Trump autographs photos of deceased crime victims at Angel Families event

32  2018-06-22 by TehAlpacalypse


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Lol, is this for real?

You bet it

Have you been living in this timeline?

Lmao, holy shit, of course it's real. Maybe it's just me but doesn't the POTUS autographing photos of murder victims seem hilariously psychopathic?

Par the course, I would be disappointed if he didn't. His PR team is genius tbh. It infuriates his opposition while giving the impression he stands in solidarity with these families to his supporters. Same with Melania's jacket situation. There's no way these situations aren't contrived.

That these kind of psychotic shenanigans play well with his base just adds another layer to the surrealism, lmao. Is a Qult member the Trump supporters final form?

Just wait until he loses in 2020. It's going to be insane.

Whether he wins, loses or gets impeached it's gonna be insane no matter what. Him losing in 2020 might cause the least drama. Unless he loses to a black chick or, lol, Hillary Clinton.

TBH if mommy gets the Democrat nomination, the left should do us all a favor and self exile.

Hillary won’t run again. It’s Chelsea’s time.

Maximum drama, hillary runs again and wins, or loses, winning would result in a bunch of qultists high on meth staging an armed revolt, trump winning and california would probably trying and succeed the union

Him losing in 2020 might cause the least drama.

Q tards might start shooting people

implying they won't start before then

if he loses in 2020 youll definitely have mass shootings and media people getting offed, prob another mcveigh

but its not likely to happen under any circumstance

they could barely keep hillary standing upright in 16 and now she has back braces and shit to hide as well, not likely

shes falling apart

That just means they'll bolt on some robot parts and she'll be our first cyborg president. Talk about historic! You sure do have a flair for making Hillary sound cool.

You sure do have a flair for making Hillary sound cool.

lol not even i can do that

remember people said this shit in 2016

"omg what are trumps angry supporters going to do when he loses?!?! riot??"

Well, he didn't lose, so we don't know what would have happened, do we?

we know the people worried about violent trump supporters suddenly became anti fascists and changed their mind about wanton violence

  • Some

Do fat women wearing pink hats cause you concern for your safety?

It's not just internet feels. People really fucking hate the other side at this point.

I'm not saying full scale civil war, but major acts of domestic terrorism and civil disobedience for sure. The losing side in 2020 will be anything but graceful.

Do fat women wearing pink hats cause you concern for your safety?

lol not unless ive got a bag of mcdonalds

but theyre all spouting rhetoric like "punch a nazi" which implicitly involves them, you think people are going to avoid punching them back

It's not just internet feels. People really fucking hate the other side at this point.

yeah but the side with the pussy hats is literally incapable of doing anything

Actually all the parents love trump they probably asked him.

Hmmm, let's think about this. Eleven sets of grieving families independently asked Trump to sign photos of their murdered loved OR this is a PR stunt concocted by someone on Team Trump. That's a real head scratcher.

Of course it's a PR stunt? He asked them to come in and told everyone he did. Did you even watch the video? Daddy is going to make them pay.

Actually all the parents love trump they probably asked him.

Of course it's a PR stunt? He asked them to come in and told everyone he did

He asked them to come in and they begged him to autograph their murder victims then everybody started clapping while they locked up Hillary in Gitmo praise Q.

It's both though

It's a PR stunt, but they probably invited fervent Trump supporters as well

Who all just happened to bring 8x10 glossys of their dead loved ones for Trump to sign praise Q!

They were probably prepped in advanced

You can have a staged event with actual fans. It's not mutually exclusive

I never said they weren't actual fans tho.

Too bad, I'm autistic and I'm looking for a fight

Somehow that's worse, and just incomprehensibly sad

i never understood people who genuinely like Trump (or Hillary for that matter). Support the guy if his policies will benefit you, sure, it's a democracy after all, but the guy himself is a sleazy slimeball of a mediocre businessman who's better as a reality-TV actor who also has insecurities and an ego the size of New York.

You see his wife wearing that jacket?

This is the best timeline for dramacoin.

That wasn't even subliminal, that was just a message, lol. I get the feeling the series finale is going to be mind blowing.

Given the iq levels of everyone involved in that administration, I bet she thought she was being slick

Not if he was wearing that jacket

Nope, because he is making an effort to curb the illegal immigration.

Autographing photos of murder victims is integral to this effort, obviously. I just hope people don't start disposing of unwanted family members and blaming it on ms13 for a free trip to DC and some Trump swag.

No this is

Lol, you believe that?

400 years from now people are gonna be reading the history books and they're gonna come across Donald Trump and this time period and just be like "what in the actual fuck."

Do you think it's worth buying trump merchandise and just never opening them and keeping it in storage units to pass to grandbabies to sell to future polihistorical nerd collectors? There may be too much mass production for it to matter, I'm of 2 minds about it. What do you think?

I don't know tbh. I highly doubt it'll be worth anything.

Reeeeeeeeeee my double wide full of MAGA merch is my nest egg.

The real money is to be made during the election.

People were setting up around Trump rallies selling MAGA shit constantly, probably made a fortune.

Trump supporters are the most gullible people on the planet so each rally is just a bunch of marks.

is this bad for by new cryptoventure magacoin?

Trump supporters are the most gullible people on the planet so each rally is just a bunch of marks.

Now I understand that you might be retarded (doubly so because you are pizzashill) but you should have seen the trash "do it for her" merch that was being sold at Clinton rallies and the whole Bernie fundraisers where you put all your money into his mansion fund without even getting a cool t-shirt.

Trump supporters literally elected a guy that ran a fake university and has been sued/settled for fraud like 6 different times.

What are they if not gullible?

Consider the following:

No u

hey guys lets fight the establishment

oops i lost- all your money goes to the establishment

vote for the establishment

Oh I bought meme hat for this very reason. Still wrapped in plastic, and yes it has its official hallmark showing it is a genuine meme hat: "Made in China"

I got some dank merch myself as a gift, theyve only been out of the plastic once for some fun selfies, then back in for posterity.

I think it will appreciate like beanie babies.

Lmao everyone's going to have forgotten about trump and their hysteria regarding him in 10 years history books aren't going to include shit like this

There's got to be at least a chapter on 2nd Civil War 2020-2024

people in 400 years are going to wonder what these "jews" that everyone keeps talking about were, from their space paradise utopia

Man you really just went for it

if the allies hadnt interfered wed be there already

So Trumps coming out against crime? Brave stance.

"I don't care. do u?"

its what they would have wanted