SRD discuss fatness. Upset themselves.

43  2018-06-23 by Standard12


Now with added cancer!


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You are a shallow, abusive, disgusting, disrespectful, misogynist loser and you deserve to be alone forever. She deserves SO much better than you. The kindest thing you could ever do for her is get out of her life permanently.

First of all, you should be ashamed of yourself for even feeling the need AT ALL to modify or ever comment on her looks. You should be so fucking grateful that you have a woman in your life who will even touch you.

Second of all...the nude photos of other should be thrown into a lava pit.

Thirdly, WOMEN DO NOT OWE YOU A CERTAIN VERSION OF THEIR BODIES!!!!! You should love her and be attracted to her regardless of weight. Your respect for her and her personal agency should far outweigh your grotesque obsession with having a skinny girlfriend. If physical attractiveness is SO important to you that you’re doting on it this much, leave her and become a customer of sex workers, who you can pay to look exactly the way you want. Your GF doesn’t owe you shit.

Fourthly, please please please do some cursory reflecting and reading about maybe why you think weight and looks on a woman you love is so important. Do deep reading of sociology books about just how and why modern capitalism has enslaved women and the men who pursue them to attain a certain look and why people who do not comply with that look are considered less valuable. Do you actually care about 120 pounds, or are you obsessed with how much the woman you date signifies your societal value to your peers??? Do you want to love somebody or are you anguishing over needing “arm candy” to make you feel whole??


Sixthly, examine the deeper reasons why you have such an aversion to anything but thinness and why you believe that “fat” is “bad”. Seriously. Do you think less of a person because of their weight??? Have you bought into society’s horrific lie that thinness is a virtue???? And if so, reflect and recognize that you are being an evil, emotionally abusive agent of the patriarchal standards described above.

LASTLY. You should love women (especially one who has devoted years to you) regardless of their exact weight and appearance. Like...your love for your GF should be so overpowering that you could NEVER IMAGINE telling her what to do with her body or thinking that you ever, ever have the right to have a single fucking opinion on it.



You bastard!

Some fucked up <<<People>>> unironically think like this.

Ain't that fucked up?

Lol, the comment had +100 upvotes in the original thread. Not sure if it was because it was linked here and the retards upvoted it "ironically" because it's so stupid or if that's the unironic opinion of the average subscriber on that subreddit ...

Man, people have no idea what 120lbs/5’0” can look like, especially if you have a more narrow bone structure. It can totally look chubby.

My mum has those stats (more like 115lbs even) and she has quite a bit of extra belly fat on her.

I mean, that guy is an ass and going about it the wrong way, but it’s completely understandable that he’s less attracted to her.

That post was 100% bait.

Then some time ago I found a couple of nudes of a gorgeous girl online, same height, more slender but similar bodytype with smallish breasts. Decided to show them to my girlfriend and remarked that it was amazing what a difference a few pounds can make.

No guy in their right mind would do this.

Haven’t you been on this sub long enough to know that there are a lot of people on Reddit who are not “in their right mind”.

Most people don't know what many weights vs heights vs builds look like. They see X lbs and automatically get an idea in their head. It's like hearing a guy is over 220 lbs and having no idea about his build or percent body fat.

Most people don't know what many weights vs heights vs builds look like.

If only there were some kind of formula to make comparing different weights at different heights easier 🤔

But on the internet, you can't mention BMI without someone going "but it's been proven BMI doesn't really work!!!!" despite the fact that its still used by doctors all over the world.

(Yeah body fat% is a much better metric, but only DEXA scans are really reliable at measuring that, so it's not useful for the vast majority of people)

Even if you mention a BMI, people still think of 1 shape. At this point I think %bf, %muscle, and height are needed to get an accurate picture. But %bf alone should be enough to tell you that someone has significant extra chub.

The most used BMI formula ( Height in meters squared times 21 for ideal weight ) is pretty inaccurate for people who aren't average though, not to mention it requires guesswork based on sex.

To give a real example, I'm a 6'1" woman, and far from having a small frame - I have to choose between having my shoulders and chest ridiculously stretch out tops I wear or wearing fat women clothes that turn my shirts into sails or dresses alternatively because of all the extra fabric supposed to go around fat bellies.

72kg, discounting a kilo or two for being a woman ( Since the weight is "unisex" ), is just not a healthy weight for me. When I was around that ( So a few kilos under 72 ), my ribs had holes in between them, and it was easy to slip a phalanx or two under them because of the "caved in" belly.

I have a fair share of body image problems, some of which I'm convinced are from hearing ideal weight and measurements that just can't fit me, because there is almost no way to know which are right for you when you're just so far off the norm ( For the record, 185cm/6'1" is a fair share less than one in a thousand women ).

To finish on a good note, when I did Judo, it was so easy to win competitions because my naturally higher weight made me go against almost only fatties.

/u/lizarcury, I legit can’t tell if ur an alt right troll tryna make the left look bad or if u believe that dumbass shit

Would love to hear specifically what you think is "dumbass shit" about anything I said, and your genuinely true beliefs behind why.

Nope, not a "troll". Just a person who believes men shouldn't be trash.

maybe you should eat less trash.

And you can't make statements like

Thirdly, WOMEN DO NOT OWE YOU A CERTAIN VERSION OF THEIR BODIES!!!!! You should love her and be attracted to her regardless of weight.

without coming across as insane or as a troll.

Why were you posting in an almost one week old thread anyway?

Why is it "insane" that women do not owe men certain versions of their bodies? Do you believe that women do owe men certain versions of their bodies?

And why is it "insane" to love and respect your partner regardless of their weight? Do you believe that love and respect should fluctuate based on physical appearance?

Do you believe that women do owe men certain versions of their bodies?

If they don't want to spend the rest of their lives with their cats and cheap wine they'd better. Same for guys though. And just not getting fat isn't a huge effort anyway. You should stay fit out of self-respect but also out of respect for your partner

Do you believe that love and respect should fluctuate based on physical appearance?

Absolutely, if you're fat you're out.

Okay! Those are things that are important to you. However, women do not owe you assimilation to those things. If you find a woman shallow and insecure enough to meet your antiquated standards, cool! Congrats. I hope you'll live a happy life together, and that neither of your appearances ever, ever change as you enter your 40s and 50s and 60s. God forbid your years of love are erased because one of you gained 20 pounds are has a wrinkle.

However, the rest of society, who are educated, deep, intelligent human beings interested in living the fullest life possible with real human connection instead of hunting for temporary arm candy, will be much happier than you. Perhaps you would have fared well in the 1600s, with your assumption that women's only desire in life is to "get" a husband, but alas, those days are over. Best of luck.

come on, you're not even trying.

Imagine thinking society is educated and not a bunch of dumb rednecks who voted trump

My brain cells converted into chromosomes reading this.

I am a woman, not looking for temporary arm candy ( I mean, it doesn't hurt, but still ), and I would not date someone that's fat.

Not because it's unattractive, but because it shows personal flaws ( Lack of control, restraint - unless it's actually disease-related, of course ) that I do not want, at all.

Okay! That's your personal belief. I recommend reading some books on the topic so that you understand how those beliefs have in fact been brainwashed into you by modern capitalist society and the patriarchy. "Lack of control"? What if a person elects to be a certain size and is perfectly happy with it? You seem to believe that everybody wants to be thin and that if they are anything otherwise, it is because they "lost control" or couldn't "restrain" themselves. Much to the contrary, many people elect to be and are supremely happy with being fat! You seem to have an ingrained belief that "fat" is bad or unwanted by the person, which I urge you to reexamine. I recommend Hunger by Roxane Gay, The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf, Shrill by Lindy West, and Body of Truth by Harriet Brown. Also, following the awesome musician Lizzo on instagram is a quick way to learn that curves aren't something all people are - nor should be - ashamed of. It seems you've run in some judgmental circles or with some controlling family, and that's a bummer! Hopefully your current friend group/love interest wouldn't treat you differently or look down on you if your body changed.

You seem to have an ingrained belief that "fat" is bad

It is. Health is a thing.

Nope, fat isn't inherently unhealthy. Another sociological, patriarchal lie many have internalized. Obesity is unhealthy, smoking is unhealthy, drinking is unhealthy, and plenty of thin people are unhealthy. If you read my book recommendations you will see how "concern-trolling" and constant harping on "health" are insincere tools used to shame anybody who does not fit the patriarchal beauty standard.


That entire thread is an endless submission of fresh pasta.

No more, please! I'll get fat.

Don't be silly, pasta doesn't make you fat. Rare medical conditions make you fat.

People who describe themselves as egalitarians are weenies. They’re right up there with the agnostics in how much they waste everyone’s time with their bullshit. Pick a fucking side.


At least be a centrist by choice instead of from laziness


The strawman construction about sensitive fat women bothers me because it shows that no one read the actual article.

Analysis of data from almost 23,460 people who are overweight or obese revealed that weight misperception has increased in England. Men and individuals with lower levels of education and income are more likely to underestimate their weight status and consequently less likely to try to lose weight. Obesity disproportionately affects poor men, but of course reddit "Men's rights" type people would cut their nose off to spite the imaginary annoying fat woman.

I like that the top SRDine lectures everyone about not reading the article...then completely misinterprets the article. It was about "overweight individuals who are misperceiving their weight" and therefore not taking steps to address their health.

I'm progressive on most issues other than fat acceptance. Put down the fork, it's not that hard.