CB2, in proving once again that it will counterjerk anything and everything, comes out as pro HAES

18  2018-06-22 by Boring_normie


This is why we need mayocide.


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Well, you forgot about the part that the only purpose of a woman's existence is to make my peen hard!

/u/MyStolenCow Where is the lie?

Toxic contrarianism.




Which one of these has the highest BMI? Which one of these may not be in the 'Obese' range?

U wot

Insinuated you are fat

Yeah but why

Probably because you hange out in cb2

Post a pic of your scale, toots

How do you find time to go to the gym when all your time is taken up fighting cultural marxism?

Imagine thinking that people shouldn't eat so much has anything to do with cultural Marxism.


You...you really aren't terribly bright, are you?

It seems you accidentally pressed the caps lock, dear

This is like the least shocking development ever

There's a reason America is the fattest nation in the world, and it's not because of "complicated reasons". It's because of the excess consumption that comes with our extreme capitalistic society.

Cause in communism there's not enough food available for people to become fat.