Users in /r/shitstatistssay argue over intellectual property

20  2018-06-25 by LordKarmaWhore



You don't have a legal right to revenue you haven't already generated.

Yes I do.

"How hard you labor" has nothing to do with how valuable the market deems the fruits of your labor to be.

Irrelevant. Has to do with how much the market will pay you for your discovery.

If someone copies your idea, you very much still have it and the full use of it, so that idea should not be considered a "property right".

Wrong. I make a computer game. You copy it. You profit off of my intellectual property, my brain child.

Now there are ways that you would be rewarded for "intellectual labor" in a libertarian setting: people crowdsourcing your research, people paying to see you perform, etc.


But "IP" amounts to using the arm of the state

Constitutional goals are to coaster innovation. Hence why IP is protected. State protection for State goals.

to thwart competition

For a limited time

and prevent them from using their labor and physical resources as they see fit,

Yes. Stealing is not promoted in most common societies.

and is anti-libertarian

Libertarian is a meme ideology that died when an idiot got naked at the convention. And is retarded.

Do you fuckheads seriously scroll through 3 month old posts on tiny subreddits looking for amusement? That's adorable.

The fact is that by asserting ownership of an idea you are asserting ownership over my physical property which I can use to replicate that idea. If two parties can make use of an idea simultaneously and independently they are not in conflict concerning the use of that idea and thus the idea is not either's property.

If you make a computer game people who like your game will want to compensate you because they anticipate more work of similar quality from you. I'd never actually pirate your game, but even if I did you're still fully able to sell the game and use it as you wish--and people wouldn't want to compensate an impostor because the impostor won't have the skill to create a quality game like the original creator. Platforms such as Steam already have rigorous anti-piracy measures as part of their platform and they still attract many consumers.

Patreon, Kickstarter, and other such websites already exist and reward content creators to the tune of thousands of dollars a month. Musicians already make the bulk of their income through concerts and selling merchandise when their music is easily pirated. I buy music I like and fund Patreon projects I appreciate. Even if you think this model is sub-optimal it's far from "retarded".

In practice, government-enforced IP laws only make products far more expensive than they ought to be Pharma Bro style, incentivize patent holders to sit on their hands rather than refine their inventions and make new ones, (3D printing has been patented since the 1980s but only has been developed beyond that recently upon expiration of those patents), and even negatively affect culture and history (things like Anne Frank's diary have been locked up in IP prison). Open-source software projects and such easily refute the idea that innovation depends on IP.

And why, if IP is legitimate, does it expire whenever the state says it expire? Real property is yours until you exchange it, and excludable without a state apparatus.

snappy better come correct with the libertarian police force link

Intellectual property, like everything involving either the intellect or property, is disgusting, despicable, and should be done away with.

  • you are a socialist!

  • no, YOU are a socialist !

Ip is bad fight me