Solid theory from an actual Washington Post journalist: conservatives just want to be cool like the liberals

124  2018-06-23 by darkhorse12y


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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She's not even wrong tbh. Trump is a good example of this.

You mean jews right

By aderale you mean jewish meth right?

By jewish meth you mean infant flesh right?

Crystal literal baby powder!

There's a lot of NY Social Register WASPs left in the clubs that rejected Donnie.

Who could have predicted that you would be in here making this post

Who could have predicted butt-hurt daddy defenders being upset because their party is considered uneducated and rejected by the elite.

Wew lad

Now conservatives, after unironically claiming a business should be allowed to refuse service for any reason, including race, are throwing a tantrum because people are refusing them service.

actually the ruling was about customized services. speaking of which, can i have a trump 2020 cake from you?

Far-right crazies, for years, have been claiming forcing a business to serve black people, for example, is wrong.

The cake issue is just the most recent in a long line of autistic conservative bullshit.

You're retarded. People claim forcing a business to serve ANYONE is wrong. Because it's their business. Black, white, brown, purple, no dick, two dicks, who cares. A business owner should have a right to not do business with anyone they please. Likewise, a customer should be able to cease spending at any business that doesn't match them morally. Like idiots whining about not eating Chik Fil A for like 3-4 years. By all means, you have the right to miss out on delicious chicken. But I don't see why a privately owned business shouldn't have a right to deny service as they please. The idea of even needing a reason to deny service is ridiculous to me. If it's my business, my setup, my money, my everything, and I feel like having a transaction with someone may be detrimental to my business, why should the government be allowed to step in and say otherwise?

You realize letting business owners decline service based on race is outright fucking absurd, right?

You realize we had an entire legal battle over this very subject and you lost, right?

>decline service based on race

Where did I say that?

>You realize we had an entire legal battle over this very subject and you lost, right?

Which subject? Because it feels like you're not actually addressing anything I actually said, and fell right back onto REEEEEEing about race.

> Can you honestly not see a problem with allowing a business to refuse service to people based on racial lines?

Of course I do, which is why I NEVER FUCKING SAID THAT

I dunno how you get "a business owner should be allowed to deny service to anyone without reason" and turn that into /u/realjackanchor clearly hates the blacks.

Any reason, very clearly also applies to race.

Does it make you feel better if I change it to "no reason"? To me they mean the same in this instance. Denying service because I don't like the way your shirt looks today. Denying service because I just don't feel like working. Whatever fucking reason it may be. Or no reason, for that matter. You're really confusing what I'm talking about somehow with a race thing. I'm not talking about race. You are. Like everyone else on Reddit.

A product of your "business can refuse service to anyone" worldview is people being denied service based on race.

Are you a hypocrite or will you then also agree to deny based on politics is also wrong?

Political views are a choice, race isn't.

Actually there's lots of research suggesting that biology does have at least some influence in your political leanings.

I don't know if I'd go that far. The environment is the largest factor. It's highly sketchy to assign biological causes for political views.

The same is true, for example, when trying to compare the "liberal brain" to the "conservative brain."

  1. The brain is plastic. Meaning, every time we engage in any activity, our brain changes somewhat, even if only to a very small degree. In fact, your brain is a little bit different right now than when you started reading this article. And a little different now. Engaging in any activity excessively or intensely over a long period of time changes your brain even more—such as training for a sport or spending a long time practicing and becoming proficient at a skill. Conversely, if you stop using an area of your brain to a significant degree, it will probably shrink in size due to lack of connectivity, similar to the atrophy of muscles.

When it comes to the brain areas measured in these studies, we aren’t sure how much of the difference was there to begin with, or to what degree the brain changed as a function of being in a particular political party. I suspect both things contribute somewhat. How much? We have no way of knowing at this point. To say conclusively, we need a longitudinal study, with control groups, measuring brain volume before and after joining, leaving, or participating in a political party’s activities or ideologies.

Did I say it was the largest factor or are you straw manning me? How unusual for a leftist to have to rely on trickery

You're white, male and straight right?

Hispanic. The rest is correct, sure.

So as a business owner did you build the roads, water pipes and electrical grid that allow you to run a business? Or were they built with taxes from people that may want to shop at your business?

Holy commie.

Hmmmm I wonder who they collected taxes from.. Oh shit... Wait.. They collected the taxes from me didn't they? So in a very direct way actually yes I do partially own the electric grid and the water pipes because they are a public utility.

Heres the big difference: you can be a customer of "fleshlight Inc" entirely voluntarily. You must be a customer of the gov at the Barrel of a gun. The only holster you need is one for the strap on

Given you're a neet I'd say the tax take from you is minimal.

Yeah listen I'm old enough to be making a very respectable income. I'm not a leech living off the state like all you hippy commune pot smoking cuckoldry socialists

You're posting on a forum for drama geniunely trying to defend Trump. The respectable income you refer to is a disability check for your crippling social anxiety.

Projection my friend. I am quite extroverted probably a little too much but thanks for that revealing insight into yet another personality flaw of yours. I'd wager you probably have quite low self esteem too: this in turn leads to your willng emasculation (e.g. Your timid agreement to open relationship and cuckoldry)

You're so socially maladjusted you think we're friends.

nawwww, let me just start playing familiar faces on repeat. I don't befriend cucks.

It is. Learn what freedom of association means.

They didn't refuse a customised service. They picked from a list of cakes.

lol do you think trump likes hollywood celebs

elite/fashionable (aka liberal)

But this is inaccurate. Unless you claim all the old/white rich guys are all liberals.

There's a difference between "rich" like Trump and actual cultural elite.

My point still stands.

Wait, do you think the actual cultural elites are really that liberal)

Liberals pretty much dominate "elite" culture in the US.

yes? liberalism is fashionable, the tweet isnt wrong about that, and for the ultra-rich political ideology is pretty much a fashion statement, since theyre insulated from the effects of anything short of full fascism or french revolution 3.0

Now conservatives, after unironically claiming a business should be allowed to refuse service for any reason, including race, are throwing a tantrum because people are having their views validated by those refusing them service.

And they never will

Conservatism is punk. Liberalism encroaches on people in society with their takeover of most media.

Unfortunately, liberals are too stupid to vote, so their iron grasp on most major platforms doesn't equate to anything but growing this pseudo online underworld of budding right wingers.

good thing punk sucks

This! OMG this! Ironically!

Conservatism is punk

conservatives just want to be cool like the liberals


Tbh I can't tell which statement is more retarded

I think conservatives are straight up fuckin losers. Like look at the alt right, do you see in fit athletic dudes in there? No. What about these alt right queens? Do they open there legs for these dudes. No. COnservatives are liars and degenerates. They claim to be about values, but they don't care. Libs are to pussy to do anything. I think libs need to go to there game and start name calling, shit flinging and being violent. The excuse would be conservatives opened that door.

I have never seen a “fit athletic” dude be openly political, honestly.

They vote for their preference, but they don't screech online about it. Whether or not that's "political", I suppose, is debatable. But certainly not "political" compared to people on twitter.

I suppose that is true. Although the uglier tend to be more on the conervative side, on both extremes both are pretty ugly.

Actually, statistically conservative women are more attractive.

Why are more not in hollywood?

Being openly right wing in Hollywood is career suicide. Additionally, "I'm going to be an actor" is generally a terrible life decision that doesn't usually align with conservative personality types.

To be fair asides from oil, I don't see to many conservatives in successful positions in other areas. The only other one is government (ironic) and law. Conservatives are stupid. That orange ape epitomizes that.

Your trolling just got to blatant. The American right has always been the more prosperous and successful side statistically. It's, like, their whole thing.

No it hasn't. Your fucking deluded. It has been prosperous to a minutia of society. You ain't one of those guy's.

You can just look up voters by income bracket... It's not that surprising that you don't know that given that you're Australian or whatever but it's interesting that you've decided to be obsessed about another country's politics without even understanding the basics of the factions.

Okay. Why are the most amazing cities on earth liberal and why are conservative places for the most part shit holes?

How many different things do you need me to explain to you in one thread? Quit serious posting you ugly poorsy

I win faggot.

Mods, this poor person keeps talking to me


I wish

Business lol

Most of those guy's are liberal. At least the most successful ones are.

only the ones who have to appear on TV, and even then the margin’s fairly slim

Although the uglier tend to be more on the conervative side

You guys have the purple hairs, trannies and blacks so it's probably pretty even

Yeah not to mention pornstar chicks, and hollywood actresses. You guy's have roseanne and I guess Candace owens.

purple hairs

purple hair is good, ugly people just gravitate towards it bc it’s an easy fix


only the ones you know about. /v/Transvestigation

and blacks

the tallest and therefore best of men

Black fetishist detected

a/k/a normal, non-jealous human being

Didn't Trump just spend the last year bitching about all the ones who were? 🤔 🤔 🤔

Dunno, daddy bitches about a lot of things, haven’t really paid attention since he got in office.

thats just sports players trying to get attention, like they care about politics other than what it can benefit them with

Lmfao, oh yes, I'm sure the ones who are suing the NFL because they can't get jobs now are counting the benefits.

Fentanyl: not even once.

wt actual fuck are you referencing though

Kaepernick and Eric Reid have brought litigation against the NFL for collusion. Some of what Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said on the stand supports it and brings Donald Trump's comments into the picture. There's every chance Daddy is going to be subpoenaed, lmao.

oh yeah kaepernick, hes definitely not an attention whore

"collusion" lol, theres absolutely no chance the nfl saw how toxic he was and booted him for his dumb people activism

it must be TRUMPS fault

Stephen Ross, owner of the Dolphins:

I was totally supportive of [the players] until Trump made his statement,” Stephen Ross, the Miami Dolphins’ owner and creator of programs advocating for social justice, said in his deposition. Noting that owners’ conversations with Mr. Trump were relayed during a league meeting, he said: “I thought he changed the dialogue.”

Jerry Jones's deposition:

“This is a very winning, strong issue for me,” Mr. Trump said in a phone call, according to a sworn deposition given by Mr. Jones and reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. “Tell everybody, you can’t win this one. This one lifts me.”


Most athletic clubs either have group shaming or actual policy around that sort of thing, so if you are grinding out 8+ hours on a fitness hobby, and 40 at work, there's not really much free time left to REEEEE. As is I can't even find time to laugh at the REEEE's anymore.

I thought there was a study that showed conservatives tended to be more attractive.

people who are advantaged will want to believe their success is a result of competence/personality rather than said advantages, people who aren't will want to blame everything on society. conservatives will always be more attractive/wealthy/etc. on average

If your looking at fox news hosts, okay but that is about it.

I only remember because it caused a lot of drama but there was a study a couple months back that found conservatives were on average more attractive, most people are ugly though.

*Most Americans

I know this r/drama but I don’t think ugliness of all things is restricted to any nation.

it is. you all are fucked thanks to that orange baboon and a fuck ton of garbage americans

Got to think Republicans have the stranglehold on both extremes. For every Ivanka Trump-style "no taxes!" socialite, there's got to be one "evil Gubmint wants to take my guns and meth" yokel.

Yeah but healthy at any size is a lefty movement.

Obesity is an American movement.

What does HAES have to do with anything?

Fats are ugly.

Like look at the alt right, do you see in fit athletic dudes in there?

I bet u a hundred buckos that u wouldnt say that to the Golden One's face

I would, but I wouldn't. I am actually bigger than him. I do like the guy, i don't really consider him alt right. LOL you had to pick a euro dude because all the americans are fat, ugly mayos.

I am actually bigger than him

Post pics or i'm going to assume ure trying to make me banepost


over 4 foot tall



i could be identified. just take my word k

Oh, this is LARP

Or you know basic common sense. I mean the shit I have said on Reddit could lead to my termination IRL. Plus I don't really want a lot of the girls I know to know proclivities. It would be bad for me. However it is common sense. I am 6'1 273lbs. I used to play o-line back in the day. Not all flips are teeny tiny. K. Happy big tough white man!

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I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

Is this pasta?

I smell r/incels in it.

yeah but when your old and shit her and her husband might take care of you. Really your raising her to get a son in law.

You know what a real loser does? *Downvotes the lolcows. *

What about these alt right queens? Do they open there legs for these dudes. No.

I think that's the point. You fucking degenerate

Right so there going to go marry a liberal, not a loser and you will still be an incel white pride faggot.


conservatives are degenerates

Yeah, nah. Learn to meme properly.

Why the fuck would I meme? Dumb faggot. Learn to recognize an opinion when you see one.

You have to go back.

The libs have been violent and using name calling for years, retard. Where have you been?

The right never ceases to amaze me. Yeah liberals are shooting kids, running over people, and shooting up black churches. I honestly hope the libs realize that the right only understands violence and rises up and wipes you the fuck out. Fuckin faggot.

Jokes on you I'm a radical centrist.

Leftoids have been assaulting people for years. Theres literally no difference between violence on the left and right you imbecile, you fucking moron.

oh you gonna cry. Fuck off yes there is. The right is far more violent, the left needs to adopt that level of violence

Oy vey ur a psychopathic nutter who wants to assault others based on preconcieved notions.

What's next, a wall on the mason-dixon line?

right wingers should get cancer

They usually do

"Liberalism encroaches on people in society with their takeover of most media." Lol what total bullshit FOX is still the number 1 most watched news and almost all local news is owned by sinclair.

Most of media is left leaning. Just look under "Media Production" and "Film & Stage Production" on this page:

Radio Host: 60 Democrats for every 40 Republicans
Video Producer: 82 Democrats for every 18 Republicans
TV Producer: 93 Democrats for every 7 Republicans
TV Director: 98 Democrats for every 2 Republicans

The only media job that leans right is Talk Show Host with 45 Democrats for every 55 Republicans.

That doesnt mean shit what matters is listeners, the number of centrist and left leaning news stations is huge but fox news still takes the largest share and Rush and his angry ranting time get some of the biggest on radio compared to any liberal stuff and dont give me that BS NPR is liberal its really not.

they are a majority neoliberal party

thank god one party has decided not to go batshit insane, at least

democrats are left-neolibs and republicans are right-neolibs

Who knows what the fuck republicans are not apart from "cut taxes fuck the poor"

Most of them are still neolibs, but they're afraid to show it.

Don't forget fuck the immigrants. That's #1 for the base, if not the politicians.

non mayo immigrants* first lady is literally an illegal immigrant lol.

I guess the all Irish barmen in New York get to stay after all.

deport the damn irish already i waited larng enough

dont give me that BS NPR is liberal its really not.

What the fuck is it then?

centrist, if you unironically think its leftist then self mayocide

There's no such thing as centrist.

Have you even listened to NPR lately?

The only media job that leans right is Talk Show Host with 45 Democrats for every 55 Republicans.

Lmao, it had to be the trashiest one.

the amount of media outlets is directly linked to how much their philosophy relies on lying to people

and everyone knows jews own american media

The only media job that leans right is Talk Show Host with 45 Democrats for every 55 Republicans.

Man I must be missing on a lot of talk shows

You're not missing much

clearly republicans just don’t have what it takes to climb to the top in a harsh business like television

Unrepentant blowjobs?

being jewish?

Do you live in America?

To be honest, I thought small-government or third party is punk rock.

punk rock is NO guv’t

therefore it’s fringe Libertarians and antifa

conservatism is punk

Imagine being so addicted daddy's love-juice that you simultaneously side with "can-I-speak-with-your-manager" mom types and think you are counter culture.

What is counter culture then?

radical centrism.

lol counter-culture doesn’t mean cool hipsters, it means people who oppose the cultural establishment

and the cultural establishment has been liberal for at least a generation now

Conservatism is punk

How to out-cringe current year punks in three simple words.

Implying she is cool and someone wants to hang out with her.


I absolutely want to hang out with Matt and Elizabeth Bruenig. They seem like chill people and funny as hell.

And then later she implies she hasn't gone to parties in a year

If you haven't been to a party in a given month you're either not cool or on house arrest.

“Everyone who disagrees with me is just jealous.”

If Trump loses, will this account become post-ironic?

Don't worry he won't. But man oh man will it be funny if he loses

He was lucky to win the first time. It isn't every day you get a slam dunk loser like Hillary.

Ya but Trump's base seems to be locked in and the Democrats don't seem to have learned any lessons. If anything the left has gotten more annoying whiney

Democrats still outvote Republicans while they lost. No way Democrats would have lost if they ran a proper candidate.

Thays a solid point. Maybe I'm just afraid our country has an incurable case of retardation

I dint think there's any disputing that.

Can't argue with that.

Democrats still outvoted Republicans while they lost.

Yeah, but all the votes that put them over-the-top don't do them any good because they're all centered in specific geographic areas. Hillary getting 2-3 million more votes didn't matter because they all come from California. It didn't earn her any additional electoral college votes, and it won't do much for the next democrat, or for the democrat's chances of retaking the House and/or Senate.

The swing states were right races though. I think you are overestimating the power the GOP has. Things could easily sway the other way and they have before plenty of times.

That's true, but given the current state of things I don't think Trump is in any trouble. Moderate republicans who are holding up progress on Trump's key issues, like immigration, are the ones who should worry. Even more conservative republicans, like Mark Sanford in South Carolina, have lost their primaries for going against Trump on key issues. People want the border secured, illegal immigrants deported, and the immigration system overhauled. It's Trump's signature issue and it's garnered a lot of support for him, and so long as he keeps pushing that issue and doesn't screw anything else up too badly the electorate will continue to reward him.

The children thing is incredibly unpopular. I personally don't care what they are detained because I want the border secured but that doesn't mean I represent the whole country.

I don't think it was unpopular as you believe, and your second sentence is part of the reason why. The media made a huge stink about it. That makes it look unpopular even if it's really not. You're the first person I've seen out in the open actually say "I personally don't care because I want the border secured," but you're far from the first person I've heard say it.

People aren't stupid. They know that illegal aliens have been using children as a way of bypassing our immigration system and deportation. A lot of people were happy to see Trump put a stop to the scam, even if it meant bad media images (most of which came from the previous administration). Some of the people I've talked to who weren't really concerned so long as the children were kept safe and taken care of pointed out the obvious: the media was just playing on people's emotions with a classic "what about the children." The media doesn't really care about the children. They just don't want to see the flow of illegals slow down.

That probably explains why Trump's ratings went up this week. Depending on what polls you looked at he's up somewhere between 42%-45% approval. If people were really upset about detaining children at the border I doubt that would be the case.

That still doesn't seem like a good approval rating to me. I think this will end up hurting midterm elections.

Of course they don't seem great, especially when compared with the average of past presidents. Then again, we didn't have the media going full tilt trying to wreck previous presidents the way they have trying to destroy this one. If this were a "normal" presidential administration getting objective media treatment those numbers would probably be a lot higher.

You still need to deal with hand that is dealt you come election time. What matters most is who he runs against.

That's true, but democrats don't have a lot of good options. Name one prominent democrat who is in a position to start presidential campaign who will resonate with middle America. Elizabeth Warren? Not gonna happen. Bernie? Republicans are mad they didn't get to use the opposition research they had on him last time. The base is going to push the nominee too far to the left in the next election regardless of who they choose.

Picking someone not currently well known is probably their best option. Someone who has some charisma, but not a lot of political baggage.

It worked for Obama. Admittedly, I'm straining my memory going back this far, but I don't think he was widely known before 2007.

If the trade wars and the pain from them continue then the dems will romp in.

I think the rust belt, which is what gave Trump his win, is going to look fondly on the tariffs no matter how they impact the economy. These are people who worked for the steel and auto industries and think free markets killed their golden goose. Unless those tariffs have some significant impact before next November, you're looking at the republicans losing a few seats in the House but maintaining control, and republicans maintaining control of the senate and possibly picking up at least one seat (from Manchin in WV, who is the last democrat holding state-wide elected office). The Russia story is not only falling apart, but starting to validate a lot of Trump's complaints about spying and unfair treatment. Mueller doesn't have jack squat so far and his ties to Comey and Strokz are going to bite him on the ass sooner than later. The Korean diplomacy efforts have gone well. The worst anyone can complain about is the immigration crisis, which Trump is clearly trying to control, or the hostility between Trump and our allies, which his supporters (especially in the rust belt) don't mind because it's happening due to Trump telling them he's tired of them taking advantage of US trade policy. Unless there is a huge change in the next 14 months Trump is golden. From what we've seen in the last 2 years he's probably golden even if something goes horribly wrong.

Manufacturing? The industry hurt hardest by steel and aluminium tarrifs?

Every single part of the Russia probe has revealed Trump may be suffering from an intellectual disability. Why has he hired so many criminals? Is it because he's a scum fuck moron who has spent the past 70 years being as much of a borderline criminal as possible? Has he surrounded himself with people exactly like that? He's so fucked. His personal lawyer for the last 9 years is going to plea out. He's going to panic and Saturday Night Massacre everyone and hope Pence pardons him.

The Korean diplomacy efforts have followed the same trend they have for the last 20 years. Hold up and wait for North Korea to insist they need relief from sanctions before they begin denuclearisation. Denuclearisation wasn't even defined when both sides have entirely different views.

There is no immigration crisis. Border crossings are down so far and they're still a minority of illegal immigrants. The majority of people in the country illegally, enter on a valid visa and overstay. The only crisis was Trump not realising his Nazi shit wouldn't fly here.

Now that we've heard from the representative from /r/politics, would anyone care to add anything intelligent or insightful to the conversation?

You can be a dismissive little faggot all you want but there wasn’t a goddamn thing that was inaccurate about that post.

Of course it was "inaccurate," because it didn't say anything. It was four paragraphs wasted trying to disguise the fact that all they were saying was "nuh-uh" with little in the way of substance to say why they disagreed.


He's pretty fucking spot on actually.

I try and detract from every conversation I'm in.

You're dreaming. There's been a pretty consistent 10-20 point swing in favor of Democrats in by-elections nationwide. You can fool some of the white trash all of the time, and all of the white trash some of the time, but you can't fool all of the white trash all of the time.

You're dreaming. There's been a pretty consistent 10-20 point swing in favor of Democrats in by-elections nationwide.

That is the historical trend, and that trend is the reason I think republicans will lose some seats in the House. The losses won't be tremendous, though. They certainly won't qualify as a "Blue Wave." Unless something major changes, my prediction is that republicans will retain control of the House in 2018. They may even add seats in the senate, especially since WV seems poised to get rid of Joe Manchin and turn an even deeper shade of red than it already has.

Democrats have a lot working against them right now. The Russia collusion story is falling apart, and worse its falling apart in a way that is validating Trump's complaints about a "deep state" and investigations against him being a witch hunt. Mueller has nothing after a year or more of trying, and he's now tainted by his ties to Comey and Strzok. They keep picking battles, like gun control, that turns off the electorate. They can't reign in their impulse to engage in "Dear Subhuman Filth" style diatribes, and even with the bulk of the media in their pocket can't seem to do any real damage to Trump.

On top of that, recent polling shows that people would prefer a generic republican to a generic democrat. The democrats only won two of the post-presidential special elections, and neither of those really bode well for the party. They only won the Alabama senate race because the retard republicans nominated was embroiled in a sex scandal. The PA-18 congressional race was won by a guy who ran a pro-2nd Amendment campaign where he stated he was personally opposed to abortion (but would do nothing to change the status quo) and wouldn't support Nancy Pelosi. He basically ran as a moderate republican and still barely squeaked out a win over an unpopular republican candidate.

At this point in time, it does not look good for democrats. If they didn't have their heads up their own asses enjoying the smell of their own smug they'd probably realize that and make some necessary course corrections. Unfortunately for them I don't see that happening anytime in the near future.

The Russia collusion story is falling apart

😂 😂 😂

validating Trump's complaints about a "deep state"

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

They only won the Alabama senate race because the retard republicans nominated was embroiled in a sex scandal.

It wasn't a sex scandal, it was a raping little girls scandal.

The PA-18 congressional race was won by a guy who ran a pro-2nd Amendment campaign where he stated he was personally opposed to abortion... If they didn't have their heads up their own asses enjoying the smell of their own smug they'd probably realize that and make some necessary course corrections.

You made the argument yourself that they're making the right changes to appeal to moderates.

Seriously, I've been watching elections down to the state congress level and it's amazing how well the Democrats are doing. For once they might not fuck everything up this year.

Laugh all you want, but the biggest reason we were treated to the media weeping over illegal immigrant children this week is because they did not want to discuss the IG report and the hearings that followed it.

Seriously, I've been watching elections down to the state congress level and it's amazing how well the Democrats are doing. For once they might not fuck everything up this year.

You must be watching something I'm missing, because I'm not seeing anything rosy for democrats outside of their usual blue state strongholds right now.

Cept for the house and senate too. Its deeper than that. Democrats best chance is to make CA such a shithole the morons who vote Dem there leave to red states and keep voting like the morons they are.

We need to build a wall around California

If Trump manages to avoid getting into Iraq 3.0, the peace talks with the DPRK remain promising, and he makes some motions to do something actually progressive on public healthcare, he is guaranteed to win 2020.

The Dems are in the same position that the Republicans were in 2010. It will probably take them just as long to learn and not be complete screw ups too.

Republicans took over congress in 2010 in the biggest reversal in 60 years. Dems are not currently anywhere like that.

I mean with respect to presidential candidates. They lost hard in 2008 and decided that they didn't "reeeeee" hard enough. It took them a while to realize that they were shooting themselves in the foot. I think it took Trump winning the primary to get them to finally wake up.

They were still clues in 2015 about that which is why Trump won.

whining works we just suck at it for some reason

Trump doesn't just need his base, he needs everyone who voted for him.

The problem Hillary had was that half the country hates her guts and will vote for anyone opposing her. A lot of actual Trump voters didn't really like Trump (they thought he was too far alt-right, or too much a NY RINO on other issues) but think Hillary is basically (or literally) the anti-Christ.

The incumbent has an advantage, especially when the economy is booming. Maybe Trump's trade war shit will catch up to him, or we'll have an economic crash for any number of other reasons. If none of those things happen, my bet is on Trump winning a second term.

Too far off to know now anyway but yes being in power helps.

Name a better candidate that they could run right now.

I give literally zero fucks about who is running. I am not a political junkie that tries to treat it like fantasy football. I care when it is time to vote.

Chelsea for one

Barron would beat Chelsea.

He’s not eligible.

It's a fucking hypothetical, just pretend he is you pedantic prick.




Good bot

Thank you.

It isn't every day you get a slam dunk loser like Hillary for an opponent.

implying the DNC can do better than Hillary

Obama would have destroyed trump if he was the DNC candidate just by virtue of not being hillary.

It isn't every day you get a slam dunk loser like Hillary for an opponent.

It will be.

The democrats should already know who they're running against Trump in 2020, but they're squabbling amongst themselves and alienating their voter base.

Here's how Bernie can sin!

(((He's))) a sinner already if you catch my drift

He could still lose his battle with bone spurs

Trump losing is a way bigger drama payoff in the short term, but it wouldn't be worth the fart-sniffing smugness that liberals would indulge in if they pulled a post-Trump victory in the midterm, not to mention they would learn nothing. The Democratic party and liberals in general have a bit more humiliation to undergo before they start any real constructive self-reflection.

He already won, even if he gets impeached he will always until time ends have won the 2016 American presidential election.

If Trump loses


No, liberals just abandoned labor and the working poor in favor of social issues that like 10% of the country actually care about.

Also conservatives are somehow funnier now. If you had told me this 10 years ago there's 0% chance I would have believed you.

Rustling the jimmies of sanctimonious moral busybodies is always fun, it's just that after the religious right lost power, SJWs took their place.

Kinda giving away my age here, but oh my god the busybody soccer moms of the 80s and 90s. Simpsons almost got cancelled in the 1st season because Bart was viewed an a bad role model. If only Nancy Reagan could see what's airing nowadays.

I mean they were right though he is a had role model, all his friends are the same skin tone as himself and he loves cartoon frogs and hates authoritarians like his teachers. Could you imagine what would happen on campuses like evergreen if they were allowed to watch the Simpsons? That's probably how Richard spenser became who he is today

parental advisory: explicit lyrics

Tipper Gore. One of the main reasons I could not stomach voting for Al Gore in 2000.

Well Hillary also thought metal was gonna cause kids to start sacrificing animals and worshipping the devil or some shit lol.


That was mostly Tipper.

this is 100% unironically the reason

sjws are the 2010s version of that simpsons meme with wont somebody please think of the children

SJWs are just godless church ladies.

its funny because they make fun of religious faith and then tell people that race and sex are social constructs and you just have to believe

"This bread and wine has been literally transfigured into the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ."

Lol christfags are retarded.

"This man with a penis, testicles, and full beard is, and has always been, a woman."

Anyone who doubts this is heretic worthy of death.

Americans never change

Imagine thinking that protestants believe in transubstantiation. Did you learn everything you know about Christianity from anime?

Different flavor of faggotry, but faggotry nonetheless.

Proddies are shit. But transubstantiation is legit.

Nobody believes sex is a social construct you fucking mong. That shit’s just biology. Gender on the other hand, is a more complicated phenomenon.

Religion, on the other hand, is blatantly retarded.

trying to have a serious discussion on /r/drama

Eh, at least I can call you a faggot here without anyone getting their panties twisted over it.

using faggot as an insult for someone with gay in their username

being afraid to say something because you might get someone's panties in a twist

Thought I was the faggot, what happened? Bet you're a fucking american, aren't you bitch?

They have a god, it's called the progressive stack.

Also conservatives are somehow funnier now. If you had told me this 10 years ago there's 0% chance I would have believed you.

Were Jon Stewart and the funny version of Colbert the lynchpins of sane liberalism?

I never cared for Stewart. I liked Colbert back when he was a parody character though.

He still is. He just isn’t aware of it now.

I see what you did there and I like it


Are they playing a character? I have always thought they are just playing as themselves.

All those "persona" thing just doesn't add up to me.

Colbert used to play a character. Now he doesn't. Stewart never played a character.

Got consumed by his persona, how sad. He is now but a shadow of his former self.

no you retard, he LARPed as a conservative

Paved the way for Q. What a visionary.

Irony-deaf boomers were the best part of The Colbert Report. Everyone thought it was a meme until they actually encountered one that proved the legends were true.


It's not that conservatives are funnier it's just that its harder to be funny with limitations. That's why there are so few genuinely funny kids shows the limitations.

So the sort of groups that make jokes end up being forced to be conservative because liberals demand so much censorship. Look at Cumtown, it's almost a minstrel show most of the best bits revolves around doing voices and mocking immigrants and blacks and jews and gays. And because of the content all the hosts got kicked out of the democratic socialists. And are often accused of being alt-right.

Is this a meme for ants?

Zyklon Ben doesn't make memes, he is a meme. Get your shit straight.

Nobody is actually entertained by the raw content of Ben Garrison's scribblings.

Is this some kind of next generation post-post-ironic meme?

So yeah obviously SJWs are humorless scolds, but is:

characters in films calling each other faggot and whites in blackface and putting women in their place

really your idea of what passes for wit?

Pythons, George Carlin, Kids in the Hall, Simpsons, etc didn't usually rely on weak shit like that. And people who did more often like Richard Pryor or Dave Chappelle were far more clever and subversive than an endlessly repeated meme about attack helicopters.

The problem is just like Sjws you think of all the bad examples. The other Opieandanthony fans on /r/drama will tell you of all the great examples of stuff that might be too edgy for people today

That's the first time I've seen edgy used as a compliment in a long time. But yeah, I guess edgy shit is still funny to NEETs.

Edgy is used as a compliment pretty regularly. Especially for things that were groundbreaking in media.

Married With Children was edgy because it pushed the edges of acceptable television.

Damn, you 1991'd me. Are you Opie or are you Anthony?

The fact that conservatives can say "retard" gives them an edge.

What a retarded claim.

Tt's a great word. You can't deny this.

Did I, you drool-vault retard?

It's a word to dimiss idiots when you don't otherwise have the time, not fucking Voltaire.

Thats what you find funny? "characters in films calling each other faggot and whites in blackface and putting women in their place." lmao you're either pathetic or thirteen.

Also conservatives are somehow funnier now.

Most of the comedy rests on the idea that joke subject is somewhere on the spectrum.

If you line up your punchline with it, you get funny...

Also conservatives are somehow funnier now. If you had told me this 10 years ago there's 0% chance I would have believed you.

Conservatives didn't get funnier, it's that American liberals turned into bizarro-puritans.

Why not choose both of the available options?

Or avoid Americans entirely? 🤔

Maybe you could tell Canadians on Reddit that. Political subs are filled with Canadians that forget what country they live in.

I give them a pass - I'd get nervous, too, if I was Donald Trump's hat every time he said mean things about North Korea on Twitter.

Man, all those hostages they turned over. And remains. And destroying 2 testing sites? Oh and they just announced removal of most anti-American propaganda? Man, our biggest foe is giving us our hardest test to date. All these concessions over and over and over again, clearly they're playing hardball. They're probably gonna turn on us and nuke us any second now.

Lmao, you mean the test sites that were already broken?

Somehow, North Korea is both no longer a threat, and an extraordinary threat, depending on which day you ask Daddy.

Actually one of them was a priest.

Yeah the test sites where "broken" you don't think it's possible America had something to do with that? Ever heard of stuxnet? You know a covert op to blow a major Russian gas pipeline was ordered by Reagan during the cold War and we didn't hear about it until later.

Just to be clear: I'm not saying I know with absolute certainty that we where involved (smug, arrogant, condescending yet totally unsubstained claims of fact are your domain of expertise it seems)

Also I know you have never worked a day in your life but most of us consider businessman a rather vague description but probably a respectful job. If you are going to be a socialist cuck at least don't make it obvious.

So their big concession was to give something up that the US had broken and that shit itself?


Here we have /r/the_donald vs /r/politics.


Blow up there testing site to show them you mean business and then act humble and reasonable during negotiations for peace while allowing the "dear leader" who's power is built around image to avoid an embarrassing situatuon?

That's actually very clever negotiation tactics.

Your finest negotiation skills where on display when you negotiated with your customer" that if he wants to cum in your eye It'll be ten dollars extra.

The North Koreans cracked the mountain with repeated nuclear destinations. Are you pants-on-head retarded?

You know that with absolute certainty do you? Oh hey Kim didn't know you used Reddit.

As I said before, we didn't know till years later about the American sabotage of the Russian pipeline during the Reagan years.

If your pants on head retarded enough to think you couldn't possibly be misinformed by the most powerful government in the world over the facts of a covert operation against a hostile enemy state..

Yeah actually you seem plenty stupid enough to be that gullible. You'd be one of the Germans in the later stages of the war repeating the gov line that the battle of the buldge was going to lead to an allied defeat.

Ayo hmu with that russian gas line shit

You’re a giant fagot who lacks any nuance like the most autistic power ranger out there. You either exaggerate your legitimate points breaking there tether to credulity or just flat out have no idea what you’re talking about. Just once I’d like to hear one of you daddy dick flute soloists have an original talking point that I haven’t already heard from Sean Hannity or the billions of other conservabots on tv and on Twitter.

You’re a giant fagot who lacks any nuance like the most autistic power ranger out there. You either exaggerate your legitimate points breaking their tether to credulity or you just flat out have no idea what you’re talking about. Just once I’d like to hear one of you daddy dick flute soloists have an original talking point that I haven’t already heard from Sean Hannity or the billions of other conservabots on tv and on Twitter. I doubt you have ever criticized your precious Gaylord emperor of the United States for a single thing he’s ever done. Tbf Its not your fault that they never got around to programming that feature into your source code.

Thanks for recognizing the hustle 🙏

So much name calling. Sad!

I criticize shit he does all the time, I'm no fan of his handling of the VA so far for one, I do enjoy being lumped into your little strawman though.

I criticize shit he does all the time, I'm no fan of his handling of the VA

Proceeds to name a single vague criticism that literally could mean anything or nothing at all(guessing it’s the latter)

I do enjoy being lumped into your little strawman though.

I’m sorry that your brain dead analysis of what actually happened during daddy’s negations with the juche was so indistinguishable from a Hannity show simulator that it’s hard to tell you apart from the other 99 legs on your average trump train centipedo. Also this is drama you mongoloid I suggest you consult the sidebar.

What's the sidebar got to do with anything?

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

You must be new here

Bout a week old. Fair enough.

Don’t worry you’ll assimilate into our culture soon enough.

Inshallah 🙏

You really only have boring name calling? Is taking your wife's son for ice cream taking all your spare time so you can't make researched arguments ?

😴 😴😴😴 way to prove my point with that totally original insult you just lobbed my way. What model conservabot are you?

You’re a giant fagot who lacks any nuance like the most autistic power ranger out there. You either exaggerate your legitimate points breaking their tether to credulity or you just flat out have no idea what you’re talking about. Just once I’d like to hear one of you daddy dick flute soloists have an original talking point that I haven’t already heard from Sean Hannity or the billions of other conservabots on tv and on Twitter. I doubt you have ever criticized your precious Gaylord emperor of the United States for a single thing he’s ever done. Tbf Its not your fault that they never got around to programming that feature into your source code.

I thought for sure Trump had North Korea by the balls and would have some kind of disarmament out of his meeting, but no, the one thing I thought he was capable of he couldn't do.

Imagine doing more than any president in 20 years, and it's still 'not good enough'.

Having a meeting isn't doing anything if nothing comes out of it.

Bodies being returned after decades is nothing? Maybe to you. For many families, that's finally closure.

The posters on the ground changing is clearly something as well. I guess changing people's minds about the climate in the country is no big deal.

Like do you actually think all these things are nothing?

Getting POW back isn't something no president has done.

He painstakingly pointed out what has already been accomplished. Hostages have been freed at least three of them, damn site more than Obama "let them try just the tip see if i like it" ever got done.

Its early days but it looks promising. Hey man maybe helping 1 million people out of abject poverty by hoping for a good outcome for president trump and praising for what he has managed so far is just a tad more important than your fucking ego and need to be right.

I said I thought he would get more done, so this makes me wrong.

This doesn't look promising anymore, this looks like the same dog and pony show North Korea puts on every time.


Well Obama got the basically the same thing with the Nobel peace prize.

Yeah, that was dumb, but pretending like this is a big deal already is also dumb.

Big deal maybe not but it isn't nothing. It's close as the peninsula has been to lasting peace. Trump managed or at least helped to bring Kim Jong Un to the table while all Obama did by this time in his presidency is get a island bombed aswell as 20 people.

Dude, this shit has gone on for decades. It hasn't been from a lack of effort, but from a lack of opportunity granted from NK. If this doesn't pan out, this will actually set us back from progress with them, because we showed we were willing to treat them as equals before they were willing to stand down. It makes absolutely no sense, given their history, to parlay with them without some indication they are going to stand down before hand.

I will celebrate if it actually results positively, I will celebrate as I was prepared to do, but this is the same shit different decade so far.

Trump ruining Mr. Bones' wild ride isn't a cause for celebration.

Also none of those other things are happening.

Anything else "not happening"?

That literally didn't say any of the things you claimed were happening.

Why else would Kim Jong-un otherwise sit down for talks with those countries' leaders?

North Korea has been asking for this meeting for over two decades. Every single USA President has asked they make concrete steps before they meet and North Korea has refused every time.

So North Korea has made the same commitments seven times before. They destroyed their reactor in 2008 for Obama. This isn't even a good trick. They just pretend to give up their nuclear weapons again and again.

I claimed they reduced their propaganda in the first post you're referring to.

What a boon.

Ah yes. The most irrevsiable of all the possible steps towards denuclearisation.

What would the Norks do?

What could they do?

C*nadian culture and identity is based around being a poorer, colder version of America but denying it, I've never seen a less impactful race of people. It's always 'dude le weed' or obsessing about Yanks.

They've suffered enough, let 'em circlejerk the American progs.

They are nothing but fucking groupies for American "culture" that you only find in well off SJW bubbles like San Fran NYC Portland etc.

At some point you would hope to get a little more respect for yourself instead of being a glorified fluffer.

As a Canadian (one of the few left with a functioning synaptic system) I agree wholeheartedly. Any country (or as JT puts it Post National state) that could give a moronic drama teacher control of a G7 nation, is far too sanctimonious to be considered seriously.

I'm gonna say it again, because it's funny as hell, INDIGO MANCHILD.

Can you believe the state of dumbmerica? So backwards, we're everything America is but better

W-what's that America sempai? Those Yuropoors won't join you in fighting some dusty shithole? D-don't worry I'll always send men to die for your cause.


Some of them obsessively circlejerk about being British and are groupies for Downton Abbey type bullshit.

The Day of The Rake shall come, inshallah.

One word: poutine.

I've never seen a less impactful race of people.

New Zealanders

Canadian here, the amount of people bitching on my newsfeed about kids separated at the US border from their parents was insane, and really annoying.

It finally stopped when I posted a CBC article which revealed that, shockingly Canada does the same thing.


Yeah why don't you set an example for us all by fucking off from an American centric and American owner/ hosted site.

Fuck you Europeans are so full of yourselves. I your fart huffing may be cultured and sophisticated to you but to us normal people it's still shit

Or I could use my ban powers and make the Americans go away. Might makes right, no? 🤔

Or I could use my ban powers and make the Americans go away. Might makes right, no? 🤔

purge them all, except maybe circo and snally

That'd definitely stir some drama.

Yeah you could and might does make right. But America shows restraint and uses power wisely.

Please don't release your ultimate weapon: fart huffing missiles

Wew lad, I'm very concerned for your personal safety

Holy fuck 😂😂😂

Very true, I was always pretty liberal leaning but now many liberals consider me too conservative or moderate while die hard Trump fanatics will still call me a cuck or Libtard. I grew up in a poor to lower middle class blue collar union type area and will always be a working class liberal but, the neo liberals which is what I view the "progressives" as have abandoned people like me.

Conservatives didn't get funnier, the liberals got less funny because they don't want to offend anyone, and I mean the media liberals.

Poking fun at morons who take themselves too seriously will always be funny.

I think the conservatives are unintentionally funny though. Like when they latched onto Milo because he was gay and Jewish and he turned out to be a paedophile defender.


social issues that like 10% of the country actually care about

I think the real problem is that a lot more than 10% care about those issues, but only 10%, at best, agree with the stance democrats/the left have taken on those issues.

Lol fuck the poors. Imagine slaving away in the sun to make money like a blue collar hack

Time to run in California.

Also liberals are now about tied with conservatives when it comes to retarded conspiracy theories and bad science. Conservatives had that on lock ten years ago.

Conservatives still aren't funny. It's the new right that understands memes.

I suppose when make any potential joke material offensive your humour becomes pretty limited.

Just because I want to commit suicide by deepstate, does not make me a conservative

Also conservatives are somehow funnier now.

Laughing at them is different than laughing at their jokes. Conservative comedy is still entirely described by coming up with a premise and then getting so mad that you forget to get to the punchline.

> Also conservatives are somehow funnier now

Are you sure? As far as jokes go, it'd be hard to top her profile photo.

liberals have been the establishment since the 90s, and the establishment is never funny

Such weird political times we're living in. There's a boomer/gen Z alliance on the right and each is embarrassed by the other; and a millenial, Gen Y/X alliance on the left who have no shame and still think they're the "cool kids" despite all evidence to the contrary.

millenial, Gen Y Same thing man.

Yeah but they're so entitled they need to be mentioned twice (he says while being a member of said generation).

Ah yes, 18 year olds giving analysis of the political landscape.

Gen Z and Boomer alliance in particular is so weird. I know because I'm part of it. Only uniting factor is dislike of the left

Getting yourself fucked by the olds to own the libs, brilliant strategy there bucko.

Gen Y/X alliance on the left who have no shame and still think they're the "cool kids" despite all evidence to the contrary.

we are lol. you think the kids going to like ben shapiro talks are getting any pussy? you think tim allen fucks? not fucking likely, hombre


You're over 30, you're not cool anymore.

You're old bud, you don't decide what's cool anymore. The youth decides what's cool.

if its cool whine about sjws all day and never get your dick wet then i dont wanna be cool

Yes I'm sure nobody from gen z will ever get laid.

Yeah but the difference is unlike you this gen isn't stupid enough to date a "empowered feminist womynnn!"

I mean I know your fine with sticking your dick in there after her "pleasure consultant" Dwayne has just cum with the force of a thousand sun's. No thanks man that taco has a little too much extra cheese on it for me.

Lets be honest too the sex your getting is only after you whimpered and cried so much that stupid cunt harpy had a split second of humanity in her and felt some sympathy. luckily for you a split second is more than enough for you to get that 2 inched respector of womyn you call a dick into her. God it must be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway

pro tip: ranting angrily about how bad the sex you imagine other people are having must be is not the best way to convince people youre getting laid on the reg


By using sex as a status symbol, you are engaging in toxic masculinity. Virgin shaming results in many problems for men, but more importantly, perpetuates the objectification of women. But as men who objectify women are doing damage to their own souls in the process, you should care too.

Men engaging in this practice are enabling rape without necessarily being aware of it but I have good news for you. We at /r/MensLib can can help you come to terms with your toxic masculinity and help you create alternative outlets for the impulses that led you to indulge in virgin shaming. Or at least, we can help you identify other problematic behaviors and show you a pathway to stopping these behaviors. Or at least, show you to be constantly aware about how a behavior is damaging and wrong even if you continue to indulge in it. Mostly the latter.

Neither is posting in /r/Drama but don't tell him that

i assumed that went without saying

keep dreaming grandpa

Gen Z is solidly democratic man.

All generations are more liberal when young and inexperienced but gen Z is the most conservative since ww2 and it will only continue to move right as they age.

The Forbes piece is a massive outlier and also includes the qualifier possibly.


Gen Z is split between the full fash kids and the tranny kids.


why did you say the full fash kids twice

I hate liberals if for nothibg else making these right wing dweebs somewhat more tolerable than them

making these right wing dweebs

like that dumb irish faggot Colin Quinn or annoying canadian Norm MacDonald right? if you saw their twitters you would clearly see that they are both right wing dweebs

I don't know what point you're trying to make


You're not even the guy he replied to. I too have no clue what the fuck that guy's point was.

I know, i have no idea what he means lmao

Peak radcent.



lol the fucking bubble some of these people live in

do they really think liberals are seen as cool

do they really think liberals are seen as cool

In DC? Absolutely.

Yes they really think so, and their entire philosophy is predicated on the fact that they have to censor and control everything to maintain their narrative.

did you stop pissing yourself because the scary black man didn't stand for america song at the egg kick game yet

Your type would be hanging off a tree in a better world.

So, you didn't.

Go back to chapo faghouse and never come back

support our trups god bess egg kick and America and cops

She ain't wrong.

I mean, there's a reason you never hear people whining about "limousine conservatives", despite there being plenty of wealthy right-wingers.

The typical right-winger has about the same amount of envy as an actual communist. I estimate that the cumulative envy of red voters is approximately ten times greater than blue voters.

Lol left wing cucks talking one percent this one percent that and having massive wealth redistribution plans yet right wing is the envious ones. Sure sure. I know you soyboys share your wives but that doesn't make you not envious :p

Is this a failed attempt to talk "bigly?"

Bitch, I'm from Idaho. You think the million conservatives here are just crestfallen that they don't get to eat kale chips with literary editors in Manhattan?

I imagine inbreeding has taken the ability to be crestfallen away from them.

Unfortunately all the Californians moving in are even taking the inbreeding away from us.

Damn /u/Hemingway, you just got out bantered by a dude from fucking Idaho. It might be time to follow the example of your username.

Wow you got rekt you self important fart huffer



So whats it like livinig in a urban coastal city, city boi?

It's kind of like not fucking your sister.

wow, thats the best you got?

Ayo gimme a job idaho is comfy af

Except mormons 😫😩

Stay out of my Aryan paradise

this is a dumb take to try to make for conservatives in general (obviously they want to force liberals into accepting their cultural values and touchstones as legitimate, not be assimilated by the blob), but i think there is an essential truth to it when it comes to the people who are actually being ostracized. theyre mostly parasitic beltway types with ivy-league educations, boring haircuts, and a life-long expectation of being accepted by "polite society," which is not an archetype the "average conservative" to say the least. being treated like scum is incredibly disturbing to them because they think of themselves as essentially comparable to everyone else who "works in politics." the idea of suffering social repercussions for the policy platform they help enact is basically unthinkable. it's a very DC-specific mind virus, though, definitely not something youll find a lot of cases of outside that sphere

Lol my life's ambitions do not include "being cool". Even if I did want to "be cool", I don't think the so-called "elite/fashionable" are cool-and that goes double for anyone who would actually refer to themselves as "elite". They are only cool in their own minds. I mostly they're kind of gross, narcissistic, and out of touch with reality. In general, I find a lot of their views and political stances to be repugnant and/or ridiculous and I literally do not want to be anything like them.

So ... nope. Back to the drawing board.

P.S. Kicking conservatives out of restaurants actually isn't psychologically damaging. If anything, it's funny. They are just providing ammo for us to argue that if you believe you have the right to kick conservatives out of your business and completely refuse to serve them, then you have no legitimate reason to complain the next time a baker merely declines a business contract for a custom product.

If pasta, great

If not, Im gonna line up USS idaho’s main guns on your location and full on bombardment

In world of warships, that is


image acting invested in non-radical politics and trying to come off as cool


My favorite is that libs are so amused at Sarah Huckabee getting denied service at that restaurant but were having a fucking stroke about a gay coupe not getting a cake 3 weeks ago. I genuinely can’t tell if they are craven or retard or both.

Their rat brains keep them from having consistent opinions.

Or them chanting “shame!” From fucking game of thrones

Clown world🤹‍♂️🤹‍♂️🤹‍♂️🤹‍♂️

I think they mean liberals just want to virtue signal and show their friends how "compassionate" they are without doing fuck all about anything, but bitch on the internet.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Lmao. Deleted. Also: shouldn't all of Washington be the first to go, if we're cleaning house?

lol dumb bitch deleted her tweet