Degenerate leaf shares his totally normal fetish with the winners who post on a subreddit dedicated to drugs. Is it a larp or have we truly fallen this far?

30  2018-06-23 by Oh_hamburgers_


Fuck you I posted this and all I got was Ed being a retard


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this is vanilla as fuck.


And then 'she got out a gallon bottle and poured what looked like dirty water over her head... I thought maybe she's really hot,' said Maxey.

self immolates

He's from Newfoundland though. It's their national sport.

Definitely fake but great character building in that post anyway. Lots of depth to his degeneracy.

shed be one of the corpses that still fart... and there’s the erection lmfao

We need a complete reform of how we deal with drugs. We make drugs legal, but also make rehabilitation mandatory. However, instead of regular rehabilitation clinics we build a rehab zoo where we put these junkies on display where everyone can see what drugs do to their brains. Imagine a glass dome with some lunatic inside it masturbating to his own poop, surrounded by families gawking at him. This system would be excellent because:

(a) It'd be really fun to watch

(b) delicious drama from constant clashes between moralfags who hate this and everyone else

(c) the junkies would be essentially making back the money spend on housing them and then some.

(d) this system means that schools don't have to teach kids about drugs anymore because those zoos do it for them.

(e) drugs being legal means that everyone who is involved with illegal drugs would be out of a job

(f) it deters potential addicts because everyone can see what happens to people when they take drugs. But not enough because poorfags don't have the time/can't afford to take their kids to a zoo so we'll still have a steady supply to display.

Just sentence all drug users to spend time in r/drama. This is basically the same thing as the Synanon game.

It is not uncommon to see patients undergo permanent psychological trauma in the presence of the Sphere, before the nerve stapler has even been strapped into position. Its effect on the general consciousness of the culture is profound: husbands have seen wives go inside, and mothers their children. Dr. Xynan left the surface of the sphere semitranslucent for a reason. You can hear them in there; you can see them. It is a thing of terrible beauty.

-- Baron Klim, "The Music of the Spheres"

sometimes when im alone, i inject meth, defecate on the floor, and masturbate over the turd aggressively, sniffing it loudly, repeating "oh, FUCK YEAH!" again and again. its not JUST feces though. its offensive odors in general. the smell of vomit, rotten eggs and old cheese also give me an erection. now look... im not fixated on the OBJECT that stinks when i jerk off. im not a fucking wierdo. i jerk off to women, sexy women, i just think "oh, fuck that stinks. imagine it came from some hot blonde bitch..." and i whack off.

last weekend, riding the bus, i smelled a fart. everybody stared at me because i started sniffing profusely, attempting to locate the perpetrator. i failed to identify them, but i did see a pretty sexy redhead, so i looked at her and said "you're a dirty girl" in my sexy voice. she seemed uncomfortable, but i know she liked it, it was evident. fuck, i love those discreet public farters.

my ultimate fantasy is stumbling across a dead body. she would be hot as fuck, blonde, and thick. she would be heavily decaying, except for her ass cheeks, her pussy, and her face. id lay her on her stomach, ass up, and brake her neck so her face would also be facing me. shed be one of those corpses that still fart... and theres the erection lmfao. id fuck the shit out of her from behind, smelling that hot ass blonde rotting flesh, and those sexy little corpse-farts. ffs. its getting hot in here. im gonna wrap this up early, as ive just felt the urge to poop. in this house, NO SHIT GOES TO WASTE.

I dont know WHY ive got such a weird fetish... i am from Newfoundland though, maybe that has something to do with it...

10/10 pasta