Autistic Self-Post: "ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES" "Does that include your guys' daughters?" "HEY DUDE, NOT COOL!"

9  2018-06-23 by QueenOfTheIncels


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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I'll donate some advice instead: Stop being poor

Yeah, /u/Black_m0ngoose, begging for PayPal donations makes you no better than some cam girl whore. Stop being degenerate.

Thanks ally daddy! ✡️

/u/Heathcliff-- I thought that /u/GayLubeOil was peak sad TRPtard, thanks for setting the bar even higher

I think the reason TRPtards are kinda more fun than incels is because if you tell an incel that ultimately he's just an autistic NEET who spends too much time on Reddit he goes "yeah I am and that's why I'm going to kill myself on Thursday" and then it's like, "aw man, dude, c'mon, don't come back at me with that."

But when you tell a TRPtard that he's an autistic NEET who spends too much time on Reddit he hits you with the "NUH-UH IRL I'M LIKE 6'3 AND JACKED AF THERE'S TWO CHICKS LICKING MY BALLS RIGHT NOW AS I TYPE THIS!" And that's more fun for everyone.

They were so easy to bait in a certain meta fitness sub.

I'll never understand the mentality of "I'm sad I don't get any pussy" leads one to join "NO PUSSY ALLOWED" clubs.

The secret of getting pussy, which I'll forever pass along to any cool dude who's tryna get it wet, is to join clubs and spend time in places where there's more chicks than dudes. Throughout the entirety of my female life, I've witnessed the "token dude" get mad poon, be it glee club (I shit you not, he was the only non-homo and he made out like a vagina bandit), gymnastics, yoga, whatever. I'm actually on the board for a philanthropic group (apolitical) at school with only one dude. He's got a girlfriend he doesn't step out on, but whenever we get drinks after meetings the girls are always flirting with him majorly. Dude's not even that cute.

Scarcity, my niggas. Quit acting like pussy hard. Just put yourself in places where dick is scarce.

Or just be funny & good-looking. Works for me.

Oh come on, everyone knows (((you people))) don't get chicks unless it's your wife's Asian daughters

What can I say? Shiksas are easy.

There was a time when TRP made sense in a motivational way i.e. make yourself desireable and people will desire you, get out and enjoy your life instead of worrying about relationships, try not to do loser shit and people won't think you're a loser, etc. There used to be decent dudes there just trying to get their shit together. I unsubbed years ago when things started going off the rails with the gayass personalities, powerusers shilling their products, and the whole thing turning into some kind of movement/cult.

I'm pretty sure it's mostly LARPing in that sub, but you're absolutely right that getting pussy is as easy as being social and hitting up places with scarcity of dudes.

made sense in a motivational way i.e. make yourself desireable and people will desire you, get out and enjoy your life instead of worrying about relationships, try not to do loser shit and people won't think you're a loser, etc.

Self-help + crazy shit is a grift as old as time

I'm surprised there's no "TRP Without Hate." I know there's been a few "Incels Without Hate" subs floating around. "TRP Without Hate" would actually be more useful since incels aren't really saying anything of substance in the first place.

The core of their advice isn't bad. The core of The Red Pill Woman advice isn't even that bad (i.e. if you want a boyfriend then put some effort into your appearance and maybe don't act like a raging cunt). The issue is that instead of just focusing on the good advice, they get into that AWALT shit.

What I don't understand is, if you think women are such whorish low-lives, then why would you even want to stick your dick in them? Just be gay, bruh. Bussy don't act like a THOT.


The greatest movement TBH

This is good advice. And, the dick doesn't even need to be super scarce. I think guys get dishearted when they can't be the type of lothario who can pull pussy by chatting up women in bars or using OkCupid. Fuck that. When the same mixed group of people start hanging out together, getting to know each other, sex happens.


u/Heathcliff, you gotta stay consistent with your philosophy.

Besides, why do you care so much? It's not your daughter.