Jordan "Free Speech" Memerson is suing a college because they said mean words and invaded his safe space and made him feel bad. His lawsuit demands other professors stop saying hurtful things and only say nice things about the Lobster King

111  2018-06-22 by random_bullshit_blah


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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I bet Jordan beats off furiously to gay hentai furry porn

That's actually his most humanizing factor tbqh


I feel soooooooo bad about this rough alpha male who champions free speech!

poor little guy! People said mean things!!!

I hnope he gets his money cuz those patreon checks can only cover so much

dude makes like 90k a month on patreon


for what? fucking snow flake now wants people to stop saying mean things?

fuck this asshole

snow flake

This doesn't make any sense in this context.

wants people to stop saying mean things?

It's Canada.

I don't know why people are getting so mad about hate speech laws being enforced. Are you some kind of fucking alt-righter?

This doesn't make any sense in this context.

no, it makes sense

Not really. It reeks of some triggered leftist hearing some right wing buzzword and clumsily attempting to turn it around.

i'm sorry, i genuinely thought jordan peterson was a leftist

isn't he? he just also hates women?


also that

he wants to forcefully redistribute the means of reproduction... so that kinda qualifies

Peterson holds traditionalist views on how society and relationships should work via gender, which is most famously explained by him saying men should have some standards for themselves.

Thing is, he sees $$$ in pandering to the alt right outrage hounds so he goes out of his ways to present these mostly mild views in a controversial way, acting like he's the last sane voice in a world gone mad. It's the same racket Milo Ylanghdfjikwhk went with, to a degree.

triggered leftist

go clean your room

Lol, buzzword nazi

Did your unironically use the word trigger? Please buy a gun and trigger yourself

Lefty gets mad over buzzword used in the general direction of his political sports team.

Didn't you just get all all bent out of shape that Dr Freespeech got called a snowflake because he is suing people for saying mean shit about him?


Pls no sue for defamation

He’s offended by what someone said about him and his views so he’s suing them, very snowflakey.

You mean someone defamed him and now he's taking advantage of Canadian law. Welcome to Canada.

Still doesn’t change the fact that he’s a hypocritical twat lol

You mean someone defamed him and now he's taking advantage of Canadian law

No. He was not defamed in any sense of the world

Welcome to Canada.

You realize America has deflation laws as well right?

He was not defamed in any sense of the world

According to Canadian law he was.

You realize America has deflation laws as well right?

Nobody gives a shit about your weird third world burger country.

According to Canadian law he was.

No because this was clearly someone stating their opinion

Triggered leftist is so 2016, get with the times old man

I don't know why people are getting so mad about hate speech laws being enforced. Are you some kind of fucking alt-righter?

you dont know why people are getting mad at someone who spent a couple decades railing against hate speach laws now using those same laws to stop people from daring to criticize him?

you cant understand that?

It's almost as if people you don't like can use the same laws you're advocating for. Welcome to Canada, bitch.

its almost as if JP is a big fat hypocrite and his cultists followers wont admit it

Cool. Hate speech still isn't free speech, sweety. Welcome to Canada, enjoy your stay.

Wow this has come around at a full 180 huh - JP fans are using ‘leftist’ talking points verbatim.

I'm not a Kermit fan, I just think you're a bunch of fucking retards getting bent out of shape just like SJWs are.

Don't break Canadian law and you won't get a mountie fist up your ass.

Eh I have no horse in this race, both sides are being stupid/reactionary and he’s overrated.

Hate speech laws are not the issue. Defamation is. It’s hate speech to say “Jews eat babies”, it’s defamation to say “I saw this particular Jewish person eat my baby”.

I'm not a Kermit fan

lolo that you expect people to believe this

We're in the middle of the second Civil War, but thankfully it's just each side trying to out-retard each other.

The alt right is literally a bunch of red pillers who saw the insanity of full blown SJWs and instead of taking a stand, said "I want in on that action".

And praise to Allah that they did!

Pretty accurate. This sub is cancer but at least its self aware compared to both the left and right.

Welcome to Canada, enjoy your stay.

Have you ever even been to Canada? Or read a book about it?

Peterson is not using hate speach laws. It’s a defamation action. He’s not saying you can’t express opinions - he’s saying you can’t spread lies. Freedom of speach does not include, never has included and never will include, a freedom to lie.

>lawsuit because someone called him mean names.

>not a snowflake.

If you don't want a mountie fist up your ass, obey the law, fag.

Lol imagine being such a fag that you sue for some retard on Twitter calling you names.

Careful with that hate speech. Hate speech isn't free speech.

Oh my fucking god under Canada law that wouldn't be hate speech you hair brained septic

I have a Mountie fisting fantasy, faggot

tfw you're so mad over Dr. Kermit you downvote someone's fantasy.

Tfw downvotes tho

I don't know why people are getting so mad about hate speech laws being enforced

Lol this has 0 to do with hate speech retarded. Hate speech wouldn't be brought to a judge for in a civil case, it would be brought to the HRT

hate speech laws being enforced

Not hate speech laws, defamation laws.

Don't hate her because she's just the latest to find a way to tap into that gold mine

dude makes like 90k a month on patreon

Jesus christ, last I saw it was 40k. I need to start telling fatherless losers to clean their rooms too I guess.

If he showed his butthole in a Pikachu cosplay he could double that.

You sound mad.

Im going to wake up every morning and thank my lucky stars that I don’t see your dumb fucking mug staring back to me in the mirror.

uh oh

someone got triggered!



and it is definitely OP

Noe HE mad!

yeah, he is. and?

You are pot and he is kettle

lol ok bub

Shut the fuck up ed.

Fuck off faggot I been shilling for far longer then ed

What is it with the obsession with baby talk?

It's not an obsession, it's how toddlers (both mental and literal) like him usually talk.

He's a leftist.

Lol no one on any side of this debate is close at all to an alpha male

translation, kermit memerson is gross and icky and makes my tummy wummy hurt".

15 minutes must be up.

nah, all the trumptards fucking LOVE JP.

As long as trump-orrhea continues to infect the culture JP will somehow be relevant

Uhm, yea sure. Let me know when you actually have an argument against something JP said instead of a pathetic attempt at an ad hominem.

didn't he say that ancient egyptians knew the structure of DNA?

You’re asking me? Actori incumbit probatio, dumbass. Not to mention that, if that’s the most you can come up with, you’ve basically already lost whatever argument you were trying to make.

Not surprised tho. This guy pretty much makes anyone look like an idiot.

that was something he said, no? you asked for an argument against something he said and i gave you one. yumad

I am not aware he said that. If you are, prove it. That’s what that means. The burden of proof is with the one making the allegation.

well now you are aware. you're welcome. If I am what? making an argument? Okay, I am making an argument. There, proof. Ad hamalongadingdon.

You may not belong to T_D in terms of political orientation but you’re right there in terms of intelligence.

this one I think but i don't care enough to actually watch the video

I know the video. He never claims that those are DNA representations in the literal sense. But let me ask you this, considering that we don't really know how thoughts are formed, considering that cultures that had no contact with each other exhibit common themes (such as that serpent and his role in the creation), why do you find it unbelievable that something which exists in every single cell of our body may influence our thoughts?

Not to mention that, even if he would literally claim that the Chinese or other culture have made representations of DNA, this would not invalidate in any way all his observations about the society we live in.

I'm actually surprised he isn't this sub's favorite intellectual or something. Not only he makes fun of both right and left, he always delivers the goods in terms of drama.

But let me ask you this, considering that we don't really know how thoughts are formed

I really don't care about your pseudoscience. Please preach elsewhere.

There is nothing pseudo-scientific about saying we do not really know how thoughts are formed.

there's a lot wrong with saying we don't know how they're formed so let's make stuff up. I really shouldn't need to tell you that.

I did not make stuff up and neither does JB. There's nothing wrong, scientifically, in finding interesting parallels between human thought patterns and our biology. Clearly there's a connection between the two. We have evolved from animals that could not think, so thought and consciousnesses clearly evolved from matter somehow, therefore from biology.

Actori incumbit probatio, dumbass.

why are all you memerson fanboys like this? why can't you just be normal?

autistic screeching

I'm a lawyer and my native language is a Latin one, I don't have to feel bad about being able to express, concisely, that a certain rule exists for millennia.

Haha, shit lawyers use Latin. Let me guess, your sign your demand letters with "Govern yourself accordingly,

Douchebag, Esq."


that's pretty funny, actually. i'll use it

are you Seb Gorka's bastard love child or something, you type like you speak in a mid-atlantic accent lmao

u/ComedicSans, is this really one of your lot?

No self-respecting lawyer would fellate Memerson. He's probably something gay like a tax attorney or conveyancer.

Looks like he's a gypsy, guess that rules out estate planning or corporate law.

A gypsy? He's probably a lowly criminal lawyer who gets all his business from friends and family, Lmao.

Yeah why can’t you just be rude and insulting like my friends here

This guy pretty much makes anyone look like an idiot.

it's funny because it's true, but not in the way you think.

i look forward to the day when someone disproves him on an important topic. until then, you guys stick to your logical fallacies, I'll go clean my room.

watch kermit fold up and throw his own idea right down the drain the second a wanker comedian presents him with literally ONE opposing viewpoint lmao

That's what I said an important topic. I don't agree with him either on other minor things. And there's nothing wrong in admitting to be wrong, nobody's born with perfect knowledge and understanding, you acquire it. Good for him for still learning at his age and not becoming an ideologist.

/> no one can disprove him on an important topic /> here's a video of a limpbrain changing his mind in like 30 seconds /> nuh uh I said IMPORTANT civil rights isn't an IMPORTANT topic

did memerson teach you how to move those goalposts?

I don't think that's the case. This is the only instance of him saying something clearly wrong on a civil rights issue but it's a pretty specific one, namely gay couples having access to cake over owners having full control over their business. It doesn't make him look good and he was wrong but I don't agree you can conclude from this that he was wrong over an IMPORANT topic. Besides the dude literally changed his mind? Something literally every single person in history has done thousands of times?

Okay dude so what‘s an important topic to you? I mean how should we know what meets your criteria I’m important if all you say is that every rebuttal is unimportant.

Check out his AMA. Tons of arguments he was never able to respond to

Wow is that latin? You must be really smart!

Serpent imagery is unimaginably deep

Miss me with that reasoning. How could you possibly think that something that exists in every single cell of our bodies could influence our thoughts.

Cultural Marxism

...go on, you can do it, you're only a few words short of a sentence.

I didn't really think anything more needed to be said on the subject

I didn't really think

You could have stopped there, the meaning of the sentence stays exactly the same, trust me.

I mean what do you need me to articulate? The idea that there is a pervasive conspiracy of Cultural Marxists infiltrating and undermining our academic institutions is fucking moronic and nonsensical.

He seems to have a positive influence on some people and gets a lot of flak he doesn't deserve but he is far from infallible and some of the shit he spouts is Yahoo Comment section tier idiocy

The idea that there is a pervasive conspiracy of Cultural Marxists infiltrating and undermining our academic institutions is fucking moronic and nonsensical.

Did you really mean that? Like, unironically?

A shadowy cabal is not behind whiny Twitter posts about privilege

Yea but this isn't about a cabal, necessarily, it's not shadowy and it's not happening on Twitter only either. Why don't you care about free speech?

Lol what? Where did I say I don't care about free speech?

I'm exercising my free speech right now to say that some of the things Jordan Peterson says are fucking retarded and that people who blindly hang on his every word as if it's gospel are behaving more like they're in a cult than as if they're just fans of a self-help speaker


If I respond with a direct quote of something absurd that he said, will you respond with "that's obviously out of context, please watch this hour-long YouTube video first"

In this case, props to you for not responding with a direct quote taken out of context.

Those are lies. Did you even read them?

dude they're right on his face, he said that shit

it's a good test tho. replying that link.

He sounds like kermit the frog and looks retarded

Amazon recommended the JP book to me the other day and that made me seriously reconsider my life choices.

Jordan is paying them to do that.

Little did they know I had cleaned my room already.

You really should be careful when you play with matches.

It was a long 15 minutes

That patreon money should have been enough. I don't know why he's grasping for more

What the hell is wrong with you people? More than anything, this is about teaching universities that infringing free speech for the sake of some very loud and very mentally deranged people will cost them big time.

Do causes get more centrist than that?

we have to teach them not to infringe on free speech by infringing on free speech!!!

Free speech doesn’t have to protect defamation, especially when it’s aimed at silencing you. How about we leave it to the legal system in place to decide? After all, that’s the best compromise that society has come up with so far.

wait, i thought it was only triggered sjws who screamed about being "silenced" and demanded retribution when they were criticized. isnt jp all about open debate and discussion, even for unpopular opinions? what changed?

JP got his fee fee's hurt and now wants to silence the naughty bullies who invaded his safe space

stop being mean to him!

Didn't they talk about him in private? How is that defamation

He's apparently because someone called a Nazi on Twitter.

Dude is a professor at the ducking university of Toronto and he’s shocked some of his colleagues started reeeeeeeeing in their meeting. Somebody get memerson some Red pills asap

Yeah I guess he should just bend over and take it instead of standing up to their ridiculousness.

He should get a new job, universities have been a lost cause for many decades.

Bestselling authour perhaps? It's probably more that he likes the job, and is bloody good at it besides.

How many brain dead’s are teaching classes. He has a ton of things he can do that is much greater, but I’ll admit a little bit of sanity being preached at that college probably isn’t terrible for the easily corrupted leaf Mind.

you'd be surprised. You spelled "bat-shit crazy" wrong

Bestselling authour perhaps? It's probably more that he likes the job, and is bloody good at it besides.

you spelled "shitty" wrong. Also: some foreign words. This is "murica. Screech english, not that faggy brit talk.

Back to r/politics with your reeeeeeing

Since you dropped out, anyway. LOL

I mean, dude gets 90k a month for making some retarded videos.

So what?

I guess he should find someone to explain to his sorry ass that Duh freeze Peaches works both ways.

Dude is a professor at the ducking university of Toronto and he’s shocked some of his colleagues started reeeeeeeeing in their meeting.

Maybe that was his plan all along - get them to reeeeeeeee, sue, cash out and retire in the Caribbean!

True, fucking slick ass memerson

after 90k per month i dont think he cares that much

Anyone who posts on any of the counter subs is a massive cum swilling faggot

Included /r/drama

Especially drama.

And especially faggots.

Badhistory was good at first :(

I very much doubt that

It was a welcome change from the wehraboo spam at the time.

It had maybe 6-9 months where it was all in good fun and had a wide variety of different sorts of people there. Of course, it eventually became a commie / social justice circlejerk, as all metasubs* eventually do.

All metasubs that are not *explicitly radical centrist, anyhow.

nah its literally always just been nerds unable to argue their positions and getting real catty about it

nerds unable to argue their positions just downvote and move on. /r/politics is full of 'em.

theres a big subset of them that just cant let it go

theyre the same people who post in circlebroke or negareddit

like the thought that someone said a thing is infuriating to them, its not good enough to ignore it in their eyes

You probably just liked it more before the bullshit started to sink in.

They always manage to be more retarded and more of a circlejerk than anything they were created to make fun of.

cb2 is the worst with this shit

They always manage to be more retarded and more of a circlejerk

Ain't that the point?

It's supposed to be ironic but it never is

Wait, are you telling me Reddit is actually full of retards and they aren't pretending?


...Huh, guess that makes sense when you think about it.

/r/politics and /r/pyongyang aren't ironic either?

badecon is good

Badecon is better than badhistory and both are only slightly better than the rest of those subs which are fucking awful. That's just my opinion feel free to disagree. Like and subscribe.




Whose worse memerson fans or critics. Tbh that girl who those soyfessors were grilling should be the one suing


Normal people: "This guy is bland and says boring things. At least manchildren are cleaning their rooms"
SJW: "This guy is a threat to our causes."
Peterson Fans: "LOBSTERS"

I have been honestly craving shellfish lately and I wondered where that came from (I'm vegan...heh...heh).

...I think it's actually all the lobster chat

Lobster isn't that great.

It's all about the crab legs and clarified butter.

Lobster is bwof. Crab and crayfish are much better.

And nothing can beat shrimps or scampis.

i feel like you guys are torturing me with your selfish flesh-eating ways

Join us. Partake in the flesh !

More seriously, I am not sure why you are vegan, but if it's because they can suffer pain, you might be willing to eat bivalves, as they don't feel pain as far as we know.

it's entirely for health reasons

Aww, shucks. :(


Why would that not be vegan? Those things don't even have a mind or a proper nervous system.

kingdom animalia, dude

i don't eat snails or sea urchins, either

If you disregard the fans, Memerson doesn't really say anything that unreasonable. Maybe a little questionable at times, but certainly not justifying the level of hysteria.

Just like James Damore. He outraged a lot more people than the number of people that actually read his memo.

If he wasn't a big deal no one would flip out and if no one flipped out he wouldn't be a big deal. This of course infuriates everyone and makes them flip out even more.

Whilst I agree, some of what he says** can be a bit* unreasonable:

1) Feminists support Islam due to wanting to be dominated, masculine-ly

2) Is against climate change activism (from which I infer to mean he is not a believer in or is paid to not be a believer in climate change

3) Believes in (effectively) unrestricted rights to bear arms (Clickbait title, sorry, couldn't find other link)

4) Often mis-represents other's arguments (e.g. say "leftists" or feminists want equality of outcome, misrepresent bill C-something

5) Throws in a few "SJW trigger words" alongside weird conclusions to un-linked, albeit accurate, research of others. Recent tweet:

And here's what I find funny. He says even though more people complain about toxic masculinity and such, violence has gone down, citing an (irrelevant imo?) source about decreased property crime to make his point.

But then, where this source would actually be helpful and go against his point, he ignores it, instead saying the decrease in monogamy and relationships like that lead to frustration and violence by sexually repressed men, there should be socially enforced monogamy. But this relies on the premise violence has increased over time, as we get less monogamous, which he has proved false, by his other point.

**(cherry picked quotes, but I'll try to keep context) *(dependant on your own views

This guy's a master. Imagine finding a way to make millions off of trolling sjws and telling neckbeards to clean their rooms.

Honestly, I see why so many unconditionally support him.

1) The evil Jews I mean blacks I mean SJW's want to take away your rights, go back to Mao era. I don't think he is a terrible person, but actively creates divisions in society by pitting groups against each other, leading to harm to both the "corrupt trumptards" and "fake news libtards" where no knowledge from the other side is accepted, and those who fuel the fire (JP) rake in the dough.

And 2) He first establishes himself as a father figure-- do your chores, improve yourself, I believe in your potential to succeed, and so upon people criticising JP's views, even if normally they themselves disagree, they experience cognitive dissonance and then unconditionally support him.

He also makes hella money, which tells us a lot about the tribalistic nature of our society.

Not really, he critized Ryerson which is notoriously known for their far left stances. Also he orginally shot to fame for his critiques of a hughly controversal bill. His supporters are probably from a lot of people fed up with the preexisting divisions from identity potitics.

Nothing you listed really seems in line with all this drama to me. it's just shit from some random ex-college professor as opposed to any significant figure. He's like Anita Sarkesian where the detractors make him far more relevant than his fans do.

Yeah that's a good point, I replied to the other guy but it's mainly his supporters almost unconditional support of him and blatant hate of those who go against him, and his own divisiveness ("Look at these evil SJW's! They are the real eviils") that propagate the tribalism between each group (and CGP grey made a great video on that sorta stuff)

But yeah, I do agree with what you've said, excluding the part about how he is tame (although in comparison to other, more popular, more radical people, you're 100% correct)

(although in comparison to other, more popular, more radical people, you're 100% correct)

That's what I meant, could have phrased it better though.

Although I do unironically believe any law abiding citizen should have an unrestricted right to bear arms.

Although I do unironically believe any law abiding citizen should have an unrestricted right to bear arms.

I was wondering, what about those with mental illnesses or, although legal, are ar risk of being radicalised/ a threat to other people?


That's what I meant, could have phrased it better though.

No problem, I try to talk (and debate) on a good faith basis, so if someone makes a generalisation, spelling error, etc. I just assume they meant something which supports what they said earlier (even if it means a juicy opportunity to act superior on the internet haha)

what about those with mental illnesses or, although legal, are ar risk of being radicalised/ a threat to other people?

as someone who does support some degree of gun control, i'm deeply uncomfortable with restrictions being made along these sorts of lines. what sort of mental problems should disqualify you from gun ownership? anxiety is a mental illness. should anxious people not be allowed to have guns? should you not be allowed to have a gun because you slit your wrists over a bad breakup, and now there's a suicide hold on your record? what if it happened when you were 17, 30 years ago? furthermore, do you really think it's such a good idea to legitimize law enforcement access to your mental health records? it's not like cops are known for discretion, good judgement, or respect for the rights of others.

your second category carries implications that are just as disturbing. how do you propose identifying those "at risk of being radicalized"? most radicalization happens online. should i have to submit my internet history to the state for clearance to get a gun? i've seen a few isis videos in my time, doesnt mean i want to bring the caliphate here. should i have to pass some sort of civics test to ensure i conform to their idea of a good citizen? law enforcement bodies inherently lean authoritarian, do you really want only the authoritarian-minded to have guns? gun control should be based on tangible facts with little subjective wiggle room (do you have a criminal record? do you have a restraining order against you? do you have good vision? etc), not ideologically loaded designations that give cover to massive expansions of the surveillance state.

To begin with, I would like to say the views I presented weren't my own (e.g I believe everyone over a certain age should be able to have a gun if they pass background checks which ensure they aren't likely to harm themselves or others), but stuff people say to me when I present my views (and I agree, a lot of them are very authoritarian)

gun control should be based on tangible facts with little subjective wiggle room (do you have a criminal record? do you have a restraining order against you? do you have good vision? etc), not ideologically loaded designations that give cover to massive expansions of the surveillance state.

Yeah I 100% agree with ya there, thanks for laying out your view clearly (especially the last sentence!)

I was wondering, what about those with mental illnesses or, although legal, are ar risk of being radicalised/ a threat to other people?

How else do you expect to start the mayocide?

Do feminists avoid criticizing Islam because they unconsciously long for masculine dominance?

this is some top-tier shit-stirring

I don't fully understand folks like you that read things and then immediately repackage them into something that wasn't said. Why do you do this?

Feminists support Islam due to wanting to be dominated, masculine-ly

He didn't say this. It was a weirdo hypothetical that he's prone to do, not a statement of fact or his opinion. When feminists align themselves with Islam of all religions and even start wearing the hijab as a symbol of female empoweredment (lol), then maybe a question like that is worth asking. I think it's a stretch, fwiw.

2) Is against climate change activism (from which I infer to mean he is not a believer in or is paid to not be a believer in climate change

Read the article, dummy. Context isn't your strong suit. It's pretty good, btw.

Believes in (effectively) unrestricted rights to bear arms (Clickbait title, sorry, couldn't find other link)

He never says this in the video. The most he commits is he says he thinks the a mark of a free society is one where the citizens have the right to bear arms. He doesn't give a line on restrictions.

Often mis-represents other's arguments (e.g. say "leftists" or feminists want equality of outcome, misrepresent bill C-something

He didn't misrepresent the bill and a lot of leftists/feminists do want this. You're blind to think otherwise.

Throws in a few "SJW trigger words" alongside weird conclusions to un-linked, albeit accurate, research of others. Recent tweet:

I don't understand what your problem is with this one. He's doing whatever he can to rebuke this "toxic masculinity" nonsense thrown around. Unless you're the type to use the term unironically.

But then, where this source would actually be helpful and go against his point, he ignores it, instead saying the decrease in monogamy and relationships like that lead to frustration and violence by sexually repressed men, there should be socially enforced monogamy. But this relies on the premise violence has increased over time, as we get less monogamous, which he has proved false, by his other point.

Christ you suck at reading. To get it out of the way, it's irrefutable that men that don't get women are frustrated (Incels) and can possibly become violent over this (especially young dudes). Crime is mostly committed by young single dudes, being married greatly reduces your chance of being involved in crime. You ding him for being cherry picking his sources, then you do the same thing except with a worse interpretation.

JBP is easily the most misunderstood person online right now because of people like you. I'm a JBP fan (now rip me up), but lately he has been losing me quite a bit. I certainly don't support is dumbass hypocritical lawsuit here. How he can possibly pursue this lawsuit after everything he's said is beyond me.

I think the fame is getting to his head.

Okay, to start with I apologise if I've taken anything out of context or wrong, however I don't think saying "folk like you" fosters healthy debate

He didn't say this. It was a weirdo hypothetical that he's prone to do, not a statement of fact or his opinion. When feminists align themselves with Islam of all religions and even start wearing the hijab as a symbol of female empoweredment (lol), then maybe a question like that is worth asking. I think it's an eye roller of a question, fwiw.

I agree. I'm a feminist and a male in the UK, and I believe if Muslim wants to immigrate they must also immigrate into the culture prevalent here-- not forsaking their religion but believing in the key ideas of gender equality, age of consent, bodily autonomy. Whilst he didn't outright say that, I did infer from his hypothetical that he does believes that they want masculine dominance, which isn't that far a stretch right?

He never says this in the video. The most he commits is he says he thinks the a mark of a free society is one where the citizens have the right to bear arms. He doesn't give a line on restrictions.

After re-watching it, keeping in mind what you've said, sheesh I rushed to a conclusion. My bad, I must be sleep deprived (funny how I'm getting less sleep after exams!) or stupid, but yeah, you're right. I will say I didn't mean to misrepresent his views in order to create controversy. I actually agree with his views here (although I do think there should be more thorough entry checks and regular checks like yearly or something.)

He didn't misrepresent the bill and a lot of leftists/feminists do want this. You're blind to think otherwise.

About me being blind: I'm not, haha, but I know what you mean, to you it appears I am ignorant to assume the majority of people on the 'left' side of politics (I'll say 'left' in America) want equality of opportunity, however from my experience, this is true-- many just want starting equality, but sadly don't fully think through policies (affirmative action, quotas etc.) that actually reduce true diversity.

And he said one could be imprisoned for the misuse of pronouns, however not only is this false (he would at most be fined if found in violation of the code, and simply misgendering someone is less what the code is about than genocide or actual hate speech against trans people.

I don't understand what your problem is with this one. He's doing whatever he can to rebuke this "toxic masculinity" nonsense thrown around. Unless you're the type to use the term unironically.

I am that type. I would like to know why you disagree, but yes, I think parts of masculinity are toxic, and this is not a recent thing-- from the ancient greeks (, to Elizabethian times (as exemplified in Romeo and Juliet) and, although perhaps to a lesser extent, male on male violence and the tying of sex to self worth, prevalent today. Parts of masculinity, where men are seen as disposable, tools, stoic figures who also need to prove themselves, are toxic in my view. This does not mean I consider masculinity toxic.

And I'm saying the decrease in property crimes does not prove his point about how "toxic masculinity" is decreasing/ not a problem-- he instead would have to state sources on domestic violence, rape, assault, etc.

Christ you suck at reading. To get it out of the way, it's irrefutable that men that don't get women are frustrated (Incels) and can possibly become violent over this (especially young dudes). Crime is mostly committed by young single dudes, being married greatly reduces your chance of being involved in crime. You ding him for being cherry picking his sources, then you do the same thing except with a worse interpretation.

Okay. For one, I would like to say just because people are frustrated and possibly violent due to not finding a partner does not justify this violence or frustration. Have you considered that it is less that being married reduces violence, but less violent people are more likely to get married?

And IDK what you mean by

You ding him for being cherry picking his sources, then you do the same thing except with a worse interpretation. I'm just trying to say previously he argued crime is decreasing in order to show toxic masculinity isn't a problem, and now the says it is increasing due to the sexual frustration of young men in today's society. I think a better solution would to not tie one's self worth with success in dating/ sex, instead of socially enforcing monogamy for all, which will result in needless divisions in society.

JBP is easily the most misunderstood person online right now because of people like you. Again, I get your frustration but c'mon, think about it. The kind of people that really want to #rek JBP don't care about what you say about them, whereas I, someone who doesn't actually want to spread lies about him, do. It's just detrimental to healthy debate.

I'm a JBP fan (now rip me up), but lately he has been losing me quite a bit. I certainly don't support his dumbass hypocritical lawsuit here. How he can possibly pursue this lawsuit after everything he's said is beyond me.

I 100%, but I ain't goin' to insult you for being a fan of his, he's spoken on a lot of stuff (imo some stuff he isn't qualified to speak upon), and so I know nothing, good or bad, about you from this fact.

If people rip on ya just for supporting him without knowing what parts you support and to what extent, that sucks dood.

And whilst legally justified (I guess? At least he thinks it is) I agree that the lawsuit is hypocritical. But again, you'll find some of his diehard fans defending him no matter what.

I think the fame is getting to his head.

Whilst I can't comment on him personally, from his views becoming more divisive and us vs them to an unnecessary use of hyperbole and exaggeration, I'm inclined to agree with you there.

And thanks for the clear & non-aggressive words, and I hope I've clarified/ fixed stuff I've oof'd up prior

I mostly agree with you, but please don't call yourself a male feminist even if you're male and angry with feminists. It's something both sides can agree on: anyone calling themselves a male feminist is probably a rapist.

angry with feminists.

I'm not? I mean no disrespect, I just mean I support equality between the sexes? I don't always say feminist, often I just say egalitarian or pro-equality, depending on my company, but I still think the core messages of feminism are relevant today, but need to shift now to support and acknowledge the problems that men face under these systems.

It's something both sides can agree on: anyone calling themselves a male feminist is probably a rapist.

I don't know what the 2 sides are, but I'm just a 16 year old kid, not a rapist. I'm really confused why you'd assume that from me, is there connotations male feminists have that I'm not aware of?

It's a meme here, using the term "male feminist" is the same thing as using the term "rapist" in this sub because of how many male feminists have been outed as rapists recently.

Ah okay thanks for that! I'll just say the classic egalitarian or gender-equality supporter around here

Meant to write agree, not angry.

Oh my bad haha, I was just super confused (I thought others thought saying one was a male feminist is akin to making fun of feminists)

16 year old boy


No surprise there

On r/Drama

Doesn't add anything to the discussion.

No surprise there.

So what happens if you don’t pay the fine?

Yeah, I get what you mean, don't pay the fine and you go to jail, so people (especially the poor!) are effectively imprisoned for this.

On the other hand, you can get an extensions, pay part of it at due date, or just do the prison time ($1000 roughly equal to 12 days)


He seems baller as fuck.

Ehhh he says some very questionable shit. Toss in the goofiness about the dragon of chaos and the knights of the order of the enlightenment and I can see why he's teased so much. Though yeah I don't really wanna defend people's obsession with hating him.

Agreed on the Damore part though. That was a fairly reasonable memo

Memerson doesn't really say anything that unreasonable

Lol wut? He says a ton of crazy shit.

He outraged a lot more people than the number of people that actually read his memo.

Did you even read his book? I'm all of 2 chapters in and have run into countless nonsese

Did you even read his book?

I didn't even know he had a book. The original outrage was about the memo. I don't know how the situation has developed since then.

If you disregard the fans, Memerson doesn't really say anything that unreasonable.

"Witches are real and they live in swamps" <-- literal actual quote from JP

"Witches are real and they live in swamps" <-- literal actual quote from JP

I'm super out of the loop on this. I searched google for this, and it's some kind of circular meta-jerk with no primary sources. I'll assume this is from his unfinished fantasy-sci-fi epic until I can find any concrete source that says otherwise.

After skimming through this, it seems very obvious that he's trying to say that the trope of witches that live in swamps exists in some collective consciousness.

Which goes directly against your retardation about him not saying anything unreasonable.

Want me to find you his video about how the caduceus shows that ancient people knew about DNA and how it's double helix shaped?

Want me to find you his video about how the caduceus shows that ancient people knew about DNA and how it's double helix shaped?

Now that I know this exists, yes! Absolutely.

Huh. Ok, yup. Officially nuts confirmed.

Honestly I can't decide. Fans swoon over his cult of personality, critical think he's a danger to society.

In reality he's just a hack

Critics. Peterson fans are losers who are desperate for a father figure but at least they're trying to improve their lives. The anti-lobsters are your typical insufferable pathetic leftists who wet their nappies with rage at people saying things they don't like.

The critics sound like the type of people who would sue you for saying mean things to them.

They're the ones who wanted the law in place in the first place.

So really he is on their side? What a happy ending.

Peterson fans are lobsters

Whose worse memerson fans or critics.

The critics. Look at this thread. They come in and shit all over the carpet when everyone else tells that they're acting like retards.

"muh snowflake triggered safespace"

It's like word vomit.

His critics don't spam my youtube recc's with clickbait videos with thumbnails of Peterson at his most dashing, pointing in the air like a philosopher who actually thinks up new stuff instead of rehashing literally century old bullshit.

Maybe I'm biased because of the sites I visit, but for every single retarded Peterson fan out there, I feel like there's like five crying SJWs who can't stop talking about how terrible he and his fanbase are. So I'd definitely say the """critics""" are worse. I would have forgotten the guy even exists like half a year ago if he didn't live rent free in all their heads, forcing them to keep crying about him over and over again.

Eh, both are terrible because they're obsessive to the point of being blinded by their love/rage. I bought the self-authoring course when I heard him on the H3 podcast. It absolutely did help. I like a lot of the concepts of his book I read, but it was definitely a bit 'dry'.

You can like things without being a 100&#37; fanboy.

You can dislike things without 100&#37; intensity.

You're allowed to point out merits of flawed people, and point out flaws of those held to exalted positions.

I've no idea what this thread is actually about, but I do know this shit goes 0 to 100 around here real quick.

All I know is that whatever side you’re on is automatically worse



Memerson fans because most people don't even know who he is, and his loyal slaves love to inflate his "no shit sherlock" talking points into some cultural revolution.

Because washing yourself daily is that profound of an idea to them.

What you don't like his boomer sensibilities

I've seen boomers buying scratch tickets out of ethnic convenience stores, believe me they don't know how to do laundry either.

"no shit sherlock" talking points into some cultural revolution

"In a Time of Universal Deceit — Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act"

Literally this

both and yes

Whose worse memerson fans or critics.

wow you've somehow found a way to have no opinion on this subject besides, "I'm better than everyone/everyone sucks accept me"

your parents should write a book called, "how to raise a despicable douche that everyone will hate"

She is JPs lawsuit is designed t9 support hers.


None of your title makes any sense.

It's widely agreed that hate speech isn't free speech. Welcome to Canada.

are you fucking shitting me?

JP and his fans have been shitting all over themselves saying hate speech laws are bad and wrong and will be the end of west civ as we know it

and now...? "OH boo hoo! I got an owie from words! someone makes them stop saying mean words to me!"

fucking hypocrite

fuck this guy and his fans

It's almost as if people you don't like can use the same laws you're advocating for. Welcome to Canada, bitch.

Defamation is different than hate speech. Why are you so irrationally angry? Are you retarded?

The suit alleges professors Nathan Rambukkana and Herbert Pimlott, and Laurier Equity Office staffer Adria Joel compared Peterson to Adolf Hitler and accused him of being a “charlatan,” among other things, during a private meetin

that's his whiny bitchy little complaint

what a fucking little wuss

its really just "someone said mean things make them stop!!" horseshit

mr free speech is a fraud, admit it


I mean, those were people meeting in their official capacity, explaining why a video of him can't be used because he is similar to Hitler. It isn't like they were sitting around having a beer, and were like "peterson is literally hitler, right guys?"

It's ironic that he is the free speech guy, suing someone over speech, but if you have someone in a position of power, using that power to paint a peer as someone on the same level as Hitler, that is damaging to that person.

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

Refugees do not assimilate to our culture and they have to be deported.

I've been here since this place had like 5k subs bitch. The blatant agendaposts from retards like OP have been consistently making this place worse

I like that rule. Let me try.

They should also be fixing their own fucking countries instead of running like pussies. Fighting age men not willing to fight for their land. Pathetic. Leader ain't doin shit? Take his head. Gangs ruining your country? Form up a militia to fight the gangs. Hate those good ol country boys all you want, if some fuckbags invaded the US tomorrow, the war would be over Monday.

Last time we were invaded they burned down the Whitehouse.

No they didn't. Canada had nothing to do with that.

I didn't say they did, no one is that retarded except the most powerful man on the planet.

Imagine losing a war to fucking Canada.

I don't know if Canada has ever won a war where they were the primary aggressor.

There weren't rednecks then, fam. I trust in our swamp rats to leave the Everglades on speedboats with all those assault weapons that were mobbed up before the ban. It'll be a good time.

Why are you so angery?

^ Hear that sound? It's a cockroach angry that light is shining on it.

It's widely agreed that hate speech isn't free speech

No shit. What does that have to do with anything? You keep bring up Canada and hate speech like the obsessed moron you are , but this is a defamation lawsuit. Defamation isn't hate speech

I don't really care. You can stop talking to me now.

I don't really care

I don't care

You can stop talking to me now.

I could, but it's fun to point out you have 0 understanding of Canadian law

Hey, I care.

You are wrong!

I have 10 understanding of Canadian law, come at me.

Best way to grind understanding of Canadian law?

Definitely /r/Drama. Keep it up.

Oh, good, I was already spending 8 hours a day on that.

I'm upset when people/institutions are hypocritical and use the tactics I use against institutions/people I like.

Isn’t defamation not the same thing as “offending” someone?

For subreddit dedicated to philosophy, you'd think one of them would take a moment to reflect on their own hypocrisy.

you'd think one of them would take a moment to reflect on their own hypocrisy.

Only if you've never heard of that sub before.

The suit alleges professors Nathan Rambukkana and Herbert Pimlott, and Laurier Equity Office staffer Adria Joel compared Peterson to Adolf Hitler and accused him of being a “charlatan,” among other things, during a private meetin

that's what he is mad about

fucking snow flake

fuck off

Mad as fuck.

Yea it’s a bit justified though - you also seem mad that your daddy is having mean things said about him. Otherwise you wouldn’t be reply to every single comment against him.

Otherwise you wouldn’t be replying to every single comment against him.

Stop acting like a faggot bitch boy and I won't mock you.

If you want to be anti-Kermit, do it without breaking Canadian law and acting like a fag about it.

>no use mad.

Maan you really are upset lol

The hell is an "anti-Kermit"?!?

And lol at you still having the NEWFAG ALT branding from when /u/Ed_ButteredToast was still a mod.

What does JP's colon taste like?



accused him of being a “charlatan,” among other things

What "other things?" Charlatan isn't defamatory, but "white supremacist" is, for instance

Wow you sure are upset

Eh, I find it hard to give a shit about anyone getting in trouble for comparing someone to Hitler. I doubt it'll go anywhere.

Good Lord you are insufferable. When you get a job in a few years are you going to call everyone Hitler there too?

Why get offended by it in the first place, if someone unironically believes that JP is literally Hitler that speaks volumes about what kind of person THEY are. Any rational person will look at that comparison and laugh at the absurdity.

Maybe people don't want a workplace flooded by insane SJWs ranting much less having them endorsed by management?

It is like having SRDines with gainful employment. No one wants to be around that shit.

Maybe people don't want a workplace flooded by insane SJWs ranting much less having them endorsed by management? I agree but let me introduce you to the world of far left academia because it’s chocked full of people like that. I don’t understand how suing her for defamation with alter the status of her employment? In my opinion all it does is make sure that a certain segment of casual normies only know of JP based on a vague understanding of some lawsuit he launched because some Rando professor called him a Nazi.

To punish crazy people and give them consequences. There is no reason to stop it when the rewards are zero consequences and getting anyone you don't like fired.

I’m confused because it would seem like you don’t believe in free speech?

You think having to get called Hitler at work is free speech? I suggest you do that to all your coworkers and boss and see where that gets you.

Free speech isn't free defamation.

Lol yes I do think it’s a free speech issue. Free speech isn’t the same as free from consequences from that speech tho, so I would have no problem with her employer letting her go because they’ve determined that by calling him a Nazi she is creating a hostile workplace.

I do have a huge problem with courts allowing people to sue for defamation based on another person saying something that hurts their feelings.

I am surprised that a drama mod of all ppl would be in favor of loosening the libel laws as a way to suppress speech that might hurt someone’s feelings tho.

Lol yes I do think it’s a free speech issue.

It's not.

Opinion is protected speech, such as /u/Strictlybutters is an ugly moron who doesn't understand free speech.

See - opinion.

Inversely saying, /u/Strictlybutters is a racist, or a rapist, or a pedophile, is not (and lucky for you I guess).

Even in the above case, you have to know that you're wrong. Just repeating someone elses malicious lie isn't defamation.

This stuff is pretty fucking clear cut. If you think this is a free speech issue, well then you're dumb. QED.

U seem upset

wait, where do you think peterson works? he's a professor at u of t, not wilfred laurier, he's literally suing a random woman he doesn't know for being mean to him

Fuck, I guess I need to pay attention more. I don't follow any of this shit. I know some TA cried over some meetings or something awhile ago. This is all just Canadian nonsense to me mostly.

Fuck, I guess I need to pay attention more.

you really dont, having to have opinions about jordan peterson is one of the worst parts of being aware of the culture wars

Well the good news is Canada doesn’t have free speech, so he’s right in using their tools against them.

But doesn’t that make him a colossal hypocrite?

Haha holy shit, man the fuck up and accept that workplaces are full of shitty gossip hounds who will say terrible things behind your back, far worse than DAE LE EVIL HITLER?!? Esp in Canadian ultraliberal academia.

And in what world does Joey P. Memerton being called a Nazi hurt his career? His Patreon backers are all alt right retards who think being called a Nazi by dumbass SJWs is a sign of success.

That was not whispered among gossip hounds it was stated in the open by lunatics and the behavior was endorsed. Academia is full of bat shit people with no grip on reality and that shouldn't just be accepted.

Academia is full of bat shit people with no grip on reality and that shouldn't just be accepted.

And YHWH shouldn't have cursed me with a micropenis and a club foot yet here we are. Life ain't fair.

Cirque, bby, you're getting real close to GamerGate levels of REEEEE THE SJWS ARE HURTING ME REEEEE

Literally all I am saying is that people shouldn't be harassed or defamed at work. How is that GG? I tell people on here all the time to speak freely within admin rules and that insulting me is always ok.

There is a time and a place for different sets of behavior.

Literally all I am saying is that people shouldn't be harassed or defamed at work.

Tbh JP is a subhuman retard who unironically deserves to have both happen to him. One of the few people who do, really.

I don’t understand how suing her for defamation will alter the status of her employment?

I'm pretty sure the reason why you sue someone for defamation is twofold - first, to get them to retract their statement in public, secondly to discourage other people from spreading lies about you.

It's still a dumb move in this instance. It lets those academics play the martyr card, call free speech advocates hypocrites, and reinforces that calling someone a nazi isn't totally watered down yet. none of jps twelve rules for life cover how to deal with fruitcake professors calling you a nazi behind closed doors?

Hes not suing them because they said that, he’s suing them because he believes their words are both false and caused him economic damage. Thats what defamation is

But she’s some no name professor that nobody has ever heard of and all he’s doing by suing her is amplifying her ridiculous message. Any rational person will pay no mind to what some she thinks about Professor Memerson and I highly doubt it will prevent a single inclined person to decide not to buy his book or hire him to speak at their event.

No, this story has been going for awhile.

Thats not how the law works, the court doesnt really care how obscure the source of the defamation is, it only cares about whether or not they are indeed liable for it

Are we talking about Canadian or American jurisprudence here?

To my knowledge there are not significant differences between how Canada and the US treat defamation, if anything Canada would probably have a wider understanding of it because they do not have a first ammendment to protect people.

Yea I just checked wiki and the Canadian common law understanding of defamation is substantially wider than that of American common law:

defamation covers any communication that tends to lower the esteem of the subject in the minds of ordinary members of the public.[1] The perspective measuring the esteem is highly contextual, and depends on the view of the potential audience of the communication and their degree of background knowledge. Probably true statements are not excluded, nor are political opinions unless explicitly stated as such.[2] Intent is always presumed, and it is not necessary to prove that the defendant intended to defame. Where a communication is expressing a fact, it can still be found defamatory through innuendo suggested by the juxtaposition of the text or picture next to other pictures and words.[3]

The article also quotes a 2006 commentary comparing Canadian defamation with American defamation:

For all the lofty quotes about free speech in Canadian jurisprudence, the reality is that our libel laws are the least protective of free speech in the English-speaking world.

Libel law developed in an ancient era which we would today consider backward, tyrannical and repressive. It is rooted in 16th and 17th century criminal statutes protecting nobility from criticism. Cases of political libel and eventually damages actions were handled by the infamous Star Chamber until its abolition in 1641. By the end of that century, many elements of the common law of libel we would recognize today had been established. In Law of Defamation in Canada, Professor Brown notes that the common law of defamation has been described by scholars and judges as "artificial and archaic" and characterized by "absurdities", "irrationality", and "minute and barren distinctions" (pp. 1–3).

While social values and legal concepts have evolved dramatically of the past 200 years, the common law of libel in Canada remains startlingly unchanged.[10]

I should emphasize that Im not an attorney or any kind of legal expert whatsoever, certainly not in Canada, but based on my American understanding of the law I thought the case was theoretically possible but unlikely, after reading this wiki article it seems he has a case

There are massive differences between Canadian and American libel law. In Canada plaintiffs don’t have to prove falsity, malice or special damages to win a defamation suit. Canadian politicians often use libel litigation as a way to silence critics. Canada is widely considered to have the most plaintiff-friendly libel laws in the English-speaking world.


Whereas in American jurisprudence plaintiffs must prove falsity and material harm. If the plaintiff is a private citizen, he or she must prove gross neglect on the part of the defendant; If the plaintiff is a public figure, he or she must prove actual malice, on the part of the defendant, to win a slander or libel suit. The United States is widely considered to have the most defendant-friendly libel laws in the English-speaking world.

mean words in a private meeting caused him economic damage


They could if the people who heard those words used false information to damage him financially

Yeah it's fucking stupid because nobody is on the fence about this guy anymore. And if some lefty academic calling him a nazi changed your opinion of him then you should stay safe.

to Adolf Hitler and

Yeah... he might have a case with the Hitler thing. Considering that it was during a formal board meeting.

accused him of being a “charlatan,” among other things,

Not for this part tho. But since it's Memerson vs Ryerson, I honestly don't know who I want to win. Probably Memerson cause Ryerson will literally lose their shit and create more amusing drama.

are u ok friend? is jealousy getting the best of you?

Jordan peterson is a neo nazi.

Anyone who posts a video of his should be fired at least preferably sent to the gulag

sent to the gulag

Along with all the jews

they look white enough shrugs 🤙🏻

Depends on what's most convenient at the time

that’s why they are superior

The math fits: mayo=bad, not mayo=good; therefore, all the time mayo<sometimes mayo.

But who will be the reeducationists if the jews are sent to gulags?

Isn’t defamation not the same thing as “offending” someone?

No. It's not even vaguely related.


I’d love to hear your thoughts on this lawsuit.

Not too familiar with this lawsuit, on the face of it yeah seems pretty ironic. Even if he has a case, he's doing a lot to hurt any credibility you could say he has with this given the optics IMO.

But as u/ModeratorAbuseSucks says defamation is a bit different from offending someone.

Defamation is more saying something really grossly negative about someone without any rational basis.

If I was to say that "/u/spez raped and killed a young girl in 1990" that would be defamation because there is no reasonable basis to make such a claim and it is purely based on an old internet meme (don't sue me bro)

But if was to say: "/u/spez is a censor-happy cannibal who's so greedy that selling out reddit once wasn't enough" that would not amount to defamation even though it's quite negative because there is is a clear factual basis for every part of that claim.

There's more to it to that and I'm not a lawyer but that's the gist of defamation.

These links suck and I can't find who said what about who but im gonna guess someone called JP a nazi or racist, and there's really not any rational basis for those claims.

I originally misread this and thought we were talking about the American Renaissance lawsuit with an actual white supremacist: One of the most interesting active legal cases around right now IMO and it has been allowed to proceed past the first stage at least.

This is a very nuanced take and I tend to agree with you. I do think Canada’s defamation laws are too broad and having the effect of chilling free speech. Plaintiffs don’t have to prove falsity, malice or special damages to win a defamation suit. Canadian politicians often use libel litigation as a way to silence critics. Canada is widely considered to have the most plaintiff-friendly libel laws in the English-speaking world.

Whereas in American jurisprudence plaintiffs must prove falsity and material harm. If the plaintiff is a private citizen, he or she must prove gross neglect on the part of the defendant; If the plaintiff is a public figure, he or she must prove actual malice, on the part of the defendant, to win a slander or libel suit. The United States is widely considered to have the most defendant-friendly libel laws in the English-speaking world.

Ah and yeah I should clarify I was thinking from the American perspective, not familiar with the Canadian defamation laws.

Isn't this suit in response to those professors telling that TA that playing Peterson is like playing speeches from hitler, and that is why she shouldn't have played the video? In that regard, it isn't like they made some offhand remark about peterson being hitler, they were trying to have material with him in it suppressed because it's akin to playing hitler speeches. That does seem like something that would be damaging.

I don’t know enough about the specifics of the case to comment on your description of its merits but taken at face value that would mean that maybe 4 people at most were convinced not to give his material a platform? He’s a best selling author with a professorship and receiving 90k a month just in Patreon donations. It seems like this is a ridiculous thing to want to litigate and imo makes him look like a fragile bitch.

Eh. He's an academic too and I think he's most rankled that another academic cant use his stuff in their lectures without getting threatened with disciplinary actions or fired.

That's precisely it. Memerson seems to take himself seriously as an academic, and currently anybody that's not in lockstep with the rest of social science and doesn't already have tenure is being shown the door, especially at the graduate level.

Also see Alice Draeger, etc.

This is more of an example, but admittedly stupid one.

Who decides if there is a reasonable basis?

.... no?

If getting called a Nazi online is defamation then the defamation laws are against free speech.

Would someone explain this whole 'lobster' thing?

like, wut?

Lobsters and humans share a very distant ancestor. Lobsters have social hierarchies, just like humans. A lobster's brain releases serotonin (feel good hormone) when they achieve a higher position. Humans have the same mechanism in them.

Peterson says lobsters could be useful for understanding how/why humans want to climb status hierarchies.

The female praying mantis is known to eat the male after copulation

what does Peterson say about how preying mantises could be useful for understanding how/why humans want to climb status hierarchies?

The point is that just because X happens in nature doesnt mean it applies to people. Thats why people mock JP for making this comparison to lobsters

I personally think the lobster thing is a bit of a stretch, but think it's interesting they have a serotonin based system of self improvement(something that is very human like that most animals don't have). I was just answering the question someone asked.

what does Peterson say about how preying mantises could be useful for understanding how/why humans want to climb status hierarchies?

He'd probably think you're retarded because praying mantises and humans don't share a common ancestor the way lobsters and humans do.

Yeah, but every animal shares common ancestors and the lobster human one is way, way, way back there. Lobsters don't even have a proper brain just ganglia and shit.

It being way back there is kind of the point as it proves that heirarchies are not inherrantly social constructs but rather are hardwired into our brains. Either way, because human neuroscience and lobster neuroscience have significant overlap they can be studied to understand each other, in the same way that the physiology of rats can be helpful in understanding the physiology of humans. True all animals share anscestors but very few share characteristics to this day which are asserted to be socially constructed

Is it still neuroscience if lobsters don't have actual brains?

True all animals share anscestors but very few share characteristics to this day which are asserted to be socially constructed

If these animals also share a common ancestor why aren't they evidence that this hierarchical behavior isn't inherent? To be clear, I'm not arguing that it isn't, I'm saying lobster based evidence is very, very weak.

Is it still neuroscience if lobsters don't have actual brains?

Yes. Because neuroscience isnt the study of the brain, its the study of the nervous system.

If these animals also share a common ancestor why aren't they evidence that this behavior isn't inherent in humans? To be clear, I'm not arguing that it isn't, I'm saying lobster based evidence is very, very weak.

Im not an evolutionary biologist, nor have I studied his claims on the subject in depth so take this with a grain of salt, but to my knowledge the lobster isnt the only animal with heirarchies that shares a common anscestor with humans - monkeys, apes, cats, dogs, rate, etc all have heirarchies, but the lobster is the most different animal that shares this similarity, which is meant to illustrate how ingrained it really is and how a species with heirarchies has an evolutionary advantage

this is headache-inducing stupidity

I only speak the truth

it's interesting they have a serotonin based system of self improvement(something that is very human like that most animals don't have)

humans don't really have that either tho. the brain's reward/motivation system is dopamine-based.

The point is that just because X happens in nature doesnt mean it applies to people.

But a lot of those things do, in fact, apply to people. Are you stupid?

I had sex with a hot bitch last night and my dick broke off inside her pussy, just like a wasp

Are you unironically defending JBP lobster nonsense? Legit kill yourself.

The point is that if you see lobsters having a hierarchy and then humans having a hierarchy, then "humans do it because of The Patriarchy" should probably not be your null hypothesis.

It's more about the fact that people say its all socially constructed, when its very clearly biologically (chemically) driven in our brains.

This is known to occur only when the mantis is severely malnourished. The researchers who believed this was a common behavior didn't know how to keep their bugs fed.

And humans have been known to resort to cannibalism in some instances when starved.


Well when you put it like that, it definitely makes me see why everyone is blowing this out of proportion and using it as a negative.

No, wait, no it doesn't.

Peterson says lobsters could be useful for understanding how/why humans want to climb status hierarchies.

He also said that when lobsters lose their social standing their brains melt

That is the most retarded fucking thing I've heard in this thread.

Lobsters and humans share a common ancestor because all life on Earth does to varying degrees. Yet there are animals way closer to us genetically that could provide answers than settling on a trash-tier crustacean that's fed to fatties who think they're gourmet food.

What CuriousKrow said except he isn't saying we should learn from lobsters. He is saying hierarchies are so deeply embedded in our brain that we share the wiring used in understanding our place in the hierarchy with lobsters who we separated from several hundred million years ago.

Given that it is so deep in our brain trying to blame capitalism for hierarchies like leftists do is idiotic. We aren't getting rid of hierarchies no matter what system we live under.

Someone should record themselves blowing Jordan Peterson and then post it to the internet and be like "hey get a look at this faggot"

Peterson, a University of Toronto psychology professor

Wait, are psych profs IN or OUT this year?

I don’t know much about Jordan Peterson but is there not a difference between hate speech and defamation?

There is, defamation requires the statement to be false and for them to have caused economic damage. I.e. if you ran a store and I told people that youre a pedophile and people stopped going to your store because of that that would be defamation.

Hate speech (in canada at least) is defined as the advocacy of genocide, but the Canadian Human Rights comission can also bring you in front of them for alleged discrimination based on a laundry list of criteria.

Defamation laws may also be more sensitive in Canada than in the US, the way the UK let's you sue anyone for saying your butts smells like farts.

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They might be good philosophers, but theyre shitty lawyers

They might be good philosophers

No they're not.

I mean, how can anyone argue that someone acting in their official capacity, is a nazi, and that is why their material shouldn't be used, isn't defaming that person?

You can sue anyone for anything. This is the year of the lolsuit. Sue everyone.

A lot of hardliners are going to try and twist textbook professional defamation into him being personally 'butthurt' about being called names. He's suing a school that used the justification that he's transphobic and therefore as bad as Hitler (literally the school boards words) and can't have his materials shown to students who may become offended or victimized by his speech. He's not suing a person who called him a name for calling him a name. This is important to keep clear. He is suing because the faculty in charge is trying to use a false narrative to push him out of academia, which is his profession. If they could prove their statements are not false in court, he won't win. Defamation is notoriously hard to prove, so he likely believes he's a solid chance of winning this case, and likely spoke with a lawyer about it before going public. Its hard to prove because you have to prove that the opinion wasn't genuine, but malicious. He's stating that their public opinion of him is fabricated to harm him fornother actions. If you are reading this and still don't get it, I want you to imagine I walked into your place of work, went to your boss and told him you're a pedo-rapist and can't believe he hired you. Or that you do sales work and some guy follow you around shouting over your sales pitch that you're a liar and thief and con artist. You might find it very hard to get work done. You may even wonder why someone can state complete lies about you and ruin your reputation for no good reason. Well the good news is they can't, as it's defamation. TLDR - defamation requires the guilty party knowingly fabricate or exaggerate a claim in such a way as to cause harm to your reputation and cause damages to your livelihood as a result. It is not being called some bad names by someone. Pretending that it's the latter to insult and dismiss Peterson is dishonest and ignorant.

Can we ban this queer

65% upvoted, man by the time we reach 80k subs we’re going to be right wing srd lol

because it's a blatant agendapost, coming from a sub who openly despises jp, and op is sperging out like no tomorrow

anyone that triggers memo memhouse and friends as much as professor Jordan 🅱 Memerson does can not be all bad.

/u/completely-ineffable only a kid with 0 emotional intelligence uses comparations to hitler in political arguments, ironically or not

prove me wrong

I like 99% agree with you. There is the rare occasion where a comparison to Hitler is warranted, but this was not one of them. Some of what the WLU faculty said in that meeting was pretty dumb, especially the Hitler thing. The same point could've been made in a better fashion.

But that doesn't warrant targeting WLU with a frivolous lawsuit.

wait, i didnt know you were going to be this reasonable now what do i do

i dont like memerson either fam, i am jealous about the 90k per month though

the only advice i want from peterson is how to get rich using patreon

fucking lol all the cb2 srd style weirdos come out to rage at peterson every time hes mentioned

turns out libel is a separate thing to free speech

Y-you're just a JP fan

Last I checked JP makes 1.2 million a year. The point isn't that he is going to win a lawsuit. The point is that the college is going to have to defend it.

This will be settled out of court.

The anti-Peterson crowd are so fucking hilariously shit at everything they do. It's brilliant.