Drama GOLDMINE: Tranny goes to bathroom at shitty DC Cuban club owned by Catholics. Asked to show ID. Tranny calls police. DC Mayor gets involved. TERFs point out that "Charlotte" was "Charles" four years ago and was a known "male feminist" who abused real women. Twitter explodes.

409  2018-06-24 by SizeOfThisLad


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Most trans people are leftist whites who want to claim victimhood to obtain status in the progressive stack and have an excuse for their mediocrity and failures


Modern trannyism is the original #metoo.

I sleep with trans women off Grindr pretty regularly and at least in NYC they’re largely minorities as far as I can tell

The ones I'm talking about are usually "lesbians"


Yeah, I’m guessing the issue is lots of people only know trans people from the internet. Internet activist trannys are horrible white leftists because they are internet activists not because they are trannys.



Everyone point at him and laugh!


trannies who were originally gay are rarely the issue (and more commonly the PoC ones doing tricks). The loud drama lama transexuals overwhelmingly originated as heterosexual males and regard themselves as 'lesbians'. The distinction has been noted for over 20 years in Blanchard's theory of Autogynephilia. Blanchard is regarded as Hitler and his books as mein kampf to the trans community, largely thanks to the crazy angry troons crabbing everyone else though.



lol Raj ain’t a mayo, right /u/Ed_ButteredToast?

If only there was someone with some excess land to concentrate all these "people" into camps.

have an excuse for their mediocrity and failures

"Oh my god...i'm so oppressed!! I might just have to kill myself.", the trans battlecry

Zero sympathy.

Agreed. It's actually sexist to believe people can just assume a gender based on how they feel.

Lol, I'm not sure I'd make #DCvalues a thing.

[Unsolicited Opinions on Israel???]

What? You don't like your mayors being crackheads?

I thought that was Toronto.

Marion Barry did it first

We welcome Boorish Billionaire Bigots, Crack Smoking Mayors, and Buffalo Bill Crossdressers to Chocolate City #DCvalues

Yankoids, why is DC such a shithole? Not since Berlin have I seen such a terrible capital.

The reason is because it's just a really fucking miserable place that no one wants to live in voluntarily. It's too hot or too cold for 10 months of the year, it has no "culture" because it's mostly career government bureaucrats, everybody there wants something from you all the time, rent is outrageous and traffic is a disaster so commuting is a real pain in the ass. And all of this is in reference to NW, not even the other 3 quadrants which until pretty recently were all apocalyptic crime and crack riddled hellholes

Anyway fuck DC

I see that Brasilia has more in common with Washington that only being a pre-planned capital.

Hollywood for 6/10s

There are more 3's, 4's, and 5's than 6+ honestly

Unless they work in tv "journalism" or certain sales and lobbying fields people tend to be ugly inside and out. Just the most unfortunate looking fuckin cretins. And they all want to be your new best friend as long as they think they have something to gain from it. It's even worse in the VA suburbs frankly because anyone with more responsibility and power than a mailroom clerk gets such a fuckin big head they're insufferable, forever

The buildings, monuments, and parks themselves are nice though, it's a very aesthetically pleasing city. If every resident and workerbee got deported to El Salvador I'd have a much higher opinion of DC

With or without plastic surgery?

Mainly because D.C. was never intended to be an actual city, with a large population, and the city government has never really adapted and gotten their shit together.

What'd do bad about Berlin? Also has a good ole southern boy I hate the term yank to refer to all the US

Oh, Berlin. What is Berlin? Berlin, as a city, brings nothing but shame to Germany on the international stage.

When comparing Berlin with other European capitals such as London, Paris, Madrid and Amsterdam, any decent human’s face must blush in humiliation. Even small countries like Austria, Belgium or Switzerland have Vienna, Brussels and Zurich: presentable cities, complete with high standards of living.

Germany gets punished with Berlin, capital of losers. In all the republic, Berlin is home to the largest number of arseholes by far. Deutsche Bahn, Bundestag, Air Berlin and Axel Springer are but a few examples of all the incompetent scum being kept here.

Glorious times have long since passed, the city is face down in the dirt. Berliners are lazy sods to their very core. Traits that would, in any civilised culture, pass for nothing but laziness, rudeness, incompetence, dissocial personality disorder or idiocy, are taken by the Berliner and declared a way of life. That is why the Berliner harbours intense feelings of hatred for anyone who’s better than him in any way. Especially the all-around superior Southern Germany are a thorn in his side. He envies their success, and Munich makes the top on his list of hatred. That city is – and has! – everything that Berlin wants to be and have. Berliners take no interest in the fact that it is Munich that finances their dissolute lifestyle, in fact, they secretly believe that they have earned it.

So instead of freeing themselves from their envious and resentful lethargy, instead of rolling up their sleeves and improve their city, they revel in their antisocial freeloading and praise their so-called global city.

Culturally, Berliners are set up rather weakly, great works lie far back in history. Moreover, mispronouncing “g” as “j” is considered a great cultural feat. Advanced students have mastered ending each and every sentence with a “wa?”. The city’s culinary performance is second-rate. Here, a sausage made from glued-together, meaty odds and ends adorned with ketchup and curry powder is sold as a culinary masterpiece. Hardly any reasonable person would consider a bratwurst with ketchup a recipe, let alone the holy grail of culinary arts. Yet, in their magnanimity, the rest of the republic lets the Berliner keep his delusion, not wanting to amplify his inferiority complex.

Economically, Berlin is an utter disaster, even the late GDR stood on more solid ground. The local economy is based around alternative blogs, something-something-media and, if universities are to be believed, gender studies. Disregarding his own bankruptcy, the Berliner treats himself to prestigious projects like the city palace and the airport – which, considering its inoperative nature, is likely an art installation.

Moreover, the city houses all popular parties’ headquarters, who refrain from using “traitors” in their official names (Probably for marketing reasons). For the longest time, this “town’s” “mayor”, the jolly Wowibear, butchered anything he found left in a presentable state.

Long story short: Berlin is Germany’s tiled coffee table. It is to Germany what Greece is to the European Union, and if it had open sewerage, it would be Germanys Romania. Berlin is a blemish, the abscess on the arse of the nation. Berlin is the uninvited party guest, who didn’t even bring any booze and wouldn’t even understand he’s not welcome if he had is teeth beaten out and got thrown down the stairs. Berlin is the Detroit of Germany and should be sold to Poland for 200 Złoty.

You lost my attention once you said "all-around superior Southern Germany" tbh


their basketball team was named The Bullets until the mid 90's. It fit well with the crime statistics of that era

why is ______________ such a shithole

the answer is usually blacks

"Charles" four years ago and was a known "male feminist"

He was still Charles just last year, he only 'transitioned' (started wearing lipstick and putting a silly voice on) at the beginning of this year.

He's a well known creep, I had to find this video of him through twitter as it appears Channel Four News have already deleted it off their Youtube channel.

You can see in the replies people complaining about giving him a platform for his latest stunt.


lmao the part where he's talking about what could make him happy in the future and he randomly mentions Trump not being in office. This person just wants to be famous. So badly that they'll humiliate themselves like this.

I had to click on the link to make sure that this wasn't a different creepy male feminist named "Charles" that I used to know in DC. Seems to be a lot of that going around.

Oh it's that guy! I remember him getting proto-metoo'd a while back. Take note male feminists, when you're outed as a predator just claim womanhood and watch your accusers become oppressors overnight

Ah, the old Kevin Spacey deflect

I choose now to live as a straight woman.

How long do you think before its /u/wil becomes a suicide girl?

Not a bad trade in for him - he'll still have his 'celebrity cheat code' enabled

How is this guy not well-known in the lolcow circuit? His udders seem to be overflowing.

He's pretty prolific. He wrote one of those "you're more likely to get struck by lightning than get falsely accused of rape" articles that circulated a few years ago and caused a huge spat when SSC (aka /r/drama seriousposting) criticized it

Ooooh it’s that guy. Gotta love how he was wrong by like 200,000%

Love that SSC and r/drama have massive overlap. Funny, and yet unsurprising.

And then Arthur Chu got mad about how calling out Clymer's fake pro-feminist statistics means you're siding with misogyny, which is where his rant about being a "social justice stormtrooper" and purging himself of unthinkable thoughts comes from. And the argument with Chu inspired In Favor of Niceness, Community, and Civilization. And then when #StopClymer happened Chu claimed he had been "wary" about Clymer all along and Scott wrote Living by the Sword.

That rant killed satire

His facebook page has 139 followers


  • Exceptionally unattractive full time transvestite who 'transitioned' over some weekend for social gain. Often to try and obfuscate their problematic past as a creep.

I'm still waiting for the lame funnyordie punchline

You would think SJWs, who rail against the very idea of gender roles, would understand that taking on the superficial trappings commonly associated with either sex, doesn't make you a member of that sex.

I'm all for trans people to live their best life, but read the fucking room, dude. If you don't pass, and in fact are effectively a biological male in a dress, with no medical transitioning taking place, what do you expect?

I see it sort of like a spectrum. At one end are dudes who make cute traps and should be encouraged to become cute traps. On the other end are guys who just won't make cute traps and should focus on being cute bottoms.

Traps should bottom though, us cute dommes should top

As God intended

One might even say, inshallah.

violently intolerant of all other beliefs uneducated and barely literate attracted to 9 year olds

Muhammad would have loved reddit tbh

I agree.

I see it as a sort of spectrum, where crazy faggots with penises think theyre women on one end, and crazy faggotz who cut off their penises think theyre women on the other end.

Imagine if someone put a 'women only' sign on a gas chamber. How hilarious could that get?

Not funny

Guess it depends on your perspective: inside or out.

Hey am I passing in this photo?

Oh you're a Million Dollar Extreme loser. RIP

Oh, you're a crazy faggot who thinks he's a woman..

Stop, you life is too rich and fulfilling to waste it on me.

I still find time.



not funny


posts in /r/niggerpeopletwitter


The absolute state of your comments mate

Not funny


I see it sort of like a spectrum.

Yeah, on one end there's male, on other end female, and in the middle - levels of mental retardation, increasing from male to female gradually.

Where does r/drama fall, with all the focus on radical centrism?

Caring about politics is for normies, but to answer your question, personally myself I ironically took a test few week ago, and on that made up compass nobody cares about, I am literally a radical centrist.

Which of course, is not unexpected, as I, the man of culture, have both braincells and feelings all at once, meaning I do realize that there's only two genders, but also able to feel that only the bussy is the best.


I Identify as /u/Ed_Butteredtoast.

I don't see any emojis.

I haven't had the surgery yet.

Check your fucking privilege.

How hard can it be to just put a drill to your temple? You a pussy or something?


Today OP delivered!

Icepick through the occipital should be enough, just really twist it hard

He doesn't identify as Trotsky tho.



Transition is possible, but perhaps you'd prefer a full bottle in front of you.

Is that a reference to a Tom Waits interview?

Yes, but it has earlier attributions.

Imagine we just had unisex bathrooms, and could just not have such issues.

Oh, you and your common sense

not realistic though

big venues need to have urinals to get the massive amounts of drunk dudes in and out and keep things moving

you cant really have urinals in a unisex iwth little girls running around. I mean thats a pedo magnet right there

its just not practical. Now, small places like a small cafe? sure it would work there

The thing is you can't be a pedo in broad daylight. Unless you are german obviously.

France is pretty tolerant of them too. They've been shielding Roman Polanski for years, amoungst others.

Key word is shielding. Pedos need shielding. Whereas hans can fuck his 16 year old cousin.

I'm pretty sure the French have been shielding him from the U.S.

But only rich ones are protected, so PROGRESS!

In American reliving oneself where a kid might be able to see will get you on a list

This is such a fucking American attitude. Dude, a guy can pee without raping a kid, believe it or not.

I have never urinated without raping a child.



👍 👌



pipe bomb goes off


uhaul truck mows down civillians


daughter gets abducted by rape gang


gets stabbed

How about unisex bathrooms, but also ban muslims.

I see a true Radical Atlanic position here.


better run my life centered around these things which have a .05% chance of happening to me

Well mathematically with your estimation of .05% of a chance of that you'll get blowed up you will statistically get blowed up at least once in the next 6 years.

Not to mention your estimation of .05% is increasing as you import more people from "Asia".

chance over your entire life time, retard

also i just made the number up but who cares

Where do you live? Places like London and Paris have changed ethnically so much in the past 10 years, it's really kind of fucked up.

gets stabbed

oi, how did you a knoife without your knoife loicense

This is such a fucking American attitude.

This is such a pedophile attitude.

You impregnated your body pillow? Bold move

haha seriously, people defending unisex bathrooms in public places are delusional

little girls shouldn't be in the same places as massive amounts of drunk dudes in the first place.

they call them pride parades. It's how the degenerates celebrate.

a guy can pee without raping a kid

But wo...


A lot of places in bigger cities are implementing unisex bathrooms and it doesn't seem to be causing any problems. If it's a club or a busy family restaurant then that's one thing but otherwise it isn't an issue. In most cases there are just a bunch of small stalls with a toilet or urinal that you can access in an area that's somewhat separated from the rest of the space but not closed in.

Keeping things the way they are isn't causing any problems either tho

yeah, that's why i don't get why there's a debate. it should be a non-issue regardless of whether bathrooms are unisex or not.

I can't say I've ever experienced it IRL so I can't tell if it's overblown or not but I honestly don't understand why such a tiny segment of society has so much power. They would be completely irrelevant if people just ignored them


Look I'm not saying they deserve it, but people have being trying whack the jews for like 5000 years, there's prolly a good reason for it

i'm willing to join the cause of ignoring trans people forever

who's with me

Social media gives the loudest people the most power and '''''intersectionality''''''''' makes it worse

To be fair, as I recall, it wasn't trans people who were looking for regulation in the beginning.

it is now apparently with this whole trans thing

you cant really have urinals in a unisex iwth little girls running around. I mean thats a pedo magnet right there

Little boys can be victims of pedos too

amen i would hide in the stalls all day and record audio of cute girls farting and pooping

this, but unironically.

You could just hide in the women's room and record. It's not like there's a Y chromosome detector or anything.

tried that, got caught on the manager's hidden camera and he banned me from the store

What a cockblocker. :p

I'm willing to bet that single-occupancy bathrooms will be incorporated into building codes of the future like ADA accessibility ramps were.

Ugh, I hate the unisex bathroom argument. Just going to copy and paste what I wrote on another post about it:

Shit no, as someone who had to clean restrooms, womens restrooms are always worse than mens (ask anybody who has to clean both, they all say the same thing). Everything from female hygiene products thrown everywhere (including clogging the toilet), to blood on the wall and the sink filled with hair. Mens bathrooms are relatively clean by comparison (exceptions do apply), guys go in, we piss/shit, wash our hands, and leave. On top of that, women take longer than men in the restroom. Just go to a busy event and you will see a line for the womens bathroom, but not usually the mens. So no, keep them separated.

I also forgot to add that women go in the restrooms in groups for some reason, and won't leave till everyone gets done with whatever they are doing for some reason. Men get in and get out. Throwing everyone together is just going to make a huge mess.

At my old school, they had to lock the girl's bathroom because some retards kept clogging the toilets with tampons and for some reason plastic bags. The age range of the students was mostly 17-mid 20s.

Now when a girl wants to use the bathroom she has to go to the front desk, sign her name, get the key, then return it afterwords. Only one person is allowed in the bathroom at a time.

Meanwhile, guys can still walk in and out of their bathroom as normal and there are no problems in there.

Have they claimed sexisn yet?

I don't think most of the students even understand what that means. A lot of them are stoners who just hang out with their friends instead of going to class.



/u/pizzashill, don’t give up. You’ve started something real and meaningful. The fire rises!

beta uprising NOW

The 'tism rises!


He’s softened his stance on the femoid menace. I’m devastated. 😭

You clean toilets for a living? My god, the absolute state of Drama commenters

So, no argument, just a pass by insult.

My god, the absolute state of Drama commenters

Do you even see the irony of what you wrote?

I’m not serious posting for and your filthy toilet cleaning hands. Ew, gross

Ok, mr or mrs two month old puppet account.

You think I’m coming for over your unisex toilet comments? Sweaty, I’m coming for you because you are a poor menial loser who cleans toilets and I didn’t need to read this, in this place on this day. Do you put that fact on your Plenty O’Fish bio? Keep you sad life to yourself.

Ok puppet.

You don't periodically shed your accounts? Sweaty, if I was you I would delete this account pronto, before everyone comes to know you as the shit-smudge whisperer.


You know, only old fucks who try to pretend to be young online say this. Your showing your age gramps.

How old are you and you are cleaning toilets? Its a job a for crashed out ex-junkies and immigrants. Go work in a bar like a normal person.

OMG you care about downvotes? The absolute state of you. No wonder you are stuck polishing shit of stained porcelain.


someone has to do it, retard


ur mom

Why does society even need to accommodate what is less tham 1% of the population.

That would be an argument if there was a reason for separate bathrooms in the first place. But there isn't.

There doesn't need to logic in this man. Most societies separate bathrooms and hygiene areas on some level. I mean good luck changing that if you want just don't expect everyone to agree with you.

Most societies separate bathrooms and hygiene areas on some level.

Yea, historically. Because most - no, ALL - societies didn't have gender equality. But now we do, so it makes sense not to separate anymore.

Nigga if society ran on pure sense and logic it would be perfect. Let me tell you most people not "logical" not even nerds like Ben Shapiro who try to portray themselves as saints of logic.

If we live purely by logic we wouldn't half the shit we do. We wouldn't even have this sub because logically this sub and most reddit subs are a waste of time.

Why do you think we have a constitution, because we can't trust "logic" to take care of everything and expect society to be 100% nice.

And that's not even dealing with the fact that "logic" can be two different things for different people. And also lots of fucked up shit would be "logical" depending on how you phrase it.

Like the other comments, how many open urinals in your coed bathroom?

You would just have a urinal room, and devote the rest to unisex stalls

So a separate room for urinals? Sounds kinda like what men's and women's restrooms already do you retard

No really.

It's backwards to have an extra wall between unisex stalls and men's urinals

How retarded are you?

Just curious.

I guess both genders having enough privacy from eachother is inequal and males force women to pee where they can't see them is sexist.

Because shitting in a closed and not-see-through stall next to a woman is less private than shitting in the exact same stall next to a man.

At least I can wash my hands instantly as guys barely ever wash them actually just fucking wash them and go, I'd assume women just fucking stare at the mirror for 15mins till they realize that they still are just as ugly as they were before the shitting session.

There is a reason, it's that women don't want to be in there with men.

we should just be segregating society as a whole, tbh


But there is.

For example, women don't have dicks and can't even use urinals males can.

And not like you'll design an urinal that can be used by both, like, how would it even work? Everyone with no privacy standing in shitting position instead or just going to sit on the toilet?

But if we all just go sit on the toilet, it is just waste of time, and not as convenient as urinals. But there are problems.

For example, women don't have dicks and can't even use urinals males can.

Or we just put walls around the toilets in the bathrooms. This whole debate pretends there is an inherent invasion of privacy when you use a public restroom, and that bad actors need to be kept out of that invasion. I use the public shit-stalls to do my meditating, for fuck's sake. If somebody sees my genitals in a stall, they're probably breaking a law that already exists.

Yea that is the other thing. Like, that issue would actually BE an issue if we had open shitting rows like in Ancient Rome. But it's all separate anyways!

I always wondered how the hell anybody expected a bathroom law to be enforced. Ya gonna put guards in the bathrooms, have them say "Show me your vagina!" when they walk in? No? So... it's not enforceable? So it's a completely worthless debate?


open shitting rows like in Ancient Rome.

the Woahmans had designated shitting toes?

Or we just put walls around the toilets in the bathrooms.

Or we do nothing at all, leave things as they are, and quit caving on bullshit hysteria presented by millennials who spend their days creating problems to blame everyone else for?

Is the public restroom situation in America suddenly untenable? No. Do we need to fix what isn't broken? No.

The joke was that we already have walls around the toilets.

There ain't walls around urinals.

Women's bathrooms are way more disgusting than men's. We need to teach women not to hover.

No, we need to "teach" (lol) people to clean up their mess.

Trannies are rare enough that it should be an individual ad hoc thing depending on the situation.

Trying to legislate fuckin' bathrooms just made everyone hate them.


i identify as a rapist

We all know you do

Gender roles/norms and gender identity are different, tho. You're totally right in that this 303482304802 genders, 'non-binary', etc. shit is complete bullshit that puts huge amounts of weight on gender roles/norms, but gender identity as defined in psychology and psychiatry is the inherent, low-level feeling of being male or female. The feeling of being in the wrong body and being expected to adopt the wrong norms/roles is the issue for people who are actually trans. The hysteria over and pop culture obsession with all things gender has muddied the waters to the point that nobody actually seems to know what gender identity actually is and that transgender people essentially have a brain condition, and most gendertrenders are playing deeply into gender stereotypes, but for actual transpeople who suffer from dysphoria the issue runs much deeper than superficial trappings.

but gender identity as defined in psychology and psychiatry is the inherent, low-level feeling of being male or female. The feeling of being in the wrong body and being expected to adopt the wrong norms/roles is the issue for people who are actually trans.

I understand that, and I'm fully supportive of people with genuine gender dysphoria, in any way they want to deal with it. From therapy to full transition, to any instance in between. Still, I would expect them to understand how their outer reality is going to be perceived, especially in light of transtrenders essentially making a mockery of gender identity. It sounds like I'm asking them to self-censor, but I'm not. Just pointing out that it's a tricky social scene.

When Milo outed Adelaide Kramer, I felt (and still do) that it was the ultimate dick move, and it's the exact moment I lost all sympathy for him.

But Kramer, at the time, presented as male, but expected to be allowed to use the female locker rooms, showers included.Expecting an automatic adjustment of the 99.97% of the population who aren't trans is a big ask, so when people like Clymer pull a stunt like the one we're talking about, it feels just like that, a stunt. It doesn't help that I doubt Clymer's sincerity, based on their behavior as Charles.

Milo did not out Adelaide Kramer. He was absolutely a dick to her, but she outed herself. The picture Milo used and made fun of was a screen shot from a television news report about the incident.

the inherent, low-level feeling of being male or female. The feeling of being in the wrong body and being expected to adopt the wrong norms/roles is the issue for people who are actually trans.

Fake, and gay.

I think this is a situation that won't get solved until gender dysphoria can be clinically defined on a neurological basis.

It already can, for corpses.

Testing while they're still alive is what they need. Oh, and getting rid of the "but I feel that way, I don't need a test" attitude.

Can they really? Last I heard they could only do it for homosexuals, but trans were inconclusive at best. Would love a link if you had one

The Zhou 1995 study was on autopsies, and found strong results for trans differences, regardless of homosexuality and regardless of artificial hormones.

There's also a lot of studies of MRI differences, but it's unclear how much they represent a persistent thing - e.g. you can get a different MRI scan just by changing the decorations on the walls.

They can out homosexuals after death?

But we've passed that point, conformed consent is a thing now, and anyone who wants titty skittles can get them almost no questions asked. A medical doctor gave them to Chris Chan for god's sake

if that were the criteria for defining or solving a neurological and/or psychological issue then mental healthcare would be in a much worse state than it already is. In general mental health issues are poorly understood even in a field where most things are poorly understood (medical science)

If there's only two genders, then why the pronouns are "he", "she" and "fucking mental"?

The feeling of being in the wrong body and being expected to adopt the wrong norms/roles is the issue for people who are actually trans.

So you are saying gender roles are biologically defined

No...do they not teach anything about gene x environment interaction in high school?

who cares though?

like i dont give a shit who is shitting in the stall next to me, if it's a man or woman who fuckin cares. if it makes them comfortable to use one bathroom or the other, i don't give a fuck.

I don't care. But pretending that no one should or will is disingenuous and doesn't achieve anything.

What do you expect?

Free publicity and a payout preferably.

You would think SJWs, who rail against the very idea of gender roles

Feminists generally do. Transsexuals generally don't.

I think public toilets should be unisex.


what do you expect?

For everyone to be forced to feed their delusions or face legal consequences.

if a woman cant pass as a woman she cant use the womans bathroom?

In the present social climate in the US, what do you think would happen to Cletus' restaurant if he tries to stop a biological woman from entering a restroom?

Just as we shouldn't give in the moral panic of "the trannies are coming in to look at your stretched out cooch!", we also shouldn't pretend trans women are being stopped en masse, to the point where biological females are getting caught up in it.

And Clymer could have been left alone with an updated license, but didn't see fit to get one. Makeup and nails? Yes! A license that legally states you're a woman? lol that's like $30 homie!

you should post this to politics instead of my mail and maybe doc brownBernie Sanders would be President


what do you expect?

What the dominant culture tells them to expect: acceptance.

If you don't pass, and in fact are effectively a biological male in a dress, with no medical transitioning taking place, what do you expect?


who rail against the very idea of gender roles

That's not how it works, they hate or support it based on what works for the moment.

Solid rules like "gender roles bad" have been obsolete since intersectionality took off ~7 years ago because they don't gel with things like Islam.

Dude is making no effort to pass.


Poorly applied lipstick does not a woman make.

Did you just fucking assume gender?


You said it, brother.

The drag queen on our sidebar passes better tbh

why does it talk out the side of its face like that

Because xe is bullshitting and lying about being trans. They are just finding a new way to cross women's boundaries.

that parts obvious but i mean whats wrong with xer cock holster

Damn, I dunno, an affectation, habit or jaw problem? It's weird as fuck, I hadn't really noticed it before.

They bear a striking resemblance to Ted Cruz.


You mean the Zodiac?

lmfao, that's supposed to be a woman huh

He's not even trying. When a trans women doesn't even try to tame xir eyebrows, I'm ready to call bullshit.

It does seem a bit suspicious. I'm not saying there's one way to be trans, but there might logically be some people who identify as trans who actually aren't, in order to gain some perceived societal benefit.

Independently of the quality of the make up, it's a good video

I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Wow, look at the male feminist who is so insecure that he puts "PhD in Physics" right in his username.

And why exactly are we supposed to think that a thorough knowledge of physics gives someone any insight into the moral calculus of bathroom traps?

I was really hoping that this was the Charlotte I know. Same kind of story, except they bring mentally ill/homeless women back to their apartment to drug and gangrape after claiming to be a safe space for all 31 flavors of gender.

You can't just drop that bomb without some links/elaboration.

There's actually not too much I can divulge here publicly because I believe there might be a criminal investigation ongoing and he might be able to piece together who I am from my user history. I'm pretty sure that either I or others spooked him into nuking his Twitter account because of how much I know, although unfortunately he still finds work as a freelance programmer as it doesn't seem like it's gone fully public yet in a way that'd blacklist him. Kiwifarms did a small entry on him.

He's actually pretty fortunate that I protected him from being murdered by one of his victims in revenge. Not that I care about him or anything, it's just that I didn't want her to go to prison.

Anarcho-communist polyamorous autogynephile guy with autism who identifies as non-binary or a woman depending on how he's feeling. Used to run a transgender podcast. Posted a (or still contributes under a different name) a lot of bog standard lefty stuff to Woke Twitter, which he exploited to make people feel safer around him.



Nah, another Redditor. Has never been involved in any on-site drama before.

Story time!

this virtue signaling is turning into crabs in a bucket. it's a beautiful thing

male feminist

abuses women

pick both

[[Fandral Staghelm]]

twitter is full of mouthbreathers

Self immolation when

I thought we had one of those this week?

When suicide gets media attention, copycats soon follow.


When you are garbage.

Did anyone else see the pics of that gaping hole of rotting flesh on Chris Chan's perineum? I lost track of him ever since he "transitioned" and that seeing that shit was disgusting.

I did, please don’t remind me

I used to like the guy. A humble man on his love quest; fighting the good fight against trolls & homos, and assburgers.

Now he's identical to any other mentally ill person. A bit more autistic; sure. But it's not the same.

Let us never speak of it again

lol trannies

this story just seems a bit off to me. while i’ve never been to this restaurant, since it’s a shitty chain tourist trap, i go and have gone to a ton of places in dc. never once have i seen any place ID people to go to the bathroom. sure, some places have bathroom attendants, but it’s usually just some lady sitting there chatting next to a selection of shitty perfume, tampons, and a box of kleenex at a club.

it’s also rather convenient this person works for the HRC. my friend recently applied there, and they do ask if you identify as any of the lbqt etc etc things as part of the employment process.

that being said, any bathroom attendant or security skews heavily black. while that may have not been the case, i’m sure if it was a white male who was carding people trying to pee, that would have been mentioned. and hey, according to pew research, something like 50% of black americans are homophobic.

if this all did happened, i suppose the white male who makes no effort to even try to pass won this oppression olympics. also, given their male feminist background and the lack of effort to pass, i wouldn’t be surprised if they just claim trans to have gotten a job at the HRC.

This story is definitely way too stupid and absurd to inform anybody's opinion about anything whatsoever.

I am guessing they have security at the door just to keep the peace. They saw this guy wearing lipstick try to go into the womans room, and tried to stop it. Looking at the twitter post up above, it is literally some man wearing lipstick and makeup.

Be tranny

Defend illegal immigrants, #resist trump at every turn.

Go to Hispanic club to celebrate and blow off steam.

Act fucking shocked when Hispanics think you're an ugly freak and don't want you around.

Like pottery. These people put the reeeee in maricón.


Da me está bussy, hermanx.



What did you expect from Bowser... Where's Mario when you need him?!

I want to round up all unironic political pushing twitter posters, and just let my mg42 just overheat and ruin the barrel after mag dumping

In CoD ww2, that is

Twitter is probably the only platform more worthless than Reddit.

u/kaitecharm found your soulmate :3


Can you imagine spending your Sunday night arguing about whether or not some dude can use a bathroom? The solution is clear as a pizza. Ban transgenderism and anyone who is trans should be executed publicly. Its what the big man up stairs would want.

I wonder when they whole Tranny trend is going to blow over.

You can't make this up!

I had the same thought. Charlotte's narratives follow similar plots. In the Lyft drama, she just happened to be sharing a Lyft with two total strangers who supported her when the Lyft driver was rude and she was overwhelmed by their love and subsequently made financial contributions to their respective non profit employers.

Take it easy on the "tranny", OP. damn.


Don't kinkshame me.


Fuck off faggot














The dipshit mods there are banning anyone who points out that this person DOES NOT pass. I'm so fucking sick of trans shit. Use some fucking common sense, if you look like a girl people will gladly treat you like your perferred gender, be mad at people who want to check under the hood and ban you from bathrooms, that shit is bad. However, if you look like a man in a dress to the point where clearly people will question that you identify as a woman then sorry, but asking people to treat you as something you clearly are not is not sign of any kind of bigotry on their part. Fucking hate this shit

Can you be any more transphobic though

You are demanding to dictate reality to people

This is why we need a clearer definition of transgenderism. Otherwise you have people who say they "feel" like being a woman or a man day to day, which is arguably a bit sexist.

The restaurant is eating crow.


Related article from 2014 about the original drama:

I bet ({Charles}) doesn't even have gender dysphoria and it's just a tactic to distance himself from his previous identity.

Mayor Bowser’s twitter profile has the Ted Cruz down pat.

Holy shit...this gave me a headache. It's seriously a SJW clusterfuck.

It's like poetry. Just like pedos and star trek, FBI should look into rape and male feminism

Nah, you're just bad at reading.

You cannot force any business to cater to any specific group. They are a private business.

DC law requires that businesses allow individuals to use restrooms that align with their gender identity. Regardless of whether or not you agree, it's City law.

Oh fuck

When will trannies learn

I take any gender bathrooms anytime, especially if there is urgency. Is this really an issue in US? I never got so much as even a comment when I was in woman's bathroom.

This dude reminds of this dude they are basically crossdressers that make no effort whats so ever to pass and claim to be trans to score oppression points/opressionbucks.

There are no chicks with dicks, just guys with tits.


Only bathrooms outside of homes is this an issue. Every other bathroom is fucking unisex. Wish people would grow up.