TIME gets fucked by BBC

200  2018-06-22 by bigwordalt


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the couple have three other children who are back in Honduras


You just can't make this shit up

Now, just imagine all the little lies media has been feeding people for decades...

the media is feeding people lies. i know because the BBC told me.

You don't have to imagine, many many websites have documented them, unfortunately for the tards in this thread the vast majority of them aren't going to feed your confirmation bias because the overwhelming majority of unretracted media lies have come from Fox.

Daddy Rush would never lie to me, tho 🤗😘

Jew wouldn't believe it.

If they can toss one kid over the border, ICE can't kick them out and they can go back and fetch the rest of the brood. Those are the rules, right?

"I have a kid" is the root password to the US. I'm actually okay with that because it means the only people who can't get in are incels.

Except incels could be trafficking their supposed "children" so they can get citizenship.

Lmao of course they do

Of course they do

I'm not one to defend illegals, but it isn't unusual to leave older children in the care of relatives while the parents come over first. Probably didn't have money to smuggle them all across.

Article says the father didn't even know the mom was planning to skip town. He was still in Honduras with the other kids.

We should reunite the family here. Unless she came here because she was afraid of domestic violence


Are you saying we're being fed liberal propaganda, I thought all these news agencies were unbiased

Look at this crying baby trump gassed and farted on nonstop in his nazi deathcamp!!!!!!!!! 😎 💨👶

So you're saying Trump farts Zyklon B?

Just another reason to vote for him.

The only question is whether the Zyklon that comes out of him is orange-flavored or Cheetos-flavored.

It should be this 🖕👱‍♂️🖕 💨👶🏽

power emoji user

No excuses on your part Ching

I thought I learned from the best, Ed!

The only thing Eds the best at is being a massive retard I'm afraid

So a power emoji user then?

Little known fact: he takes his second scoop of ice cream from heat stroking babies

Video proof or it didn't happen.

Not that it's my fetish or anything.

Won't someone save these kids from the holocaust camps?

Not Chuck Schumer.

Weird, I think being able to say you were the person that ended concentration camps would be a good thing to run on. It's almost like he doesn't want to solve the problem/there is no problem.

He’s playing the long game. Better for the Democrats to reject the bill and let Drumpf get into infighting with his own party than to make a stand.

You can't simultaneously claim something is inhumane and then also reject to solve the problem. People kinda see through that.

It’s not his problem to solve. It’s Drumpf’s.

Can somebody do diagnosis on this faggot ? no matter what method i use it always comes out as RETARD, i would like second opinion.

The only people saying media is unbiased is Fox News, and they're only claiming THEY are unbiased, because that is what literal propagandists do.

But no, you caught one media company in a "sort of" lie once or twice, so obviously every media everywhere is literally FAKE NEWS!

We need to come up with a stronger word than retarded for you idiots.

But plenty of them have been caught time and again. CNN is fucking known for having shitty green screen footage of Iraq 1. There's entire compilations of CNN fuckery. And that's just one network. So we're up to one network, and one magazine. Shall we keep going? I'm sure MSNBC has never lied about anything, especially when that fishface Brzezinski was there. Nah.

I mean fuck dude, I would NEVER say Fox is any sort of unbiased authority. Hell the fuck no they aren't. But acting like there isn't all sorts of fuckery going on is mindblowing to me.

All anyone needs to do is watch the white house press briefing about the kids from a week ago and watch reporters reeing about muh children, not asking questions and trying to appeal to appeal to the press secretaries emotions.

and how does that show that the news is fake?

Are you seriously this retarded, this is a press briefing a bunch of journalists attended and all they do is muh children at the lady at the podium. Now are you honestly going to say after all the reeeing and basically crying about children they are going to report on the situation without any sort of bias

But plenty of them have been caught time and again.

As has Trump and the people bitching the loudest about fake news.

CNN is fucking known for having shitty green screen footage of Iraq 1. There's entire compilations of CNN fuckery.

Well it's a good thing CNN isn't the only news station in the world.

And that's just one network

"And we know all networks behave exactly the same way because it's convenient for my argument". You complain about CNN 9 times more than any other network, when asked for evidence of new network fuckery that's the only network you ever point to with actual stories. It's all you have. You don't have evidence that all the media are in on lying about Trump, you just have complaints about CNN.

I'm sure MSNBC has never lied about anything, especially when that fishface Brzezinski was there. Nah.

"If we can find a few supposed lies in their decades long history on the air that totally proves that they are all lying constantly now about Trump".

Who is saying anyone is constantly lying now? I am saying there is a strong media bias. It's stupid to not see it. Considering the whole idea of the fourth estate is to be unbiased, for them to be in bed (sometimes literally) with politicians, it just goes to show that's not the case. Or are we literally forgetting some journo JUST got caught sleeping with a congressional staffer?

Who was fucking a staffer

Ali Watkins with the New York Times. She was sleeping with James Wolfe, former security director for the Senate Intelligence Committee

How do people not hear about this shit?

Wait I know why, something about that strong media bias I was talking about.

Are you one of those faggots ready to tear up the constitution and rule of law over somebody please think of the children. I remember two weeks ago when these were undocumented workers now they're asylum seekers. I ask you whose bombing central and South America, which government is actively oppressing their people. Looks to me like you're the retard that's bought into it hook line and sinker



I remember two weeks ago when these were undocumented workers now they're asylum seekers

Asylum Seeker isn't a synonym for immigrant (illegal or otherwise). Go look up what it means.

I ask you whose bombing central and South America,

I ask you why that matters.

which government is actively oppressing their people

You seriously trying to pull the "other countries are worse so don't criticize the US" shit?

So why the change all of a sudden if it isn't purely to get sympathy you don't get with the phrase undocumented workers. Sorry just like the little girl in this pics father said, they're economic migrants and are simply gaming the system and stupid libshits like you

Because typically refugee status consists of those situations. I'm sorry gang problems shouldn't qualify as refugee status cause you've got a bunch of inner cities in the same situation in the US

Having a shitty government isn't reason to grant asylum to someone if it was we've got a billion plus refugees we need to be accepting

So why the change all of a sudden if it isn't purely to get sympathy you don't get with the phrase undocumented workers.

Asylum seekers are not illegal immigrants. It's a legal method of requesting legal immigration from a country. And they're locking them up and taking their children away over it.

They figured out that was the way to game the system. Show up with a kid so they get a court date some time down the road and then don't show up, the feds put a stop to it by not just letting them go on their merry way. Because of this change in policy or them finally following the policy they had to put the children somewhere. This should be ok though because they are seeking asylum, surely this has to better for them then where they came from. If you want open borders be honest about it don't muh children it. When should we be sending airplanes to Columbia to pick up all the people, it is the most dangerous country in the planet, don't they deserve asylum to the United states

Colombia isn't really that dangerous anymore, it's a beautiful country with lots of great tourism spots and many very safe areas.

You're thinking of like the 80s with the drug cartels and Escobar and all that, it's much different now. Of course there's dangerous areas there still, but that's like anywhere in the world. But it's certainly not "the most dangerous country in the planet" lol. They've even fairly recently had a peace treaty with FARC, which was a huge thing for everyone there.

But if you want to pick a dangerous Latin country to make a point, there's others that would do much better. For example, Venezuela isn't doing too hot right now.

For example, Venezuela isn't doing too hot right now.

All that "State Capitalism", amirite?


That's optimistic.

But no, you caught one media company in a "sort of" lie once or twice, so obviously every media everywhere is literally FAKE NEWS!

nah just american media

anyone who believed this child concentration camp bullshit for even a second is a drooling retard

And we all know how many of those are around

The Trump administration acknowledged it existed and defend keeping it open.

no they acknowledge detaining people because duh its literally always been the case

the crocodile tears and lying faggotry are the problem, acting like trumps done something wrong

nobody who understands immigration is opposed to this

It doesn't work like that.

Inb4 pizzashill and his ‘radical centrism’ shills for BBC.

were you born retarded or are you a self-made retard.

Honduras is a fucking Banana republic. The spokesJunta is not credible.

Are you saying we're being fed liberal propaganda

No. It's a single out of context photo. It doesn't mean that this shit isn't happening

Lefties exploiting fake pictures of children to elicit an emotional reaction in order to further their political agenda

B-b-but le reality has le liberal bias! This can't be true!



good shit TIME, real good shit

now the conservatards are going to claim that anything they hear about the border and the various barbaric happenings that go on there are LE FAKE LIBRUL NEWS

Considering most of the coverage of the border is extremely biased, out of context, and in bad faith, they have a right to.

And here we see a perfect example of that going on. “Everything that makes us look bad is fake news”

You could've proved my argument wrong, but instead you constructed a strawman.

Prove your stament right, that most of it is extremely biased and out of context.

  1. The same thing happened during Obama's administration with next to zero coverage and no policy change.

  2. A majority of the kids being detained were actually those who arrived unaccompanied or were with an adult who they were not related to, thus they weren't separated from their family.

  3. There actually was nothing Trump could do about it that wouldn't be in a violation of a court order. His EO he signed requests that the court overturn its decision, but that is not guaranteed to happen.

  4. The media presents the problem as if there were an easy solution, even though they don't advocate for any particular solution other than literally just letting everyone that enters the country go in free.

  5. Democrat politicians have publicly said they don't want to sign legislation to fix it and that they would rather Trump just has bad press.

  6. The kids aren't in "concentrations camps" or even cages. They are under the care of HHS inside air conditioned buildings with food, water, and TV.

The same thing happened during Obama's administration with next to zero coverage and no policy change.

No dude, this all started months ago, Obama's policy was like a catch and release.

There actually was nothing Trump could do about it that wouldn't be in a violation of a court order. His EO he signed requests that the court overturn its decision, but that is not guaranteed to happen.

This whole thing started because of Trump's new zero tolerance policy.

Democrat politicians have publicly said they don't want to sign legislation to fix it and that they would rather Trump just has bad press.

where did they say that?

The kids aren't in "concentrations camps" or even cages. They are under the care of HHS inside air conditioned buildings with food, water, and TV.

We can argue semantics but their conditions (which aren't the same across the board) isn't really the biggest concern.

Democrat politicians have publicly said they don't want to sign legislation to fix it and that they would rather Trump just has bad press.

where did they say that?

"Asked if that meant Democrats would not support a bill backed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to keep immigrant families together while seeking asylum on the U.S. border, Schumer said they want to keep the focus on Trump." --The Hill

Everyone know's it's Trump's policy. You can jerk each other off over this less than accurate image all you want, but this shit is under his watch and he's blatantly used it to try and score a political win over Dems

... and right now you can see shumer using it to score political points and refusing to deal with because Republicans will want something he doesn't like for it.

I fail to see how the is Shumer's fault.

You have an argument?

Yes, because people with bias acting in bad faith would never manipulate context to provide a false narrative.

They would but that's not what's happening. There isn't some conspiracy among every major news outlet (minus Fox and other right wing outlets) to discredit Trump. They are reporting what's happening and it doesn't make Trump look good. Trump just can't handle the negative press.

Just a quick question, how many bridges do you own?

Why do you want me to sell you one?

Sorry, I'm not the sort of credulous fool you appear to be.

let's also not forget that most news media are still unabashedly running the pics from 2014, so those are really Obamacamps.

my favorite though is the one tweet that has gone lefty-viral is the one where they have aerial photography of auswitz and then of some migrant facility and seem to think that's some evidence of Nazism.

it seems idiots on twitter have never seen migrant / refugee / alien residential camps before. or military bases. or boy scout camps.

I mean, are all prisons also Auswitz?

That's basically what their "argument" boils down to.

pretty much. they also don't understand that a "concentration camp" is not a "death camp" since people are generally idiots and have no sense of nuance.

let's also not forget that most news media are still unabashedly running the pics from 2014, so those are really Obamacamps.

After it was debunked as a 2014 photo I honestly haven't seen it anywhere outside of reddit/twitter.

So you still see it on Reddit and Twitter?

Efficiently arranging buildings to save space was something the nazis did ergo anyone with a tiny bit of logistical sense is now a nazi.

let's not forget Hitler was a vegetarian, and against smoking.

All government offices must now be built like my Jurassic World Amusement Park. Intentionally horribly planned so visitors have to walk the most amount possible so the dinosaurs can get to them.

most of the coverage of the border is extremely biased

the problem is, y'all say this about literally fucking everything that criticizes the godking


every time


every y'all

Which happenings? The rape trees? The people left in the desert to die? The 18 wheeler found full of bodies? How about that woman left hanging on the border fence a while back while the coyotes left her stranded there?

Here's that holding center everyone keeps comparing to Auschwitz for some reason.

But sure... The government are the real bad guys here, clearly. Surely not the cartels.

I don't know that anyone has ever claimed that the us government is worse than the cartels. you're making a counter-argument to something that no one with a brain inside their heads as ever said. I certainly didn't say it

And yet a place that looks like a fucking summer camp is being called a concentration camp. Brother, you may not be claiming it, but that's literally half the argument of these people that we're Nazis. Matter of time before rumors get out these kids are being tortured or gassed or something. Maybe shocked straight, who knows. Whatever the next big freak out that's proven to be a lie will be.

or maybe just maybe it's not all a grand conspiracy that's being held together by 1000 different outlets, but rather just investigative journalists doing what they have always done, which is exposing corruption and human rights violations BROTHER

It's been over 2 years of DRUMPF IS A NAZI, excuse me if I don't take their "investigations" very seriously.

ah yes it's the media's fault for reporting that a stupid fucking retard did some stupid retarded shit

In line with the 20 year old law. I guess Obama and Bush and Clinton were all stupid retards too.

I guess Obama and Bush and Clinton were all stupid retards too

they literally were and the fact that people still claim otherwise absolutely blows my mind

Eisenhower was the last good president.

This but entirely unironically

>implying I don't like Ike

The balls on Ike to call out the military industrial complex - granted it was as he was leaving office, but to have a sitting president get on national television to and condemn it..he really was the last great one.

They're choosing to enforce the law differently than Obama, bush and clinton?

Differently? Or enforce it to begin with?

Should all laws be enforced at all times?

Not necessarily. But I wouldn't put a single law regarding mass immigration in those books. Case by case basis, sure. But that's what consulates and embassies are for, last I checked.

You seem to at once be denying it and supporting it. Which is it? Either the news is fake, or those illegals deserve it, not both.

Here is a comment in which I reply to a comment in which I address what you speak of.

I feel like making it as complicated as I can specifically for you since you can't be bothered to look up a couple comments. What am I denying? That they are holding kids in facilities? Of course I don't fucking deny that. I'm denying that they're crammed in cages 5 and 6 high with no food and all this other bullshit 'concentration camp' nonsense. These kids are living better than me. Where the fuck is my government paid for foosball table?

It's been over 2 years of DRUMPF IS A NAZI, excuse me if I don't take their "investigations" very seriously.

"I refuse to look at any actual evidence, I have my narrative and I'll stick to it. You can't make me acknowledge reality".

For fucks sake even Trump acknowledges those places are real.

So did I, in this comment here


It's like fucking summer camp.

do you remember when the media got all outraged and teary because he called ms13 animals lol

Holy whataboutism batman.

Even if the cartels were the worst people in the world that doesn't excuse other people doing unnecessary and evil shit.

"The real bad guy" there can be more than one group of people doing bad things.

These fucking kids are living better than me, why are we assuming some bad is being done to them because they're being held safely in a facility while their parent(s) goes through the legal process for breaking the law?

Jesus.....how badly do you live?

I'm poor as shit nigga

Ew, sad.

You're telling me. Ew indeed.

Holy [variable] batman.

Peak Reddit.

How dare you come for cartels! They are fighting for true libertarian freedom!

yeah nah all those totally real hitler camps for kids are definitely real news

Blonald Blumpf is literally Tony Abbott.

Donald doesn't have my physique, though.

I mean Trump even acknowledges the camps are real. You're going to have to face facts eventually.

kids are in a facility sure, the problem is when you lie about the reasons for it or the conditions for political leverage

nobody with a brain falls for this shit, its just the new smear job like that hooker thing was before it failed

You mean that porn star he slept with?

lol the american left is fucking terrible at smearing lets be real

she also shut up quickly after people started asking her about her nxivm cult branding

Wait you think that was a smear job? That Trump payed her thousands of dollars in hush money for nothing?

No wonder all his scandals and idiocy don't stick his supporters just stick their hands in the sand and call it all fake.

Wait you think that was a smear job? That Trump payed her thousands of dollars in hush money for nothing?

nah it probably happened its just not even a big deal, just like that pussy grabbing recording

its not like he did it in the oval office

it just comes across as pearl clutching tbh

He was married at the time. And the grabbing tape was talking about him "not even waiting" when he grabs women he just met by the junk and starts kissing them. That's sexual assault.

He was married at the time.

lol so? infidelity is passe and boring to liberals now, the outrage just proves its only about trump

And the grabbing tape was talking about him "not even waiting" when he grabs women he just met by the junk and starts kissing them. That's sexual assault.

not when he says in the same sentence that this hypothetical not actually real encounter is consensual

E: Also pearl clutching and smear job are two very different things.

its how liberals in america smear people: they pretend that something is outrageous and start crying publicly and feigning outrage to try and turn public opinion against them

like pussy grabbing or omg tearing families apart or crying children with down syndrome in a cage

how absolutely dare you sir, etc

At the height of the Stormy Daniels shit I was simply embarrassed that a decaying W-list pornstar was being featured in the national headlines almost every day. I'm not a Trump fan, but running tabloid shit as important politics coverage was peak TDS. I simply refuse to believe there wasn't any other actually important and thoughtful critical journalism of the administration that could have received the coverage that Stormy just reaped a bunch of free publicity off of. If Trump did bang Stormy and then paid her off I really don't think it would have shocked anyone enough to 180 on Trump, and everyone seemed to know this already.

I'm not a Trump fan, but running tabloid shit as important politics coverage was peak TDS.

An affair got Clinton impeached. And there's a big question of whether he used campaign money to pay her, and if he did that would be illegal. Why wouldn't the news cover it.

I'm not a Trump fan, but running tabloid shit as important politics coverage was peak TDS.

id hesitate to call anything the peak lol theyve got plenty more crazy in them i reckon

I simply refuse to believe there wasn't any other actually thoughtful critical journalism of the administration that could have received the coverage that Stormy used to reap an absurd amount of free publicity.

they dont care, they just want to shit on trump in any way possible

lol so? infidelity is passe and boring to liberals now, the outrage just proves its only about trump

If you honestly think liberals are totally ok with adultery then you've been drinking too much kool aide. In general nobody likers people who cheat on their spouse. And it is funny to point out just how absolutely hypocritical the evangelicals are being to still support Trump.

not when he says in the same sentence that this hypothetical not actually real encounter is consensual

He didn't. He said he doesn't even wait, he just starts kissing them and groping them "like a magnet". That's sexual assault, even if they don't fight or don't raise a big fuss about it afterwards.

its how liberals in america smear people: they pretend that something is outrageous and start crying publicly and feigning outrage to try and turn public opinion against them

Even if that were true, that still wouldn't be smearing someone. Smearing someone would be lying about what they do.

or omg tearing families apart

If you honestly think liberals are totally ok with adultery then you've been drinking too much kool aide.


could have fooled me, what with all the powerful confident woman shit and cuckold promotion

And it is funny to point out just how absolutely hypocritical the evangelicals are being to still support Trump.

nah they just think the media lies about that too

That's sexual assault, even if they don't fight or don't raise a big fuss about it afterwards.

if someone "lets you" do a thing then no it isnt, you cant just decide afterwards

Even if that were true, that still wouldn't be smearing someone. Smearing someone would be lying about what they do.

its whats implied thats the lie

oh trumps admin is separating families, like nazis, because hes racist

oh he said that thing about pussy because he hates women, including you if youre a woman

Pfft yeah who gives a shit about families and children that's just fake outrage.

this but unironically, wtf do you think happens if you have a kid with you and you get put in prison for committing a crime

the literal only thing thats changed is that now america is enforcing its own law instead of catch and release

No one really gives a damn except for Trump I guess because he reversed the policy

can you tell me what part he reversed or what the plan is? doubt it

(theyre all going to be deported, keeping families together)

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could have fooled me, what with all the powerful confident woman shit and cuckold promotion

There’s a major fucking difference between cheating on someone and being a swinger or in an open relationship.

nah they just think the media lies about that too

So they aren’t hypocritical, just stupid?

if someone "lets you" do a thing then no it isnt, you cant just decide afterwards

He doesn’t ask to do it he just does it. If I randomly punch someone in the face that’s assault, even if it turns out they don’t mind that much.

this but unironically, wtf do you think happens if you have a kid with you and you get put in prison for committing a crime the literal only thing thats changed is that now america is enforcing its own law instead of catch and release

Except seeking asylum isn’t a crime and they’re arresting them over that? And why not have catch and release.

Ooh it’s America enforcing its laws? So what? Does that make it any better? There’s tons of shitty laws on the books that don’t get enforced.

its "lets support our families", not "lets subsidize random mexican families to our detriment"

No it was always just “family values”, now you all are trying to backpedal on it because it conflicts with your hatred of illegal immigrants.

There’s a major fucking difference

not really its all gross infidelity by loose women and encouraged by pop culture

He doesn’t ask to do it he just does it.

he said they let you

the amount of focus on some random shit that didnt happen that he just said as an off the cuff remark is dumb

Except seeking asylum isn’t a crime

theyre not doing it properly, theyre trying to cheat the system

And why not have catch and release.

because having no consequence makes people try repeatedly

same reason you dont release other types of criminals

punishment is dissuasion, thats literally the point of it

No it was always just “family values”, now you all are trying to backpedal on it because it conflicts with your hatred of illegal immigrants.

illegal immigrants arent part of a country, no political party advocates for other countries people over their own

not really its all gross infidelity by loose women and encouraged by pop culture

One is a massive betrayal of trust and the other is a kink that all parties agreed to be a part of.

he said they let you

Which could mean “they don’t fight back”. When Terry Crews was molested he didn’t make a scene or fight back so I’m sure the guy doing is thinking “he’s letting it happen”. What Trump did say is that he doesn’t even wait and he just goes on them like a magnet.

illegal immigrants arent part of a country, no political party advocates for other countries people over their own

Not arresting them over this is putting other people’s countries before our own? How?

a kink that all parties agreed to be a part of.

nah a lot of the time people just accept it because theyre afraid of losing the relationship

Which could mean “they don’t fight back”.

sure you can interpret anything any way you like but its going to be hard to convince people

Not arresting them over this is putting other people’s countries before our own? How?

using taxpayers money on random people trying to invade rather than the country itself

nah a lot of the time people just accept it because theyre afraid of losing the relationship

What makes you think that? Even in your own link it shows cuckold being a bigger search term amongst pornhub so it sounds like this is a fantasy people are into rather than something they hate but put up with.

sure you can interpret anything any way you like but its going to be hard to convince people

If you kiss or grope a woman you don’t know without asking permission it’s sexual assault. It doesn’t matter if it turns out she likes it, it’s still sexual assault. Just like it’d still be regular assault if you randomly punched someone in the face and they turned out to be a masochist.

using taxpayers money on random people trying to invade rather than the country itself

I guarantee you keeping these jails and childhood detention centers is costing us more than catch us and release.

a bigger search term amongst pornhub

media talks about it ad nauseum = more searches from people going wtf is this real

If you kiss or grope a woman you don’t know without asking permission it’s sexual assault.

lol at the idea of asking permission to kiss someone, have you ever heard of body language

I guarantee you keeping these jails and childhood detention centers is costing us more than catch us and release.

initially, probably, but long term it stops money being transferred out of the country

the average citizen contributes hundreds of thousands of dollars to the community and economy over their lifetime, with illegals its a negative number

you could spend billions on a wall and itd still save money long term

So your defense is “it’s ok for him to grope those women he just met without saying anything because they were asking for it with their body language” when you have no idea who those women are or what their body language was?

And seriously what parts of “I don’t even wait” or saying he’s like a magnet do you not understand? This isn’t a consensual makeout session this is him just going for it unprompted by the women, and not just a kiss either. Combine that with all the women who have accused him of rape, sexual assault and spying on them in the dressing room, it’d be pretty fucking dumb to give him of the benefit of the doubt.

Also do you have sources that most people in the duck fetish are only in there to save a relationship from a demanding spouse and illegals contribute negative money? Illegals do work and spend money while here.

Not the first time a photo was taken out of context

Also kids cry all the time for the most petty shit.

Also people forget kids cry all the time for the most petty shit.

This. I see 10s of kids crying everytime I go to the mall. Should I call the police because its obviously a human rights crisis everytime a child cries?

I mean there was a girl who looked like 19 bawling her eyes out at the pool in my complex yesterday, crying on her friend's shoulder. People are fucking weird.

Beep boop what is emotion? Beep boop blop

Meh. I mean unless she just found out XXXTentacion died 2 days late or whatever 19 year old girls are into these days, I have no idea why someone would just spontaneously cry in the middle of public. You can't control your emotions in public like most normal people? Hardly makes one a robot.

Beep boop “what is water from eyes RealJackAnchor-san? Why does Slutbot-3000 not do same?” Beep boop fizzle

i seen a kid cry when he asked for chocolate milk and then was given chocolate milk

Can you explain the popular perceived context compared to the actual context? I don’t know the story. Just looked it up on wiki and I still don’t know the comparison

People thought the photo was a ARVN military officer shooting an presumably innocent civilian, which led to people people thinking the Vietnam War was an unjust politically-motivated war that propped up a government worse than North Vietnam.

They didn't know that the officer was the police chief of Saigon, and the civilian was actually part of a NVA death squad that targeted police officers and their families in Saigon. The chief shot him because he was friends with some of his victims.

Thank god I hought that I had been told the wrong version of that story, at the very least when we covered Vietnam in school we were taught that picture's context

I just thought that was an iconic photo of someone being executed.

And then, because of this picture, he was harassed for the rest of his life

Lmao this hot take was done by Nick Mullen way before you. Listen to cumtown and get prewoke

I wish Nick would hang out here :(


progressives try to act like Trump saying Fake News is an "attack on muh journalism checks and balances" and then Time goes and makes this verifiably fake news piece.

B-b-but, you can't criticize the press! That's what Hitler did!

There’s criticizing the press and then there’s lying about it to discredit the press when they publish stories that make you look bad

And yet at the same time:

There’s criticizing Tump and then there’s lying about it to discredit Trump when they publish stories that make you look bad

It's a two way street of fuckery my friend.

Except nobody is lying about Trump.

you mean apart from the thing in the op

The whole detaining of crying children is a real thing Trump is doing, Time mistakenly thought that was a picture of it. That's it.

lol why specifically crying children, are you perchance trying to elicit emotional responses

heres how it works: if you hop the border you get put in jail, and your kids cant go to jail with you because thats not how it works anywhere

so they get put in a glorified child care facility at taxpayers expense until the legal issues are sorted

its 100% the parents fault for trying to cheat the system

the obama admin skirted this issue by letting people go instead of putting them in prison, which isnt sustainable and led to the massive influx of illegal immigrants you have now

How is this more sustainable? How is locking them up more sustainable then just dumping them back in Mexico?

because when theres zero consequence they just try again immediately

obviously its not ideal which is why they want something like a wall

They are not making stories up about Trump dude

They do for even innocuous bullshit. Remember Abe and the Koi pond? They absolutely push bullshit just to personally attack him. It makes it even stupider when they have plenty of material to work with, but not that super clickbait headline to rake in views every day. Stop pretending these people are saints. I get that in the modern age you gotta get the story out before anybody else, but it comes at the expense of facts and nuance.

They aren't saints but to say 91% of what they publish is fake (like Trump does) is complete hogwash.

Yeah, he's being bombastic, it's kinda his thing

The whole notion is ridiculous. Hitler didn't criticize the press, he owned it, there was nothing to criticize.

Those facts sound awfully hateful bro

not before taking over the country, dipshit

its amazing how so many things go from 0 to HITLER!!! so fast nowadays.

Godwin? More like God Lost.

Hitler wasn't born owning the press you know.

Hitler didn't criticize the press, he owned it

>The daily sturmer was the only journal in germany.

The absolute state of american education.

You could've easily said the Nazi party only owned the Ethnic Observer paper, and all others were just told what to print by Goebbels, but instead you chose to make a comment that demonstrates you have zero cursory understanding of the issue.

First, it's the volkish observer you absolute wastebag of space. Volkish does not mean ethnic but nation in the ethnic and cultural sense.

Secondly, it wasn't read. The nazi neswpaper was the daily sturmer. That was owned by a nazi.

First, Volkish does not mean ethnic but ethnic


Fam, it's nothing alike.

Tbf, I didn't expect a burger to understand nationalism.



Hitler didn't criticize the press, he owned it

Hitler was a jew??? WTF???

I mean it wasn't a good look during the 2016 campaign when Trump supporters were chanting "lugenpresse" at his rallies

I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're just misremembering, so to refresh your memory (and for anyone else curious) here is the thing you're referring to

Not a super good look, but not exactly what you described either

What am I misremembering?

I mean it wasn't a good look during the 2016 campaign when [2] Trump supporters were chanting said "lugenpresse" at [one of] his rallies

Hmm okay I couldn't find the video I remembered seeing so I'll concede I may have phrased that wrong


"yep, that's us, the good guys."

Amerifat fallacy. Literally the whole world doesn't like you. Trump made it clear, but nobody since the mid 50s has liked you.

Heeeere comes the equivocation.

It’s not an either or thing, Trump calls every negative piece about him fake news (he even said so himself)

hy·per·bo·le hīˈpərbəlē/


exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

which part of this:

Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.

Is hyperbole?

Could it be that he's just fucking retarded and says whatever at any given time?

If we turn against each based on division of race or religion if if if if if if if if if if f if we-- if we fall for -- you a-- a bunch of okey doke just because it it-- you know-- it it-- uh -- you know it it-- you know-- it uh sounds funny-- or the tweets are-- provocative.

it's almost like anyone sounds like that when you in bad faith transcribe everything they say off the cuff literally.

that was like a 20 second clip

why did trump ramble on for so long? was he sundowning?

What the fuck was he even saying? I can kinda parse Obama saying "twitter makes race and religion divides worse."

transcribe what trump is saying about "nuclear" there

i dont know why placeboing stopped doing shit after the election

his alex jones remixes are perrrfect

I keep telling people: this is poetry.

It's amazing how often this copypasta gets spewed out.

I'm not denying Trump is a long way out of his depth. Or that he's a bit of a moron.

But let's look at a few facts:

  1. People speaking normally often sound stupid if you transcribe their exact words.

  2. Journalists will often edit these off the cuff remarks for "clarity", rather than making them look like an idiots.

  3. Everyone has brain farts and bad days. Even Obama. Because if if if if if if we - if we -- if we just, you know, if if we were to apply this same standard, and it's a stupid standard, if we applied it to all politicians then we might think they are all stupid or crazy. Which they're not, I mean some might be but you know, it's a dumb standard.

If you want to know Trump's an idiot, look at the substance of what he says.

yeah, TIME was just using hyperbole

"91% of coverage of me is negative(fake)"

A story being negative has absolutely nothing to do with whether it's fake or not, unless you're a raging narcissist who thinks they can do no wrong.

Well it's true.

Reminds me of creationists

"We know Trump is a good president who can do no wrong, it's our religion so every piece of evidence to the contrary must be fake"

Except it's not fake.

The cover photo is of Trump scowling down at a crying kid. Time never claimed the kid was one of the kids who got seperated from her parents.

yeah theyre definitely not trying to elicit angry emotions from stupid people by implying it heavily, why would you even suggest that

Are you talking about Trump or the news?

time magazine in this instance, theyre lying to you to try and make you angry

you should be angry at them if anyone, not years old policies that are only just now starting to be enforced

> you should be angry at them if anyone, not years old policies that are only just now starting to be enforced

At some point you must ask if your laws are stupid instead of following them blindly.

The magazine also corrected its story, which said the girl was "carried away screaming by US Border Patrol agents", to instead say the mother and daughter were "taken away together".

Doesn’t change anything. She was still crying because of Border Control.

The Trump Derangement Syndrome is slowly creeping towards critical mass.

I hate the guy too but Jesus you gotta be a real denthead to fuck up THIS bad, Time magazine.

As usual the most relevant novelty account I've seen on this site

Literal child porn on the covers of our magazines. The terrorists have won.

This whole thing is funny. If anyone has actually been to mexico, the mexicans get kids to do all kinds of stuff to run around moneygrabbing. When I went, I had to hold my hands above my head because the kids were hired to run around tying string bracelets on your wrist and if they got you they demanded $10. If you didn't pay, they'd get the cops.

don't kids get separated from their parents every day when that parent commits a crime and goes to jail? Shit man I bet there's crying kids at every prison in America.

Not in North Korea.

Immigration is not a crime

Illegally crossing the border is literally a crime.

Not if it’s a claim of asylum

He said he believed she went to the US in search of better economic opportunities.

aka fleeing from a shithole country to USA

Sounds like a real asylum seeker to me.

when i read the title for some reason i thought that the time got fucked by a big black cock wew

everyone forgets the reduce in reduce, reuse, recycle


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I'm surprised the BBC actually reported this

Mr Valera said his daughter and her mother, Sandra Sanchez, have been detained together in the border town of McAllen as Ms Sanchez sought asylum.

Honduran Deputy Foreign Minister Nelly Jerez verified Mr Valera's version of events to Reuters.

Context: Honduras is run now by an Apple Pie Puppet Dictator after the US oversaw the illegal ouster of the democratically-elected president of that country, Manuel Zelayas.

Anything a corrupt representative of that illegal and illegitimate government says should be taken with a swimming pool's worth of salt.


But Melania still wore that jacket when visiting the children, right? RIGHT?

Just another thing to blow-over so the democrats can be outraged a little longer just like how the Daddy apologists convince themselves that if they keep it up eventually they can feel his hot load on their real face instead of just in their heads.


Time got WOMPED on, son.