While the rest of Reddit comes out in support of the anti-obesity stance, TrollX does what TrollX does

7  2018-06-22 by QueenOfTheIncels


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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So, eating much?

Seriously though, thicc ≠ fat for days, especially on mayos, but if you wanna die by 50, your risk Becky.

From this thread and other weight loss subs on reddit, starving yourself seems to be the go-to for weight loss. 1200 cal diets, intermittent fasting, etc. I had problems with eating when I was in college and tried to lose weight and it definitely was not because I loved myself. It was because I looked in the mirror and said "Ew, I'm so fat. I'm so gross" The pressure to lose weight and be skinny 100% comes from societal views that fat bodies are gross and unhealthy.

Edit: For people downvoting me, 1200 is not healthy. It's literally the minimum your body can eat before going into "starvation mode". How is that healthy? I know you all worship diets and what not, but come on. Also, intermittent fasting hasn't been studied nearly in depth or long enough for any conclusive information other than "it helps you lose weight" of fucking course it does, you're not eating. The behavior sounds highly indicative of anorexic behavior tbh.

As for overweight people always being unhealthy and health being equivalent to thinness. Both my mom and sister are over 200 pounds and neither have diabetes. My mom's fatness stems from a thyroid disorder and my sister from PCOS. Neither have health issues outside of these. On the contrary, you can be thin and super unhealthy, especially from things like literally starving yourself.

Honestly I expected better from this sub.

/u/corgibutt- Literally THANK YOU for saying all of this. Reddit is full of incels and neckbeard manchildren who think that every woman should be anorexic to please their misogynistic desires. I'm proud of you for eating what you want when you want to. Counting calories is for losers <3

TIL: Intermittent fasting is just cutting yourself off after dinner. For some reason, I assumed with all the keto-like hype over the benefits of "IF" that it was...more sophisticated.