Manocide is being discussed on /r/Truereddit, to the dismay of the progressive base of the sub most commentors aren't too keen on it. These enlightened people try to educate the male peasantry to come around to the idea

35  2018-06-23 by CantKillADeadMan


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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TLDR your way of calling out sexism was sexist.

/u/carocrazy123, I think that was the point. I think that's basically the point of everyone on the internet talking about sexism, really.

I hope not. Personally I would just like to be treated with respect, and call me odd, but I like treating other people with respect. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume that if they did something bad, it was because they were human and had a very specific thumbprint-like mental structure that no human has ever had, not because of their race or gender or some other stupid quality that clearly is not the reason for their actions.

I hope there are more people like me, I assumed there were plenty. Maybe I'm wrong but I'll keep hoping for the best

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt

[long, angry, insulting rant in response to a comment that says "women sometimes demean men"]

Ideological consistency at its finest

How was it insulting though? You weak af if you found that insulting.

He didn't say women sometimes demean men, he said demeaning people is an essential part of being a female.

And calling out someone for being blatantly sexist has nothing to do with benefit of the doubt. He was very clear about his viewpoint.


How many more women need to be raped before we just accept men are sex obsessed animals?

What is happening to this sub? I kinda like it

This is but unironically.

It's only rape when it's not a Chad.

Depends how much sleep I get, it takes a surprising amount of energy to hold a woman down.

That thread just shortened my lift span. All the comments are mind numbingly stupid.

Why do we give the spotlight to people with extremist views?

/u/AiryHola502 have you ever been on a College Campus in the US? All her views expressed are pretty normal in that context.

What pro-manocide lunatics fail to realize is that manocide will deplete the world of its most precious resource. Pristine bussy.

That sentence is a work of art.

That author is a fucking retard. "Hurrr I'm incapable of understanding both nuance and context so my entire world view is based around literal sexism and identitarian faggotry that actual liberals would have deplored not one generation ago."

Unfortunately, "fuck wypipo and men" is a pretty popular sentiment, even among mayo "male feminists" who can't get laid absent lazy virtue signaling, so the only ones compelled to fight back against said retardation are neckbeard incel untouchable types. I.e., a group no one reasonable or respectable wants to be associated with.

Our generation's version of the culture wars is basically an intellectual cripple fight.

Nobody who says the world would be better if only women were in power has ever joined a sorority. Even after excluding all the men, basic human problems still persist

Toxic masculinity affects women too.

Tbh they were asking for it