Apparently eating 1200 calories is literally starving yourself and being fat does not equal being unhealthy

117  2018-06-22 by l0pep


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Also, intermittent fasting hasn't been studied nearly in depth or long enough for any conclusive information other than "it helps you lose weight" of fucking course it does, you're not eating.

tbh, this shows great progress, at least u/corgibutt- is admitting a link between what you eat and what your weight is.

I think what they don't get about intermittent fasting isn't necessarily that it helps you lose weight better while eating the same calories, obviously you still have to eat at a deficit. But maintaining the deficit with intermittent fasting might be easier because usually eating 1200 calories in an 8 hour window split up in two meals will make you feel more full than eating 1200 calories over a 12+ hour window with three meals and snacks.

Yep, IF is basically skipping breakfast and no late night snacking.

Fasting, I did a one meal a day fast for a while, really gives you a better relationship with hunger even after you move back to a more standard diet. A lot of people let the slightest amount of hunger take conplete control and then gorge themselves.

Chugging water is the name of the game

1200 calories of lean meat and vegetables is a lot more filling than 1200 calories of garbage though. I was amazed at how much fuller I felt when I started ditching stuff like salad dressing, oil, breading, etc... for stuff like spinach, peas, broccoli, etc... You can either have a tbsp of delicious oil but that's not going to do shit to fill you up. Or you could eat a whole fucking pound of spinach for the same amount of calories. i'm like 2.5 months into losing weight and down about 30lbs and I can't really imagine going back to 2500 calories a day without consuming huge amounts of booze because I'm fairly comfortable even with just my usual 1350ish calories/day.

When you try to debate HAES people, you eventually realize that they absolutely understand that CICO = weight loss, but they just find it uncomfortable and difficult so they don't want to do it.

That's it. That's the long and short of their argument. Cutting calories equals mild discomfort, so better they just stay comfortable and obese.

"What good is counting calories if I get fat when I stop counting calories? Might as well just stay fat!"

Dude, I've lost 22 pounds in five months just by cooking all my meals at home, walking my dog and going to yoga classes. They act like you have to live like you're in a concentration camp when it's actually fairly easy.

How does yoga help with weight loss? I've never done it myself being an amerifats and all

Hot yoga, which I do, doesn't burn that many calories but it really helps curb cravings. They've even done studies on it. It also makes your ass tighter.

Hot yoga is definitely a bodyweight exercise. A lot of people just dismiss it as stretching in a sauna, but you're holding some pretty intense poses. I've definitely seen some good definition from it.

Some of the dudes who come in thinking they'll breeze through it struggle.

Joe Rogan actually praises hot yoga and corrects people who think it's a "girl workout."

That was actually the anecdote I used to convince my boxing teacher to try it and he's into it now. I don't buy the spirituality of yoga, but hot yoga is a pretty fucking awesome workout.

I go to one that's minimal on the spiritual stuff. I can't stand it either.

Same. Although I once went to a hatha workshop by a visiting instructor at my studio and it turned out to be some full moon hippie bullshit. Apparently we were supposed to bring a valued item to set on the corner of our mat to charge with sacred moon energy. I didn't want to make a scene so I just grabbed a tube of lipstick from my purse and lied and said it belonged to my dead grandmother (she would have found this fucking hilarious). So now I have a tube of moon-blessed lipstick.

That's hilarious. Yoga instructors are generally nutcases.

But like that's the thing. Some of them are dope af and you can tell that they just kind of tolerate the hippie shit because they have to for their job. But then the ones who are lunatics are fucking lunatics.

Whatever. As long as I get a tight Tay Tay ass, they can bless all my goddamn makeup for all I care.

Does it glow when you menstruate?

And you feel so good after you do it, it's crazy.

Oh dude, it's so fucking good. It's probably how (((they))) are trying to lull us into complacency as they turn us all into pansexual biracial trannies TBH. That's how good it is.

as they turn us all into pansexual biracial trannies TBH.

That happened waaaaaaay before I started yoga.

it also makes your ass tighter

I suppose that helps with all the D your getting now?

Gross, I'm a grill. I don't do the buttseks.

Ew, imagine thinking /r/drama wasn't a matriarchy, smdh

girls who don't do anal are not long term relationship material.

girls who don't do anal are not long term relationship material

This but nonironically.

implying i was being ironic, smh.

It's an obvious deal breaker.

Never too late to convert.

It's an exit, not an entrance!

It's both. If we can't both stick things in each other's butts what hope is there?

oh shit i need that

This is where I shill for DDP Yoga again

tbh I think a lot of these people have genuine eating disorders. They need therapy and possibly medication. I don't doubt that for a lot of them, restricting calories is emotional agony above and beyond what a normal person experiences when losing weight.

Yeah, but if that's true, it means we're in an actual epidemic of binge eating disorder.

I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying that's a lot of people to put into therapy.

Yeah, I think it's pretty accurate tbh. I suspect BED is very underdiagnosed because people don't realize it's a thing or don't realize that being unable to control your eating at all isn't normal. And I don't think you eat your way to 350 lbs bc you're psychologically healthy.

Shit like this makes me want to support a military dictatorship.

It's not necessarily binge eating disorder. The term EDNOS (Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified) has come into vogue because so many people have eating disorders that are just an inability to monitor their own consumption, rather than something with a clear behavioral pattern like restricting and binging.

It's mild discomfort for some. It's a bit more serious for others. Losing weight is great, but if in the process you're miserable, angry, and can't concentrate for shit - that's not an option for many people who are a paycheck away from poverty. In US, a lot of people have to put on-the-job performance first, and for many, being hungry fucks with that.

I personally can't do it, I legit notice personality changes. I don't even have much of a hunger drive, and left to my devices tend to undereat and lose weight - but there is a cost. So I have to go overboard on the exercize part of things.

Anyway, CICO is obvious, but treating it as the end-all approach ignores that people some people simply feel like shit on restricted diets. 1200 calories a day leaves me pretty sluggish and stupid, it does kind of seem like starvation. The fucked up thing is that my natural eating cycle can take me there by itself.

I don't understand why they feel the need to go extreme

If you're a fat fuck you can literally eat above average TDE and still lose weight

I'm just a gymrat and I stall or lose weight if I eat like 2400 kcals for a week

I had a tall jacked roommate eat 4k Cal's daily. You people need help.

Naye. It is you, the poors, that need help.

As for overweight people always being unhealthy and health being equivalent to thinness. Both my mom and sister are over 200 pounds and neither have diabetes.

In related news, ALS does not put you at risk of an early death because Stephen Hawking lived to a ripe age of 76.

In the 90s(?) you'd have people saying "I know cigarettes don't cause caner, because my dad smoked for 30 years and he doesn't have cancer"

Ive still not met anyone that died from a smoking related cause. It causes cancer, sure, but the numbers are an outright lie.

As for overweight people always being unhealthy and health being equivalent to thinness. Both my mom and sister are over 200 pounds and neither have diabetes.

is that really the bar this person has set for themselves/their loved ones? lol

"I don't have diabetes so that must mean I'm healthy"

good god no wonder this country has such a problem with obesity

The actual state of American women

The actual state of American women

Sometimes I wish I had whatever mental defect makes men into fat fetishists because casual sex would be sooo much easier here.

At least part of it is a high tolerance for smells.

It's awesome if you're a woman TBH. When every other gussy is fat and mediocre, you look better by comparison

As a dude its the same but....

The pool of non-fat is shrinking, (pun) so that while I'm fit and thats a plus, I don't have as many non-fats to try to hit on, so the end result is a wash. I'm an average guy otherwise, but as you pointed out just being thin is a "hot" factor, especially for women, so its a wash.

I get hit on by horny fat chicks all.the.time. So many at the deviant parties I go to, but I have no interest.

I get called "athletic" all the time and TBH I'm really not. I go to 3 or 4 workout classes a week. I have zero upper body strength and can't run more than a 3K without giving up and walking. I eat pretty healthy but I have like two or three "cheats" a week. I probably would have been considered "average" a decade ago, but now I get comments all the time about "oh, you're so athletic!" I'm really not. The bar is just insanely low now.

As a guy I can say it's about the same at this point. I'm actually much worse, I consume too much sugar and rarely exercise so I'm a borderline skinny-fat piece of shit but because I am still "skinny"/thin at the end of the day due to almost never consuming more than 2000 calories a day I still get comments on how thin I am, get hit on pretty often, and some of my obese family members say I'm "too thin" and that it's just do to my "metabolism" that I'm thin not my low-calorie consumption. Even my actual regular gym going friends note it's unfair to them that me and them are both considered "above average" (even though they have better bodies obviously) due to so many people being obese.

That said at my college the situation has largely reversed from what I remember, with girls "punching up" more regularly than guys in the dating department. Maybe it's because everyone is eating more but because it's still generally easier for women to get fat than men (due to height, muscle etc) the obesity epidemic hit them a bit harder? Thankfully for me a lot of the frat bros who bother to work out still aren't that picky when it comes to the women they date and don't stay locked down for long (or a millisecond) either so they don't effect me much, and surprisingly enough a lot of other guys who work out nonstop are loners who don't chase women often (wtf is even the point of being a gym bunny at that point). Guess I was born in the right time and place to be a lazy prick.

you need to get ripped. very few guys are ripped, if you work out for like 3 years, you'll be ripped enough that you're so far above average, you have access to the skinny thots. 20 years ago a guy could get away with a runner's build and just be toned and slim, but like you said, the value of actual hot women is sky high now due to scarcity.

every hot i girl exclusively only fucks ripped guys from tinder, never skinny ones.

20 years ago, you'd still be whining that girls you want to date are slightly out of reach. That shit's in your head, man.

well i actually do date girls that i find attractive, getting musclar has worked for me. before that i could still get girls, but now it's easier. i want to get tipped to the point where i'm literally chad and banging girls is easy mode though.

When every other gussy is fat and mediocre, you look better by comparison

Thinking of gussy late at night

Just puts all thought of sleep to flight

No longer I can close an eye,

Tears gather and I start to cry

That was beautiful, man

and by "cry" you mean "spank it till it hurts" amirite?

Male tears

Oh, so that's why feminists love male tears.

Will u be my gf(male)?

It's less cool when you're a women who's into gussy, I don't really have a taste for chubby puss.

You're not drinking hard enough.

Dude there is only so much alcohol one can drink before dying.

I wish I lived in Saudi.

But they all wear tent dresses so at least you can't see it.

Atleast they don't act like they're special for brig fat

do you really


You see it all the time from those type.

"I was just at the doctor and he said my blood work looks fine?"

"Yeah, how about your joints? Or your blood pressure? Or your heart rate?"


i've been smoking all my life and I still don't have cancer you judgemental asshole. Stop judging me my lungs are beautiful


i smoke ciggs all day and don't have lung cancer.

yaaaaay science !!!

Maybe they’re 9 ft tall?

It depends on what yo7r calories are too, if you are eating 2,500 calories of high protein, higj fiber, complex carbs and vitamin rich vegetables you should be fine if you are even remotely active. Sugar is the worst thing you can put in your body.

A subreddit mod is the worst thing yuh can put in your body.

As a 5’2” person, I very much doubt that. 2500 calories is still 2500 calories and way too much for the average woman (5’4”).

I run 5k almost every day, that’s still only about 250 calories burned.

Probably for you as you cited you are shorter than average. I was refer to a normal sized man. The point is what you eat to get your calories is just as important as how. Many calories you eat.

5k should be 310

I use the 0.63*your weight in lbs formula /per mile, which is about 240 if you're 110lbs.

Oh youre 110 okay

I mean, more than 120lbs looks pretty chubby at 5'2" unless you have an unusual amount of muscle, so 110lbs isn't skinny or anything. I've actually got a wider bone structure for my height (36" hips) so I can get away with weighing more than most.

A chick tho? I dont get context

Sorry didn't see that, yes I'm a gril, and no idea how many. Probably more than you might think, 'cause there's no point being all "tee hee I'm a woman" most of the time.

It's almost certainly a bit of a sausage fest tho, as you get a lot of "femoids are dumb lol" but not so much about the sex of peace.

femoids are dumb lol

I wasn't trying to be mean when I said this, it's just categorically true that women have tiny squirrel brains

Well you need less brain when you’re not losing 50% to supplying your dick and testosterone fuelled cavemen urges.

The bantz always brings us together <3


My campaign to transition all wh*te males into qt traps is ever ongoing. Although that could be a threat to your kind because men are generally better at being women than women.

To be fair the men in this sub should already know they are literally worse than Hitler.

“Should” being the keyword here.

Who knew there were other 5'2" non-obese grills on here? Although I am 120lbs instead of my ideal 110 bc of Hispanic thighs and laziness.

Woman here, also 110-ish I kinda like trollx though. I know I will be shunned now. It gives me sisterhood of the travelling pants/ full moon sabath vibes.

Why cant i find my own drama queen? Smh never gunns happen.

Many drama queens pretend to be men online. Not helpful but just thought Id throw that out there.

It gives me raging retard vibes, myself

Lets be real though- their biggest crime is that they can be naive/ fickle. Thats an upgrade from the dumpster fire that is drama.

Naive? Fickle? Trollx IS the dumpster fire, always, they know what bile they are spewing, they just believe it has a point. Drama is the group that huddles around the dumpster fires

lmao the delusion - even drama doesnt hold itself to that high of a regard. It is not just watching the fire, it is one with the fire, and thats what makes it great.

You're right, but this place is always one step better than any tribalistic shit hole, because it doesn't pretend to be better

Get out of the fire. This is my dumpster 🔥🔥🔥🔫😣🔥🔥🔥

get the found out legbeard

u mad?

Are you a woman or Danny DeVito?

5’2” person


Hey, I'm only half mayo!

One drop rule, sorry

2500 calories a day is a lot for a woman, hell it's just under the amount needed for a normal sized adult male to bulk.

You need sugar for brain function and other things. You will literally die without it. Just dont eat candy and get sugar from fruit or other sources.

All carbs are reduced into sugar in the body, there is no need to eat sugar in it's pure form, sure fruit is fine moderation

Thats what i mean

No you didn't.

dont eat candy and get sugar from fruit or other sources

there is no need to eat sugar in it's pure form


Not even going to engage with someone who reads over their work and doesn't correct their use of apostrophes.

There's' lot's' of exception's' to those ruleses's'

Yeah, but sugar tastes good.

Both my mom and sister are over 200 pounds and neither have diabetes. My mom's fatness stems from a thyroid disorder and my sister from PCOS.

PCOS does not automatically make you a 200+ lbs fatass REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

With trollx is not "found the fatty" thats like shooting hippos in a barrel.

What barrel?

That's a pretty big barrell.

And dangerous as well.

Can we have more fatty posting? It's my favourite!

Agreed, everyone can hate fats, far less agenda posting.

Hams can heal the drama family.

do we have any vegan options?

like a gardein hamplanet substitute?

soysage and mushroom pizza with some of that daiya cheeze?

That unironically sounds like an ok pizza. I think cutting out dairy has finally soyified my brain.

it's actually not that bad once you get used to it. Even over the past 4-5 years or so, a lot of the meat substitutes have gotten better. With someone who knows what they are doing, it can be comparable (maybe not quiiite as good) as pizza with meat

Oh yeah dairy substitutes have gotten so much tastier since I first started cutting out dairy 8 years ago. It used to be such a pain in the ass to find non dairy yogurt or cheese that didn't taste like hot garbage. Daiya is still not nearly as good as real cheese, but we are approaching real cheesey goodness.

Follow your Heart and Chao are pretty good too, but I still like Daiya's mozerella the best.

Tofurky is where it's at

god damn it when will these stupid fat fucking heifers realize that the reason they feel hungry afterwards is because they're so god damn used to overeating that their bodies literally don't react to the normal amount of food anymore?


5'5.5" and weigh over 350 pounds

And this is the trollX poster who ISN'T all about that fat activism...

That's what happens when they actually own a mirror.

Same height as me but weighs 3 x more. That’s insane, the underwear must be the size of bedsheets.

Are you a grill or a manlet?

Any other options?


Not even an option. You’re just hungry because this is a starvation thread.

No? You're 5'5 and either a chick or dude.

5’5 and a half!

JFC that's a 58 BMI. Over 40 is morbidly obese.

Anyway she seems relatively sane so I wish her well on her whole not-dying-by-49 thing

That is dangerously overweight.

Like, on average dies in five years levels of overweight.

I mean I think 1200 is pretty damn low, but has anyone broken that down into 3 meals? I mean can you make 1200 calories look filling? I'm curious how that would work.

For men its not enough but its almost perfect for average-build women wanting to lose weight.

/r/1500isplenty was my original go to when I first found out about those subreddits. Seems like 1200 would work better for a smaller woman.

To be honest I dont even understand calorie counting. Most people just eat when they're hungry till their satisfied and they manage to maintain a consistent weight. Guess thats my thin privilege./s

Don't use sarcasm tags you dumb bitch.

Then dont be stupid lol. Sarcasm tags exist out of necessity.

Necessity for whom? Certainly not for people who use 'whom' appropriately.

Then you're golden

Yes I was born ginger and I had a very difficult childhood which you are now 1: reminding me of 2: tormenting me with. I dyed my hair as a teen and I am now thankfully pre-maturely bald so you can quit it with the mockery and condescension.

I'm 5'9 (I'm a grill, not a manlet) and I eat like 1700 a day and I'm losing. I think I have a pretty fast metabolism though because it's a miracle I've always been in the normal BMI range given the crap I've eaten until I started being more health conscious at the beginning of the year.

Oh no, I don't disagree with you. Before I heard of /r/1200isplenty it was /r/1500isplenty that I was following. I was just trying to figure out what those 1200 calories would consist of that hit all the macros. Probably just not eating shitty food. Carbs are just too heavy.

Probably shit tons of veg. I don't really look at those subs too much. They give me anxiety. I did 1200 a day when I was younger and I was always hungry. It wasn't sustainable.

I do that when I'm cutting and it's perfectly fine. I'm six foot one.

Eat a bucketload of veggies, don't drink calories, cut down on bread and boil your potatoes and it's way easier than you'd think. I probably eat more healthy during my 1200 runs than most people do eating whatever junk they want.

Carbs are my life!!

What do you put on your potatoes? Pretty much every standard topping is awful for you

Dash of salt.

it's possible but you'd have to be pretty strict. No alcohol, no soda, no sweets and snacks would be a good start. Then for your meals just eat veggies (e.g. broccoli), lean meat (e.g. chicken breast), rice / whole wheat pasta / oatmeal, cottage cheese, eggs, skyr, etc.

It's actually quite a bit of volume if you don't eat fatty stuff and not too many carbs.

However it's easier if you skip breakfast though and just eat two meals.

1 bottle of wine 600 calories. The other 600 is for food.

Wine? 80proof vodka will get you more drunk for your calories

I don’t like vodka though.

Then I don't like you

Aww. 😢😢😢

I only eat 2 meals a day anyway so it's doable

A lot of people will skip breakfast, which makes the remaining two meals more reasonable.

Its actually not as little as it sounds. I started losing weight on a 1200 diet recently and all it really amounted too was:

-cutting out most snacks outside of meals (occasionally having desert if i had low cal meals that day)

-cutting out calorific drinks (although again having them as a treat when i have some space spare)

Admittedly it might be easier for me since im vegetarian and vegetarian foods are usually lower in calories.

Mainly i have two meals a day, ive never liked eating in the morning so that's not a problem.

Lunch would normally be a sandwich or veggies and houmous with crisps and a granola bar.

Dinner is pretty normal too things like: half a pizza, spaghetti, quorn meat pie with veggies and tomatoes, quorn fish sticks.

Desert- mini servings of ice cream like a mini magnum bar or an ice cream sandwich

Im moving back to maintaining my weight now and I'm having 1500 calories and honestly all that means is that i can have more snacks during the day if i want to. Its literally a couple of chocolate bars more. The fact that people think not eating two chocolate bars worth of food is starving yourself drives me crazy.

fat acceptance was a movement perpetuated by massive snack food companies. big tobacco is pissed as fuck that they didn't think of it. But shit when women go out in droves to throw $10 at a gigantic book of advertisements every month it's pretty easy to target that demographic

Well, I thought to myself "I wonder which sub this links to", and I took a bet, and I won.

i can't fathom thinking that not eating for 16 hours is starving one's self.

any attempt to better yourself is wrong

I am at a point where I just assume anyone that posts on TrollX is obese or working on reaching it.

Ah man, remember the pig roast that one /r/drama user held, using their troll call Friday pics?

There were really no surprises.

Yeah he caught a suspension for that one. Only a matter of time.

Eating 1200 calories per day isn't sustainable for very long and it will eventually kill you. A few super-low-calorie days here and there won't hurt you (and 1200 is super low), but over the course of a couple months if your average intake is 1200/day you'll have problems.

Depends on heigh famalam.

A 5' 1" woman will be just fine on 1100, so long as she hits her macros.

Eating 1200 calories only sucks. But it’s what you have to do to lose weight if you don’t want to exercise.

But if fat people had realized that exercise matters and is good, they’d probably not be fat.

It's not what you have to do to lose weight at all, even with a very sedentary lifestyle and without exercise. You can lose weight eating much more than that, though how you eat those calories will matter.

Can't talk too much about how hard it is to do though because I've been eating 2 meals, more like 1.5 meals a day for years now, so I'm on the low end regarding appetite. Hell, I don't count calories but I'm pretty sure I've gone on that every now and then just because I didn't feel more hungry than that.

Fair. You can eat more. I just latched with that number because it was mentioned in the link.


First off, yeh 1200 calories is low, but for some people it's too many. Like shorties. My wife is 5' 1" and cannot eat 2,000 calories because she would become fat as fuck. Her ideal caloric count is, drumroll, 1100-1200, depending on her day.

Second, starvation mode is a myth. There is nothing in your body that makes it magically burn less or gain weight because it's starving. Thermodynamics is the name of the game baby! What happens in many instances is your body tries to conserve energy and you will feel lethargic and disinclined to do anything. Gotta fight through that, or reduce how many calories you're cutting.

Third, that's too bad that your mom and sister are 200 pounds overweight, but nice (I guess?) they don't have the beetus. Your evidence is anecdotal AND if your mom truly is one of the very, very rare individuals to actually have a thyroid issue, there is treatment! But it involves discipline and fat people tend not to want that because, fact, they inherently lack it. PCOs doesn't make you fat, so bad excuse there.

Fourth, the fact is obesity is linked to numerous health issues, shortened life expectancy, and less satisfaction (happiness) in life. Can argue that til you're blue in the face, but sadly, it's a fact.

Fattys downvoted her to show themselves they aren’t the fattiest.

I’m sorry for being insensitive, but this fat cow bitch has no clue what she’s talking about.

Does that hambeast even know what starvation feels like