CB2 goes full Concerned Citizen and thinks that any interaction between an adult and a child is automatically pedophilia

71  2018-06-24 by Boring_normie


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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This just in: CB2 posters are the same busybodies who call the police on men for taking their daughter to the park.

I wonder if these people go on to become HOA presidents or something. In college were they the people who would snitch out on parties to the cops and het everyone busted for underahe drinking?

It is likely that people like that OP have huge trouble to stop themselves from raping little kids, so they believe it's the same for everyone.

Whenever you see totally retarded posts like these, remember that, and it makes sense.

Permit Patty is a cb2 poster confirmed

It's funny because CB2 always makes fun of people who think they're being perceived as creepy for being friendly to kids.

This was one person who was acting like an idiot and almost all the responses were disagreeing with them.

CB2 users are too white to be TSA agents.

CB2 posters are just soccer moms with an internet connection


thinking that any adult who interacts with a child means that adult wants to fuck that child speaks more about you and your thought processes than anyone needs to know. seek help for your pedophilia.

He does sound as if he wants to shift the blame.

"Vydia games are children playtime activity" - lol, not in today's world.

It really still is. It's just that the so-called adults involved in the "hobby" are still mentally children themselves.

It’s just a way for them to spend free time, that’s it. You can have everything else together in your life and still enjoy games


You’re right, playing an hour of even one video game hypnotizes you into being lazy and worshipping Satan

This but unironically

now now, /u/rickythesticky may just be a middle class white woman who also calls the cops any time a black guy walks down her street.

Oi mate, gotta license for that basketball??

This comment is so dense it makes fun of fat white women, Britain, and black guys all in a single sentence.

It’s noodles we know all about this dude

/u/RickyTheSticky why haven't you found a new hobby

Well, /u/RickyTheSticky went full concerned citizen. Even the rest of CB2 knows this is retarded, and if even they think that, you know you're dumb.

Imagine making fun of gamers and around 30s old men and still getting downvoted on cb2.

I guess when I was 10 I was just surrounded by pedophiles then

"I chop my kid's dick off and pumped him full of estrogen." CB2: You slay queen! "I allowed my kid to play video games online." CB2; Oh no that's creepy and dangerous!

Is this what the downfall of society looks like?

But, But, seeing tits and guns in GTA Online can damage the child's mental wellbeing!

Man, when I was a kid, I never understood why people got so annoyed about moral nannies. Now I'm an adult and I totally get it.

Religious nannies are gone, replaced by SJW nannies. And it's pure cancer.

Religious nannies are far from gone though.

I'd hate to defend cb2 but even they identified that this guy is retarded

The guy is a closeted pedo, for real.

literally everyone in cb2 thought op was crazy, what are you on about. also, all boys should be castrated and forcibly feminized, so i really dont understand what youre complaining about


Pretty much any kid with a social hobby will be talking to older people online, whether it's gaming, hobby forums, whatever, just because of the ease of access for all age groups.

And how does that make it okay?

Because it's a completely normal part of life

Having crossgenerational friendships isn't creepy until someone makes it creepy

It is due to the power imbalance between the parties

But there is no power imbalance because this is the internet.

What exactly do a 10 uear old and a 28 year old have in common?

Enjoying video games? Hell I'm an adult and I still interact with minors in programming forums and on various projects

You should mingle with people your own age, otherwise you looked like a socially stunted creeper.

Says the man so socially stunted he doesn't understand that children interacting with adults is a normal part of everyday life

Don't they realize that not everybody is a Male Feminist?

How do these people manage to go by in everyday life? Honestly?

Better safe than sorry, ya know?

He should keep himself safe immediately, in case he accidentally molests a child.

When I was younger my mountain bike club had people from age 8 up to 70s and everyone would talk to each other. Obviously little children don't talk to adults much because they get awkward and don't understand them but they can still talk to each other about stuff.

mountain bike club

Imagine being this mayo

I only did it because Dad got me into it I gave up I swear


detain this mayo, officers



/u/rickythesticky first off, that's a really creepy fucking name. 2nd, I'm guessing you set off the stranger danger alarm quite often. Seek therapy for your pedo tendencies

Dude, that’s noodles. Of course he needs therapy

lol this is some real horseshoe shit, /u/RickyTheSticky sounds like one of those suburban fascist types who treat every minute a kid is unsupervised like an existential threat

Just how many children has that community diddled?

You just know they speak from experience.


I look forward to the News article of you getting beat up because you tried to steal someone’s son/daughter from their father.