r/politics users circlejerk about cutting imaginary family members out of their lives because of how bad the orange man is

140  2018-06-26 by SethRichOrDieTryin


womp womp


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Very brave stance Snappy

How DARE you! How dare you!

/u/gopisbraindead you think it's ok to just ignore bigotry? If you had a spine you would be harassing him day in day out until he repents. Trump supporters can not be allowed to live in a civilised society.

Sorry disowning my father isn't enough for you. Thanks for making me not feel like so much of a zealot, I guess.


His biggest failure wasn't voting it was you.


I want to tell you to kill yourself to get back at him but that's not allowed.

White power I assume?

You don't need to be white to realize you're acting like a fucking moron ROFL

Your father should have swallowed you

That didn't work out too well for Kronos.

Worked for Saturn.

Imagine believing white people are the only ones not retarded enough to not disown family over voting for someone you don't like. That's pretty fucking racist.

Not as much as assuming all white people are white supremacists as you have. Not everyone agrees with your philosophy.

But all white people are white supremacists.

That's is a lot of steps for you to finally just admit what it is you are.

I'm not white though, I'm 1/64th Native American

Really, I thought you might be 100% Scandinavian under bridge dweller.

I like this comeback.

I'm 100% Native American in a sense.

We hate white people here. Besides, only white people do shit like this.

The Mayocide is the only future that matters friendo


You should just put him out of his misery and mercy kill. It’s ok it’s what John Oliver would want.

If you don't inject your father with bleach whilst he's sleeping you're as much of a Nazi as he is.

If I was your father I'd be pretty relieved to have you out of my life tbh

You should kill him and make it look like a suicide. That'll teach him for being a racist white cunt and not voting for Hillary.

You should ensure his bloodline ends with you, thats the only way to stop his lineage of bigotry entirely




oh my, on this day i am blessed

Fox News has done a great job of convincing their supporters that liberals who are outraged by Trump are hysterical crazy people with no understanding of reality.

You don't need fox news to come to this conclusion, you could just spend five minutes on /r/politics

WHO'S DOWNVOTING THE LOLCOW? Whoever it is, better stop, or the mods will have to send them a strongly worded letter where they call them a faggot.

too many eggs, one basket.

The molyneux treatment

I don't know why you think this is imaginary lol. I cut every Trumptard out of my life.

I had a friend I had been close with for 11 years. I blocked him when he said he voted Trump.

Lmao what.

You just admitted that you have no friends irl and that all your "close friends" are on the internet.

Uh what.

You can't block irl friends you mong

You can block them on social media, mong.

letting politics come between personal relationship

I should be surprised, but it's not that surprising coming from a hyper active never-trumper incel who takes reddit this seriously

Why on earth would I want to ever be friends with someone that listened to Donald Trump speak and decided to vote for him?

Because voting doesn't define your entire heart and soul? Because politics isn't the only thing that matters in the universe? Stop trying to virtue signal to the internet, if you stopped being friends with him over something this petty, then you probably didn't like him that much anyway.

Voting for Trump is serious evidence of cognitive problems. I don't want to be friends with people like that.

voting for Trump is serious evidence of cognitive problems

Imagine being so far up your own ass that you think anyone who disagrees with you must be mentally deficient.

No, tons of people disagree with me on many subjects and I don't believe them to be mentally deficient.

Trump is so incompetent, so bat-shit insane, so hilariously devoid of any positive traits that if you find yourself supporting him, you have problems.

Maybe not mental problems, but serious issues with critical thinking.

>tons of people disagree with me

>like literal tons

>but the ones I really don't like must be really st00pid, obviously


What are you even trying to say, retard? I don't like many people, I still don't view them as mentally deficient.

Trumptards are like the only demographic next to tumblr SJWs I view as mentally challenged.

wow I REALLY REALLY hate this group of people. Man, it would be convenient if I projected my own mental deficiency onto 50% of the American population to cope with my obsessive behavior. Oh wait, I can do that!

Autism rates through the roof--why doesn't the Obama administration do something about doctor-inflicted autism. We lose nothing to try.

Tell me more how supporters of this guy aren't retarded.

Wow, you're making ableist jokes instead of an argument? Color me shocked. Pathetic.

The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.

Tell me more how they aren't retarded.

implying all Trump voters believe that

That's like saying all Hilary Clinton supporters believe the people in Benghazi deserved to die

Nice, you just outed yourself as a Benghazi tard. Imagine thinking Benghazi was an actual scandal even after 8 hyper-partisan witch hunts failed to turn any evidence up.

PS: if you support someone that is very clearly retarded, what's that say about you?

They did find evidence, mostly the charred bodies of dead Americans.

>if you support someone that is very clearly retarded, what's that say about you?

Back to the same old spill? Sad, even for you. M-muh trump is mentally impaired and isn't fit for office, h-how does that make you look??

They did find evidence, mostly the charred bodies of dead Americans.

Yeah, because everyone knows attacks on US political targets overseas didn't happen before Killary Clinton was SOT.

Back to the same old spill? Sad, even for you. M-muh trump is mentally impaired and isn't fit for office, h-how does that make you look??


I wouldn't be surprised if his father killed JFK, his son is a serial killer, you know.

If your logic is anything to go by, a lot of people's going to have barren social life after the election, since both of our choices were fucking retarded.

If I can remain friend with people who voted for Clinton, I can still be friend with people who voted for Trump.

Another retard trying to pretend Hillary Clinton was anywhere near as bad as Donald Trump.

More evidence of US cognitive decline.

Hear that /u/Pepperglue? Because you aren't a radical full on never-trumper, you're retarded. Congratulations

Because you aren't a radical full on never-trumper

America, where not voting Trump makes you a radical. 1st world totally normal country lmao, totally normal thing to say 😂😂😂
Is too much body fat making burgers retarded?

How can I ever recover from this?

liberalism is a mental disorder

What did conservatives means by this?

Long live the King!

Reacting this way to someone's vote is a serious sign of mental issues.

When did you last see a therapist /u/Pizzashill?

We're all worried about you.

I wonder if Conservative Germans ran around Weimar saying the same thing about sane people that cut them out over nazi support.

You'd have to be mentally ill, if you were running around Weimar and didn't want any form of change possible. When child prostitution is as common as seeing a newspaper vendor, any other option will seem the better option.

Of course, you're an uneducated American, so you spout historical references that you don't actually understand and have never studied.

The Nazies offered literally no solutions to anything. They ran on nothing other than "everyone else bad we good."

There was absolutely nothing that ever justified supporting the Nazi party.

No, they absolutely had a lot of solutions, and ran on a fairly socialist platform. I'd suggest you go back and actually read some history, read some speeches, read some party programmes and educate yourself instead of spouting shite.

There was absolutely nothing that ever justified supporting the Nazi party.

There absolutely was. That's probably the scariest thing about it. The absolute insanity that was the Weimar era, is just unfathomable. The level of poverty and the horrors that brought onto the general public was devastating. Of course, The Nazi party hardly presented itself as anything remotely close to the horrors they grew into.

Weird, considering no fucking academic or expert on the subject agrees with you, almost as if you're historically illiterate.

From the third reich trilogy, for example:

The Nazi Party had established itself with startling suddenness in September 1930 as a catch-all party of social protest, appealing to a greater or lesser degree to virtually every social group in the land. Even more than the Centre Party, it succeeded in transcending social boundaries and uniting highly disparate social groups on the basis of a common ideology, above all but not exclusively within the Protestant majority community, as no other party in Germany had managed to do before. Already weakened in the aftermath of the inflation, the bourgeois parties, liberal and conservative, proved unable to retain their support in the face of the economic catastrophe that had broken over Germany towards the end of 1929. Middle-class voters, still repelled by the Nazis’ violence and extremism, turned to splinter-groups of the right in even greater numbers than they had already done in 1924 and 1928, increasing their representation in the Reichstag from 20 seats to 55, but substantial numbers also flocked to the Nazi banner in September 1930, joining with members of other social groups, including farmers, various kinds of workers, civil servants, first-time voters (including many women) and voters from older age groups, to expand the Nazi vote massively in a powerful expression of their dissatisfaction, resentment and fear.

In the increasingly desperate situation of 1930, the Nazis managed to project an image of strong, decisive action, dynamism, energy and youth that wholly eluded the propaganda efforts of the other political parties, with the partial exception of the Communists. The cult of leadership which they created around Hitler could not be matched by comparable efforts by other parties to project their leaders as the Bismarcks of the future. All this was achieved through powerful, simple slogans and images, frenetic, manic activity, marches, rallies, demonstrations, speeches, posters, placards and the like, which underlined the Nazis’ claim to be far more than a political party: they were a movement, sweeping up the German people and carrying them unstoppably to a better future. What the Nazis did not offer, however, were concrete solutions to Germany’s problems, least of all in the area where they were most needed, in economy and society. More strikingly still, the public disorder which loomed so large in the minds of the respectable middle classes in 1930, and which the Nazis promised to end through the creation of a tough, authoritarian state, was to a considerable extent of their own making. Many people evidently failed to realize this, blaming the Communists instead, and seeing in the violence of the brown-uniformed Nazi stormtroopers on the streets a justified, or at least understandable reaction to the violence and aggression of the Red Front-Fighters’ League.

Voters were not really looking for anything very concrete from the Nazi Party in 1930. They were, instead, protesting against the failure of the Weimar Republic. Many of them, too, particularly in rural areas, small towns, small workshops, culturally conservative families, older age groups, or the middle-class nationalist political milieu, may have been registering their alienation from the cultural and political modernity for which the Republic stood, despite the modern image which the Nazis projected in many respects. The vagueness of the Nazi programme, its symbolic mixture of old and new, its eclectic, often inconsistent character, to a large extent allowed people to read into it what they wanted to and edit out anything they might have found disturbing. Many middle-class voters coped with Nazi violence and thuggery on the streets by writing it off as the product of excessive youthful ardour and energy. But it was far more than that, as they were soon to discover for themselves.

Weird, considering no academic or expert on the subject agrees with you, almost as if you're historically illiterate.

Nope, plenty of academics agree. I get that you live in an Americanised little bubble, where having your little fee fees challenged is unacceptable, but still. Try actually reading something. Fuck, go take a first year history class. Even that will help you.

From the third reich trilogy, for example:

Hahahahahahahah. You're citing a narrative history book, written without any academic process and aimed at the general public?

You really are off the fucking cliff, aren't you?

It's also an entirely unrelated set of paragraphs, that doesn't address anything I've said.

This is the problem with just bookmarking a bunch of text you don't understand, pizza. You can't have just flinging shit at the wall and hoping something sticks as a primary method of debate. You really are no better than the religious nutjobs you lot have.

Hahahahahahahah. You're citing a narrative history book, written without any academic process and aimed at the general public?

And dismissed. You are a historically illiterate moron with no understanding of this work.

It's a collective insanity that America is suffering from right now imo, it will pass.

I think things are only going downhill from here tbqhwy. This insanity was happening prior to Trump running for office, he just gave them a Daddy figure to rally around.

My brother voted for the Conservatives despite all they did to us during the Troubles, because their policies better suit his life now than the alternatives. I don’t agree with him on it but I understand his reasoning and it doesn’t come between us; it’s just politics.

Basically anyway my point is you are a loser and you shouldn’t shun the few friends you have.

Look at this tard. Fam, I'd cut my own mother out of my life if she voted for Donald Trump.

Something tells me she wishes she’d gone through with the abortion after all.

For her sake, keep yourself safe.

spoilers, she did

Spoilers: she didn't.

she did tho she just didn't want her baby to disown her and move into his dad and stepmom's basement instead


pizzashill's mom 2020

You are literally like, and I don't say this lightly, the most retarded person on Reddit.

literal badge of honor, I must be doing even better than I thought in life to get such an endorsement from the likes of you

The sad part is I know you literally don't have the mental capacity to even know how retarded you are.

Because eventually you'll get to rub their noses in it?

He admited to as much awhile ago during one of his spergouts. Said he didnt need real life friends because he had wow friends or some shit.

I cut every Trumptard out of my life.

You keep getting better and better.


If you haven't caught up with the pizzashill backstory, his family is (to no one's surprise) white trash coal miners. Also his mom was radicalized by KiA or some shit.


True, but I'm not here to verify the authenticity of his saga, only to remember and pass down orally to future generations.

You can pass it down to me orally.

He has done them a great service.


Stop virtue signalling. Who the fuck you kidding? Everyone knows you are adopted and don't have a real family.

Be gone, moid.

I didn't vote for Trump but can we still not be friends?

You're not rid of me

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That seems kinda harsh. A lot of people voted against Hillary in 2016. It's the ones who are still in 2018 sitting alone in their cuckshed waiting for Putin the bull to finish up before they beg Daddy to fulfill his promises who are beyond redemption.

I had a friend I had been close with for 11 years. I blocked him when he said he voted Trump.

Jesus christ. Before I just assumed you only referenced crazy family members you weren't that close to to begin with anyways, this is on a whole different level. The fact you cut him out of your life because he voted for Hillary rather than Trump kind of suggests you guys weren't that close to begin with anyways.

I'm trying to imagine being the kind of person who would announce this level of overpowering autism with pride, but I think it's just too far beyond the bounds of my experience.

As a drama sexual this level of autism must be just another Tuesday for you.... I question you credentials. /u/dramasexual .

Classic cult behavior right here. Cut off contact from friends, family, and mainstream society.

Oh yes, clearly I'm in the cult for cutting people that are, in fact, in a cult.

They voted for someone you don't like. You engaged in cult-like behavior that betrays the spirit of Democracy and civility. If this is how you handle some stupid impersonal political loss you should keep yourself safe right now because eventually something more important is going to hurt you way more.

Yes, tell me how I'm in the real cult because I cut literal cultists out of my life.

Imagine thinking this is as simple as "I don't like Trump."

He's a profoundly ignorant moron and threat to the future of the country.

People that vote for someone you don't like aren't cultists. People that mainline the Times opinion section and then cut Trump supporters out of their lives aren't either but they're much closer to being cultists than the average red voter. You're an idiot that can't handle losing an election. Imagine if Hillary won and you saw Trumpist's engaged in your behavior. You're fucking dumb.

Trump is the leader of a literal cult.

That's not debatable.

Political parties aren't cults even if they have a lot of similarities. Calling Trump the leader of a literal cult is a sort of retarded insult that could be hurled at almost every national head of state.

You're a dumb pleb that has his identity invested completely in meaningless hate. If you had any real power you wouldn't have engaged in this stupid destructive gesture but you did because that is the extent of your ability to #resist.

Trump is a cult, not political parties.

You're a dumb pleb that has his identity invested completely in meaningless hate.

Apologize to your friends you cut out and go see someone for TDS.

Yeah, it isn't that Trumptards are intolerable morons, it's that everyone else is wrong.

No it's just you.

You're a dumb pleb that has his identity invested completely in meaningless hate.

If you think this is just me, you're hilariously misinformed.

You're a dumb pleb that has his identity invested completely in meaningless hate.

"we elected a learning disabled moron that repeats infowars caliber conspiracies on a daily basis."

"your dislike of us is meaningless!!"

You're a dumb pleb that has his identity invested completely in meaningless hate.

Looks like you have a learning disability of your own.

If Trump resigned tomorrow would your or your children's life improve in any meaningful way?

You're a dumb pleb that has his identity invested completely in meaningless hate.

Yes, it would. I wouldn't be subject to his economic illiteracy in the form of trade wars.

And that's your reason for hating his supporters. Trade wars? Hard to analyze policy that hasn't even fucked anything yet and has the potential to benefit the US.

You're a dumb pleb that has his identity invested completely in meaningless hate.

And that's your reason for hating his supporters. Trade wars? Hard to analyze policy that hasn't even fucked anything yet and has the potential to benefit the US.

LOL, yes, TIL trade wars benefit countries. Like this is exactly what I'm talking about, just uneducated Trumptards with no comprehension of anything spewing drivel like this.

> I read Krugman headlines sometimes so I'm a knowledgable economist

That's you rn

TIL the entire academic field of economics is "Krugman."

Do you really not understand how the most powerful economy in the world may stand to benefit from a trade war?

TIL a large consumer economy that benefits from cheap goods, importing of materials that can then be used to finish products here, in reality, benefits from a trade war.

I can not stress enough how hilariously uneducated you are.

It could potentially benefit from winning a trade war. Of course people will be hurt while it's being waged that's why it's called a war you dumb fuck.

There is no winning a trade war you economically illiterate fucking mong.

Like holy Christ, you have not even a basic understanding of this subject, why are you trying to argue it?

Lmao you actually believe this. Do you not see how a giant economy might be able to leverage it's power to influence foreign trade policy in it's favor?

Again, You're a dumb pleb that has his identity invested completely in meaningless hate.

This is wild, pure economic illiteracy combined with dunning-kruger.

This is wild, pure economic illiteracy combined with dunning-kruger.

I mean you're here claiming trade wars can be won and tariffs are good for the US economy.

No I'm not, trade wars are won by causing foreign countries to get rid of tariffs in exchange for the US also getting rid of tariffs. You're like a fucking CNN article that pretends the tariffs are permanent and only talks about the bad effects of them instead of the potential upside of free trade.

I can not express how uneducated you are if you think trade wars are won or lost.

Nobody wins, nobody loses.

Some other wonk pretending these are tariffs for tariffs' sake and not tariffs for free trade's sake.

I'm not pretending I know how this will turn out or that it won't negatively impact the economy in the short term but I'm also not pretending there is no possible upside. That is pure propaganda.

This is fucking hilarious. You'll dismiss every economist or expert on the subject that says you're wrong (which is nearly all of them) and then pretend Trump's economic illiteracy is on equal footing with them.

It's insane, this is what a cult looks like.

You cited one economist that just said that tariffs hurt the economy. Tariffs are weapons in a trade war not the goal of one.

This is a shared opinion for MOST economists. Trade wars are not good, they aren't won.

You're just repeating absurdist bullshit.




Stop, Trump is not smart, he's a moron with no idea what he's talking about.

Nobody wins from a trade war. When a nation seeks to punish another country with tariffs on its goods, exporters in the target country suffer, but so do consumers and import-consuming industries in the country imposing the tariffs. In fact, they may suffer more economic damage than the targeted country. If the targeted country retaliates, the damage is compounded further in both countries.

This is the shit I'm talking about. The implication that the end of a trade war is permanent higher tariffs. That is not necessarily the case no matter how many times you repeat it. I agree with all those economists that yes high tariffs are bad but the fact that they say there's no winning means they're lying. A trade war can be won by eventually striking a deal for freer trade. The fact that they don't argue against or even mention this obvious possible outcome is ridiculous

Alright, we're done here. If you're willing to dismiss every economist, the entire academic field of economics, and literally anyone that knows what they're talking about, there's nothing I can say to you.

This is what a cult looks like.

I didn't dismiss them though. I'm saying they're right about tariffs but they're equating tariffs with winning a trade war and then saying nobody wins a trade war for rhetorical reasons. And there are plenty of academic fields I entirely dismiss and if you don't too you're a dumbass.

I'm saying they're right about tariffs but they're equating tariffs with winning a trade war and then saying nobody wins a trade war for rhetorical reasons.

Which makes you either an idiot or a liar.

Nobody is talking about trade wars just because of tarriffs. They are talking about trade wars because Trump tweeted that Trade Wars are easy to win.

Yeah I'll definitely disagree with that tweet but the counter to that isn't "trade wars are impossible to win"

But Trade Wars are impossible to win.

Almost by definition, really.

See, trade wars are about making money, right? But wars by definition are money sinks. In a normal war, that's fine because you are losing money in order to gain land, territory, or some other benefit. But in a trade war, you are losing money to... gain money? It almost always, inevitably, results in a loss of money for everyone involved.

The only time when a trade war is "winnable" is when it's not actually a pure tradewar, but is instead trade is a proxy for other warfare. Like the US crushing the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War. It wasn't about making money for the US, but about destroying communism as a viable economic policy. And it worked. But it did result in the current situation where we have record high budget deficits and trade imbalances precisely because we accepted the responsibility and the cost for fighting Soviet Russia and essentially policing the world.

The goal isn't to bankrupt anyone or have permanent tariffs it is to achieve more favorable trade deals in which ideally neither the US or her partners have as many tariffs. If you're defining the goal of a trade war to be bankrupting the opponent then you're just playing semantics. As far as I can tell the goal of Trump's policy, whatever you want to call it, is to achieve more favorable trade deals for the US.

And, again, the problem is that the point of a "more favorable trade deal" is to gain money, right? Engaging in a trade war cannot end up that way.

What Trump actually means is "trade negotation" or "trade diplomacy". "Trade War" inherently in the name refers a ruinous and expensive situation where everybody loses.

You know he’s right. I’ll go into detail, I actually attended the Nashville trump rally, and I felt like his following at the rally was a bit cultish. Seeing a 8 year old call Jim accosta “fake news” was hilarious, but def cringe. He has some close followers, not unlike obama, cue the creepy children singing about obama and change in 2008, but to cut out all people that support/voted for trump out of your life.. at the very least you are a mayo, a mayo with a sense of entitlement bc you’re a white Mexican from Florida that has hot takes occasionally on a modestly popular forum on reddit. In a nutshell you have become what you hate, your emotions have radicalized you, and any objectivity is long lost. Do us a favor and head back to r/chapotraphouse with your reactionary nonsense.

You're the person who called "fake news" on the Republican woman who filmed herself harassing the tranny at Denny's.

You aren't objective either, you're just either another Trump loving idiot (self admitted by announcing you've been to a rally), or a plant by someone (a liar).

You want to say you're a "centrist"? You're just saying that so more people on Reddit might hear you out. Because if you just told the truth outright and said you're a Trumper, you'd be dismissed.

I just call things fake news to watch people reeeee tbf. It pays in dividends, and I’m really more of a centre-ist than anything, and enjoy making fun of both sides.

No you aren't.

But you are a liar.

Prove me wrong faggot


Your overuse of "reeeee" is pretty much all I have to say.

And You white knighting for pizzashill speaks volumes! Back to r/anarchism slick rick

I'm not white knighting for anyone, and I don't know who pizzashill is.

But you show me some rational thinking people who don't support trump going around screaming "reeeee" at everyone on the Internet.

You even admitted you went to a Trump rally you fucking dolt.

Drumpf is Hitler 2.0, will he disavow?

Have you been officially diagnosed with a mental illness yet?

Why do u dislike Trunk, Mr. PS ?

Holy shit, how much time do you have?

Who the fuck are you

who the fuck are you?

I asked u firth tard

Are you fucking stupid? Jesus fucking Christ. What the fuck is wrong with you? Did you read the post? Are you really so incredibly fucking stupid?

If you had read the post in question, you would note that its entire premise is WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU. IT IS UTTERLY FUCKING EASY TO GRASP. I am not wasting time or energy on it, YOU ARE.

Do you know what does waste time and energy on it? Dealing with the same idiotic fucking comments every single fucking day about muh "no u" and "i asked you first XD".

And if you say "I dont care", then I understand that you don't care. You need to understand that I don't care that you don't care.

I aplogiize

Thats right. Good move.

Okay, unironically, I was saying how much time do you have because the pizzashill question is like whoah, major fucking novel dude. YIKES!

It just seemed a bit weird. I'd understand if Mr Shill here disliked Trump, but outright hating him was a bit odd u kno.

Whatever though I'm sure he'll adress it in his incel manifesto.

you must be new here. mention daddy and he froths at the mouth.

Hmmmmm interesting

how do you block people irl?

You put your palm in their face and say "talk to the hand cause the face ain't listening"

this gave me middle school flashbacks

Dude I'm a white dude from Mississippi, if I blocked all my Trump voting friends and family I would be alone forever. I never have cut someone out of my life for their political views, and I never will.

That said, I will still call for their genocide.

I'm a white dude from Mississippi

What are you complaining about? You are a white man surrounded by black pussy and freedom. Get a ski boat and some guns and eat crawfish and blackberry cobbler every day.

LOL, I'm "from" Mississippi. I live in VA now. Not a lot of programming jobs in poor 'ole MS.

I live in VA now


I had a friend who was really into alien and bigfoot YouTube videos (all of which were 2-3 hours long) and then abandoned those when he discovered the videos that PROVED ancient humans lived to be 900 years old. He would then ask me what I thought about these gems, and even the most tepid of criticism would throw him into a spergout about how I was being lied to, being conned, under the thumb of the media, mentally challenged, etc.

I can almost understand why people with any number of social or emotional disorders would cut people out of their lives for disagreeing with them. What I can't understand is why they would brag about it.

and even the most tepid of criticism would throw him into a spergout about how I was being lied to, being conned, under the thumb of the media, mentally challenged, etc.

So he accused your sources of being fake news? I wonder where else you can see behavior similar to that of your retarded friend.

dunno if rhetorical or not, but /r/greatawakening is a fucking honey pot of the mentally feeble

Stop downvoting Pizza! We need his milky lolcow goodness in our lives!

lolcows are fun but when they start acting unironically retarded for days on end. well, we need a solution.

Dude, this ain't foreskin, you can't get those 11 years back. Trump is going to die of old age as soon as I get laid. He ain't worth ending friendships over.

This is old drama and pretty realistic way for dealing with that uncle who wont stop talking about "the blacks"

Find me the Q posters who talk about how they no longer get to see their grandkids because of their insane shit, thats toptier.


Imagine not thinking your racist uncle is hilarious.

I was friends with a black girl about ten years ago. Went to church with her. Recently I pulled up her Facebook feed and she was saying she wanted to "fuck up" any white conservatives. I... am a white conservative.

This tendency to hate people based on politics is every bit as retarded as racism. You're not making the world a better place. You're spewing hatred and making it worse. Both left and right are guilty.

Sorry for the seriouspost. That is all.

thats cool

but if you vote for Trump you really are a moron who is actively making everything worse

If you didn't vote for trump, you're not a true Dramanaut. It caused a massive amount of drama and was easy to see very far off

I voted for Jeb!

(low energy)

im so big brained i voted for more neoliberalism and war take that Drumpfkins

Trump is hilarious and things were already shit

feeling personally attacked by an edgy Facebook post

Please maintain your safetey so your old black friend doesn't get the chance to fuck you up.

Man, this thread is literally about incivility in politics. Never said I felt unsafe

A girl who asks me for advice for god knows why posted some shit about how if you voted for Trump to unfriend her. When I asked her if she was really wanted to double down on that shit she backed up pretty fucking quickly. She's actually been trying to make an effort to understand conservative viewpoints ever since that actually interestingly enough. It's pretty amazing how much stuff people post thinking it makes them look tough when they actually mean maybe half of it.

Genuinely curious: what level of education have you completed? I ask because its rare I come across writing as unintelligible as yours.

Hatred won't hurt you any longer soon child, for the Mayocide is upon us.

I... am a white conservative


Sounds like you didn't fuck her right and she's still mad.

Just molen labe her and post the results you pussy.

she's hitting on u dude, go fuck her like she wants

LOL you should see what my aunt (who is unemployed and who's job consists of watching Fox News 24/7) posts about teh libtards, regardless of the fact that her daughter and her nephew are within that class.

had a black friend

went to church

still acting confused in 2018 why someone would hate white churchgoing conservatives

I'm not surprised by hate anymore, friend.

> vote trump

> whine about this shit


Maybe if some conservatives don't want to be lumped together with the asshole conservatives, the non-assholes should stand up and make it clear they arent all assholes.

Imstead You have loudmouth asshole conservatives setting the standard, and theoretically 'good' conservatives with integrity who are too much of a pussy to do anything.

Asshole liberals has both a political and a sexual connotation

This is true. Don't kinkshame me.

Meh, I was pretty loud about how much I hate Trump during the election. But I realized my personal opinions are obsolete and irrelevant. So I now just try to live my life in peace with everyone.

Well you tried I suppose. Your opinions aren't irrelevant, though, as long as you alive. Particularly if you are an American. Nor are they obsolete, I'd argue.

If a womyn POC wants to "fuck up" white conservatives and you are one, you should legally be required to fuck yourself up for her. She can't be expected to get her hands dirty fucking you up herself! What are you, a bigot?

Yeah but liberal women are a dick away from converting their whole life view

You should giver her the D

Ya'll should hook up. Hate sex is the best kind of sex..

be christian conservate

obscene gays demand you make a cake

say no

reddit spergs out because "no discrimination" and "everyone's the same"


be liberal democrat

trump voter asks for a drink

says no

reddit circlejerks about how good this is

Really makes you think

Rules for thee, not for me!

muh protected classes

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but Trump will always be my daddy!

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but Trump will always be my daddy! never be my president! You fucking bigot

As someone said in another thread, they're both doing the same shit.

>You can deny service to fags but not to MAGAmen!

>You can deny service to MAGAmen but not to fags!

You can't force a Jewish baker to make you a Nazi cake and then sue him if he doesn't. The two situations are not comparable.

Holy shit, now I understand why the LSAT is so "hard." People are idiots but love to think they're lawyers.

I don't get it. You said "the two situations aren't comparable" but you didn't explain why. You only alluded to Nazis for some retarded reason.

You are fucking dense.

You can kick people out of restaurants for a litany (that means "a lot" or "big variable number") of reasons, just not for any of the protected class.

You also can't force someone to create a rendition/make art/say something that they morally don't agree with. So for instance, forcing a Jewish baker to bake a cake with swastikas on it.

Does that make sense? Would you like me to dumb it down a bit more for you?

You said "the two situations aren't comparable" but you didn't explain why

You still didn't roflmao. If protestant retards cant service gay people, why should some waiters have to go down on miss fatsomutt

Since when is providing a service a first amendment issue mutt? Am I making a statement when I photograph 2 gay people having sex?

You can refuse to service anyone, simple as that. The retarded restaurant can refuse to give food to that fat amerimutt, and the caker baker maker can refuse to take a dick up his ass.

I really don't know how to dumb it down any further. I thought you people were "educated"

"You people"? Which magical group did you put me in, chief? Am I champaigne socialist? Liberitarian? Nazi? Antifa?

Americans are retarded and can only think of people as herds.

But you literally cannot grasp a basic exercise in the law. The only group I'm classifying you as is retarded

You thought retarded people were well educated?

I have news for you lmao.

Takes one to know one in that group, amirite???

The real drama is always in the comments

That's a good one. Very creative and original. I just wanna let you know I upvoted. I also saved your post so I could look at it again when I forget about it. I really appreciate your effort. I think that the internet would be much better place if everyone were like you and actually created original and funny content instead of posting whiny advice animals and reposting shitty teenager memes. Just letting you know how thankful I am for this post. Best wishes!

I always say, why be original when there are templates to copy?

damnit how do you know this is pasta

Because I just saved it 😒

Wow, you're pretty much Amy Schumer IRL. Stealing jokes pasta

I'll put you in the group of people known as 'morons.'

You used the term "litany" wrong. Litany refers to a series of repeated requests or petitions. When you say "people can get kicked out of restaurants for a litany of reasons" you are saying they can be kicked out for a long series of tedious reasons. People can be kicked out of restaurants for a variety of reasons or a plethora of reasons would be more correct.

You can use the word litany when referring to a list of options, complaints, tedium, "things to do" etc. It's used in medicine, diplomacy, law, politics, and other fields like internet commenting.


In a vast meeting room filled with the delegates of nations such as Cuba and Pakistan, he ran through a litany of what he said were U.S. failings.

I appreciate the diction lesson, though.

Yes, litany. A long series of related items. In the example you cited, a series of failings by the US listed by a delegate. Not "a lot" or "big variable number." Litany is more nuanced and defined than just a pretty word for "a lot."

No shit, did you not catch where I was mocking the commenter? Woosh.

Must have missed that. Why don't you dumb it down some more for me.

Why grug use many words when fewer words just as good?

See, now here I think Grug should be capitalized as a proper noun.


No need to hide you google for big words when making shit comments on reddit roflmao

You're really mad about being called out as a retard, aren't you?

You called me an educated retard so no

What's really dense is downvoting the lolcows. So STOP IT.

I... can't disagree with that. I've been put down, I'll correct myself.

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.

They're not comparable because one is denying service to an entire group of people based on generalizations.

Huckabee was denied food because she's a fat cow and was targeted specifically because of her braying.

One is general, one is specific.

Godwins law is real

/u/imissyouseattle and /u/pizzashill should get together. two tards that belong together forever.

if you'd like, I'll bake the cake too!

Jesus, gay and not funny

The irony is neither case is what each side claim it to be. There's no violation of rights anywhere.

Political affiliation is not a specially protected class under the constitution and the civil rights acts, under the current interpretation. Race is, religion is, sexual orientation generally has become, gender is a lesser protected class (some forms of discrimination are allowed, but the courts do subject it to scrutiny). You can fire someone for being a liberal, you can't fire them for being black. Unless your state has some sort of extra protections that go above and beyond the federal level.

That's just one side of the argument. I'm not going to bother typing up the other because honestly who cares about this american bs

I mean the US is a common law system. Studying legal cases and the tradition of how it has been interpreted is extremely important, through the principal of stare decisis. Not even textualists reject stare decisis and just make up their own argument every time without reference to cases in the past.

Dude is going to do backflips before admitting he's wrong or stupid for getting his opinion about US law out of an Opinion article comment section.

yeah but being against gay people because of your retarded believe is retarded. while being against trump because he is retarded is not.

Guys I'm an internet lawyer let me simplify this for you.

Hey, guy? Mind getting off your phone and serving me my fries? Thanks.

There shouldn't even be a lawyer involved. Most juristic systems are ass backwards anyways

Him, no what happened to the courts was that comment sections were invented

I don't even understand what the Fuck you are saying at this point


actually, fuck it. I'm going to Arby's

Are you drunk?

Homosexuals are abominations zoz

Woah its like there are laws that make the two different or something

I guarantee that if a lesbian couple went to a Muslim baker and demanded a cake that depicted women having rights libshits on reddit (aside from the l'atheist ones of course) would have exactly the opposite sympathies.

depicted women having rights


Why cut them out when you could cut them down?


the whole putin russia shit is just conspiracy theories on the liberal side of america right?

Alex jones level of craziness?


The happiest day of your life was when you stole the election and Americans' freedom.

bwahahahahahaha yes cry

holy fuck, what wrong turn did you take to end up here and post that shit?

All rightists care about is power, they don't care how they get it.

Nearly every murderous authoritarian regime in recent history has been lefty.



I see helicopters in your future

Nah, the FBI and shit confirmed it lmao. The DDF likes to cry that it's a conspiracy theory when it's anything but.

Idk, there have been pretty conclusive links to Russia trying to influence the election, but imo a few Facebook ads don't really compare to the Dem's own weaknesses in terms of costing them the election. Of course, it's harder for the DNC to circle jerk about that.

And really when you look at it, the Russian sexy gay Bernie Sanders Facebook ads were the real influencers on the election.

When Twitter started purging Russian bot accounts you could hear everyone in the rightosphere whining about losing thousands of "followers". But yeah, it was just like three facebook ads, that was it.

You keep telling yourself that.



It's Not Rigged, You're Just Losing

The big failure of the DNC was the inability to counter voter suppression measures after the gutting of the VRA.

Ironically that failure is 100% on Obama

I'd say 30%... Not much the DoJ could've done after Holder but the state committees just completely thought they could beat with a massive GOTV campaign. But if you can't vote or becomes too burdensome doesn't matter if your people come out.

Russian influence doesn't mean colluding with Trump. I'd expect any foreign intelligence agencies to try to influence any election their country care about at this point instead of it being solely the CIA.

Even if a quarter of reddit and Facebook posts were Russian it wouldn't match the amount of shit dems and reps have thrown at each other.

Keep in mind even John Oliver wished publicly for all this to happen.

The funny thing is that instead of accepting it, this entire investigation has basically started Trump's 2020 election campaign for him. Either they impeach him (highly unlikely) or he can easily claim that his entire presidential campaign was hindered by "the system" and win by a landslide.

59% of Democrats in May 2017 believed that it was either definitely true or probably true that "Russia tampered with vote tallies in order to get Donald Trump elected President."

That number as of February this year is 67%.

The Birthers are on the left now.

Well they definitely tried As I imagine any and all adversarial intelligence services try. The only difference is that the GRU uses an army of netsec criminals in its ranks and contractors when that shit gets weeded out by Iran, China, the US, etc. Russia simply does not give a shit about blowback anymore, mostly because it's the only hand they have left.

Keep telling yourself that.

Keep telling myself that Russia was recruiting based on tips from information sharing from many countries about cyber criminals operating in their borders? Or that they attempted to infiltrate election systems? I'm confused nothing I said is that controversial to anyone paying attention nominally.

Russia simply does not give a shit about blowback anymore, mostly because it's the only hand they have left.

That is what I meant. Keep telling yourself that.

Oh I misunderstood but I pretty much stand by it.

Their navy is shit (and would be absolutely worthless with out their Crimean Base), they have the highest extraction break even point for almost every resource, and they only leverages they have are the gas pipeline to Europe, that European and American mega money interests are knee deep in dirty oligarch funds, and they've become the backer of last resort for the wayward league of vulnerable regimes. As well their tactical nuke stockpile is insanely old, poorly kept, and too expensive to maintain.

The army could likely fend off invasion, and they can mess around their near abroad, but going up against any decently equipped modern force is a laughable premise.

They are out of options to being relevant in any sort of conventional way, so now they going crazy ex slashing tyres so we "have to pay attention."

Kind of my opinion too.

I think its funny about MUH RUSSIAN SPY POISONING in UK while the UK (London) harbors many ex Soviet multimillionare + oligarchs. And no one cares.

Well GCHQ and the other FVEY services clearly do, because it's their asses on the line literally. But it's funny I posted about the Gareth Williams "alleged" murder a few days ago, going back to that it's funny May whilst Home Secretary didn't wanna anger the RF because so much money from Russia flows through the city. It's actually pretty abhorrent honestly.

Well you gotta compare that with the fact that the same percentage of other side still thinks millions of illegal votes were cast. I think its fair to say there are morons all over.


My Dad posted Caitlyn Jenner memes on his Facebook while he clearly knows he has a trans daughter.

He doesn't have a trans daughter; he has a mentally ill son.

Posts in /r/magictcg

SMH nerd

Imagine one-upping over who has the more retarded dad.

A few days ago my baby said "Goo, goo, MAGA"

We are currently looking into adoption services

my mom (my favorite person on earth) knows i was raped years ago and i'm fairly sure she privately supported and voted for trump

Imagine being such a brat you think you get to dictate your own parent's political views on the basis of your past. My mother know I think feminism is absolute cancer, but I don't expect her to change her views anytime soon, and I have no intention of trying to sway her.

Voting for a known rapist when your daughter was raped is pretty scummy IMO. Contributing to the Rapist-in-Cheifs appointment to the presidency was basically raping her daughter a second time.

What the fuck, Trump isn't a "known rapist" at all. He's a stupid ass, sure, and I'd even argue his history with women is very sketchy.

Yeah we all know if someone with loads of money and power isn't convicted of something, it didn't happen.

I didn't say it didn't happen, but you can't claim someone is a "known rapist" because you don't like them. I could easily make the same claim about you and it would hold the same weight.

You can tho. It's "known" doesn't mean he's convicted.

It wouldn't tho, bc leagues of women haven't come forward accusing me of varying degrees of sexual harassment and assault, and I've never been recorded saying shit like "Grab em by the pussy, I don't even wait."

You're also not the most powerful person on the planet. You know how many thousands of people claimed that Obama was a gay Muslim Nazi or some crazy shit? We don't believe that, right?

I'm not even saying he's a rapist lmao, I'm saying conviction is a retarded bar to set. There's enough evidence that a reasonable person could think he's probably a rapist and the rebuttal of REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HE'S NOT CONVICTED when he could probably rape a woman in broad daylight in Time's Square and get away with it because of his position is just bathing in extra chromosomes.

I'm not even saying he's a rapist lmao

You were just literally trying to refute me saying he's not a known rapist. He's a shitbag, sure, but not a known rapist. Looks like you agree with me now though.

Mostly shitposting about the "known" tbh. You'd have to define a bar for "known" and blah blah blah. I'm really not deeply invested in that. My original point is that conviction is an incredibly retarded bar to set.

You mean like Hillary and her emails?

I mean she clearly did the thing, it's just not as big of a deal as the daddy defense force makes it out to be. I gotta kek at anyone bitching about Hillary's emails in the wake of Trump's absolute dumpster fire of security protocols.

Yeah, I don't give a fuck. It also pales by comparison to Trump's security failures, so my give-a-shits drop to less than zero.

I see the point burnt a skid marks on your scalp as it flew over your head.

Let's recap:

1) You whinge about the rules not applying to rich people. You generalize, no doubt to appear as some sorry if an egalitarian, but anyone can see that you referencing Trump.

2) When bullshit is called on your fake egalitarianism, by pointing to another Rick person to whom the rules didn't apply, you respond that in this particular case 'It's no big deal'

This vector of yours demonstrates that you don't actually believe in your initial gripe of the rules not applying to rich people, but that your gripe is more along the lines of: 'rich people who I don't like'

To further highlight amount of tripe is in that argument, you are presented with a story of a schmuck like the rest of us, who snaps a few pics of some sensitive areas of a nuclear sub, and is subsequently jailed.

To which your response is: 'i don't care'.

I've heard some hypocritical double speak in my life, but I do believe you've redefined the concept.

To be honest, I'm conflicted. I don't know whether to congratulate you on this new low, or snap a rubber band on the back of your head.


man, I can't believe I triggered the DDF this hard with a single sarcastic comment about how rich people get away with shit lmao

I'd tell you to grow up, but you're probably afraid of heights.

Do you know where you are? Take this failed seriousposting to SRD or MDE or wherever you came from.

Was that an attempt at a conclusion, or the place where your brain took a dump?


Oh look.... Someone's run out of weak comebacks

Not that anyone is surprised

being triggered enough to write a wall of REEEE because I defamed daddy

being triggered enough that you can't help but keep REEEing at my extremely low-effort shitposts

Do you have any form of original thought in that pic hear of your?

What am I thinking, If brains were gasoline you wouldn't have enough to power an ant's go-kart around the inside of a bottle cap.

You're about as smart as your oversized shoes and red rubber nose say you are Bozo.

Now go back to your corner and continue chewing on your toenails.

I remember meeting Donald Trump at a party for the first time. He walked up to me, shook my hand, and introduced himself: "You know, even though niggers are only 13% of the United States population, they account for over 80% of the violent crimes. Nigger chimps are subhuman scum that need to be shipped back to Africa." Then he offered me some coke. I didn't accept it, partly because I didn't have any money, but mostly because he wanted me to use his asshole as a straw.

Some babies were dropped on their heads but you were clearly thrown at a wall.

Seriously though, I think it would be interesting to see the world from your perspective, but I don't think I could get my head that far up my ass.

My toaster comes up with better burns than you do.

Cant we just agree that everyone in politics is a scummy rat that doesnt care about us?

That we can.

Yeah, I don't give a fuck.


All the cool kids get super aggravated about email storage scandals involving failed politicians and post angry walls of text on the drama subforum of reddit dot com. 😤

email storage scandals

Most qualified ever!

She's just as bad of a person as Trump is, she just isn't as stupid.

She's definitely not as stupid.

I still speak with my parents. They are good people. My father is not.


That response confused me as well.

Using plural for two items, yet retract one of those items so that its singular


American education everyone!

Thinking about this, I realize that the left has become cult like.

This is the shit that cults do. They isolate you from friends and family and make you invest yourself in a cause to the point you can't give it up even when you intellectually know its not a good idea.

Sure your grandfather may have bombed real Nazis but fuck him, he voted Trump, good thing he is going to die soon!

Sure you mom took you to your dance classes and was there to comfort you every breakup but fuck her, shes betrayed her own sex voting for Trump!

Etc etc.

On the flip side I'm fucking a guys wife who spergs out about Trump and honestly believes the Russian narrative. I let him sperg, shake his hand, pretend I didn't vote for Trump and then go fuck his wife in his bed while he's off somewhere else, knowing I'm fucking his wife.

We all have something to give to each other, cutting ourselves off is not the way.

/u/DukeofPoundtown I don't hope for it but secession is usually followed by war, not just in the US but in other places as well. Look at Sudan for example. There is no way Trump simply lets California walk away from the US, he will try to stitch it on with bayonets like the Radical Republicans of old. Hell, he will market it in a way that y'all will love- " Kill the Liberals!" There will be a war and the only way to win that war will be for us to use nukes against military targets. Fuck him for wanting death to so many people just for wanting equality and fairness in politics instead of this partisan bullshit and fuck you for going along with it, hell probably even wanting it yourself. You wonder why I am ready for it? It's because the right always talks about killing all the liberals or anti-gun people or whatever. Y'all wanted a fight, you will get it. Be careful what you wish for assholes.

hey lokk someone loves me enough to post me elsewhere, how cute. Conservatives lick my taint.

Everyone who loves you, is wrong.