Chapo finally finishing the transition into full on tankiedom with some bonus unironic Kim is the greatest leader in the world, but some Chapos push back

110  2018-06-25 by ToughScientist



Starve a million of my own kin.

Spend ten racks on a nuke gang

My bih tortured inhumane

Not really on topic but it's r/drama so fuck it....


Unban the Milton Friedman LARPer. He was hilarious.

Agreed. That account was/is all kinds of nuts and hilarious. He was unfortunately banned on r/neoliberal as well.

What was the username

MiltonFriedman or something like that

I've an alternate history (work in progress) where Kruschev won the Cuban Missile Crisis, and was succeeded by Kosygin in 1970. Meanwhile Mao was topped by Lin in 1968, the Sino-Soviet Split us avoided and Nixon never "opens up" China. Both countries go down a more socially liberalising path, winding up with broadly market socialist/extensive social democracies by the 1990's.

So the American (and generally western) economy has stagnated with no access to Chinese slave labour, and the country just worsens with poor labour, economic, and racial relations. Extensive dirty wars in Latin America to try and prop up American production helps to bleed the country.

President Colin Powell plays Gorbachev in this scenario.

Actual tankie fanfic

Capefags but worse

At least there aren't any superheroes who are worthless fat sacks of shit like Brezhnev.

Hey now. Have you seen how many medals Brezhnev had? That dude was Olympian.

Jesus that's... That's just sad. I mean JFK gave up or armaments in Turkey and the Ruskies were all "you what now where now?" There was no way the Soviets got outta the situation without severe egg-on-face-incitious

Chinese slave labour

There's nothing the left loves more than denying PoC any agency. A nation of a billion people rises out of poverty and misery? The whites must have forced them to!


Of course this is the work of some smug, complacent Commonwealth neet.


Cecil Rhodes did nothing wrong

Well the workers there are treated pretty horrifically. When you need literal suicide nets outside of places something is pretty fucked

well it's bad now, but it's way easier to blame that on china being a (productive) shithole than anything else

No they're not, those jobs are much better than their previous prospects.

Possibly however they way they went is not the only way that could have led to prosperity. Nonetheless I want to reiterate if your job has suicide nets something is definitely fucky

For a developing country it doesn't matter if it's not the only way, compared to the rest of the jobs the pay and conditions are much better. Stuff we see as slave like jobs are widely sought after.

I think it's worth pointing out that while the worst manufacturing jobs can be suicide provoking, a vast majority of Chinese industrial jobs aren't that bad, and are far preferable to slightly above subsistence agriculture.

Yes the fucky part is you basing your entire view of chinese working life on the craziest stories to come out of the country. You know, the ones wacky enough to make the news in western countries.

Let me guess, you also believe the ridiculous internet rumors that chinese drivers will intentionally finish off a person if they accidentally run them over?

I mean it's true tho

Yeah and you know in america you're constantly surrounded by gunfire. I had to dodge six bullets on my way to work this morning. It's practically a war zone.

You know it's true because the most extreme and crazy news stories can be easily extrapolated to form a whole picture of the society.

Lol the suicide nets are true tho

To be fair, they also have those at Cornell University

Suicide in those factories wasn't actually higher than the reset of the country, and in addition suicide has been trending downward in China.

The slave labor in China thing is what gets me the most about the left's trade policies.

Like, they claim to be for "workers rights," yet simultaneously criticize any attempts to reduce our reliance on the factories in China by saying that it's better than nothing for those workers (who would be unemployed without the west). It's completely disgusting cognitive dissonance on their part. The modern system of outsourcing American and European labor to China because it's cheaper there is just a way by which large companies are able to sidestep and ignore labor regulations, yet people on the left will still go out and buy shit from those same companies like Apple or Walmart.

Everyone should be for getting rid of our reliance on China. The right is certainly for it already, to bring jobs back to the US and Europe and to repair the crumbling industry. And the left ought to be, because workers have much better protections in the US and Europe. Plus, y'know, child labor and slave labor is already banned.

So the American (and generally western) economy has stagnated with no access to Chinese slave labour

/u/KapiTod, why would the US collapse if China didn't open up its economy?

/u/KapiTod if you're talking about winning the Cuban Missile Crisis then I feel like you're missing the point. Nuclear brinkmanship power games aren't really things that are won or lost as nation's, they're ultimately things that we collectively lose as humans. Charred corpses don't care very much about economic systems.

It's "winning" the crisis, Kennedy blinks first, not an actual fucking shooting conflict.

The Soviets win in the same way Kennedy won in our world, they just get offered concessions first.

You realize Khrushchev fucked up so badly that even the French were some of the the first people to support us right?! The world opinion was decidedly in favor of the United States. If you actually want to learn about the Cuban Missile crisis besides meme tier tankie level understanding, there's a good segment on fog of war where McNamara talks about how close we came to war.

Trusting Robert McNamara as an unbiased source is some next level rofl at ur brain shit homie

He was pretty much in the thick of the Cuban Missile crisis. Your automatic dismissal of important players in events is some typical conspirtard "enlightened"tm bullshit.

You realize that both sides “got” something out of the Cuban Missile crisis right? Like yea the US forced the USSR to tear its missiles in Cuba down, but the USSR also forced the US to tear its missiles in Turkey down.

Do you expect commie retards to know any economics? Trade & Exports/Imports as percentage of the U.S GDP is lower than many other nations meaning... much of our growth is dependent on our large internal market and not internal trade like in small open economies like Sweden, Singapore or the Netherlands. Like without China we'd probably slightly poorer but not by much.

No where to shift production to, no where large enough to match American and global demand anyway.

Ahh yes, of course, of course.

I just have a quick additional question.

The US imports $500 billion of goods from China, coming to roughly $2 per person. Assuming the US does not import from China, and does not make any attempt to find a substitute, how does this loss of $2 create a stagnant economy?

The fuck? How does the loss of 500 billion in trade not tank an economy?

Anyway I think you misunderstood the scenario somewhat. This is not Chinese trade disappearing tomorrow, this is the American economy in the late 60's, which is already entering a production slump, being unable to adapt as they cannot access a growing market. An economy already sluggish remains so and doesn't improve. Does that make sense to you?

Your understanding of our economic history is shit tier. Our problems in the late sixities were high inflation, driven by budget deficits, this combined with the Nixon price shock caused stagflation throughout the 70's.... Do you know the fucking basics of economic growth??? In advanced economies it's largely by productivity and advancing the technological frontier, something that the United States is pretty good at.

Losing $500 billion is trivial if your economy is $18 trillion

That's 4% of our economy lol. So we'd have 96% left. It's more complicated than that and the economy would probably be 10-15% less than it is now, but we were vastly ahead of the Soviets anyway and China did not bring us out of the malaise of the 70s

Wouldn't $500 billion be $2,000 per person, not $2?

Don't bother asking, as he said he's "bad at economics".

Explain to me how that money would just be lost instead of shifted or partially gained somewhere else?

Gg I'm retarded

/r/drama math

No where to shift production to, no where large enough to match American and global demand anyway

Lmao, you stupid economic illiterate. America is largely sustained by it's large internal market, it's far less dependent on international trade than small open economics for it's standard of living. It has Hugh natural advantages in capital and skilled labor plus endogenous technological growth and productive capacity,

It wouldn't but you wouldn't have been able to buy smart phones or graphics cards in such low prices. So we would be rid of both selfie thots and gamers. A huge win IMO.

Nah, people would just spend more and more people would have Androids

It's socdem fanfiction, there's nothing tankie about it

It was more a thought/writing experiment. Come up with an idea, explore it, research it, try to make sure it keeps making sense. That sorta shit

I'm an anarchist myself anyway.

Lol at least they accept that they’re a socdem.


Mao was topped by Lin

Sounds hot.

It's fun to pretend that the soviet economy wouldn't have stagnated like it did or that they wouldn't have invaded Afghanistan

Absolutely Degenerate.

Although, we all know, its never in progress past those two paragraphs that tankie posted in chapo stink shack

Thinking the Soviets could have won the cold war is the same level of historical literacy as thinking Germany could have won WWII

I can't be the only person on /r/drama who enjoys the Chapo podcast, right?

If my only exposure to Chapo was their subreddit, I would probably never have checked them out.

its solid if youre the sort of fag who listens to podcasts. cumtown is better tho

I can't tell if you are insulting him or recruiting.

both, duh

podcasts are for fags.

Except they are dirty neckbeards so it's like listening to ink Ratt and not looking at them.

3 smelly wypipo

no thanks

Comedy Bang Bang?

Wait, they love Kim just like the DDF does now too?

Horseshoe theory confirmed.

Kim has a 78% approval rating in South Korea

u/ALT_LEFTIST How white and cut off from the rest of the world do you have to be to imagine this?

I guess if you don’t trust Gallop polls

I trust my Korean friends. Which I have, because my social contact isn't limited to child communists on reddit.

The fuck you mean you don't get your news from 16 year old white people on CTH smh

Yet you subcribe

That’s propaganda, clearly.

You were proven a liar in Chapo immediately after...

I wonder are cth mods real are worse than most other ones, or where they "blackmailed".

That got me from 6 straight to 12

Lol he is fucking linking your comment and complaint about it what a pussy.


in /u/shitpost953 s defense We do need some of them. They might be teenagers LARPing the REEEvolution but they are still willing to do battle with Incels GamerGaters and MDEfugees which makes them not useless.

True..and they point out..."uhh you hate socialists" - well actually you might be suprised.....

"Uhh you hate commies" - i dislike american commies yes, because they tend to be hypocrites and have a lot of tankies among them

"Uhh, you hate tankies" - yes, yes I do, with all my black, ice cold hearth, but I try to make my comments on reddit as civil as I can, now imagine me and my pals actually meeting american tankies irl.

me and my pals actually meeting american tankies irl.

Well they don't leave there parents houses so it is kind of hard to imagine that

Solution - break into said houses!

Gonna have to create a paypal for's a long road to the to...I mean to 'Murica.

Also LOL those gigantic pussies on the " dirt bag left" reported my meanie comment and got me 3 day banned from reddit.

"We're hardcore as punk" Green Day.

no u

If my ping is against pinging rules you could remove it bby😘

"leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around"

PK loves us enough to comment on 11h threads😍

Sidebar when?!?

Also, if my ping is againt the rules you can remove it, I'll still like U bby😘

u/ALT_LEFTIST Why do you want Kim's dick so badly?

Because he unironically is a bootlicker.

He’s cute and kills bourgeoisie

But what about him snuggling up to Trump?

Diplomacy isn’t “snuggling up”

Well if Trump is leading the charge for the alt right then why are you okay with Kim agreeing to denuclearization and other things? Wouldn't that be giving in to a fascist? Genuinely curious here. Or do you think Trump isn't that bad?

Denuclearization has always been the DRPK’s position. The DPRK has its own demands. If there ends up being some kind of deal that weakens the US’s imperialism on the peninsula that’s a win for them and the Korean people. I don’t know if there’ll even be a deal at this point (trump just renewed the sanctions for another year) and if there is a deal I imagine it’ll be broken (ie libya, Iran etc etc). The DPRK is a rational actor and they’ll do what they think is best for their people.

Damn I wish I was the commited to anything

Commit to proofreading your sentences you retard.

Man I wish I cared what r/drama regulars thought of me

The “defector” was literally wanted for murder

So execution is totes ok in your communist utopia?


When you’ve clearly never read Marx

killing reactionaries, counterrevolutionaries and violent criminals is good and necessary in socialist countries threatened by imperialism

Ok so you are fine with villages lynching the local scapegoat?

of course, the logic flows through and a communist would never endorse a double standard.

Tell us about the kulaks.

Why do they own the land?

A lot of loyalty for a hired farmer!

Killing is bad*. Can't believe this is considered a hot take by some people in 2K fucking 18

*exceptions will be made for the mayocide

Killing kikes, counterrevolutionaries and degenerates is good and necessary in fascist countries threatened by judaism.

/u/Alt_Leftist, can you explain to me how you're ideologically different than a Holocaust denier? Because I honestly see no difference.

North Korea and rational in the same sentence. Well I'd never!

Cut and "and their people" and that sentence becomes quite accurate. The Kim dynasty didn't outlast the Soviet Union by decades by being psychologically unhinged, just brutal and lacking any regard whatsoever for the welfare of others.

"Blood in, blood out ese."

If there ends up being some kind of deal that weakens the US’s imperialism on the peninsula that’s a win for them and the Korean people.

damn US, how dare they turn South Korea to one of the best places to live in the world

You're the type of person who needs a dunce cap permanently glued to your heard so that you do not bother anyone with your retarded and stupid ideas.

Denuclearization has always been the DRPK’s position.

You could tell that by the way they vigorously built nuclear weapons and prepared to scatter them in road-mobile TELs.

We're at 100% horseshoe level now.

He only kills his citizens

being anti imperialist

sucking authoritarian cock, never even mentions north sentinel island


how old are you and what do you do for a living I got to know lol

the only people he kills are his own you mediocre idiot

This people need to be agent oranged.
Robert "with Rolling Thunder, we'll stop their plunder" McNamara bomb them again.

General Westmoreland do it again!

Robert "No Chieu Hoi for those schoolboys" McNamara

Robert "putting draft evaders in Skyraiders" McNamara

Robert "two Linebackers weren't enough" McNamara

Robert "We'll beat the Tet you can bet" McNamara

Robert "Gooks come out, do a body count" McNamara

Robert "total pwnage through agent orange" McNamara

McNamara was an incompetent, numbers obsessed autist in the Vietnam war though. Fuck that guy.

That agent of orange's name? Drumpf


would you lick Kim’s boot if he asked?

He would, he is after all a professional bootlicker, wouldn't offer his life for the reeeeevolution though.

Lol honestly fuck you. Anticommunist social democracy does it again! Just go ahead and fucking ban me. As the “anti-tankie” “left” slowly but surely gives into the anti-Russia war propaganda on the grounds that “well really, Putin, Assad, Juche, Iran, Cuba, America, the Soviet Union are all equally bad...” and devolves into liberal both-sidesism, I hope you remember that you’re responsible for helping axe a principled commitment to anti-US imperialism. I was never being ironic, fuck you and fuck this sub. You idiots have made me like Stalin more (who I literally think is bad) because I realize now he was essentially right about social fascism.


I'll see if I can dig it up, but it's from the OP of the linked thread when a bunch of the tankies got banned(including ALT_LEFTIST, the guy from the second link who recently got unbanned).


/u/ALT_LEFTIST Why would someone that wants a stateless, classless society dickride a totalitarian ultranationalist monarchy that has created a new hereditary caste system for citizens based on the political opinions and jobs held by their distant ancestors?

These people unironically think the US is the worst place in the world, so anyone that opposes it must be the greatest, even if it's from the worst country to be in right now in the world.

I've an alternate history (work in progress) where Kruschev won the Cuban Missile Crisis, and was succeeded by Kosygin in 1970. Meanwhile Mao was topped by Lin in 1968, the Sino-Soviet Split us avoided and Nixon never "opens up" China. Both countries go down a more socially liberalising path, winding up with broadly market socialist/extensive social democracies by the 1990's.

So the American (and generally western) economy has stagnated with no access to Chinese slave labour, and the country just worsens with poor labour, economic, and racial relations. Extensive dirty wars in Latin America to try and prop up American production helps to bleed the country.

President Colin Powell plays Gorbachev in this scenario

Imagine being this desperate to live out your commie fantasy

If the Western economy had stagnated that bad in the 1970s, there would have been nobody to buy Soviet gas and extend the putrefaction of the communist bloc for another 5-10 years.

Seriously... like do these people learn anything about the international political economy? The soviet shit tier economy was saved by the dumb luck of finding oil, and a parasitic relationship with the west. Unlike Deng's largely agricultural China (who just had to ease up the boot's on the peasants and create some sort of market) the highly industrialized USSR couldn't just copy and do some type of Deng style reform.

Shh it’s like hoi4 Kaiserreich but tankies

Honestly, that's why I always thought Kaiserreich was retarded, especially the back story, and the 3 way civil war was meme levels of stupid r/badhistory and pretty much bad everything


> I don’t understand what they are.

I'll explain in no uncertain terms what we are: we are laughing at you.


Quality shit posting. Legit impressed. Keep up the good work.

/u/vris92 I have a question ? What happens to the gamer-gaters,Incels and /r/Milliondollarextreme subscribers after the REEEEEEEEEEEEvolution

you get put in jail and you have to read a bunch of books. then you can come out.

You see I like the sound of that but I don't think it quite goes far enough.

okay frankly MDE people probably do just get shot for being actual white supremacists. gamergate/incel people clearly have a lot of problems that can be fixed with education and therapy though if you get them early enough in their development.

MDE people probably do just get shot gamergate/incels ..... can be fixed

Vris you are unironically 33% of the way there. Do you really think that incels/gamergaters can be fixed ? I have never seen anyone change there mind about these things.

if youre trying to get me to admit i want to massacre everyone i dont like then youre gonna leave me disappointed.

i will however give you a kernel so you can leave partially satisfied: i would support the public execution or life imprisonment of everyone holding any responsibility beyond the merely clerical in the departments of homeland security, the department of defense, the state department and probably the department of energy as well as the entire executive and most of the legislative branches of the federal government.

No this is something I actually support. I am unironically down for purging that group of people. I was trying to find some common ground. Incels/Gamergaters and MDE subs are the enemy for anyone who wants humans to be better.

i thought you were one of the guys whos admonished me for advocating revolutionary violence

I was but then I thought about it and remembers that there are people that I wanna kill. I still think trying to fight a revolution without any solders is extremely dumb though.

i dont want to purge people from society, any revolutionary violence is a means to an end. show trials for the monsters destroying the planet and oppressing the people are a means to crushing reactionary forces and establishing the power of the dictatorship of the proletariat.

the reason i'd consider just jailing everyone with alt-right connections right off the bat isn't because i want to purge undesirables, its because they're class enemies and will do everything in their power to undermine the class power of the workers. its purely tactical. i dont think theres much propaganda value for executing petty internet reactionaries (except of course for big names like weev, heimbach, spencer and anglin) so a decade of jail time might be enough for some of these people.

vris do yo really think a revolution is going to happen and if it does that the people you want to win will do so. It just seems impossibly unlikely to me. ( My account got 3 day banned because of admin reports )

I think the collapse of the US empire and global financial system is going to happen. whether or not that becomes a revolution is frankly up to us.

You see I really don’t think that is going to happen. Ifit does anything that emerges from the ashes will be worse then what exists now. When that much power is up for grabs only the most vicious are going to come out on top of the brawl.

get vicious instead of tut tutting others for it then

Oh I have absolutely zero qualm gunning down anyone trying to LARP the Chinese revolution I just really don't think it will come to that.

wait youre gonna be on the wrong side then my dude

such as it is I guess

why would you be against a socialist revolution lol

I think your ideas are dumb and will fail and I don't trust you to lead the country as when the /r/CTH revolution happens I have confidence in your ability to ice pick the rest of the mods and take control

im not a mod sadly. but if youre not a socialist i regret starting this conversation with a list of people i think should be jailed or executed lmao

lol I am not going to report your comment as I am not a gigantic pussy.

well you seem open minded enough. i encourage you to read socialist books sometime

Your definitely gonna need soldiers to smash global capital. Your take on soldiers is a really silly considering your objectives.

my take on soldiers is they should leave the army

/u/ALT_LEFTIST why don't you move to North Korea? They are always really happy to get western defectors. They might even let you star in a propaganda film!