
56  2018-06-23 by FolkLoki


This, but unironically.


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The scary thing is unlike a lot of the other politics on reddit these boomers potentially wield a lot of power despite believing in a 4chan meme.

These people need their social security gutted

More like "these people need to be gutted."

Por quodo los dos

One of two possible explanations:

1) Boomer encounters other boomer who is also a retard (sorry if that's redundant since I already said they were boomers)

2) A gaggle of interns are pulling off the best prank on the creepy old guy ever for a summer that none of them will ever forget

I'm an optimist and pure of heart, I want to believe it's #2

It could also be 100% fabricated.

Yeah that's probably it

That's my first guess tbh

Sad, lonely boomer spends all day getting made fun of for being in an internet cult. Writes himself a fake note to show other cult losers so they think he's making friends irl and get jelly.

More Like trolling.




Can any of you please red pill me about Q?

I see honest and rational people get so riled up about this thing and I have no idea what are you even on about.

I promise no jokes, at least not from me.

A good starting place to see a PART of the long entrenched problem of "shadow govt" or deep state (DS) globalist methods re: child trafficking for purposes of blackmail and/or satanic ritual abuse (for the true believers at the very to, like the Rothschilds) is the 1993 (more or less) unaired bbc documentary (on youtube) entitled "Conspiracy of Silence". The election of Trump in 2016 was a counter coup to the LOOONG process of eliminating nations to form a 1 world govt (Truly!) with the self-appointed elit bloodlines in charge. Hillary was supposed to be the last step, but "white hat"patriots in the intel agencies of VARIOUS nations decided to risk everything to e pose and stop the plan. Almost too late - Q is. (we think) a group INSIDE the white house directing people who want to stop thd evil these elites have been engaging in for decades - centuries, really. These amazing "autist" anons on the chans quickly research topics and people as Q hints, and then find out and expose the corruption that has been rampant under our noses. Check out the Podesta artwork, too. Pizzagate was never investigated and was pronounced debunked. Same pedo rings have been exposed and quickly "debunked" or merely ignored on in Britain and all over Europe among elites in govt, banking and media. It is all the same thing. Pure evil.

Wrong, Q is a psyop run by a child trafficking ring to trick people into chasing ghosts and ensure that in the future no claims will be ever be considered credible.

Wrong, Q is a psyop run by a child trafficking ring to trick people into chasing ghosts and ensure that in the future no claims will be ever be considered credible.

Wrong, Q is a psyop run by a firm of former Israeli Intel officers to trick people into chasing child sex trafficking rings to ensure no future claims will ever be considered credible.

We just do the work we're paid to do

Keep up the good job! Do I wire the shekels straight to you or should I send uncut diamonds like last time?

Reddit Notes preferred

What about Qcoin?

Check out the Podesta artwork, too.

I had a lengthy argument with one of you Q folk the other week about one of the pieces, and it proved to be profoundly fruitless as the Q believer was unable to process extremely basic facts about the work. It became clear that he was not interested in any of the kind of discussion that comes into play when one actually analyzes art, preferring instead a prepackaged narrative devoid of facts or context.

Does anyone else absolutely love Podesta's taste in artwork? If I were a rich man I'd buy all of that shit too.

All art is shit.

All art is shit

Objectively shit, or subjectively shit?


I dunno if I’d collect, but boy does it make me want to go to a museum and learn.

Like when I get my to the MOMA in New York and saw Arch of Hysteria in a special exhibit dedicated to Bourgeois.

I have read a lot about the Pizzagate stuff and I have seen the Podesta artwork photos. I hoped to hear something about Q himself and what has he accomplished since he has come out. I hope I don’t offend you as I imagine you are mocked a lot on this website. I only care and want to understand everything about drama, I’m not here for stupid bullying.

I only care and want to understand everything about drama, I’m not here for stupid bullying.


Yeah get a fucking load of this guy.

Does this Q story involve a spy being found in a bath tub, dead, naked, in a duffle bag that locked from the outside... With the authorities claiming it was a kinky self sex gone wrong?

If not this is a real shit tier conspiracy story.

Can't tell if that's something you made up or something that actually happened in Russia.

Not Russia... London. And yes very fucking real.


Fuller article on the fucking insanity:


The whole Buzzfeed series is 7 parts of shit La Carré couldn't pen without seeming "too cliché" and I highly recommend all of them. The reporting IIRC was before the Skripal Affair, but does deal with the Putin Death List that around 100 high profile murders are suspected to be involved with in France, England, the US, Armenia, Turkey, Kazakhstan among others.

I do love some buzzfeed investigative journalism. I’ll give that a good read.

Yeah let me know what you think!

Definitely a bizarre case. I've been reading "A Very Expensive Poison" by Luke Harding, which is about the Litvinenko assassination. Definitely weird shit.

Russia scares me a little. Spiking a beverage with a radioisotopes is such an agonizingly brutal and intentionally drawn out method of lethally poisoning someone. There's only a handful of deaths I wouldn't want to succumb to more than Litvinenko's.

You do know they hired a bunch of top tier journalists to expand into the shit right? they didnt just get the guy who writes "top ten celebrity tattoos you wont believe" to do it.





Yeah, I know that.

Ben Smith's "cat gif and listicles will pay for serious investigative/political journalism" is an interesting idea, but the outlet is always going to have problems with its credibility because of it.

That's a lot of [Citation Needed] buddy. I love this perpetual cycle of making up some memey Trump fanfic and then smashing your own head in with a mallet enough times to induce psychotic delusions that get you to believe your own bullshit. Top notch redpilling mate. I'll be sure to give it a try if I ever feel the need to roleplay as a delusional schizophrenic.

I started learning about this and listening to survivors of MKU, SRA and pedo-trafficking arpund 2010. Trump was not on the radar. I'm not schizophrenic, I'm worried about my children's futures. Feel free to think all the hateful things you like of people who are willing to look beneath the storyline. I used to be the same way.

And this is why ballooning the deficit while defunding Medicare and food stamps is a good thing!

-Quilter faggot

Hey, Roger Quilter wrote some nice tunes. Tho he was gay.


Ya heard of Q's arch nemesis, the nefarious Dr. Occam? It's said his razor is Qfag kryptonite...

The election of Trump in 2016 was a counter coup to the LOOONG process of eliminating nations to form a 1 world govt (Truly!) with the self-appointed elite bloodlines in charge. Hillary was supposed to be the last step

This is a leaded thing to believe even by leadbrain standards. Your exceptional boomer cranium may actually contain more lead than brain.

Faith in the Cult of Q is faith in mankind. Q is right not because he is mighty, he is mighty because he is right.

Where do the Soros checks lead?
Each one is associated with a Demon-rat shillpost.
Pure EVIL.

What are some of the features of the Soros cult?
Trafficking. Evil.
Where do the Soros checks lead?
It's all spelled out for you.

/u/Snallygaster 🕒TICK🕒TOCK🕒

Try qproofs.com - or don't.

Shit these people are out in the wild

I fucking LOVE that sub, it may be the most entertaining sub on all of reddit.

thats one of the problems with the left, they shoot down any other views out of ignorance, they fight with emotion without facts, too much hate for me. We must always check for proof and not follow blindly.

Their projection can be seen from space.

its a good place to learn how to type like a boomer

That guy makes an 'a' like a fucked up lowercase lambda, surely this is indicative of some psychological pathology.

People with political bumper stickers should be barred from voting tbh


political bumper stickers

What is this shit

Aging boomers believe that a anon on 4Chan who posts information about government more vague then a horoscope is heralding a great awakening against the reptilian Jewmunatti that controls the world. Trump, the man whose self proclaimed friends with a literal pedo, mobsters, and bankers, is their herald and prophet in the fight.

Oh. So basically onset of dementia.

They're Americans, so it's the Jewmuttnatti.

The Q stuff is so embarrassing

Qtards are the Trump supporters final form.