Teens wear MAGA hats to bully others for being different. Fucking virgins. At least until they rape someone.

0  2018-06-26 by HateSpeechIsFree


All Hilldawg supports are extremely handsome Chad and Stacies that make 100k+. Trumpcels stay mad.

A hot take in /r/politics? I'm verklempt

It's like these people don't even want America to be great again.

a bar in Chicago bans Trump hats

29k net upvotes

top post


They can't ban gang shootings

With every upvote that post gets Trump is closer to impeachment.

Hm. I wonder if Illinois has a bar on discriminating based on political affiliation.

Because fucking hell, I know a couple guys out there.

Why would a male feminist wear a MAGA hat?