Boogie defends homophobia?

0  2018-06-24 by MrSmallANDLoud




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Post some Amanrouth. I’ve got a chubby I need to nurse

Hey mr smallandloud I can see you are trying to get more views on youtube by posting links to your videos on subs you've never interacted on before, and I just want to give you some constructive criticism to help you out.

I'm assuming this is your attempt to "make it big" and "become a youtuber" by pandering to youtube political nuts. However, your voice is so autistic sounding and grating your channel is pretty much guaranteed to flop.

Do you honestly expect people to sit for 5 minutes and listen to some jordan white sounding mother fucker blather on about some controversy you've pulled out of your ass?

You have no charisma, you have nothing original and valuable to say, and judging by your voice you probably look like a fucking little weasel. Your videos are literally just a picture of a bitmoji person begging for likes and subscribes with your sperg voice playing over it.

Oh my God. I actually hate you. Did you drop out of college to become a "youtuber"? Did you honestly think youtube isn't already saturated enough with people spouting boring opinions nobody gives a shit about without spazzy autist voices? Who in their right mind is going to subject themselves to this shit?

I'm looking through your twitter now, you're legitimately just a pathetic tryhard trying to spark controversies with channels/people that are actually care about.

You're putting all this effort in to spam your videos across reddit and you get like 20 views and a bunch of thumbs down. Are you really so autistic you needed me to explain why you're so shit and nobody wants to listen to you? This is hilarious but kind of sad.

So........what you are saying like me


OP is the fat fuck himself, trying to boost his view count by spamming his own video on random subs

Not just that, it's a video from his own channel he's spamming on subs like /r/atheism and /r/ShitRedditSays

See, that's a video I'll actually sit through lmfao.

Not "Heyy fans misteuw smaw and louwd heuw"