I thought just average melodramatic dudebro male virgin troll from from r/drama but I think u/PM_UR_SUSPICIONS is actually having a manic episode creepy copy & pasting. No one could possibly be this lame right? Help out your bro, he may be off his meds at this point. Anyone know this lolcow?

29  2018-06-24 by Wehochick


You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


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Don't worry Snappy, you're still the best


You are right it’s u/PM_ME_UR_SUSPICIONS

Do you know this dude? I think he’s losing it, it was fun mocking all the bros on here, but now I think this guy is actually mentally caving or some shit. Help him.


That post history tho.


used as an insult for a woman


I already won ages ago, I’m just having fun. You all don’t realize how pathetic you are b/c you think you milk for sport haha. Amateurs. Keep it up. It’s fun. It’s r/drama right, all you do is “bring” the drama haha losers.

Yes, and men are practical lesbians, mousetraps are practical cats and child molesters are practical catholic Priests.

I had no idea you were capable of writing such eloquent and insightful prose. Please reply with one more stunning tidbit of wisdom so that I may spend the rest of my day in quiet contemplation of your immense wit.

“Homeless” guy disagrees with Jordan Peterson philosophy of tidiness.

Another genius level comment. How did you suddenly get so smart? Are you part of some "flowers for algernon" type experiment?

You’re probably not a real deep thinker. You should let people more educated and imaginative do the heavy lifting.

My god, I was just copying from your comment history and pasting the replies to you pretty much at random before but something has changed. I don't know what it is but you seem somehow different now, more engaging and likeable.

Promotion for a drama free community of imaginary freinds creates more drama than freinds, imagine that!

I could listen to you all day. I don't know what it is but I'm going to figure it out. I think I might be falling in love with you.

Lol, ok pussy fart Edit: I got muted for that response, too

Now your words seem fat and unattractive with just a hint of some sort of undiagnosed mental disorder. For a short while you seemed so attractive and engaging, what happened?

The Whites have spoken. Embrace the mayocide or face the mayopocalypse

There it goes again, I have butterflies in my stomach and I just want to rub your feet and make love to you. What is going on here, how are you making me feel this way?

Imagine how sad your life would have to be for this tidbit to be considered important enough to tell strangers about.

Your every word is like the beat of an angels wings and every sentence a revelation filling me with bliss.

“That was amazing, like brain sex. You’ve found your next career, Hillary,” she said, suggesting Clinton host a television talk show. “Brain Sex with Hillary Clinton”

You're amazing. You must be brain sexing me right now because I feel like I'm about to climax.

Nothing says stable genius more than self immolation and a rambling pointless suicide note written by a dude who wants to be a chick.

My god, I had plans today but I think I'm going to cancel them all and spend the rest of the day masturbating to these sexy-assed comments.

You have to go back

I've never met someone that could make a single sentence sound like a sonnet. You are an undiscovered genius.

Anyway, in both cases, it’s a problem when trying to discuss JBP’s ideas in a more public forum, where people are applying “got-ya!” Arguments rather than looking at the underlying analysis.

You suddenly sound slovenly and unattractive. What happened?

They’re not send their best, folks. u/ed_butteredtoast could you please relay the r/drama immigrant policy to this filthy invader.

Ah, that's better. This is music to my ears, how are you writing such beautiful prose?

Autographing photos of murder victims is integral to this effort, obviously. I just hope people dont ‘start disposing of unwanted family members and blaming it.

What is your secret to writing such attractive comments?

The Whites have spoken. Embrace the mayocide or face the mayopocalypse

Gimme some more of that verbal ambrosia, I think I'm addicted!

"having a manic episode" "copy pasting my comments" Doesn't this mean you constantly sound like you are having a manic episode?

Happy Legal Caretaker of Unspecified Gender Day! Or if you prefer, Happy Female Suppressed By The Patriarchy Into Giving Up Her Independence And Dreams Day!

Who hurt you...specifically?

It’s ok to be white. Please don’t shoot up my school.

Don't ask me, take it up with the patriarchy.

Profiling perverted pooch paramours provokes passionate petulance

p p p p p p p

; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Alliteration is fucking autists

It’s ok to be white.

It's not.

Some people aren’t woke to the white menace.


I am not grandpa tick tock, reeeeeee

MDE has a sad and spoiler alert it’s totally fucking retarded

This but unironically.

So, “no true Scottsman” plus pretending the nazis were hostile towards religion? Lol, totally retarded.

I wrote that ?

Lol, are you for real?

👏 No 👏 to 👏 stupidity 👏 shaming 👏

It would be nice if JBP used definitions that were more broadly accepted, but that’s not the way his ideas are developed. 👏🏽💩👏🏽💩👏🏽💩

Whose history are you using famalam ?

Qtards are the Trump supporters of final forum

/u/wehochick's comments have become so insightful and witty that I think I'm falling in love. It's like she's suddenly become thin and attractive.

Make sense.

Sound gay.

OK sailor, can I borrow your pink thong for pridefest? I have a new ballgag that would totally match it!

I am gonna wear it, so no, sorry.

I'll buy one just like it and we can go twinsies! You can help me with the giant semen spraying penis cannon I built to trigger the homophobes!

unironically believing in patriarchy

I’ve already got my copy of the song bronzed and I intend to quietly contemplate it fo the next week or so.

Is that honestly out of my post history? If so, what was the date on it?

Its about ethics in pr stunt execution now.


Prove it. So far ur trolling. Good luck with your response tho, here’s hoping you don’t just embarrass yourself with your “gold star” expertise lol. “Educate” me haha. Still hilarious. Honestly you don’t seem to comprehend the actual question, but again excited for your no penis magical abilities.

If we accept that argument, that atheists are practical Christians anyway, it’s not a huge leap to say Nazi’s are atheists. Interestingly from Wikipedia.

Potatoes aren’t from Ireland either lol.

They’re from Peru, but dum dums in Ireland don’t know that lol.

REMOVE POTATO remove potato you are worst vegetable. You are the vegetable idiot you are the potato smell return to El Dorado to our El Doradan cousins you may come in the country you may stay in the zoo.....ahahaha potato we will never forgive you. Tuber rascal fcuk but fuck asshole dead potato

“Homeless” guy disagrees with Jordan Peterson philosophy of tidiness.

So what should I do then?

Dear athletic black people

What's up?

If producing a music video required the amount of effort that goes into a reddit comment. Mr. Gambino would still be living in his mom’s basement.


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But seriously the guy is having a manic episode. I called him a racist of course, because he claims whites should have the god given right to use the N word. He’s got some serious problems obviously, and well copying and pasting is very sad really.

Also cocksucking is good for you u/PM_ME_UR_SUSPICIONS Men and str8/bi women enjoy it thoroughly I’m told. Embrace the bussy.

/u/PM_ME_UR_SUSPICIONS /u/Wehochick get a room already, preferably in an autism ward

I think might have discovered the source of /u/captainpriapism recent agitations

So this is what it's like when an MK Ultra patient finally breaks

That’s the thread where u/saintignatiusreilly grabbed me by my post history and called me a troll. I’ve never felt so violated. #metoo

We are Gay. I’m Gay looking for the Pussy! He’s Gay looking for the Bussy! Great observation.

Do me

Autographing photos of murder victims is integral to this effort, obviously. I just hope people dont ‘start disposing of unwanted family members and blaming it.

That's not from my post history.

Lol, Kia banned me for this post.

Hot take - you're both losers.

You’re probably not a real deep thinker. You should let people more educated and imaginative do the heavy lifting.

Do you have a personal life? If not, start drinking.

The Whites have spoken. Embrace the mayocide or face the mayopocalypse

I'm not white.

It’s ok to be white. Please don’t shoot up my school.

You still go to school, are you am imbecile?

Also, again, I'm not white.

Some people aren’t woke to the white menace.

Well they're both posting here so it goes without saying.










I love u op

I think might have discovered the source of /u/captainpriapism recent agitations

Is the source that he's retarded? Because that's what I would have guessed.

Promotion for a drama free community of imaginary freinds creates more drama than freinds, imagine that!

Do me next! I wanna argue with myself!

Better watch out or u/saintignatiusreilly will go through your post history and disapprove of things.

Imagine how sad your life would have to be for this tidbit to be considered important enough to tell strangers about.

“That was amazing, like brain sex. You’ve found your next career, Hillary,” she said, suggesting Clinton host a television talk show. “Brain Sex with Hillary Clinton”


I’ve already got my copy of the song bronzed and I intend to quietly contemplate it fo the next week or so.

Cool story bro

Yes, and men are practical lesbians, mousetraps are practical cats and child molesters are practical catholic Priests.

This is the gift that just keeps on giving!

Ew. Men can never just enjoy anything, they have to be vile creeps. Just ew. 🤮srlsy gross.

Yeah if you sound like a walking thesaurus and the words have no relevance or context it’s a sigh you aren’t educated or intelligent, critical thinking skills are the basis of US curriculums.

Honestly how do people not literally puke on you b/c you are fucking gross for real lol. Vomit.

That would be my first question, how much porn do you look at, jack too, etc? If I was told this, which I cannot express how many times I’ve been told these unsolicited stories as a “woman expert” with my “lady brain” I stop them dead with how much of a porn addiction do you have, I move on immediately and they get really confused but have to deal with my disinterest when I detect it. I can usually tell in their eyes, demeanor and hand gestures. So I may also frame this as a statement and not a question. Or something a bit shaming like “jesus dude, how much porn do you watch?” They laugh and think I’m further bonding when really I’m making a much larger statement about their problematic behavior as a whole. I’ll laugh like we are joking/bonding, they usually laugh too b/c of the energy of the question, but when I don’t Wait for them to answer they realize I was more mocking their infantile bullshit. Later if the convo continues I’ll make a reference to some pornsick creep and his behavior casually, that will really end all the porn convo bullshit bait and they will have to continue with relevant non-sex related topics. Moving forward this can frustrate some men since they have a Lesbian acquaintance/friend that can both give them social capital when they mention me to other str8’s and use our time together as a “woman’s panel expert”lol.

There have been times later where they really reflected on what I’ve said in these instances and actually want to have a more casually approached deeper conversation on it.

I’ve even had men say directly to me later. I didn’t realize what a problem my porn watching was until you mentioned it. I just look at them because I didn’t mention it, I responded out of observation to let them know we all know and to curtail the oversharing sex fetish bs. It’s the same in their minds when they become hyper aware it’s not some secret life they are leading lol.

If they look at porn on their phone I no longer have any interaction with them at all b/c that’s an addiction and they won’t be able to separate that misogynistic bullshit from real life women. I know that sounds weird/harsh but that boundary has always worked. I usually say something like, damn do you look at porn on your phone? Gross, just watch it at home on a computer, alone like the rest of us lol.

I’m starting to use the same rule with fellow Lesbians as well b/c the porn production and normalization of objectification has gotten so prevalent, phone porn users if made public to me are out, I also don’t talk to cheaters male or female or anyone that is casual homophobic if I can help it. Just so you know I’m not picking on men specifically lol.

Anyway you didnt’ want all this info, but I added it anyway lol. I would call out this bs immediately but with all these helpful responses I’ll just chill for now on this kind of deception.

Qtards are the Trump supporters of final forum

So, “no true Scottsman” plus pretending the nazis were hostile towards religion? Lol, totally retarded.

Any woman I meet that even uses the word “drama” is a flag for me. Usually they are the ones creating the drama, then asserting themselves as savior or fake mediator of drama or trying to pretend they have healthy boundaries, which usually they don’t.

One of my flags is general thoughtlessness, it’s an indicator for me of a larger demonstration of unavailability on multiple levels. Excessive phone use is one early sign. I once went on a simple coffee date I initiated from OKC. When the woman arrived she was talking on her phone, she sat down and proceeded to continue to have a pointless vapid conversation for at least 10 more minutes. I got up like I was merely going to the bathroom and left lol. Then she texted me asking where I was, I was driving and almost home at that point lol. If you can’t put your phone down and have a conversation this is not going to work.

Other indicators of this is the topics they bring up, if they are quick to discuss vapid-ish topics it’s a clear sign of avoidance in other areas and a lack of regular critical thought. Not interested lol.

My biggest issue is healthy boundaries generally tho. If women prevaricate constantly whining about how people treat them to me it is a parade of red flags they aren’t able to communicate or set their own boundaries and eventually I will get sucked into their black hole of victimology. They show the signs early and get really upset when I demonstrate how uncomfortable I am, usually I might be the first person that shows this and they get very for a lack of better word “triggered” by it because they know it isn’t a healthy practice but refuse to change, instead just find people to validate how they are all walking victims of their own adulthood lol. I know it’s confusing and disheartening for any woman I meet when I have a visibly shaken energy recognizing this and validating how unhealthy it is socially. How can you have any exchange with anyone that won’t communicate their boundaries in some way but seem ready to pounce if you break one. It’s just immature. Interesting convo tho.

If producing a music video required the amount of effort that goes into a reddit comment. Mr. Gambino would still be living in his mom’s basement.

That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me on this site. 😀😀😀
It think I love you now.❤❤❤
If I cut off my dick, get a blue dyed mullet, and start wearing logging boots with flannel shirts will you marry me? 💘💍👭🏡

The Whites have spoken. Embrace the mayocide or face the mayopocalypse

Drama regular uses an alt. Game a guess who then.

Promotion for a drama free community of imaginary freinds creates more drama than freinds, imagine that!

Imagine, I before E except for C. Friend.

Lol, ok pussy fart Edit: I got muted for that response, too

If only you had an off button... queen o queefs.

Better watch out or u/saintignatiusreilly will go through your post history and disapprove of things.

My post history is fair game... wire in.

Holy shit, dude, pare down your sentences to the bare minimum of words!

Lol, ok pussy fart Edit: I got muted for that response, too

Add: lol if you are going to misrepresent me at least misrepresent me correctly dum dum haha

Why're you using his responses? Are you just obsessed with 'getting back' at some retard on the internet who finds what you say to be funny? Because 'look haha we are both stupid haha' isn't exactly the resolution that's worth anyone's time.

Go do something constructive, guy. Go read a book. The internet's not gonna make you any happier. Leave /r/drama. This isn't going to be a healthy place for you.

Its about ethics in pr stunt execution now.

Asserting yourself as an equivocation to their str8ness, that because we are just posting weirdly. It's hilarious how you are no longer respect anyone openly that doesn't understand the point at all. Yes, all of them had any type of observation besides some casual sexist comment.

What is the DEEPSTATE trying to tell us?


That’s just a ruse r/drama adopts like a male feminist to lure the unsuspecting into our rape zone.

Speak English reatard