff. The larger the dog the larger the skull, there's room for larger muscle attachment sites too. And there's also the shape of the skull to consider. Mastiffs, Rottweilers, Pitbulls - they all have a shorter mandible (when compared to say, German shepherds) that anchors the teeth closer to the power source, the jaw muscles.

Here's the thing about the canine family, their primary method of inflicting damage is to seize and shake. It's not unique to Pitbulls. The mastiff types, otherwise known as man stoppers, the gripping breeds, etc, they will dismantle a grown man a lot more effectively than any 50lb pitbull simply because they are larger, you know stronger.

Negro pit bulls haven’t been bread for aggression in years except by... wait for it... breeders who actually train pit bulls to be guard dogs. so ya I rather sit next to some rando pitbull then a big ass dog like a Rottweiler who only 20 years earlier was the poster breed for a vicious guard dog

I’m not really paranoid by most dogs anyhow since I can usually sense if their feeling agsty but hey

Pits are still bred for aggression though

Rottweilers are guard dogs, which makes them wary of strangers, territorial, defensive. They aren't really into seeking for a fight, but are extremely cautious of you invading their "space" and will defend themselves. Same with dobs and GSDs. Fighting breeds are bred to simply fight; with no clear target. Just fight. It's offensive, not defensive and they usually seek fights. And they don't need to be bad mannered to do it, they can go from happy to killer in seconds since their warning signs were bred out from them for fighting's sake.

I'm not saying Rottweilers aren't dangerous, but their less agile and defensive nature is still better than a speedy killer machine.

There's some really horrific videos online of pit bulls killing German shepherds.

German shepherds are the top choice for a working dog in pretty much every field for a reason. They're bred for obedience and temperament.

Ban all emotional support animals.

Just look at this stupidity. This guy's argument is: Why do the small amount of people murdered by pits matter so long as enough people get pleasure out of owning pits it outweighs the random murders.

Holy fuck. Pit owners need to be locked the fuck up. They are a menace to society.

If that's not enough...

Years ago people cared more for the mauler than the victim.

Jesus Christ. Killed another dog. Maimed a small child. And they still want to Let him live.

> Emotional support dog

> Pitbull

What the actual fuck is wrong with people?

Paging everyone's favorite insane nuttah buttah u/byebyeflutterpie

A German Shepherd Dog ate a baby last week. I assume he smelled a pitbull coming and decided to put the poor baby out of it's misery.

Thank God he was there!

everyone's circle-jerking over how everyone else is talking about how precious pitbulls are

meanwhile, no one is talking about how precious pitbulls are

this is how the myth of the white supremacist capitalist cisheteropatriarchy happened